HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Yes you did and I can’t wait for it

OT - working from home :metal:

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What can I say, I’m looking forward to the new BMTH album because this year has sucked it’s nice to have new music! Itch For The Cure should be an interesting track, what I’m assuming is in honour of Hybrid Theory (or just another virus song?) We’ll see. :grin: Plus, as LP never did a duet with Amy Lee I’m having to make do with whatever BMTH offers. :smile:

This is the nice thing about fans who know to recommend the best song. Sometimes I don’t want to listen to the whole album, but give me the best songs. I’ll listen to the Papa Roach songs and let you know. I haven’t heard any of their “newer” albums. Sure, tag me but maybe new music as I’ve heard a lot of the older stuff already.

This is fair enough. It’s always interesting to hear others opinions on current events. I guess logically it makes sense to keep your distance. I do it anyway because I’m weird :laughing: . But, I’m thinking in a 100 years they’ll laugh at how “social” we were. The future will be socially distant and masky :mask:

Nice to have you back. I’m enjoying Breaking Benjamin right now too. Love the Aurora album, but I’m big into reimagined and acoustic songs. Failure is one of my favourites. Phobia is a good album, Ben is very phobic and this album is really about his outlook on life. He hardly ever travels because he believes it is too risky.

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Yeah, I’m all about the hoodies in the winter, they’re just so cosy!
Yes, do let me know, I haven’t worn mine yet…
Thanks, have a good rest of the week too!

OT: Had a chilled day at home, talked to my manager and all is good. I am getting concerned about the rapid rise in new cases, 26k just today here in the UK! That’s a bloody lot! And another 900 back home which is even crazier! I really hope I’ll be able to travel soon, it seems to be getting harder and harder…


Yup. Agree with you. I know people who work in hospitals. And they say different things then what you hear on the tv. Strange. :thinking:
And the best wishes for you. Hope you don’t stay sick for to long. Maybe doing a test? Just to be sure.

Yeah. It was strange and i thought good about it, if i wanna to work on the other location to, but i wanna grow so it will be good! :+1:
Any free time for you? Stay safe bro!

Hahaha. I will never be alone. Ive got you, the LP family! :heart: :hugs:
How are you holding up love? :heart:
Good luck tomorrow! :hugs:

Hahahhaha. :laughing: they will laugh so hard. :laughing:
Im done with my studies. I passed my exam! I think next year my studie wil continue. But when… that will be a question. Let’s just wait what the coronavirus will do. Every year i need to go back to school for a month to learn everything again, because the law changes and then i have to do exams again.
How are you doing? Hope the week started good for you?! :heart:

Stay safe bro! :pray: i hope for you, you don’t have the virus.

I so damn hope for you and youre daughter it is negative. How long do you have to be in quarantaine when you are positive? Here in The Netherlands it is 10 days. They change it.
Good to hear that you are feeling good! :hugs:

I hope you had youre rest! :hugs: i like it to, to listen to the rain. It sounds peaceful. And tonight there will be a star rain in the sky. Gonna see that. :star2:

That sounds so good. :hugs: :star_struck:

Yep me to! Looking forward to! Ive seen BMTH 2 years ago. It was epic! I lost my voice :laughing: can’t help myself to scream the parts! :laughing:

What do think about that they made a song with Lacey Sturm? I love her voice and her new song ‘The Decree’.

Im chilling right now. It’s raining outside and gonna watch the stars tonight. I read on the internet it will be ‘a shower of stars’. :star2: I need to see that! I love watching the sky. And the planets around earth. Hahah :laughing: :laughing:

Also watching this :point_down:

I just finished watching Chester’s last concert in England. I cried when they played the song One More Light and Crawling. But I finished it and didn’t skipped it. :relaxed:

Have a wonderful evening/day family.
Love you all! :heart:



Happy the sunshine is still around. @theearlywalker helped me. I’m alright, dealing with a chaotic life. That’s about it. How are you? :kissing_heart:


Hey all! Just a small quick update today!

Just winding down my busy day. Felt a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of work but just turned on some music to calm down… weird how Dropped Frames is soothing (all 3 volumes lol.)
Maybe its because there are no words just background music? :thinking:

As for Recipe for you all.

Queso Chicken

I had used an Insti-pot/Pressure cooker (what ever you prefer to call it) so hopefully there are other ways to make it. Possibly crock pot? just would take longer? Going to have to do a few web searches lol


I lined the bottom of the pot with boneless Chicken (thawed not frozen)
added taco seasoning over it (1 pack will do - we have a giant container so I might have used more)
put - 1cup of chicken broth over it
than added a 10 oz can of tomatoes
Finally put 4 oz of cream cheese over it

I “manually” cooked for 15 minutes and then let it vent for 10 more before turning the valve on the pot to release)

Once that was done I mixed in shredded cheeses (Monterey Jack) and stirred until fully melted. and voila instant num nums lol


Like I said mine was soupy so we used tortillas as a side/mixed in.

Let me know if you try it or can come up with some other way to cook it.

Signing off for now but will try to check in later.



Working and tired !!


Not working but still tired :laughing:

Been working in the garden. Buy some new plants. Needed to make it more colorful.
Next days I need to work. Playing around in the house now. Cleaning, laundry :unamused:



Hey :wave:

And week done for you :partying_face: reward yourself :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart:

Uhh, it looks…interesting. :laughing: I trust your recommendation and will try it, even so I don’t have a pressure cooker and have to look up this very American sounding ingredients :grin: :yum:

I wish, everyone would think that way :joy:

:grimacing: actually can’t remember ever listen to them. I listen to everything, that’s posted here. And sometimes, like with that song, I get this sting :star_struck: :exploding_head: awwwwwesome! :heart_eyes: then I listen again and put it into my favourite music file. The intention is, to not forget it and go deeper into the band. But yeah, not really do it then, there is so much stuff out there, I never heard before. :green_heart:

I know. So sorry. :muscle:
It’s actually not bothering me that much, I miss concerts painfully. But lockdown or not, it makes no difference to me.
People are just stupid, they even go in front of schools and give flyers to kids, to stop wearing masks. And others hamstering toilet paper, again
Stay strong :hugs: :green_heart:

@Linkineli strength to you too :muscle: :hugs: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

All fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

@anomalia :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

Thank you :hugs: :heart:

Yes, today…
I thought my appointment was at 10:00. But it actually was at 12:10. So I used the city time to get me a waffle and, cause they didn’t have decaf, a regular latte macchiato :yum: there is a reason, I normally don’t, but to get this caffeine high is just awesome :dancer: :woozy_face:
So the first thing I told my therapist was, that my mood is cheating :joy: but yeah, he got the picture, as I rolled everything what happened and where I am right now out for him.
To the question if I should go working in the near future, he asked for pro and cons. I actually not really need to go, the island job is finished for this year. And when it starts again in April, I have the job as employee. So, in this rolling Corona situation no one expects of me to find a new farm. And I got enough from my family for the care taking that it lasts a while.
So he asked, do you want to go to work?
-No, really not.
-Why are you even asking?
There I lamented, that I have to work, it’s the pressure I feel from everyone, especially me.
And he was, no, you have every reason not to, you don’t need to, so take it, if it’s not boring.
Boring? Ha, ha. I still have an apartment what needs probably days to get spanking clean, I have the dogs to walk, a son who enjoys cooked meals and I have a book to finish and one I want to self publish … :joy:
So yeah, still not decided, but trying to be more relaxed about it.

Sorry, I have to come with this again, push it into my brain.

Maybe I should get it as tattoo :joy:

:hugs: :green_heart:


Since we actually have warm weather today, I think I’m going to spend some time raking leaves before I head to work in a few hours.

We’re almost to the weekend, guys! I hope today’s treating everybody well.


I’ve had a relaxing day at home, didn’t do much, just some laundry and chores around the house. I had another call with my manager, we’re in the sh*t this weekend as one staff member is still out due to sickness (not Covid) and we’ve no one else to come in. I hope it won’t be too difficult, let’s see.

I’ve also spoken with my parents, it was an ok first day, hopefully it stays smooth throughout this whole thing. Now I’m about to head out to the pub (whoooo!) to see my cousin. Not sure what to expect since I haven’t been in one in months but we’ll see…

Have a great Friday tomorrow and a golf start to your weekend guys :slight_smile:


Thaanks hahah​:v::joy::hugs: yeah he is, i like sharing the pics with y’all so no need to thank me​:joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And the livestream still gives me good energy whenever i think of it​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:crazy_face::kissing_heart::raised_hands: i hope(andthink so),too!

Thanks! My weekend was good. And Vio is still adorable​:grin::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

Great!:v::kissing_heart: yeah, mine was fine, nothing special :thinking::grin:

I’m so glad you are !!

:hugs::heart::hugs::heart::hugs: but hey, i think of you also without tagging you! But yeah, it’s always a nice visible reminder…

Wow, that sounds special and beautiful.
And how amazing that your daughter opened up to you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope the therapist appointment’s gonna help you! But i’m sure it’s gonna be good🤗( uuhgh i needed way too long for this… it already was!)
And i’m sorry it hits you, so out of the blue. I know that feeling. You think like everything’s normal, and in the same second you realize it’s not anymore… it’ll take time but it’s gonna stop.

Aawww, i’m happy you enjoy it so much!:pleading_face::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Heyyo, that doesn’t sound too bad😊hope work has been good!

And thank you very much for that kick! Even though now it’s more of a kick to get this post finally done!:laughing::grin::grin:

And this one, i love it so much. One of my favourite pictures ever.

Just had some spekulatius earlier, with some tea🤪
And thanks for your words, i’m really glad i can now do things with her like eating and it feels normal.
Hope you’re still in a positive vibe!!:v::hugs::hugs:

Yeeesss, i’m excited for it!

@Himan10 hey!!:hugs::hugs::crazy_face::heart: nice to see you again! I enjoy what you’re telling about those songs. Have a nice friday+ weekend!

Thank you​:heart::heart::heart::heart:

Why not? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: i really love this quote. You can’t get reminded of that too often. Thanks for always posting it​:kissing_heart::hugs:

Ot: so, i’m lying in bed finally finishing this post. I’m in the edge of crying, idk if i should give in or keep telling myself that everything’s fine. Because now it is, kinda.
I’m still in some after- shock. Earlier this evening my dad ran into my room, his voice trembling and looking so worried, my grandpa had just called, grandma was lost and he couldnt find her anywhere. She has alzheimer, and its getting worse. They were out, eating(bc she cant really cook anymore, and my grandpa never learned how to cook😪 so thats another thing that freaks me out, nobody really knows what they’re eating all day if they aren’t eating somewhere in a restaurant) and then he couldnt find her anymore. So my whole family, brothers, parents, cousins, went out searching her. I was driving around on my bike, looking for places she knows and could go. I told some bus drivers how she’s looking and that they should call me if they saw her. They were really nice and helping. But as i continued searching i just panicked, alone in the night not finding her made me worry too much and i had a crying attack and in my head there were the worst scenarios. But then, finally, my dad called me, he found her, she was at my cousins’ house, not far away, fortunately! Everyone was so relieved.
But now i’m crying because i hate alzheimer so much i hate how we’re all hoping she wont forget even more but she is, i hate how i have to tell her our names so she doesn’t confuse them every time we see/ call her, i hate that her confused, empty look in her eyes almost never goes away, and if, it never lasts long, it breaks my heart how my grandpa tries to hide how sad he is over this, and how angry he gets at her when she doesn’t get what he’s talking about and he’s so hopeless and i’m just scared and worried and idk what i can do. Now with corona we cant even meet and play games or whatever wich would be good for her brain(and just seeing them ofc)
this got more hopeless than i intended it to be, but anyways i’m trying to sleep now, tomorrow is a big test i’m not even really prepared for but this evening i couldn’t study anything more.
Goodnight, love you all​:heart::heart::heart::heartpulse:



Been in my Wolf cosplay again today… and some VERY exciting news from Daniel! Something on the way which is coming to me soon! :heart::black_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Better now, wbu?

it was no flu after all, it was a case of deshydratation :upside_down_face:

I don’t :partying_face:

On topic:
conjugating verbs in German :upside_down_face: it’s funny, but I still can’t understand the past time of them.


I just came home from work, and I have to turn around and go right back in early tomorrow morning. Right now, I’m making overnight oatmeal for the morning.

Stay strong @Linkineli! - About a year ago, my grandparents moved back to the area after having lived out-of-state for the last 20 years or so. He just turned 93 a few months ago, and he’s still sharp as a tack. She’s 90, and she’s been struggling with dementia for a while now. She’s becoming very forgetful, and she has a knack for repeating herself quite a few times.


:sunny::sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Friday - weekend and hopefully a calm day :sunny::sunny: All this pandemie news all around again and the normal craziness is taking quite some energy… but yeah - our Corona test was negative god bless :pray:t2: while meantime I get a feeling that- always predicted to have a soft symptom amount- it could be helpful to have been through it… 14 days in bed/at home is ok with me but it’s too important to break the infection chains wherever possible. I have the german warn app on my phone meantime due to the test and it feels Ok- it’s updated every 24 hrs and my exposure log is green - :pray:t2: praying for this vaccine and medication to be available asap :pray:t2:

That’s what’s on my mind rn :sunny::sunny::sunny: And ofc the other thing is the „time capsule project” for our homebase here … :joy::joy: I still haven’t found the email. :sweat_smile: looking right after the post here- where it is hiding in my email folders :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: however - I know we will continue spreading love, :yellow_heart::heart::hugs::hugs: support :sunny::hugs::hugs::sunny::muscle:t2: And strenght with each other :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

In this sense: :yellow_heart::hugs: have a good night :crescent_moon: and the best day possible soldiers :yellow_heart::hugs: we’re in this together :yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: shower :shower:

Bbl :heart:


Aurora is it good? I haven’t listenedthis album, going to give it a try… the first album that I listened by Breaking Benjamin was Phobia. It’s amazing, although the sound is kind of very same from the beginning to ending :smiley: but there’s something special about the album, or might be Breaking Benjamin is really good haha, yes they are :heart:

Some honourable mentions are torniquet, dancing with devil, diary of jane, you fight me, angels fall, intro-outro (Phobia album), I will not bow, so cold, breath. I liked every single one of them and still playing it on repeat. Don’t know why there’s not much hype of this band or they didn’t get much recognition but they really deserve wayyy more than what they’ve rn.

This band and Bring me the horizon sounds more like Linkin Park, I found some similarities in their sound and LP, although the BMTH guy was highly influenced by Linkin Park, heard the same in an interview… Anyways their (BMTH) new song “teardrops” sounds like “somewhere i belong”, like if you listen you will get some LP vibes at the starting. Damn cool

Heyy how are you? Yeah, i was on a break (or say on hibernation) haha.h… Got some notifications from people and made a comeback :smiley: :smile: How you doing there? is that your kitty? I still want one “white coffee cat” Love them :heart: My neighbors have at least one pet with them and it makes me jealous lmao …
Also, if you enjoyed reading that, then give it a try… I am sure you’ll enjoy listening too
keep doing great


I have no clue what’s going on here. I just unmuted this thread because I want to get my spam numbers up and hit that 28K-post mark. :joy:

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You enjoing this way too much

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Hello everybody and happy friday :partying_face:

We’re still got ‘free time’, but our corona numbers are growing and growing. We’re in a bad situation again, so it won’t happen. But stay safe too buddy, any special plans for weekend?

the same here im Germany :sob:

welcome back in here buddy :relaxed:
Metallica? Kinda surprisingly bc I posted many Metallica things, songs and stuff about them :grimacing: I’m a Metallica fan since ~1999 I guess and saw them live last year in Berlin with my dad and one of my best friends. It was awesome. Besides Linkin Park, Metallica is my absolute favorite band, bc I’m still that 100% rock- and metalhead. ‘Fade to black’ is a classic, but you should try ‘The Unforgiven’ before ‘The Unforgiven 2’, trust me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
‘Teardrops’ by BMTH is good. I like this new song and hopefully the new album will be the same.

Damn, I forget so many things :joy: Awesome cosplay again dear :kissing_heart: Also: Rammstein celebrating their 25th anniversary of ‘Herzeleid’ - what’s your favorite song on this album? :heart_eyes:

I listen to ‘Teardrops’ by BMTH right now and it’s good, hopefully the album will be the same. Also yeah, but 2020 had already decent albums.

for Papa Roach: Ok, I’ll tag you and hopefully in the new forum for the two latest albums by them: ‘Crooked Teeth’ and ‘Who do you trust?’ - I saw them live this year before corona lockdown and damn: AN ABSOLUTE BANGER SHOW! Front row and PROACH :heart:
fun fact: did you know that almost Mike Shinoda did get the man part in Evanescence song ’ Bring me to the life’ ? :wink:

hello dear :kissing_heart: oh, that’s so awesome, why are you living in UK, we could a #hoodiegang :joy: Also something for Vinyl :nerd_face:
Thanks you, you too - read your words down below and sadly it’s the same here. We got so many new infections and also our region, besides Kassel, is involved now. Stay safe and healthy. Have a good weekend :pray:t2:
Just asking: Do you know EMP?

hello buddy, what’s up? Come on, as I read these lines I’m almost crying too. So heartful, so intense. Also the speech about hate by Chester is so amazing. What’s up in your NL region? :cry:
Strength and positivity to you :relaxed:

I’m doing good, thanks for asking dear :kissing_heart: but sadly it’s raining today since yesterday evening. Urgh. Chaotic life? What’s going on?
Sending you positive vibes :pray:t2: :heart:

thank you so much for sharing this buddy, I’ll try it. It looked so tasty :heart_eyes: wishing you a good friday :grimacing:

extra positivity to you got ‘high power’ again dear. :pray:t2: :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2:

I’m sick and tired of these people. Our numbers in Kassel + my region are growing and we’re already done. I think I’ll be in a kind lockdown very soon. And than you have these stupid A-holes like Xavier Naidoo, Attila Hiltmann and Michael Wendler :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :rage:
I try to stay strong - sending you also positive vibes. :heart: :heart: :heart:

If you get this as a tattoo,let me know, I want live stream pictures from your session :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah kinda, and hopefully you got a good start into the weekend too. Still looking for some motivation, bc we’ve got the rainy shitty weather back :rofl:

aaawwww, so adorable :heart_eyes: also I have to wait for the spekulatius till tomorrow, urgh :joy:
Yes, that are the important things. I think you’re doing good with your friend. Just do the little things for her and she’ll better.
Kinda positive, but with the growing covid numbers I’m kind negative mood. Also did you saw Bayern against Atletico? :sunglasses:

How you got the deshydratation? :scream:
You need some help for the german verbs? :relaxed: Let me know.
Wishing you a good start into the weekend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello Pat :kissing_heart: good news with the negative test. Also hopefully it will continue in the new forum :worried: Wishing you a good weekend. Stay safe and feel hugged :heart: :kissing_heart:
Special plans?

I thought you did it already? :sweat_smile:

also powerful tags to @Lilyope @anomalia @melisLP @framos1792 @lpfan61 @AngeDeLaChance1905 @anngelenee @Honey8 @AJ_7 @chigokurosaki

Maybe it’s the last WEP in this forum, so here’s a big one for 20th anniversary of #HybridTheory (tomorrow)…
K_CoverStory11_LinkinPark_Desktop_3 K_CoverStory11_LinkinPark_Desktop_5 K_CoverStory11_LinkinPark_MobileiPhone 678 Plus(1) K_CoverStory11_LinkinPark_MobileiPhone 678 Plus(2)
so, for anyone who didn’t download here are some very old pictures which are in the kerrang cover story and especially for #HybridTheory20 :heart: Just enjoy them and take a time travel.
Hybrid Theory Soldier
Some oldschool graffiti style :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Soldier Tattoo
not the best picture, but I thought it will be fitting today - here’s my Hybrid Theory soldier including the songs ‘Crawling’, ‘In the end’ , ‘Faint’ and ‘Somewhere I Belong’ - have this tattooed over 2 1/2 years ago :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Gonna spend the weekend at home with Bundesliga, many food, a couple of beers, videogames, some movies and series. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

**So, what else can I say or write? **
I hope that all of us don’t get lost and that we all will join the change to the new forum. In the past years this has been a great place for exchange, entertainment, conversation and so much more. I never thought that I would become so active in this forum again, but it’s just fun.

I hope that we will all stay in the new forum and I wish you all a wonderful Friday, a good start into the weekend and that you all stay healthy and safe. Thank you all for everything and we’ll ‘see’ us very soon! :muscle:t2:

Your HakManLP :heart: :kissing_heart: :metal:t2: