HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Thank you!
And everyone elso who thought of me!

It’s not this, that was the week before. Just a cold, with not really clear symptoms yet. Besides totally tiered, weak, a little head, throat, nose and stumbling in between heat an freezing.
With all this and the trouble before, I’m on workday 16 today.
So I should be patient with myself and grateful that work isn’t to much right now, I have prolonged breaks.
But am I?
Totally on an selfloathing trip again.
Feal unloved, lonely, unwanted, think I’m to much, a burden, needy…
Maneuver myself in a situation, I can’t get out. Or even better, just can’t do the step to get out of it.
A part of me knows that this is all total bullshit, childish behaviour. But therefore I loathe myself even more.
And I’ve started lying again.
Yesterday my book arrived, I get the first good reviews and I got a frontcover article on the German sheep magazine.
Everybody expect me to be thrilled, so I give that.
I actually am, to hold my own book!
But does it really help or change, blagh.


Some furnitures, the bed is already done :raised_hands:t4:

I did it all alone :rofl: :sob:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




:drooling_face: :relaxed:

Hope that too - it’s a lifegoal, bc I’m a PRoach fan since 2001 :grimacing:
Hopefully the ‘corona virus’ will not cancel the concert

what a walk - lovely. Also your ‘Shinodaconda’ picture is disturbing :rofl:

thank you :kissing_heart:

this would be awesome for me too :sweat_smile: :laughing:

sure, I will do that - some of them will they be playing tonight - maybe you should check out the ‘Infest’ album from 2000, it’s my favorite one from PRoach and 5 songs will be on the setlist tonight :heart_eyes: :star_struck: also the new album ’ Who do you trust?’ and the former one ‘crooked teeth’ is pretty good.

is this the collectors edition of ATS? I also know the ‘tour edition’ right here:

how cute is that - a good start into the new day to you :hugs: :relaxed: :relaxed:

that sounds horrible - keep your head up and maybe you should take a break for recovery! Your accomplishment is awesome - so just see all the positive things about that and don’t give a f… about negative things. Yell at them: STAY AWAY!!! (like in the former version of A place for my head)

hugs and strength to you :kissing_heart: :hugs: :pray:t2:

yeah! :grimacing: :sunglasses: good job

quick 10 tags to @alz89 @lpfan61 @lplove @Lilyope @drounzer @rickvanmeijel @AJ_7 @amitrish @Honey8 @framos1792 :hugs: :kissing_heart:

OT: Getting ready for my trip to Hannover to see Papa Roach live for the first time after beeing a fan since almost 19 years. Gonna meet some friends in Hannover too, which I didn’t see in a year, so I’m in an awesome mood today :heart:

Wishing everyone a good day too :heart: :pray:t2:


Yeah, the special edition or whatever. I have the tour one too somewhere. Surprisingly I don’t have ATS on vinyl… yet.

Have fun at the gig! :slight_smile:


Morning all,

Today is not a great day here :frowning:
I got news that a family friend, who is basically like family has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, and I guess sounds like it’s not very good.

So my mind is currently just spinning.

For all you soldiers, I’m glad to have each and everyone of you! Thank you all for everything you do, and for all the smiles you have given me! I really do appreciate it all!!

I’m hoping you all have a good Tuesday, Sending what positive vibes I have left towards each and everyone of you!


I just took a walk to the mall and back. I went looking for Silverstein’s new album that came out last week. Retail shopping is getting shittier, and of course they don’t carry it. They have a new arcade/bowling alley with TVs that (among other things) play music videos, and thanks to them, although they did play Paramore’s “Misery Business”, as I was walking by, Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble” is now stuck in my head.


The show will be worth every day of the year. Have fun!! :metal:


Heyyy, sending you and your friend /friend family strength. :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::muscle:
Cancer is a fucking disease of our time but some people success to recover from it. One of the best medicine it’s to keep a hopefull mind.

OT: Thank’s again for the tags @HakManLP @anna834 and @theearlywalker, it’s so comforting :purple_heart:

Life can be hard at times but it’s important to keep in mind that things will get better. Two work days and then i’ll be in early weekend. :partying_face::blush:
Have a great day / night everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Heeyyy feeling the way you feel is not childish, your emotions matter! Do something good for yourself, maybe taking a bath, and listening to music you’re enjoying in this mood, or doing like yoga as an evening routine, something that calms you down, that makes you feeling to care for yourself. Lots of love to you!!!:heart::heart::heart:


I am so sorry to hear that! Diseases ,especially cancer, are so hard to deal with, nothing you can do to change it, and you WANT TO help, to do something. It’s probably best for your family friend, to be the friend you always were to him, being scared all the time doesn’t help. But that’s easy to say,and of course you care and think about him/her. i’m sending much love and strength to you and the friend.:heart::heart::heart::heart:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::muscle::muscle:i’m glad to have you here too!

I had a bad day too. Yesterday was a really nice day, nothing special happened, it was just a happy day, but today was the worst day since weeks i think. Too many people talking dumb shit, not caring, not knowing anything, me too weak to find the right words to answer, to do something against it.
But tomorrow just can get better i guess.
Love the words and thoughts here, stay strong soldiers!:heart::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::muscle:


Happy hump day!

I’m lurking while I prep breakfast. No sign of any cats that want to steal my food…yet.


It’s been a quiet couple of days for me, I really needed to rest. I did a bit of uni work but not much, now getting ready to go to class. I wish they closed down unis and schools, not sure why they’re waiting to be honest.

Sending strength to @justinkilmer, been there multiple times, just hang in there.
Also to @lpfan61, stay calm!
@anna834 Feeling any better?


Doing online courses and listening to music… this song has been stuck in my head both today and yesterday.

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Thank you! :pensive: hope things going better soon…

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Good evening you all!
And of course good day!

Thank you for asking. Yes, I’m better. Since last night, the cold symptoms are not that strong anymore. Still feel weak, but my bloody Demons lost a lot of their targeting space.
So I switched again to my preferred me, looking back, shaking my head over myself and this strong, destructive feelings.
And I stepped over my shadow (is this an English saying too?) and fixed the situation I manoeuvred myself into, this helped a lot to calm down. :blush:

A little creepy to have the feeling, that it would be just great, to stay at home, doing nothing besides eating noodles and using up toilet paper. I get that.
And yes, not really funny.

Love your positivity! You are just awesome! Keep this up! And that we are here for each other is old news, but the best of all! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You know, I just can give this back at you! Together with a big, big thank you! For being there! Not giving up on me! :hugs: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

So loved your pics! Really thank you for sharing! :star_struck: :heart_eyes:
The distance you walked just for fun :flushed: cool!! :muscle: I just do this, when I have to, that means with a flock of sheep. :laughing:

Dear Justin,
So sorry to hear. Wish everything what there is to wish! You know we are all here, whenever you need! :muscle: :hugs: :heart:

:grin: thank you!! :hugs: :hugs:
Happy you enjoyed the concert, enjoyed your pics on WhatsApp :partying_face: time to share it here too! :grin:

Well done! :ok_hand: Sleep tight in your new bed! :hugs: :two_hearts:

Later and later :laughing: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Listened to the whole album, not exactly mine. :kissing_heart:


:star_struck: @alz89 have you seen this? :grin:

Vielen Dank! :hugs: :revolving_hearts:
You mostly say: “Gute Besserung.” (Get well)
Curiously, you say: “Gesundheit!” if someone sneezes, even if he is not sick. And you don’t say it, if someone coughs. :woman_shrugging:

Like it :grin: thanks for the well wishes! :hugs: :white_heart:

:muscle: it will slow down! (Move on :grimacing:)
Take care! You and your family, stay safe! :muscle: :heart: :green_heart:

@drounzer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Honey8 :revolving_hearts:

@AJ_7 :hugs: :green_heart:

So, have to come to an end, it’s way to long already. Strength to you all! :muscle:

And at last something that makes me…I actually don’t know, happy, proud, embarrassed :see_no_evil:
One pic from the front cover article about me. It is really good writing, even mentioned Linkin Park :blush:



You’re welcome.

Check out Gods and Gold, Big Bad Wolf and Inhuman by them. Really good, and supported Lindemann for their European tour.

And I read the article and saw the Linkin Park reference straight away. :+1::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny:
The land is covered under Corona virus- since I work at a school I’m in the middle of hysteria… and my family in Italy is under complete lock down - as our italian soldiers here too - strength to you all guys and a special powerhug to @lpfan61 :hugs::yellow_heart::kissing_heart::heart: stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Same goes to @justinkilmer - that’s shocking news- I pray for you and your friend- feel tightly hugged :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart:

@HakManLP glad you had a chance to see them - all further shows were cancelled… the tickets stay valid ofc… but yeah- you were lucky :four_leaf_clover:

Hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Stay cool and rational when the world runs crazy soldiers … hugs to everybody I couldn’t mention due to time- :heart::hugs::kissing_heart: but you know who you are :heart::hugs: #makechesterproud

Good goodnight Andy :sleeping: @LP13413


Last day of work before my early weekend :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunny:(i know the sun is just in my head because it’s raining outisde :joy:).

I don’t even know what i’m gonna do tomorrow because the concert i was supposed to see is canceled (in reality, i’m totally ok with that because i was a bit stressed about going to a show on a friday the 13th) ! Maybe i could try to do everything to not see what’s going on in the world, it could be a good plan just to get good rest. :grin::joy:

Have a good day / night all :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Thank you :hugs: Hope you’re ok?

You are famous! :smirk: :smile:


I just finished breakfast, and just received the news that I’m going in to work in two hours. Instead of going in early at 2:30 like I had planned, now it’s one o’clock.

Happy Thursday!!


Back from work. Day full of meetings (good ones). No news about me yet but they told me not to worry about anything. We didn’t manage to set up dates for our business trip either, it’ll have to wait till next week.

Will chill at home for a bit before I head out to uni. Also waiting on the news about this virus and what’s gonna happen…