HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

@Linkineli Thank you! So good to see the cat, he’s so adorable!!! Have a great weekend too!

Yeah? They were the only ones that fit, I don’t have more space. I like the 4 cubes better but I couldn’t fit more of those anywhere. These should last me for a year or so, that’s alright.

It is… I might it run it through the washing machine a few times to see if some of it will fade.

OT: To my delightful surprise today, my manager has given me 3 days off this week as well!! I’m so damn excited and happy about it. I told him he doesn’t have to but he explained that I scared him last weekend and he realises that I need to chill and make up for the lost days off of the past weeks. I truly appreciate that, I’ll take it, so happy to relax for an extra day, I’m already making plans with the flatmate to take the dog out one day and maybe go spraypainting another day.

Work’s been busy, like every weekend, but it’s alright. I definitely feel more relaxed and stress free than before so that helps. Not sure what we’re going to do if a lockdown is announced next week for London, we might close, we might not. Either way, I think I will have to go home at some point in November (assuming it’ll still be off the quarantine list) since it’s been long overdue.

Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend, hang in there to those of you working! :slight_smile:


After nine hours of work today, I’m enjoying a live Rise Against stream.


:hugs: :yellow_heart:


Frammieeee :hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart: :bat: :mouse: @framos1792 get some cuddles


Having some dinner

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No need to apologise :slightly_smiling_face: I mean the visual way to tell the story of the lyrics, or the underlying message of the track if it’s instrumental. I’m doing well, thank you. Hope you are too!

Hey! I do, thanks. Hope you have/had as well :smile:

Good to hear. I’m doing fine as well. Just taking it easy this weekend, preparing for another work week today. Have a nice Sunday!

This is something synchronistic. Just yesterday evening I was randomly scrolling through Rise Against concerts on Youtube, wondering which one to watch. Then this appears :open_mouth:


Actually I don’t know where to start.
To get back in here.

Maybe first and most important, thank you all who tagged me, thought of me. It is a hugh help and very comforting. :green_heart: @theearlywalker @HakManLP @Linkineli @evooba @justinkilmer @anomalia thanks and of course all you others too, for being here, for being you! :green_heart:

Funeral actually was beautiful.
My uncles and mother stopped fighting for this and it was a very fitting ceremony. I read @IronSoldier16 poem :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: in the chapel and it was really fitting and well received. Thanks again. :hugs:
I was happy and proud to have my kids there. And on the 640 km drive home, my daughter finally opend up, told me what’s going on in her live and why she had to leave me. I don’t want to misuse her trust, so just as much, she sensed way more of my mental health struggles and was is under pressure cause of it, then I ever wanted to have her. :persevere:
So yeah, now I’m home. And immediately did fall in a deep hole. Trying to climb out, not sure what’s the best way to go. Thinking about leaving back to work right away send me into hysterical sobbing :laughing: But there is actually no pressure, besides the one I make myself. For now, I’m busy cleaning the apartment that was two month with a teenager and lots of undone paperwork.
Next Thursday, I have a therapist appointment, so maybe he can help clear out things a little.
There are still the moments, where I miss my grandma so much. Our last time together is deep inside of me and such a carrying memory. But it hits me out of the blue, when I think, oh, I have to phone her, cause we talked every day. Or as I came home at two in the morning and nearly typed the sms, letting her know we arrived well.
Fuck, there I cry again.
So don’t wonder, when I delate this again. What a fucking mess. Sorry.

Hey, @drounzer I noticed your silence. If you are still in quarantine at home, come on, check in here!!! We love you :revolving_hearts:


Hey love,

Sorry, one more time I’m not there that often. But just 2 days after I was put in quarantine, my supervisor called me. They want to deploy me at a different location. After that I had many Skype conversations and received some forms that I had to fill in. So I had to give my time to that. So I now work in 2 departments. I had to read some information in the other department to see how that location works and how it goes. So I took the time to learn something. I will also be working there from November and have already got to know the team, so it was unexpectedly quite busy and had to arrange a lot of things. No Netflix time for me, hahah. :laughing:
But I’m fine. Had some time to work on myself. Listen a lot of music. Occasionally seek relaxation by playing games such as Total Annihilation (very old game). :laughing:

Good luck and strength in the coming times. It will still be tough and difficult for you. Allow space for your feelings. When you have to cry do that and please don’t bottle it up. Also nice to read that you had a conversation with your daughter and that (hopefully) some things have been discussed. Please do not delete this message! Let us be there for you! We wish you lots of strength and hugs this Thursday! :heart: :hugs: :heart: :heart: :hugs:

I have to work again tomorrow after sitting at home for a while, but I am happy to get back to work and talk to people again. Being alone is so boring. :smile:

Oh nice, enjoy the free time! :hugs: Good the read that your manager gives you some time off! He sounds very nice! Have a great week! :hugs:

@HakManLP My LP 20th anniversary box arrived last week. I am so damn happy with it !! :heart: :smile:

Stay safe bro! The Netherlands is in almost lockdown. Shops, restaurants closed. And traveling by public transport is not recommended, only if you have to go to work. So it got really boring. A lot of people work at home and when I hear it on the radio and TV, a lot of hospital beds are again full of people who have corona. So it looks like things are going to be very quiet with work in the coming times. I can also notice when I drive to work on the highway, there are no more traffic jams and it is a lot quieter. :roll_eyes:

I think it will be a boring Christmas. As it looks here in the Netherlands, this lockdown will not change any time soon. Many people don’t follow the rules. Only since a week has the realization that you really have to improve yourself to make it better. Many people are too stubborn and still do their own thing, as long as those people keep going like this it will take a long time before it is over. I’m right about this? @rickvanmeijel

This is just too cute!! How sweet is this?! Ah so beautiful and wonderful! :heart: :smile: :hugs:

Hey dear, I was in quarantine, luckily I can go back to work tomorrow. But it has been boring. But it kept me busy with work. Read at the top of my post for more information! :wink: :heart:
But for the rest I can’t complain, I’m fine. Now listening to Skillet, Freakshow! I am curious how the next week will be with the work. What are your plans for this week? Anything more fun on the schedule? :heart:

@framos1792 Heey buddy! How are you doing? How was youre weekend? :heart: :bat:

@theearlywalker have a good week! :heart: a hug for you :hugs:

@justinkilmer How is work? Hope you had a good weekend! :hugs: Much strength for this week! :muscle:

@anomalia :heart: have a good week!

@AngeDeLaChance1905 hope youre box will arrive. I have been told about the corona that many packages take longer before they arrive. So hope you get it on time. :muscle:

@IronSoldier16 Have a good week! :hugs: hope you had a good weekend!? :hugs:

@lplove how are you doing! :smiley: love for you! :heart:

@Lilyope :heart: :hugs:

Let’s kick in next week! :laughing: :laughing:

Be happy with friends and family :heart:

I wish I could go back to this concert! :heart: :heart: I miss Chester! :disappointed:

For everyone! Have a good week! I hope everyone feels a little better! Enjoy all things, enjoy each other. Be happy with the loved ones around you. Tell them you are glad they are there for you. I love you! :heart: :heart:



I hate being sick :expressionless: I already talked with my boss, she told me to better don’t go to work tomorrow.

I’m cold, muscular pain, runny nose and other symptoms. Literally I slept all day yesterday. No a good thing…

Hope your day is better than mine.


We celebrated my birthday earlier tonight (my sister had to leave early). I got to sleep in today! Right now I’m stuffed full of pasta, and cake and ice cream, and I’m gearing up for another long work week ahead.

Thank you to everybody who helped me celebrate today!! I love you guys, and I really appreciate it. I hope 32 will be good to me.


Happy birthday, hope you have a good one! @LP13413

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:sunny::sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Thanx @drounzer for kicking me into the new week! Mine gets started rn with an extended :shower:

:hugs::yellow_heart::sunny: Have a good day family :sunny::yellow_heart:

:rainbow:make him proud :heart: :hugs:

Ot: rush :dash:, trying to slow down :sweat_smile: and that’s why I finish this post now! Later ! :sunny::yellow_heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:Have a good Monday family :sunny::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart:


I’m okay, life is hectic and not exciting. :hugs: Much love back. :heart:

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@LP13413 I hope you enjoyed your birthday! :slight_smile: I cannot wait to watch the Rise Against stream later today (I missed the live broadcast), I bet they were amazing!

@anna834 Hang in there! It’s going to be ok, you can always come here and talk to us! :slight_smile:

Hey! Good luck with your re-location with work, you’re going to do amazing, I bet!
And thanks! :slight_smile: Yes, my manager is pretty awesome, we have our differences and we disagree on things sometimes but he’s pretty good, probably the best boss I’ve ever had to be honest.

Oh no!! Feel better soon! How does the system work there? Can you order a home test kit to eliminate covid so you can return to work?

@theearlywalker Have a great start to your week! Sending positive vibes!

OT: Hello guys! I’m enjoying my morning coffee sitting in the kitchen in the sun, I love it when it’s like this. Hopefully the weather will stay nice for the rest of the day. We’re taking the dog out later for a long walk in the park. We’re thinking of going to one of my favourite coffee places in the afternoon to get some coffee and check out some stuff. They are also a music store and we want to get a friend of ours a ukulele for Xmas so we’ll have a look there.
Going to enjoy this week as much as I can, I think it’ll be the last one I have 3 days off :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good start to your week guys :slight_smile:


Hello everyboday and good monday :relaxed:

Me too, since almost 25 years :grimacing: So good, that they won

that’s good to read - some positive powerful vibes for your week!
Why not? I’ve also got so many black stuff in my closet, but it’s nice to have something different. I like it :grimacing: :laughing:

yeah! :relaxed: :kissing_heart: How’s the new Crash Bandicoot game? I’m also interested in to have a new one, bc I played 1-3 in my childhood days :heart_eyes:

only US fans for example have no failures in it. We have to wait, what’s next.
I’m feeling a little bit better, thanks for asking, but we’re also very close for another wave I think. Don’t know if Enema of the State is my #1 but sometimes it is definetly. But great list anyway I think.
Many of the songs are on youtube I think and some songs were released on LPU cd’s and also like the stuff from the Hybrid Theory EP. But it’s great. I don’t have listen to these songs many times (demo versions) like I did in the past days.
what’s BB again? :rofl:

oh yes! :heart_eyes: maybe do it again? :relaxed:

Don’t know if you had read about the failures in (my) boxes, but if you open it, please let me know :pray:t2:

awww so lovely and beautiful pictures :heart_eyes: he’s so cute!
I’ve already had some ‘Lebkuchen’ but my favorite is also ‘Spekulatius’ - thanks for the feedback :heart_eyes:
That’s really good that your friend spoke to you. It’s a big step to talk ‘normal’ about diseases and phases like this. She can be very proud of yourself and have a good friend in you, bc you listend to her and did something normal with her, like eating. Why not? Just the little things to enjoy! Hope you’re doing good - sending positive vibes from a corona hot spot to another :metal:t2: :kissing_heart:

Yes, like many songs especially when they’re on Hybrid Theory or Meteora. Still two of my ‘life anchors’, because Don’t stay tells a story for finally have to be strength and brave enough to end toxic relationships.I I’ve got a couple of these with ‘normal’ friends, family members and of course girlfriends. Also an absolute banger. The end lyrics and the chorus + the scream at the beginning for the live versions by chester are so f’cking goood. Good monday pat :kissing_heart:

I think you don’t have failures in it bc I didn’t heard about failures in the US boxes yet. Yes, hopefully something will turn into better. 50+ hours? You need a break dude :scream

Doing better and yeah, the piano version is great. Like the same here: Increase, increase, increas - hope your safe? :pray:t2: :relaxed:

so you want to get cuddle but if we cuddle you, you’re disappearing? :rofl: :joy:

ok, finally get it - I find it also quite hard to ‘tell a story’ with a video if there arent’ lyrics and the song is 100% instrumental :sweat_smile: I’m doing better - but no good news like in netherlands too: numbers are increasing :expressionless:
You’re in home office?

hello dear, urgh. Ok, even I don’t know where to answer first, bc so much happened to you. Damn. I think the best way is to talk about the positive: We read from you, you’re still fighting and don’t giving up and you take step by step. I wish you all the best for the therapist session. It’s hard, but I think it will help. Hopefully you could smile about the picture from ‘Peter’ and me :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:

yeah, heard the news also from Netherlands, bc many german tourists are in quarantine, who had visit Netherlands. Damn, hopefully it won’t explode like this again. Good to have some updates from you and good that you have some time for your own. Any new music you’re listen to buddy? :relaxed:

best wishes for fast recovery. I think it’s a good choice and don’t work. Sounds horrible. Take some time for recovery buddy :pray:t2:

Happy birthday Andy :metal:t2: :partying_face: :partying_face: Pasta, cake and Ice cream → YEAH! But you’re already 32? Whaaaat? You’re don’t looking ‘old’ like this buddy. Enjoy the rest of your day :metal:t2:

also powerful tags to @anomalia @anngelenee @melisLP @Lilyope @AJ_7 @Honey8 @lpfan61 @StephLP18 @chigokurosaki @amitrish

cold and rainy day again. Had some coffee, gonna take it slow, bc some ’ not so well phases’ maybe will be kicking in, but I’m staying positive :metal:t2:
Gonna do some stuff and mabye a quick walk later

Wishing everyone a good start into the new week :heart:


The new game is quite challenging in most parts but absolute fun to have. Fully recommended when you get the chance! I’m so happy that Crash is back. Crash Bandicoot games were what I used to play during my childhood so it’s so awesome! :heart: :metal: :kissing_heart:

If anyone would like to watch this with me in about 2 hours, feel free to…

OT - catching up with Discord and working on final online course, yay!




Yeah, don’t know… I’ll see. My favourite one is still the hyena shirt from the sunset strip fest in 2013, I love it. I’ve also re-discovered all the hoodies I have that I can finally wear again now that the weather is getting colder.

Awesome! Glad to be finally finished?

OT: Had a lovely walk with the flatmate and the dog, always good to get some fluffy cuddles and fetch play time. I skyped with my parents too… news ain’t good so I need to call my manager tomorrow morning and let him know that I need to fly home asap. We’ll see :confused:

Going to try and relax, take my mind off the bad news and watch that Rise Against stream.


No, only one more course to go online along with my accounting one and that’s it! All done, and yes I will be glad to have finished them all

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Yeah, not going away anytime soon. It’s a constant worry, especially for older family members. I just hope a vaccine solves this. Long-term we should improve. Maybe we’ll learn from this long-term and in a 100 years they’ll hardly believe we ever walked around without masks and randomly shook hands :laughing: How are you anyway. Anymore exams? :thinking:

Breaking Benjamin :tongue:

@Linkineli @intheend @StephLP18 @drounzer @HakManLP p.s. Hey, I think you guys like Bring Me The Horizon? Are you looking forward to the new album out 30th October? I’m waiting to hear this song so much: One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death (feat. Amy Lee of Evanescence) :relaxed: