HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Sure, but thanks God I don’t have to call any doctor for now. I’m a bit better. I had the day off because of this flu/cough. I just have a bit of cold and my nose is irritated.

Now I’m just going to eat something before sleep a bit. I spent all the morning in manage the publication of the different articles for the magazine.

I hope your days is going well :smile:


Sunshine is coming. :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


Hey everyone!!

Per @anna834 I promised I’d update you when I got home :joy:

You’ll have to update me. I thought about buying it so we’ll see.

So happy to hear the ceremony went well and that your family got along for it!

I hope the therapist goes well for you dear!
I can understand how you feel with your grandmother.
It is a hard feeling to loose someone you’re close to. I won’t go into details and make this about me.

Sending you lots of love and support though! :hugs::hugs:

Busy busy busy :joy: starting my 5th 50hour in a row. Yaayy?

Sounds like you’ll be having fun switching around everywhere with your job too! You’ll have to keep us posted when/if you can lol

Hoping things are going well for you!

OT: Just winding down tonight. Decided to try a new recipe we found online called Queso Chicken so hoping it’s good lol. Over the weekend we had a fun little “mishap” when part of our roof collapsed in the room we are renovating… scared the living daylights out of us :joy::joy:

That’s all from me right now… I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day/nights :hugs::hugs:


:sunny::sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: yeah busy, chaotic and hectic days, Yesterday we, my daughter and me, had a Corona test. A teacher at her school was positive tested. And we’re almost everywhere in Germany in Pandemic Phases 3. xxxxxpieeeeep piep pieeeeepxxxx ] virus :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:… stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: guys!

Conquer all challenges life is giving you! Get your power regularly recharched and take care of yourself- mental AND bodywise!! The only way out is through…

#IamTheChange :rainbow:

:sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: have a good Tuesday everybody :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs:

@framos1792 so how are you buddy? Feeling better bodywise? You mentioned last week to go probably to see a doc? Feeling better? You’re almost already missed again., :yellow_heart::hugs:

@justinkilmer :scream::scream::scream: omg :pray:t2: thanx god - take care! :yellow_heart::hugs:

@IronSoldier16 good that you feel better :tada: take care! :yellow_heart::hugs:

@evooba @HakManLP @anna834 thank you guys!! :tada::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: very appreciated and right backatcha! Lol :joy::joy::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Ot : about to shower :shower:

@LP13413 good goodnight :crescent_moon:


Meant to have a work zoom call later for training but still haven’t got any details on it…oh well…a chilled morning it is then!! :sweat_smile:


Good morning everyone.

I’m better today :partying_face: now time to eat something and then going to work :smile:

Love you all guys.


Starting my day with some yoga, and maybe a hot bath.

Good morning, everybody!



Heeeyyy, don’t be. :green_heart: I was just worried, that you are moping all alone in quarantine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Work change sounds very interesting, something new will sure be good :muscle:
Thanks for your words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

Sure won’t be worse, so yeah :partying_face: :crazy_face:

Thank you. :hugs: I wish, that you can go home soon and all the strength to you and yours :muscle:

As always :grin: :grin: keep it up :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart:

Bon appetite :unicorn: :yum:

Thank you :hugs: also for posting this song, fell in love with it, perfect, the video too :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

And? Pics? Recommendations? :triumph: :joy:

This! :relieved: you tooo :point_right: :yellow_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Did a long walk on the Baltic sea today. :slightly_smiling_face:


:hugs: :green_heart:


Waiting for my sleeping tablets to kick in…


Hey all just a quick night post checking in :grin:

Hmmm well for pic Snapchat-216638656

Lmao this was left overs for tonight… I’d say definitely a recommendation! We used an pressure cooker but crock pot might work :thinking: will get the recipe for you tomorrow :grin:
Mine turned out more “soupy” but used tortillas with it as a side. Will definitely make again

Of course any time dear! :hugs:
Oh love that song by them! Kinda just gives me the feeling kinda like “you know what? it’s okay to feel “off”.” If that makes sense :thinking:

Was definitely a surprise for us that’s for sure :joy: hope all is going well for you! :grin: :hugs:

OT: well shower time and off to bed for me! Night all!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:




:sunny::sunny::sunny: moooornig guys :sunny::sunny::sunny: yawning :yawning_face: Walker wishes you all a Good Humpday :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: finally mid week ceremony starts rn :confetti_ball: :joy::sweat_smile: yeah, and I’m still waiting for my Virus test result! :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::+1:t2: I’m feeling good so- I’m curious never the less :bowing_woman:t2:… I wish you the best HUMPDAY :sunny::heart::confetti_ball::+1:t2::crazy_face::sunglasses: possibel my friends and ofc take care everybody :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::sunny::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

@justinkilmer what was it again? The dish?

@anna834 awwww the SEA :ocean: thx for the vid dear :hugs::heart::kissing_heart: made my day yesterday :partying_face::star_struck:

Time’s running :running_woman:t3: :sweat_smile:

Ot: :shower:

Hey lurking Andy :joy::joy::sweat_smile: @LP13413 :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: seeing you typing- hope you had a good day? However sleep well :zzz: and omg 32!! What a great age- in the middle of everything- I’m envious :joy::joy: no, really- a great age! ENJOY :tada: every single day :+1:t2::balloon:


Jeez! Hope that’s sorted now.

Oh no! Fingers crossed for negative results. It’s pretty crazy everywhere, almost all of the UK is on lockdown at the moment, quite a few parts of England are on the higher level of alert with special measures etc. London is next I think…

Thanks, I hope so too!

OT: Good morning guys! :slight_smile: I hope you are doing well.
Been a couple of uneventful days for me at work, I must admit I’m not giving my 100% since my mind is elsewhere right now.
I’m going to try and enjoy my 2 days off in a row, relax as much as I can. I have some stuff I want to do in mind but we’ll see… for now I’m listening to the rain and enjoying my first coffee of the day.
I’ll call my manager later to talk to him since I haven’t seen him in a week and I have to tell him some important stuff but other than that, no plans.

Have a great day guys! :slight_smile:


We can shake hands, I’ve been sick for the last three days as well. Though today I’m already feeling much better. Hope you will recover soon!

Sending you strength! :hugs: Take your time to process it all, it’s not an easy thing to do. But I’m glad you got to see your daughter again. Wishing the best for you :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m not in the mood to start a discussion right now, but let’s just say I have another look on the topic :smile: In short, I think the measures are way out of proportion. Most aren’t even based on scientific research, such as the distance rule.

Home, period. :joy: I’ve been sick for the past few days, but I’m recovering! Good to hear you’re recovering as well. See you typing right now :face_with_monocle:


Hello everybody :relaxed:

Sounds good, yes - One of my first games was Crahs Bandicoot in the late 90’s. Maybe something for Black Friday or Christmas

Also: Did I share with you this already: Rammstein share drumming video from recording studio ??

Oh, you’re a ‘Hoodie-lover’ too? Yeah :heart_eyes: It’s that time, where I often change between my Metallica, Linkin Park, SlipKnot and many more band hoodies :joy: :rofl:

I washed the new black shirts and gonna wear it on the weekend maybe - If you want, I can send you review (you know, how people will look at you bc it’s gold :joy:) Enjpoy your days off and hopefully your mind and thoughst will be better. Have a great day dear :kissing_heart:

ok, BB, yeah, still not much into them :sweat_smile: But yeah, looking forward to the new BMTH album. Why not? I’m not that big fan, but I like them and hopefully the new album is ‘something’.
Also what are your thoughts on the songs, which I shared with you (PRoach)? If you want, I can share some more songs also including stuff from P.O.D, Mudvayne and so on. The good old NU Metal days :heart:

It worked yesterday and it looks like today is gonna work again :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :scream: Keep it going. Also: How are you doing dear? :kissing_heart:

recipe please :grimacing: :pray:t2: looks tasty :relaxed:

and back to you dear pat :kissing_heart:, but a thrid wave? I think it’s still the second wave, but anyway: It sucks. We’ve got the notes back in our grocery stores: One pack toilet paper for each ‘household’. You’re seeing them again too?

finally good news buddy! :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: Wishing you a good day and keep staying healthy. :pray:t2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Also what kinda flu goes around in your region? We’ve got something like this too… :disappointed_relieved:

good start into the new day Andy, wishing you a good day :relaxed:

first: take me to this place :pray:t2:
second: you’re into 5FDP? :star_struck: How didn’t I know that :heart_eyes:
Third: That’s good, we had an awesome day with so much Bundesliga. How are you doing these days? We’re alomost for another ‘kinda lockdown’ down here :disappointed_relieved:

again with this sh*t? Oh no dear, best wishes for recovery with your sleeping problems :pray:t2:

best wishes for fast recovery :pray:t2:. Yeah, I’m doing a little bit better :muscle:t2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have to stay positive. That home thing sucks so much, damn, I want to see my student pals in person :expressionless:

powerful and positive vibes tags to @Lilyope @AJ_7 @turexidrosa @lpfan61 @melisLP @anomalia @drounzer @anngelenee @AngeDeLaChance1905 @framos1792 :muscle:t2: :pray:t2: :heart:

OT: So, we’ve got 18+ degree today and gonna the spend the day outside. Also finally I got answer for the failure box sets and will get a new one between end of October and middle of November. I only have to exchange and send my box back, so I’m happy :heart_eyes:


Wishing everyone a good day - just 2 more days left :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2:


Thank you! :hugs: Home thing suck so bad! I had the same thing from April to June so I know how you feel. Maybe try to see your pals and friends outside of school hours!

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Off to work in a bit…want to stay inside and it’s pouring out there!!

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Nice! Its raining here too! Im a child of rain lol


Hey LP soldiers…
sorry for such a late reply :sob: late… not late, it feels like a decade lmao :smiley: I am sorry about that but still busy in my studies these days… Thanks for everyone’s tag and bday wishes… last night when I was about to sleep, my phone suddenly showed a couple of notifications by earlywalker, drounzer, anna or so many guys, I don’t exactly remember the names but lots of bday wishes haha… I loved that :heart:

I wasn’t in hibernation lmao, One thing i could tell you is that. I had some problems but now all are fixed, and it seems everything would be fine if I focus on the positive side of mine, thanks to honey8 too… How to tag ? @ isn’t working for me :frowning_face: I got connected with her on discord back in june or july and since then I have contact w/th her…

Btw any Metallica fan here? in recent days, I found some cool songs and one of them is “Fade to Black” damnn dude, It’s such an amazing and mind blowing song I’ve ever listened. Like except lyrics, guitar riffs on that song are like some kind of story teller… the starting and ending <3 of that song will take you at another level… Clif burton and kirk hemlett <3

Then i found a song called “The Unforgiven 2”, and if you listen to it after “fade to black”… One thing I am sure about i.e., you will find yourself connected somehow with lyrics and that calmness. Among the three version, my favorite is part 2.
I am sure here are some metallica fans and yeah this band “Breaking Benjamin” is above my expectation, just listened few of their songs like “dance with the devil”, “angels fall”, "torniquet etc. every single one of their song are hauntingly beautiful especially “the diary of jane” and “you fight me” or just the whole “Phobia” album.

anyone here listened rock covers by violet orlandi? She and Amy lee are lob :heart: :heart_eyes: :smile:
But but but but whatever I do, brings me one step closer to you (Linkin Park)
Hahahah so that’s it for today… Hope everyone’s doing super good there and just “DONT STAY SAFE” :smile:


Yoga + shower + packing breakfast & dinner for work + overtime.

Happy hump day!