HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Im following you bro! :heart:
How are you today?

Same here. It really feels like a family for me. And nice that everyone is open here. So we can help each other! :heart: how are you doing? :heart: i wish i could hug you :hugs: :heart: good to hear you want to work on you’re demons! Get them away! Good to hear you take good care for yourself :heart:

I understand. I’m sick of it to! I’ve got a good song for you! :point_down:

But yeah it really sucks. All those things we can’t do right now. No concerts! I miss it!
And here in The Netherlands we are in our second wave. :unamused: stay safe bro! :heart:

Thank you love! Yeah i had talk today with a coworker and it felt right and good. It was nice to share things and she was very open about it. She didn’t reject me our say something weird about my depression, she understood and that was nice and comfortable :slightly_smiling_face:

@framos1792 thank you for youre kind and lovely words! :heart: thanks buddy! How are you today? :hugs:

@lpfan61 sleep well and sweet dreams! :sleepy:

I hope it for you to! :heart: it really sucks how it goes right now. In The Netherlands we are in our second wave and it rules are very strict and you’re not allowed to be in a room with more then 6 people. It will take a while before this virus is over. :unamused:

@anomalia strength and a hug for you! :heart: I’ve got a feeling you need it! :hugs:

Well i like my job. I enjoy beeing outside and do what do, even it’s a hard job i enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy you’re job, you need to find something that you like and enjoy doing :wink:

Oh nice one! :hugs:

What?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I enjoy beeing here! :heart:
Family goodnight. Love you all! :heart:
Take good care @zanybelle @amitrish @LP13413 @lplove @Himan10 @theearlywalker @justinkilmer love for you all! :heart:



Been practicing for college auditions and doing tons of school work with hybrid schooling


What’s up bud! :smile: I was hiding from my boss at the time :joy: work has been fairly enjoyable today, cleaner air and yeah… hopefully things go well today :blush:
Happy to see you popping in frequently now :grin:

:roll_eyes: come onnnn bro’s stick together! You supposed to have my back :joy:

Hello @EmaShane!!! Nice to meet you! Welcome to the LPU! :partying_face:
So cool to see new people popping in! Second day in a row :grin: if this keeps up I’m just going to do a recording/copy paste :thinking: :sweat_smile: jk are you a singer?! :star_struck:




Sorry bro. :rofl: :rofl: but that comment was so good. I laughed so hard. “My fluffy white wings” :rofl: priceless :ok_hand:

i know the feeling doing the same :rofl: work is good right now, but a couple of weeks ago… work was a bitch. The supervisors where on hunting tour. :man_shrugging: now finally everything is a little quiet and we can do our things. But i understand you. Just do your thing and nobody will say something bad about it! :muscle:

Hahahhaha you make it worse :rofl: :rofl:

@EmaShane Hey welcome, join the club! And nice to meet you! :smiley: share what you wanna share. We are one big family and whenever you need someone, we are here for you! :heart: we take good care for each other :heart:


Yes but I’ve played flute for much longer lol

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On the note of the work conditions you guys have mentioned, I was wondering which country do you guys reside in? I was working in Sweden before I got layoff due to corona, and people were really respectful and professional much to my surprise actually, cuz I suffered from pointless accusations before and thought it was the same everywhere. I don’t know the backstory you guys been telling and I’m real sorry what you have experienced…

But don’t forget. Apes together strong :joy: fine fine jk…

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Bruh :expressionless: I was being serious :sob: :rofl:

True true :grin:
Typically my boss here is super cool
Right now it’s our second busy season of the year and we’ve had so much hold us back that it’s been stressful to have to miss days because of heat then smoke conditions then I was sick then stuff not working out here and there so it’s been a bit of a weird time but I mean every year is a bit like that :crazy_face:

She comes specifically for that :roll_eyes: :joy:

:star_struck: coooool! How long is that? Are you starting up in college? Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m in the US, in California :slightly_smiling_face:
What kind of accusations were they making? :thinking: Corona kind of affected indiscriminately haha
What were you working in and have you been able to find something since being laid off? :persevere:

You’ve got the most unique sayings :joy: :joy: :joy:
Neanderthal approved :partying_face: :joy:


I can’t help it, he does it to himself :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

You’re never serious.

Does the precious angel need more love? :innocent::heart::rofl:


I kinda got that ref :smiley:


Don’t encourage her :sob:

Hoooooow?! I’m just my innocent sweet helpful welcoming self and you make fun of my nicety :triumph:

@anomalia says there’s a very serious side to me sometimes :roll_eyes: :sleepy:

You finally see it :relieved:

No thank you :unamused: not your kind :unamused:
I’ve got my new friends @JoY92 and @drounzer and @EmaShane here for comfort :relieved:


Nah, it wasn’t here. Back when I was a paralegal in Turkey. Some colleagues were not quite on good terms with interns…
Sadly, I couldn’t find any. I was in marketing/ communication department but after this layoff I got time to ponder over my deep desire and then I steered to IT. Studying programming now. Anybody in IT too?

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Where else have you lived? :hushed:

Dang you move around in fields not just countries :exploding_head: haha

I hear it can be quite annoying haha

I studied computer aided drafting using different programs…
Have yet to actually work in the field though lol…


tenor (1)




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:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: humpday :tada: Friday is in siight :tada: yaay :crazy_face: but I must confess that I am really tired :sweat: looks like my working isn’t getting back to any kind of normal sometimes soon :crazy_face: I so feel you all being in the same situation. I’m one of the persons who definitely like (almost loves :upside_down_face:) her job- but I feel like in a crazy chaos atm… will keep you updated how it goes on… :pray:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:

:muscle:t2::muscle:t2: sending out strength to all you brave and caring soldiers! Coming here fills my battery and I’m grateful for this power booster every morning :boom::sunny::muscle:t2::heart::kissing_heart::yellow_heart: thank youuuu all for making this place what it is :heart::heart::heart:

Time over again! Welcome to all the newbies and returners :tada::+1:t2::yellow_heart::grin: - have the best Humpday possible :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot :shower:

#makechesterproud :rainbow::heart:


Listening to Eddie.


Morning guys! I’m enjoying a quick coffee at home before heading out to work. I must say it feels awkward wearing a dress shirt again after all this time… formal wear was never my thing. Wish me luck with not spilling coffee all over today :joy:

Have a great day @theearlywalker, it is almost the weekend so hang in there!!

General question for everyone (I probably should post this elsewhere but whatever, feel free to move it if so): Has anyone’s HT bundles/merch been shipped yet or is it just me?


Hello everybody, happy wednesday :blush:

hello dear :kissing_heart: I expected not that much attention - you know, I’m a ghost boy :joy:
I’m doing a little bit better today - how about you?
Lovely song by the way, it gets deep :disappointed_relieved: :cry:

I’m not a shy person and like kinda wearing costumes for ‘Karneval’ or ‘Halloween’, but wow, I think would to shy for this :sweat_smile: looking good dear. Also I like your wall, it could be something from a music video

hello :relaxed: do you mean excercises for getting fit/staying fit at home?

feeling a little bit better :relaxed: ‘OHMS’ is sooooo goood :heart_eyes: that heavy sound again is just awesome. What’s your favorite track so far? Your shifts are :scream: wtf? Hopefully you’ll get saturday off to regain some energy

I also give the album a complete listening and it’s good, I really like it. I appreciate Corey’s step for that. Some songs are really catchy

hello and welcome in here, I’m 29 and from Germany :blush: a warm LP-Fan huggie back to you

and you forget: you’re often a ‘cheeky devil’ :nerd_face: :face_with_monocle: :rofl:

absolutely yes :joy:

:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: here we go peeps :joy:

:joy: ok, this one got me too

me too, was really shocked yesterday evening. RIP Eddie :disappointed_relieved:

hello pat :kissing_heart: yes, friday is almost two days away and maybe you need more coffee :crazy_face: sending you some good vibes

hello and welcome in here :relaxed: best wishes for the auditions :muscle:t2:

oh no, you’ve got your second wave already? Damn it. Stay safe bro. I really like this song and also Skillet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yeah, no concerts but I’m looking forward to the friday online stream from Linkin Park :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thats good to hear, my birthday was a couple of days before :sweat_smile: Hopefully you enjoyed your birthday :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: what did you get?

Do you got some playlist on Spotify bud? :star_struck:

hope you slept well - how are you doing dear? :kissing_heart:

powerful tags also to @Linkineli @anomalia @anngelenee @zanybelle @Lilyope @Honey8 @AJ_7 @IronSoldier16 @chigokurosaki @amitrish

So many posts to read :crazy_face: What happened here? :joy:
Doing a little bit better today, but the weather is still so bad. Gonna do some university things today



:rofl: :rofl:

She loves joking around. :rofl:

I can see it in front of me. Batman with fluffy white wings :rofl: :rofl: :bat: maybe cool costume for Halloween :rofl: :smiley:

Always buddy, always :heart: :muscle:

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