HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night everyone.

I’m still alive :sweat_smile: sorry for disappearing again.

I’ve spent a lot of time in the job these last few days because of the tons of things we have to do. Let me be clear. In the job there are only 3 teachers (a Math teacher, my boss and me), something her husband helps us with the HW. Due to the pandemy, my boss is in a position where she can’t say no to a parent who needs help with their kid.

Like 10 days ago, I guess. A new girl came there with overdue tasks since June :upside_down_face: and yeah, she (my boss) and I have been doing all we can to finish all that pending homeworks. We have had to solve Math, Language (Spanish), English, Science, Social, Music, Physic Education (investigation about some sports), citizen education, computation and many others.

Until I know the parents had a chance to delivery everything this next Monday. So I decided to stay longer in there to have enough time to finish all. I’ve done all I can and still I haven’t finished it. From the 100% I’d say we did 80% of the work. My boss is doing the missing part this weekend.

Beside that girl and her infernal mountain of homeworks I have to work with other kids in the morning solving doubts, checking out the Orthography, etc. So yes, that’s all I’ve been doing all this days. I’m the afternoon or when I come back home I’m so tired that I all want is a place to sleep.

That’s other thing. When I’m home all I do is eat, check out some messages from WA and then I fall asleep until 22:00 or so :man_shrugging: then I stay awake until 2:00 or more later. I wake up at 6:30 or 7:00 trying to find a reason to go to work lol (I’m just getting up so I’m like “f**k you all, I want to sleep”) after my coffee I’m good enough to go to work.

Yesterday I finished like 93% of all the homework so I’m glad to have to be here and sleep (I slept for 14 hours since 17:00 of yesterday). Now it’s 12:40 here I need something to eat (does anyone have an unicorn(?) Jaja Jk)

We have two more weeks like this and then my work will be done. I still don’t know if there will be vacations course or no. In case there is one I’ll keep working :smile: if there is none, well I’ll be there until January or February :thinking: anyway, I hope all of you are having a great time and enjoying the Hybrid Theory box.

Have a great day everyone :hugs:


He doesn’t, their manager is David Βenveniste (he works at the same label as Mark). Mark manages a band called Taprooot (or something like that), last time I checked. The label he works for is Velvet Hammer, he’s been with them for years.

OT: Here’s to yet another crazy day, I don’t think I’ll ever get a break. Might as well quit and move back home, there’s no point anymore.

Hope you guys are having a better weekend.


Ayeeee… :confused:
Everyone would miss you :triumph: :slightly_smiling_face:
:hugs: things will break for the better…

It’s just a :poop: time a lot of places right now… hang in there :hugs:


I believe Mark has commented quite a lot recently about managing the band. I’ve read his interviews. As I understand it he’s full-time on Deftones now but not sure how true that is. Either way Mark is heavily involved in managing Deftones and is incredibly proud of them.

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:sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny:

Ohh woah Bonecrushers for you @evooba :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: sending a massive strength bomb :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs: over to you :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs: sometimes it looks like leaving everything behind is the best way to move on, I agree on this :hugs::hugs::hugs: BUT: such big life decisions are better not made in the mood/conditions you’re in atm!

If possible- take a break and really fly home for a while when it really comes to another lockdown… recharge there and then make up your mind about your future- and when there’s no lockdown (Hopefully :pray:t2:) then your manager has to find a way to give you at least 2-3 days off- he was away twice for longer the last weeks and you have this right also! He has to recognize this :bangbang:

hang in there! We have your back :bangbang: :heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::sunny: ( lol long one … :see_no_evil::sweat_smile::hugs:

@ironsoldier16 sounds busy as heck! And did I get it right??? You do the homework? Not the kid? Lol - however happy you’re doing good :hugs::purple_heart::cyclone::two_hearts: and actually my schedule atm is the same - eating- sleeping- working :joy::joy::sweat_smile: oh man lol :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

@HakManLP saw the pics from your roadtrip :oncoming_automobile: - great idea for a bday gift… what town was it? Didn’t saw a name… :crazy_face: but that’s mb me :joy:

@raz7 :eyes: :heartbeat::heartpulse: :joy::sweat_smile:

Hugs to you all soldiers :rainbow: and tmr is Lorenzos bday :bang bang: let’s give him a lovebombing here and on SM :heart: he really really deserves it :heart::tada:

Ot: :basket: & :basket: & :basket: ( part of the desteny to be the mum of a 16yrs old teenage female human being :joy::rofl::sweat_smile::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Honestly it’s incredible- she really is a sorceress in growing clothes mountain out of the sudden :grimacing::roll_eyes::weary::crazy_face: however … only way out is through :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

@LP13413 happy you had a day to relax :grin:


My dad and I left the house earrrly this morning and went up north to hike a mountain. I have one more day off tomorrow (I forgot what it’s like to sleep in), then it’s back to work on Tuesday.


:sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny:

I wish a good start of the week to you all :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::heart: Bonecrushers to y’all :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ot :shower:

Good goodnight Andy :crescent_moon: enjoy the feeling of sleeping :sleeping: iiiiiin lol @LP13413


Thanks for listening man! I hope to put out more of my stuff on Spotify in the future. Have a nice week :smiley:

Also nice week to @theearlywalker (I’m copying your tagging style for this one), @HakManLP, @Linkineli, @lplove, @raz7, @anna834, @evooba, @justinkilmer, @lpfan61, @LP13413,


Aaaand to @framos1792, @turexidrosa, @AngeDeLaChance1905, @joanneturano1, @zanybelle, @alz89, @IronSoldier16, @Honey8, @AJ_7 (how are you doing?!) and everyone else I might have missed :sweat_smile:


How dare youuuuu stoop so low lol jk
Reporting in, good sir: bit…frayed? You can say
Covid test last Wednesday and still nothing back, juggling between that and duties is uhhh frustrating to say the least
Escaping to here is a welcome blessing tho

Now you can’t just tag us and not give us insight into what you’ve been up to :face_with_monocle:


I know he used to manage them, now he’s just part of their managing team as far as I know. They say he’s actually a pretty good manager and well known in the business.

OT: It’s finally the week I get 2 days off again (not 3 as I requested, but oh well). I’ve already had 2 coffees, now getting ready to head out with the flatmate for a walk. We decided to take the dog for a long walk around Ally Pally before it starts pouring.
It’s getting very cold here, we even put the heating on and took out the winter duvets. Going to see what is announced later today in regards to the new measures for COVID. If it is another lockdown, I am going back home for the foreseeable future (which I really hope happens!).

Have a great start to your week guys! :slight_smile:


Alright then, YOUR tagging style I guess :joy:

That’s taking very long it seems. How are you feeling though, healthly?

Well that was the plan, but now I have to tell you I guess. Just working at my job, meeting friends during the weekends and working on music in between it all. Nothing crazy :grin:

I hope you can escape just in time before that crazy shit comes back!


:joy: here I thought my style was to show up in every possible thread at once… this works well tho haha

It’s supposed to be 2-3 days as usual for most but they mentioned “If they were backed up” it could be more :roll_eyes:

Ehhhh :sweat_smile: not for weeks really…
I’ve got a stubborn mule approach to it all hehe wanting nature to run its course :nerd_face: kinda got to a point where I know I gotta admit defeat and ask for check up

Didn’t expect these heavy interrogation skills eh haha

That seems pretty busy and active tho :call_me_hand: :slightly_smiling_face: gotta start releasing RVMU demos for us while we wait :stuck_out_tongue:

Whatever it is that comes, you’ll handle, we know it :slightly_smiling_face: :muscle:


Hello everybody :blush:

Oh no, what terrible news… Hopefully it’s not going to be that bad. Do you got some symptoms?
I’m doing okay, the rainy and cold weather is back in my region - that sucks. Sending you some positiviy for quarantaine :pray:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart: Yeah, I get that point. Many discussions about these things, kinda makes me sad but everyone should do what’s right for himself.

I’ve got a vinyl record store in the near and they ordered me one. Gonna cost 44.90 €. Is kinda ‘expesinve’ but I’ll do it for my favorite album in the world :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Weekend was good - Have a great start and enjoy your upcoming days off. Do you gonna buy Deftones on vinyl by the way?

weekend was good, thanks for the answer and the tag buddy :blush: Yeah, but I used spotify the last days very often and kinda like it. But I also like to watch the music video for a song, while I’m listen to it - I think you’re thinking the same way?

great picture of you, perfect outfit. Wishing you a good start into the new week :blush:

thank you, weekend and roadtrip was very good but Peter and I forget to take a picture while watching Germany against Ukraine. Sorry :joy: It was a ‘little to much’ at saturday :joy: How are you doing today dear? :kissing_heart:

yes please :heart_eyes:

good to read that :pray:t2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: -I’m doing okay these days, but it’s so cold. Maybe I’m getting sick? Don’t know, but I’ve got some of my positivity back. Also it would be great to have some sun shine back in my region

thanks pat :kissing_heart: Sometimes it’s kinda difficult to choose ‘the perfect ones’
the town was : ‘Mühlhausen’ - small city in the east. Tasty food stuff :star_struck:

Like I’m doing that too - awesome :heart_eyes: Do you prefer the normal versions, the Reanimation versions or the Piano versions more?

looks like an interesting show. It is kinda like ’ Now You See Me’ ?

I also need more listenings, but Deftones is still under my favorite bands. Isn’t ‘easy music’ for getting into it, but lyrics and sound are awesome for me.

Oh, I thought I already mentioned that Crawling was my #1 from Summer 2001 - release of Meteora and Breaking the habit. It’s still my #2 but it’s also my first ever heard Linkin Park song. So good memories. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hopefully that I didn’t asked you this: Do you like Papa Roach?

hopefully you enjoyed it - My guess for the food → fish? :blush:

good to read from you again buddy, but just wow - what a terrible stress. After reading this, it isn’t a surprise, that you haven’t that much time. Hopefully you find some time to regain some energy. Have a great start into the new week and stay positive. Sending you some good vibes :pray:t2:

you nailed it. It’s a very sh*t time and I think Germany is getting a second wave for example. That makes me really angry, sad and kinda powerless.
What about your region? When I’m reading of these parts in the world, there are also so bad news.

enjoy your day andy and take some picture for us from your hiking tour :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

powerful tags to @melisLP @anomalia @Linkineli @Lilyope @lpfan61 @anngelenee @JoY92 @Honey8 @turexidrosa @AJ_7

Hopefully I’m not getting sick, feeling a little bit tired. Weekend was good, looking forward to the new week. No special plans for today, just daily stuff things.

wishing everyone a good start into the new week - stay safe, stay healthy, stay awesome peeps :pray:t2: :heart:


In this case, yes.

On Topic:
My day yesterday was hard :upside_down_face: and to summarizing everything in a sentence: I need to go back to the psychologist.

Now that I deleted some apps I’ll be here more often (lurking around).

Have a great week guys.


It will be soon… very, very soon! :grinning:
Unfortunately, only for patreons at the minute!


So in the meantime, enjoy this photo of Daniel! :heart::black_heart:

OT - at home from work


Wow, I wish my record store could do that. Here, they have a very strict first-come-first-serve policy when it comes to RSD and special releases. I’ve pre-ordered the deluxe bundle but I got an email saying it won’t ship till further notice, I’m actually very disappointed. I’m thinking of cancelling it and ordering the plain vinyl from my store, not sure yet.
I got quite a few new ones in the mail today, excited to listen to them. And I finally ordered new shelves that should arrive by the end of the week. I’ve very limited space left unfortunately.
And thanks, I will try! Hope you have a great week too, and feel better soon!

OT: I had a lovely time walking the dog this morning despite the rain. It’s amazing how much joy animals can bring and the love they have to give is purely incredible.
While on the walk my manager called to check in on me and offered to give me the day off tomorrow which I gladly accepted! I now have 3 days off this week, it’s going to be amazing!! :smiley:
I’m enjoying my evening coffee(s) right now and deciding what to listen to…

Hope you guys had a good start to your week :slight_smile:


Hey everyone!

Thanks for all the tags! Just a quick update from myself- I’ve been very busy with work. I have been given a project and it’s exhausting. Just waiting for it to get over. Waiting as well for Covid to just disappear from the planet!

I hope you all have been well! It seems like a lot of you are going through a hard time. I am sending strength to all those that need it.


you guys are slackalacking how isnt this at 10k yet???


I think our Page-A-Day calendar wants to celebrate Hybrid Theory today,
