HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Had a busy one at work, I’m so tired. I’ve asked for either 3 or 4 days off next week (I bet I won’t get them). I went to help my cousin pack, he’s moving tomorrow… and came home to a bloody chirping smoke detector and our house is so cleverly built the circuit board is so damn high I can’t reach to shut it off. It’s driving me mad! I hope my flatmate will manage when she’s back…


:sunny: :sunny: good morning LPU :tada: great day to get up, 6pm my time the party starts and I´m excited already, and I must confess, somehow a bit confused today :crazy_face:… lol- good bless, besides my weekly massage and a bit house-cleaning I don´t need my brain today :joy:… kinda fitting :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a great Friday guys, enjoy whenever you´ve an opportunity and always be aware: We soldiers never walk alone! :rainbow: :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: stay strong family :muscle:

@evooba oh man, how annoying!! Hope you could shut it up then soon, keeping my fingers crossed for free days next week :crossed_fingers: and good going for your cousin! Stay strong :muscle: :hugs:

@anna834 Tonight :bangbang::tada: :dancer::dancing_women: :beers: :heart::hugs:

@HakManLP WEP :notes: looking forward :smiley:
@framos1792 twinkle twinkle lil star :zzz: goodnight :sleeping: - same goes out to @LP13413, cuddle the boss! :cat:

ot: :shower:

later :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


hello everybody, it’s friday - good day, special day , wep day :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :crazy_face: :partying_face:

that’s really awesome and to push your mood: Rammstein Share Photo to Confirm They're Back in the Studio
it’s official :heart_eyes: hope you’re doing good dear :kissing_heart:

You deserve it Andy, that’s just wonderful. It’s these ‘little things’ that can keep a humans mood up. Hope you’re doing good and also Thurman too. It’s friday now, good start into your weekend buddy :muscle:t2:

thanks buddy, gonna check this out. I thought I would never like something like Spotify, but I’ve got 3 free months for the premium account and I really enjoying it. Hope you’re doing good and you got an awesome start into your weekend. Any special plans?

I’m over 2 years as an active poster in this forum :sweat_smile: and the few from us are kinda ‘familiar’ - In person I met @ anna834 this year and we were on a concert together for Sum 41 and Zebrahead. Also Pat ( @ theearlywalker) and me know us from pictures, bc we’re german :sweat_smile: :rofl: Don’t know how to describe it better, but don’t worry: Everyone is welcome in our little freaking crazy #LPUfamily :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello buddy, how are you doing? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve read some bad news including Covid 19 and Netherlands… :disappointed_relieved: Are you okay?

I’m going for ‘Urantia, Ohms and Pompeji’ - So you got the day off today? Perfect for the stream later. Uni is ‘okay’, kinda powerless time. Still that ‘lockdown feeling’

Yeah, I ordered the special Meteora, bc as many of you know: Meteora is my #1 and I’m so happy that our vinyl store is on the german list, so I called them yesterday and I’ll receive one. You too? :grimacing: :heart_eyes:

I think sometimes ‘it’s my other me on the forum’… :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: a more freaky one, haha. Just kidding, yeah, but I thought: Ok it’s so lovely and I admit I can’t hide it. :see_no_evil: Also pumpkin soup? Send some down here, it’s still that shitty North Hessen weather, urgh! URGH! :tired_face:
Also how are you doing? I think you’ll receive some picture greetings very soon from ‘Peter’ and me :crazy_face: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart:

I listen to the anniversary edition right now on Spotify and it’s so good. Sure, almost all of the songs are know for so many years and I’ve already listend to them over years, but I agree with Pictureboard. Sending these vibes back to you buddy :muscle:t2: :pray:t2:

batman things… :rofl: :joy: :grimacing: by the way: you’re gonna watch the country football matches on the weekend?
Skillet: love this song, love this album

hello there :kissing_heart:, yeah, I’m doing good today - very good. Maybe some cutie pics from Vio? :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:
Are you also into christmas sweets right now? :nerd_face:

Oh yes. It’s that time and hopefully it’s worthy for today’s day :sweat_smile: :laughing:
Yes, LP soldiers don’t walk alone :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2:
Do you got sun down there? Need a little bit >.<
Also: Did you bought some christmas sweets already? :rofl: :kissing_heart:

tag for you dear :kissing_heart:, jope you’re doing good :hugs: :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: any good news for your temporary situation? :pray:t2:

Wake up, it’s friday :rofl: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :kissing_heart:

also powerful tags to @melisLP @Lilyope @zanybelle (hopefully I didn’t miss an answer from you :scream: ) @Honey8 @IronSoldier16 @alz89 @AngeDeLaChance1905 @turexidrosa @chigokurosaki @anngelenee

special WEP #HybridTheory20 time
Hybrid Theory Wallpaper Collage
ok, it’s a special day and I couldn’t decide the ‘perfect’ oldschool wallpaper, so I thought a collage would do better :heart: 20 years!
With You valeria_favoccia
Art is really hard to choose, bc there are so many good ones, but Valeria did another awesome job for the picture of ‘With you’
Hybrid Theory all Singles + Video releases
Also here are the single releases + video releases :heart:

At the end I’ve really struggled with some quote/lyrics of the day, but everyone’s got different as different favorite songs from Hybrid Theory. So it’s just that album :heart:

song/video of the day is also hard to choose, but I choosed my very first Linkin Park song back in the days of Summer 2001. I saw ‘Crawling’ on MTV with this video and I was like: “Wow, how cool are these guys? What a sound, what a voice and what a style.” I was just 8 and turned 9 later this year. A few days later I begged my father to watch with me ‘Rock am Ring 2001’ bc Linkin Park was there too. It was just awesome to watch this with my father. :heart:

So here’s the official video for crawling, not to be sad but it started for me with this one in summer 2001. It was my first Linkin Park song and also my former number 1 song until the release of Meteora and Breaking the Habit. Crawling is still my number 2 song over 17 years.

I’m very excited for the stream today and so I’m in a good mood. Also gonna looking forward to tomorrow, bc one of my best friends gonna surprise me with a road trip and I don’t know where we’re going to :grin: Also gonna watch later Germany against Ukraine with my friends and my dad and ofc I’m gonna enjoy so many food :yum:

Wishing everyone a good day, a good start into the weekend and much fun for today’s stream - Hugs N’ love to everyone :heart: :pray:t2:


Hey buddy. Honestly, i dont know what to feel right now. A coworker tested positive on the coronavirus test. We all have to be in quarantaine. Really fucked up. I can’t see my family and friends now. For 2 goddamn weeks! :unamused: :angry:.
We all have been in contact with him, so staying home. :unamused:

How arw you bro? :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy it buddy! Today the LP 20th Anniversary box is coming! Im excited for that!



Thanks, we managed to sort it, took us a while though. Enjoy your weekend!

I’m off today yeah, hm no I won’t be on the stream, ain’t paying for that, I’ll watch it later when someone uploads it or not. I don’t really care to be honest. I’m passed the watch every interview/follow everything a band does phase, I haven’t even listened to the music.

How did you order it? It is not available till the day… and it won’t be available in the UK anyway so I will try and buy a copy from the US if they become available online.

OT: Had a quiet morning at home with the flatmate drinking coffee and playing board games. I am now finally catching up with all the new vinyls I have to listen to. Will go over to my cousin’s later to help him move.

Been checking the news a lot this morning, a lockdown is being announced soon and it is highly possible my workplace will have to shut again, so waiting for updates. I am seriously considering going home if we close again, especially since it doesn’t look like we’re going to be added to the quarantine list.

Have a lovely Friday guys, enjoy your weekend ahead!


I’ve only joined Spotify couple months ago as well. Still I use YouTube much more, cause it’s free from ads (with Adblocker :joy:) and I don’t wanna pay for it. Doing well, thanks! No special plans, just chillin’. Wishing you a good weekend too.

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Hey all!!

Just a quick morning post! Will try to post a bit later today :smile:


I may or may not be fan-girling today at work :rofl: :rofl:

Currently Listening to the album as we speak! 80-songs and over 4hours of LP… gonna be a great day! :metal::metal:


Hey you :hugs:

Happy Friday to everyone, even if your weekend isn’t fee. :upside_down_face:

You really don’t know? :exploding_head:
Ok, now I have to bombard you with my own, personal recipe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
One Hokkaido pumpkin.
You cut it into pieces, without peeling, just take out the seeds. The same with two apples, 2 onions, one carrot and a little bit ginger.
First fry the onions in oil, after those are glassy, fill in the other vegetables. Fry all together with a little honey, salt and pepper. When it starts to brown, extinguish with white wine.
Now fill up with vegetable stock until it’s covered.
Let it cook till everything is soft and poree it.
The soup is finished, after you tast it and it’s seasoned in your liking. You can put creme fraiche or soy sauce on it too.
Serve with fresh white bread or, like I do, with plum cake. :yum:

Oh, I love it!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: especially the Sookie Stackhouse novles, have already read it more then once. The show can’t keep up with the books. Lots of werewolf stuff in it. :grin:

I sure would :joy: and we would find a way to communicate. In my experience, if you work the same field, there is understanding, no matter what :joy:

:partying_face: but where are the cat pics? :triumph: :crazy_face: :hugs: :green_heart:

Yeah, let it come :partying_face: have fun you two :tada: :hugs: :heart:
Ah, and thanks for the lovely WEP :star_struck:

Hey, you can’t change it. So try to put this aside. That is the choice you have. Take the good out of it. Two weeks paid for free. Relax, find some breathing time, do stuff you always wanted to do at home. Spam with us, go in contact online.
And tonight, LP streem :partying_face: :partying_face: :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That sounds good :blush:

Twin again :star_struck: @theearlywalker can join too :partying_face: that’s triplets :joy:

This evening, finally LP again :partying_face: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: and I decided to just be excited. Bought some new wine to really celebrate. :joy:
This is how you get new wine here, right from the farm. :joy: :woozy_face:
And don’t worry, you can’t drink that much, it’s fast blowing through otherwise :grimacing: :rofl:

:hugs: :revolving_hearts:


Ohh… I might need to put it on my “need to watch list”… and I may have something to share with you guys soooonnn

OT - finishing working from home


Yeah i know, still sucks. Now i can’t see my little nieces. I heard from my brother they wanna play with Uncle Jason. Hurts that i wouldn’t be able to see them for 2 weeks. :disappointed: Two weeks free paid, yes like that a lot :laughing: Haha I will be here more, that’s for sure. :laughing:
I wasn’t able to join the LP stream sadly.
But I’ve got the LP Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary box at home. Gonna enjoy the old songs. It’s so much and so amazing! :partying_face:

Hahahaha :laughing: :laughing:

Looks lovely! :smiley: good luck with school! :muscle: and enjoy next week!

Nice, good to hear! :smiley: I’m in quarantaine right now. A coworker at work tested positive on the coronavirus test. So the whole team is at home and that’s a bummer. Just making the best out of it! :smiley:

Hahahah :laughing: :laughing:

Enjoy you’re day/evening! Weekend is coming!! :partying_face:

Holy shit… that’s a lot of wine! Ha good luck! :laughing:

I like it that you are on Spotify to. Listen to some songs in the car. It’s really good! I like it a lot :heart:
Have a good weekend to buddy! :smiley:

Same here. I had to pay €17,50 if i want to watch it. Was to much for me. Just have to be patient if someone witb put it online.

Stay safe. :heart: Have a good weekend to! :partying_face:

Much love to @zanybelle @theearlywalker @lpfan61 @lplove @LP13413 @evowarrior5 @framos1792 @AJ_7 @HakManLP @IronSoldier16 and the rest i couldn’t tag! :heart: :heart: have a lovely weekend! Make the best out if it! And stay safe everyone! :heart:



I’m well, how are you? :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Another long, eventful day at work. We had eight skids of disinfecting wipes delivered today. When I say eight skids, I mean that they were well-over-stacked and very awkward to move. The first pallet was moved into the building very smoothly. The next two, well..

DSCN3918 DSCN3920 DSCN3921

Part of the problem is the pavement being unlevel in spots. It also didn’t help that they were stacked on the flimsiest, cheapest pallets in the world. They were falling apart before they even left the truck.

DSCN3919 DSCN3922

Lucky for us, we had extra unused pallets lying around, so we basically took three full pallets and divided them by two.


The rest of the day was fairly quiet otherwise. Oh, and it was payday.


This is the first time I can say that my overtime pay is more than my normal pay in a paycheck.

Oh yeah, and my dad decided to move our campout up a few days, after he looked at the forecast. We leave in the morning and we’ll return sometime on Monday. I guess that means I have to start packing.


:sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny: just got up and enjoying my coffee :blush: I’m still in the flow of yesterday :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: most of all it was the atmosphere with all these soldiers- it was a variety from 12 yrs old kids to 60 yrs old from what I saw and it was kinda like in the old lpu chats - chaotic :crazy_face: funny :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and lovely :heart: then the stream started with the interview :heart_eyes:- here you have a short impression

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::star_struck::partying_face: and after that they streamed the show. I’d never seen it before and it was bad ass :heart_eyes: with breakdance on the stage - wow that was so good- you’ll definitely find it on yt today :grin::+1:t2: enjoy :blush:

:heart: Yeah, they have a great charisma our guys :heart: After the end of the show ( RTR Las Vegas ) Mike streamed HT and on twitter he answered more questions in real time - great lullaby after the adrenaline flow :innocent: perfect :heart:

So, filled with fresh soldiers power :heart_eyes::crazy_face::star_struck: I’m starting this day with a slight hangover :grimacing: Oh man :crazy_face: maybe this is part of my definition of soldiers spirit :joy::joy: I remember I felt way worse hangover always the day after I attended a LP show lol - so alright- it could be worse :sweat_smile:

@evooba oh man, yeah- this corona is escalating quickly again- whatever you are going to do the upcoming weeks, take care and stay strong :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:

@anna834 lol I know this from Italy :it: lol - that was Federweißer, right?! Was nice to meet up after the stream on plug :grin::yellow_heart::heart::kissing_heart: Stay strong and you know, I’m only a msg away :grin:

@drounzer cool to read your post - sending you strength Jason- you will see the cuties soon again :baby:t2:

@raz7 :eyes: curious :sweat_smile:

@justinkilmer saw your sanity :joy::rofl::sweat_smile: It was around the corner :stuck_out_tongue:

@HakManLP great warm upper for the stream your WEP yesterday :hugs::yellow_heart::tada::+1:t2::balloon: ty

@rickvanmeijel @Linkineli and @lplove :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::sunny:

Ot: starting my day with a shower :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have a great trip Andy :grin: and the pink tree In the pic looks incredible :partying_face::heart_eyes: good goodnight :crescent_moon: @LP13413


Hey my friend. Crawling is favori from hybrid theory but I love runaway and pushing me away so much. :joy:

Your plans are good. Have fun :grinning: :grinning:

I wish you a good weekend :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I will read a few articles on physics. I can buy a book on quantum physics :crazy_face:

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Good, but I can’t show it to you yet!

OT - at the hairdressers


At home watching “The Magicians”…
Great way to spend a Saturday morning


Happy :cake: day @joanneturano1 :tada::rainbow::sunny::sunny::hugs::yellow_heart:


So my dad changed our plans again. He looked at the forecast and after I had woken up early, and told me he’d rather just go for a hike tomorrow with all the rain and the cold that’s supposedly coming later.

So I went back to bed, and slept a few more hours.


I probably only like Error besides Ohms and Genesis so far. I’m only really interested because Mark Wakefield manages them and it’s interesting to see the type of music they create now. I think Deftones have done well using this experimental style compared to other bands. I’m not really a fan, but nice to see them doing something well.

Nope, I liked everything you said before :slight_smile: Nice WEP didn’t know Crawling was your #2!

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At my dads drinking white wine and waiting on food!!
