HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Your what now?? :joy::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, all jokes aside @framos1792 is a good caring guy.


Canā€™t sleep and up in 4 hours ergh!


He can be a senior stallion too lol :grin::v:



Okay @JoY92 , @framos1792 is a good one.

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Just making sure

You girls donā€™t edit your posts :roll_eyes: :innocent: :rofl:

Dang, you were nice too fast :roll_eyes: I didnā€™t have time to finish my drawing :sleepy:


Oh well, never fear,
Iā€™m image
Da na nananananana :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: trying to be funny in Swedish :grimacing:


Show her @JoY92 your muscles dancing lol
Just not the one with Mike Tyson on it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin::v:

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Welcome, @JoY92!

[spoiler]And also keep a watchful eye on @intheend. She loves to have fun.[/spoiler]

Hang in there, @evooba! I can definitely relate to how youā€™re feeling. I can remember how I felt in March when we were initially quarantined. Having the wind taken out of my sail, and being confined to the houseā€¦I was going insane after almost a week of uncertainty, wishing I was back at work with each passing day. Now, with all the new guidelines and everything else thatā€™s in place, Iā€™m even busier now than Iā€™ve ever been in the fifteen years Iā€™ve been working in our district. Everybody needs at least one mental health day off now and then. Donā€™t feel like you need to overwork yourself!

Of course, I say that, and I just returned home from yet another 13.5 hour work day. This is more or less my schedule for the remainder of the week. Although, the students have a day off on Friday (superintendent conference day, the teachers will still in the building) and they also have Monday off as well for the federal holiday (Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoplesā€™ Day).

My dad and I are more than likely going camping again next week, too. Itā€™s always nice to jump off the fast track every now and then.

I hope everybodyā€™s doing well and staying healthy!


Good morning,

Another one at my grandmas place. Nothing to do besides resting. And I do this, try to ignore the whispered blaming. How can I still be so exhausted and tired? Yeas, why? Ha, ha. Itā€™s actually funny, that I even dare to ask that question. I mean, I always feel like running through me life, but the last weeks top that all.
I left home in the mid of August, thatā€™s nearly two months now, and what all has happened since then? So this slowing down is a good thing.

Hey @evooba :green_heart: I read your post yesterday, wanted to respond but was too tired, just capable to be :crazy_face: :rooster: :point_right: @framos1792 :kissing_heart: go to sleep!!! :triumph:
But now.
I know this where you are at. I know how it is to work such hours, without any break. I know the exhaustion, the self doubt, the blaming, that comes with it. And even more, I know bosses who not only not recognis it, but using this to gaslighten you, giving you even more the feeling you arenā€™t good enough.
But no matter what, it is a fact!
Working this hours without break is killing.
Physically and mentally!
You lose the objective view, you stop sleeping and everything gets into this tunnel surviving modus.
Itā€™s something you can keep up for a while, even years, when you are younger. But sooner or later, something shots you out of the loop.
And if itā€™s not you, who stand up for yourself and say: I have to rest now! Your body will pull the rip cord, knock you out in a way you canā€™t ignore. And think of it, what that will be, when even broken ribs in your sleep donā€™t do the trick.
I know, that a lot of work environments are structured that way, using the good people, till they fall of the wagon. Not realising that this is not only bad on people, but in the long run, not paying off for the company either.
So just know, you are an extraordinary great person, awesome worker and everyone having you in their team should treat you exactly like this.
If this isnā€™t the case, itā€™s your duty to yourself, your health, your body, to stand up!
No one actually has this duty, but you!
Do it.
Be sure, with you taking care, there will come other solutions at your workplace that function without you killing yourself.
You owe this to you!

I know, I posted this before, and @LP13413 :hugs: :muscle: just had too, but I canā€™t look at it enough


And if anyone of you just think, urgh, this words hit home with me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: feel tagged, I mean you too :kissing_heart:

@lpfan61 flower queen :green_heart: :heart: this is from yesterday :hugs:


Weather is gray, dizzy and rainy. Iā€™m on my way for a long walk into the woods. Love it that way, no one out, just me and the trees. Oh, I miss my dogs.
My window view right now



work is never something you would easily enjoy, its not a hobby lol unless you do your job from your hobby :woman_shrugging: such as : being a singer or an actor or a musician (maybe), etcā€¦
so you might as well do what you have to do at work, take the money, then get the hell out of it lol
just dont forget, tomorrow you come back again with the same realm of thinking lol

Nowhere did I talk about enjoying your work or not. :woman_shrugging:

haha trueee just make a point about this whole working thingy there :joy:

Iā€™m really good my friend. Itā€™s surprising that our birthdays are the same. I wish you a happy years :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :purple_heart: :smile:

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Great! Yes Iā€™m on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFUXwOzNAKG0ZAIgOfzHzig

You can find all my other channels over there as well :grin:

Welcome back @kairiki! :tada:

Take your time :hugs: Iā€™m glad that youā€™re so interested though


Hehe well technically maybe like 4 or 5 were mine :innocent: and seeing as how dead the forum has been the past few days can it really be seen as baddd? :roll_eyes: we need the newcomers :partying_face:

Imagine how many motifs we could cause for people if you came to hang out :grin:


Why didnā€™t you wake me up? Usually I sleep when you fly

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Yes, exactly!! Iā€™m hoping that things will calm down next week when we are back to normal (as in, done with meetings and staff being back on schedule, we are short 2 people due to covid symptoms).
Enjoy your camping trip! Definitely something to look forward to.

Hey, I really appreciate your words! I shouldnā€™t complain this much to be fair, deep down I know I need to be there to support everyone (aka my manager, mostly!) but damn some days I feel like Iā€™m not being heard. He apologised today, realised he was harsh to me yesterday, we just need this bloody week to be overā€¦
Hope you are hanging in there, take it easy and take care of yourself! (That view is incredible!) :slight_smile:

Doesnā€™t work like that, if people have that mentality then whatā€™s even the purpose of working? You should at least enjoy, to an extend, what you do for a living. I am not working my dream job but it is something Iā€™m passionate about, it started out as a quick job to make a living, but my hard work paid off, I earned peopleā€™s trust and that brought me to the position I have today. I can say I am proud of myself for the successes Iā€™ve had, especially considering the circumstances. I did it! It is tough but I ainā€™t taking it for granted and I truly appreciate it that I have a lovely team behind me and an even better manager that I can also call a friend.

OT: I finally had a good, fun day at work. My manager was apologetic about yesterday (hereā€™s to him stressing about the meetings for once, ha!) and understood what I was saying. We both have our faults but in the end thatā€™s what makes us a great team, weā€™re there to tell each other off when somethingā€™s wrong.
We spent the whole day getting our speeches and presentation ready for tomorrowā€™s long meetings. We were supposed to be in Devon for the conference as of tonight but itā€™s moved to online, weā€™ll be in front of a screen from 9am to about 6-7pm tomorrowā€¦ I am kind of anxious about it, we rehearsed it quite a few times today but I donā€™t know, Iā€™m still scared to talk in front of people. We will seeā€¦
That was our office for the day, not bad at all, considering the great views we had of the park:


In other news, I finally got these gems in the mail today, I certainly have a lot of listening to do!


Itā€™s pizza and Bake Off night tonight!!! Whooooo :smiley:

Hope you guys had/are having a great day! Stay positive! :smiley:


Suuuuure!!! :hugs: :sun_with_face: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :hugs: :sun_with_face:
Welcome!! :smile:

Thank you @framos1792 for making me read those posts :grin: :blush: :bat: :hugs:

OT: going to sleep soon


It was important to allow you to get your rem cycles in :nerd_face: Iā€™m only allowed when you canā€™t sleep and are insomniac
Then I can be a bad influence :partying_face:

:neutral_face: you asked :rofl:

Good night hermanita :hugs:

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Then Iā€™m at workā€¦

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During the night? :flushed:

But thatā€™s why Iā€™m here while iiiiim at work :grimacing: :innocent: