HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Hello everyone it be a very busy week. I haven’t been on here in a long time and yesterday was a bad day l seen something that is going to be in my head for a long time. It a reminder how life is short


I had a very relaxing day at home today. Lots of coffee and chocolate were involved. I even had time to read my book, it was great.
I’m currently watching the Apple event, see if it’s worth upgrading my iPhone this year or not.
Later, it’s pizza and Bake Off night, whoooo :smiley:


I only listened to Infest album (Last Resort :metal: ). Nice they have rerecorded Tightrope recently. I feel LP would have done acoustic versions of HT songs if Chester was still here and likely a tour (post Covid) but sadly we won’t have that. I’m just extremely grateful they did Reanimation when they did because I absolutely love having these reimagined versions, and to me it cements how amazing HT is. It has 2 albums which are both stunning. I forgot to mention that on the other thread. Why does everyone forget about Reanimation! :laughing: :grimacing: What do you think about the unreleased songs? Not sure if anyone on here has discussed them yet?? Maybe I missed this chat.

Creatively I think it’s a great album, and I’m impressed how real they’re keeping given it’s easy to sway into more mainstream sounds. I’m just not that into them because I’m probably into more classical rock / rock with rap style. Also lyrics are more important than sound. I value live instruments over programmed music, and often softer vocals mixed with death growls :grin:

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Chilling after work…also had my flu jab this morning…arms sore…when i lay down for bed :unamused:


Hey all! Happy Tuesday!

Hey @IronSoldier16 happy birthday! :tada::tada:

Damn it!?!?! I must have just missed it? Did it take my scooter and Doughnuts too?

That jerk… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
:rofl: :rofl:

I hear you there… even with me being the one writing it

Thanks! I’m hoping so too, but we will see when/if that happens
Until than just coffee and high energetic rock music works just fine :+1:

ooohh!! I’ll definitely have to try this!! :+1: Thanks for the recipe :grin: :grin:

Wooo! Way to be twinsies!! :star_struck: :metal:
Hope you jumped on the wagon and became the Triplet @theearlywalker :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Glad to hear that! Sounds like a great day in my book!
Can never go wrong with Chocolate, Coffee and Pizza!
Enjoy your night! :smile:

OT: been a busy day, tried to post more. But I checked in Damn it :rofl: :rofl:

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night :hugs::hugs:


Thanks for the tag. You’re on spotify?
It’s pretty quiet here. The most exciting, someone wrote on my windshield.

Positivity and sun are always great to have.


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: happy hump day to you all soldiers! :heart::sunny::hugs:

I’m rushing again already- :sweat_smile: about to shower :shower: but wanted to leave :heart: bonecrushers-super-energy booster hugs here for you guys :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::heart::boom::heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong and hang in there wherever you are! You matter :bangbang: and we all never ever walk alone :rainbow: make him proud! :heart:


Take care man, it’s more important now than it’s ever been :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Haha I wasn’t feeling it :joy:

I’ve thought about that before, but I’d rather release a finished product than release something half-assed for the sake of releasing.

I actually don’t really care about videos that much, I rarely watch them. It’s a cool way to add another layer of storytelling to a project, but I’m mostly in it for the music itself :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey AJ, nice to hear from you again. Take it easy with the work projects! Your health is more important right now. Thanks for that Warrior post though, these are much encouraging words. Take care :hugs:

Sending you strength to cope :hugs: I hope you can find somebody to talk about it.

There’s a high probability of the answer being: no :joy:

You’re welcome :blush: My EP with @MenyaNet is on Spotify, you can find it by looking up my or his name.


Hello everybody :blush: and good morning :blush:

Oh no buddy, :disappointed_relieved: Hopefully that will help you. It’s not a shame to take professional help. You’re strong, bc you’re doing that and you want to change something. I know these times and it’s hard, but be proud what are you doing (for it) and be proud what you’re :pray:t2: Positive vibes to you
and ofc: A late happy birthday :pray:t2: :heart:

Speaking of “It will be soon” → Rammstein Share Photo to Confirm They're Back in the Studio
They shared some more pictures, maybe you saw them already? Hopefully you’re doing good these days :kissing_heart:

But I’m a little bit confused about the price: 44.90 € but the original price is ~30$. But anyway, it’s my favorite so I want to have it in my collection.
Yeah, feeling a little bit better today and did some work on the house yesterday. It was good. Enjoy your days off dear - Special plans or just taking time for recovery? :kissing_heart:

It’s just good to read from you buddy. Hopefully you’re safe too? Yeah, really hard times. But we have to stay positive, somehow or you’ll get insane. Best wishes for your project - you can do it! :pray:t2: :muscle:t2:

we need more ‘crazy people’ in here :grimacing:

hahaha, thanks for sharing this andy, got my mood up :joy: :laughing: :muscle:t2:

Maybe write these thoughst down to ‘work’ on it?

hello twindear :kissing_heart: you should check out PRoach + the newer PRoach albums. They’re still doing freat in my opinion and do awesome shows. Still very proud, that I saw them before lockdown in front row at the Hannover show.
I know many ‘unreleased’ songs since many years → LPU, YouTube, friends and so on. But it’s great to have a collection and also different variations. Fun fact: While I worked yesterday at our house + garden, I listened to Reanimation :sweat_smile: :laughing:
What are your thougths on these?
Speaking of Deftones: If you’re still into that Nu Metal and rap rock, you should try ‘White Pony’ and ‘Around the fur’ + ‘Diamond Eyes’ by Deftones :fire: :fire:

urgh nooooo, get well soon dear :pray:t2: :disappointed_relieved: :heart:

Yeah, it’s kinda something :grimacing: You’re hyped for Mandalorian season 2?

Sure - but still searching for the sun :sob: Do you got some to send sun to Germany? :grimacing: :kissing_heart:

exactly these vibes back to you - wishing you a good wednesday Pat :kissing_heart: (It’s very cute and pushing some ‘inner mood’, bc you’re postings are so ‘colourful’ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)

So give us an update on you ‘Mr. Batman’ - I’m kinda ‘done’ with the german national team, they’re so awful. Just 3:3 against Switzerland :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Attention, attention: This isn’t a joke. If you pass ‘the Kassel ways’, handle this over me :joy: :joy: Damn, it looks so tasty and satisfying :heart_eyes:

Also: How are you doing dear? :kissing_heart: Hopefully some more positive news?

sure, thinking the same way but the last weeks and months I really enjoy to watch some live videos from many bands, which I love - But I got also a big TV screen, so maybe it’s another feeling :sweat_smile: Hope you’re doing good bud

Also powerful tags to @drounzer @anomalia @Lilyope @lpfan61 @melisLP @turexidrosa @Honey8 @anngelenee @AngeDeLaChance1905 @Linkineli

Went to the grocery store. Still shitty weather, maybe finally I will open one of my HT20 boxes.

Wishing everyone a lovely wednesday :heart: :pray:t2:


YES! Honestly, can’t wait for it! My face was like this when I first heard it!
Ask_Me_Anything_2018_Tone_Deaf_with_Daniel_Graves (1)

OT - working from home


Since the 1rst october i’m an aunt, i have a little nephew who’s called Timothée. :partying_face: I went to see him last weekend, he was soooo cute when he yawned and shook his head to search his mum breast to drink milk. (even if he was on his father) :joy: He slept on my knees, and everytime i was laughing, my laughs made him shaken and it made me laugh even more, i was a bit afraid it woke him up but it was hard to stop laughing. :joy:

I bought the new extension of World of Warcraft, i thought there would have some new quests today but there is nothing at the end. :joy: I hope it will be up next week !

The curfew is up in my area for 6 weeks, i was supposed to see some friends on saturday so i won’t see them at the end. I’ll wait 6 weeks for good.:muscle:

Have a good day / evening all :hugs::purple_heart:


Actually, YES. My only dilemma is which one to go for, pro or not.

It’s imported, hence the price difference.
Nah, I just relaxed, it was much needed :slight_smile:

Awww congrats!!! :smiley:

OT: Pretty decent day back at work, having proper days off actually makes a difference, I was a lot more chilled today and not stressed. My manager is back tomorrow and we have a lot of catching up to do. The bloody bastard went and bought this book for himself that I bought for him for Christmas!! I can’t believe him! This is the 2nd time this has happened. I have to find something else for him now… such a joke! We’ll have a good laugh about it tomorrow, I bet.

Hang in there guys, it’s almost the weekend :smiley:


Unfortunately, no. Only rain here too. :weary:
Sending hugs :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



In work right now :+1:
Thinking about the good dreams I had a few nights ago :heart: (you know who else was in them lol)

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Got two days off so relaxing!


I was woken up this morning out of a sound sleep at the crack of dawn to cover a day shift at work. I was there barely two hours before we lost power, which was widespread, thanks to “equipment failure” downtown.

DSCN3948 DSCN3949

It went off at about the same time we were letting students into the building off the school buses.
Power was restored after about an hour, though, so it didn’t completely put a damper on our day.

The rest of my day was fairly normal, with an additional three overtime hours as well. I’m also working in the morning, so at some point before I go to bed, I’m going to make a breakfast for tomorrow.

I just polished off a barbecue chicken, and I’m putting my feet up for the next few hours.


:sunny::sunny::sunny: good mooorning family :sunny: :sunny::sunny:

I´m on the pc already, so let me wish you all a goof (lol typo :joy:) Friday morning :sunny::sunny: this one goes to all you soldiers outhere! We have really hard times in general atm due to the Corona bs - and each has their own backpack already, me too! :muscle: :muscle: And I still believe in the better :bangbang: :pray: … sometimes after the climax. :thinking: So… I´m searching for the climax from up today :bangbang: When you guys have seen it- please ketchup it :joy: … (:joy: see- goof morning hahahah) hope you guys can follow- but please- if you feel like: "now it happened, theearlywalker lost her mind :joy :bangbang: : please let´s talk about it :stuck_out_tongue: - in all honesty- :crazy_face: jk- but on the other hand:
if I remember right :joy: theres sbd searching here for his sanity too :tada: so Justin @justinkilmer you found it?? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: let´s team up and with @anna834 we´re the “Threesome Three” :bangbang: abreviation: TT :joy: :joy::rofl: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunny::sunny: :hugs:

make me remember the triplet times :joy: :stuck_out_tongue: @StephLP18 and @chigokurosaki you rem? :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :hugs:

@anna834 yes yes, two mention tags in one post :joy: :thinking: saw a deleted post??? :thinking: love you :bangbang: :heart: gonna call you sometime today :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: stay strong :muscle:

@evooba sending further strenght, happy you had two days to recharge ! Good flow for your day today :smiley:

@AJ_7 :heart: happy you´re around! sending strength right back at you :hugs:
@HakManLP WEP time :tada: :sunny: send some sunrays out Tim :sunny:

We´re the best fans in the world- let´s make him proud :rainbow:

Time over again… :leaving yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :sunny: :heart: :bangbang: for each who needs it …

ot: getting ready to leave the house… later ! :smiley:

@LP13413 You doing right! So very well-:bangbang: :thinking: but honestly at this point: can’t they hire a new workmate ? With your overtime a person could make a life :flushed::scream::rofl::joy::grimacing:


Completed my workout, cooking and later I will start studying!
Have a great day :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Good morning guys! :slight_smile:

I am enjoying yet another day off today. I’m so glad I get 3 days off this week, it’s crazy to see the difference the amount of rest I got helped with my general mood and attitude at work. My stress levels have been in their lowest the last few days. It’s incredible. I think my manager got scared and he kept asking me yesterday If I’m ok :stuck_out_tongue: I wish I could make it a habit of getting 3 days off…

Day started with coffee (now moving on to the second one), I’m expected my HT20 merch to arrive today and also my IKEA shelves, so furniture assembly will be happening later at some point. My new vinyls will finally have a home.

Besides that, I’m going to take it slow, relax again. It’s a great day from the looks of it, sun is shinning (very cold though) but I think I’ll just stay at home.

Sending strength to everyone, especially @LP13413 @theearlywalker and @anna834! :slight_smile:

Have a great day guys!

PS. I will update you on my IKEA assembling skills, in case I break a hand banging on wood :stuck_out_tongue:

Update: Merch is here, this is way too gold for my liking, I wasn’t expecting it to be this… sparkling?


@alz89 Nah, my box set hasn’t even shipped yet. I won’t get it before Xmas, I bet!