HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Nice to meet ya! Still 10 years more to go to join our old but gold gang lol
Anyway, welcome! :handshake:

But at least you got the meaning lol alot of ppl under 30 have no idea :laughing:

Time to crawl under the covers and forget the real world for a few hours. Goodnight everybodyā€¦


I had a flashback to AOL chat rooms when I saw that lol! it actually went really well with the nostalgia of rediscovering this account

Anyhoo thanks! Iā€™ll be sure to hang around long enough to join the gang

Thanks! Glad to be back!


hello everybody - so many new posts :rofl: :joy:

this is awesome :heart_eyes: so youā€™re fan too of matching red & black?

thatā€™s the real deal :grimacing:

Weekend was very good :relaxed: Koi No Yokan was good, but donā€™t know why I prefer White Pony, Around the fur and diamond eyes :sweat_smile:
ā€˜Ohmsā€™ reminds me of the old and very good heavy times :heart_eyes:

oh no, it seems that your more way powerless than you thought? Damn. But yeah, itā€™s the thing when you see day in and day out the same things from your grandma. You donā€™t want to be sad, but itā€™s typical normal thing for humans. Feel hugged dear :kissing_heart:

youā€™re welcome buddy :kissing_heart: Iā€™m doing ok, the measures in germany? I only can speak for myself, but Iā€™m sick and tired from the conspiracist. I think there will be a second wave

thanks Pat :kissing_heart: yeah, weekend was good and got some really good food stuff, so Iā€™m still not hungry today :joy: Wishing you a good start into the new week


Exactly this, but Iā€™m really excited about it :blush: Hopefully some of you will join too

welcome in here :blush:

your thougths? I read many positive things about coreyā€™s show :blush:

enjoy your day off dear :kissing_heart:

I got a raspberry cream cake :blush: Speaking of Nu Metal: Invented by KoRn in 1994, before that it was Rage against the Machine with ā€˜Groove metalā€™ - Oh yeah, the so called ā€˜Metal elitistsā€™. Iā€™m sick of them, theyā€™re often my age or even younger and all of them got their first experience with Nu Metal and Bands like KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Papa Roach and so on. I think the end of Nu Metal (for me Nu Metal still exists bc the old bands are still here and this genre and also the bands are still my favorites) was in the time of 2007/2008. Linkin Park for example changed their music with Minutes to Midnight and KoRn with their ā€˜Untitledā€™. But I still love these albums and these bands for sure.
Speaking of BB: Yeah, Iā€™m still not into them - Staind ā†’ beautiful voice

I know Stanley Kubrick but donā€™t know the movie. A draw? Damn, I thought Gala won it. Iā€™m doing ok these days and giving these vibes back to you. Hope youā€™re doing good, especially on your cake day :kissing_heart:

Yes, itā€™s something but the ā€˜coreā€™ isnā€™t that 100% for me. I like to listen to some bands and saw for example Ice Nine Kills live, they were awesome. But it isnā€™t my favorite genre. But itā€™s good, that new bands found a place to be relevant.

enjoy it, you deserve it Andy :muscle:t2:

I agree with that too :grimacing: :sweat_smile: youā€™re welcome, hopefully you and Vio doing good these days :kissing_heart:

welcome back in here :muscle:t2:

:sweat_smile: would be funny

lovely tags also to @lplove @anngelenee @anomalia @Lilyope @chigokurosaki @melisLP @Honey8 @amitrish @AJ_7 @StephLP18

OT: feeling a little bit sick and also bad weather around here, but wishing everyone a good start into the new week :blush:



Good late morning :sunny:
Sleep tight other side :milky_way:

The guy who got the hospital bed, oxygen device, wheelchairā€¦ just left. And I rearranged the living room in his original state.
Yes, it is good to still be in my grandmas place. :slightly_smiling_face:

And now, I wanted to try to do a replaying post. Just donā€™t know, where exactly to start :thinking:

Iā€™ve no problem repeating myself :grin:
You are a funny, lovable, kind person. And itā€™s not just me saying this :sunglasses: You belong to this place, into this family and I canā€™t imagine it without you. Actually get nervous, when you turn silent. So donā€™t! :triumph:
Ah, and your ā€œnothing to sayā€ is always worth reading. Stop deleting stuff, I am around a lot, but you are even faster then me. :kissing_heart: :hugs: :green_heart:

Such a sweet post. I hope, you wake up well rested and with new strength for the next day. :muscle:

Lets do this :blush: Thanks for your words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good start in a new week :hugs: :green_heart:

Reading this and you make me tear up. :pleading_face: Ok, itā€™s easy doing right now, but itā€™s just so good to read, that you went back. Itā€™s self caring. Biiiiig hug to you and again, thanks for your loving words :hugs: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Hey my dear :heart_eyes: donā€™t ever feel pushed by our care :crazy_face:
I can just speak for myself, that I really donā€™t know how I would have done the past few weeks without all the support :revolving_hearts:

:heart_eyes: What do you think?
By the way, I love the new Grandson music too. :star_struck:

With this said, I still have to listen into @rickvanmeijel s new playlist. Itā€™s dev on my watch :hugs:

:loud_sound: @justinkilmer itā€™s Monday :notes: :kissing_heart:

@Lilyope :green_heart: :purple_heart: :woman_cartwheeling: :crazy_face:

And heeeyyy, forum newbies :grin:

:partying_face: :grin::hugs:

:expressionless: nothing gold about me. :kissing_heart:

@kairiki welcome back :hugs:

Come on, what did you expect :smiling_imp:

Iiiii know! I got the WA version from you, play it every time, passing north Hessen. Itā€™s all yours, thatā€™s why I choose other versions. Get well soon :metal: :hugs: :heart:

Had a phone meeting with my therapist today.
He praised me, that I take good self care right now. And he agreed, to leave my post phoned stationary therapy appointment in January. Getting it back to end October would probably be curing. But I donā€™t want a time out, I actually want to work on my Demons. That I canā€™t manage a week after the funeral.
And he was happy, that I have so much support.
In you all!
Thank you!
:hugs: :green_heart:

From my grandmas music list for her funeral


Red and black are my favourite colours so matching the colours are awesome to me. I love everything about the song, character and video lol

What do you think of my recent wolf cosplay?


Meant to be like this


Doing training via zoom then off to work to do a late shift :frowning:


Thank you, at least someone appreciates it.
Hope you had a good start to your work week :slight_smile:

Well deserved! Enjoy it as much as possible.

Indeed, Ohms is brilliant! Definitely on the top of my best albums of the year list so far.
Hope you are feeling better now :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t had the time to listen to it yet, I donā€™t think I will any time soon unfortunately. Grandson is amazing!!
I hope youā€™re doing alright, hang in there!

OT: Iā€™m dead tired today, had a pretty bad start with my manager being back. He just doesnā€™t understand, it frustrates me so much. All I ask for is a day to actually relax, Iā€™ve had ONE day off in 17 days, working 12 hours every day, it is just insane. I am losing my mind, my everythingā€¦
I have to go to work tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after thatā€¦ I might get Saturday off but itā€™s not certain. My mood is so bad lately, I feel lost and like thereā€™s no purpose in anything anymore. I donā€™t know, I just bloody wish for yet another lockdown now so I can actually be off work. I donā€™t care about money or anything, I just want to rest.

I hope you guys are having a better start to your week!


Hey all!

Happy Monday!

Wooo!! or woo? lol Weekend went by way to fast it seems like.

We all happy to have you here!
Donā€™t forget how supportive youā€™ve been for us as well! :hugs:
Glad to have met you (as well as everyone else on this forum here :smile:)

Sending positive vibes and strength your way!! :hugs: :hugs:

@evooba What are your thoughts on his new album?
Update never mind I see you posted as I was writing :rofl: carry on

Wasnā€™t bad! Was fun to hang out with friends and watch it. I mostly thought it seemed like a Giant ad for his album buuut thatā€™s what many concerts are in a way lmao.
Overall I did enjoy it, was sad that there wasnā€™t really any Slipknot besides Snuff. But thatā€™s a good song too.

Well Iā€™ve been ā€œtypingā€ al day here lol I tried to get more posted but this is all I can do :sleepy:

Try again tomorrow :rofl: :rofl:
I hope you all have a great day/night :hugs:


Hey guys and gals! Iā€™m a 28yo girl from Sweden. Feeling so lost and lonely lately, i donā€™t have much friend that I feel clicked to. So i came here for a warm LP-fan huggie, and get good long lasting friendsā€¦I hope you are having a great day out there :slight_smile:


Heeeeey me too! :partying_face: dude version of 28year old tho :crazy_face:

Oof say goodbye to that :grin:
Idk how thatā€™s even possible :thinking: beguiling for one, and a joy secondly!

Worry not, weā€™ll fix that :smile:
here you get worldwide friends and one or another is always here because we donā€™t sleep muahaha

Oops sorry, pampers only :stuck_out_tongue:
Jk :hugs:

Always happy to see newcomers pop in! Welcome to the LPU where youā€™ll find a bunch of lunatics, some annoying people :raising_hand_man:, some friendly people and some not so cool people: [spoiler]stay away from @HakManLP @IronSoldier16 and @chigokurosakiā€¦ :shushing_face: Iā€™d especially warn about @jrtrussell but he hasnā€™t been around in a while so youā€™re safe, oh oh oh but especially watch out for the dude up there :point_up_2: @justinkilmer- very dangerous T-rex :grimacing: [/spoiler]

My name is Francisco by the way, also known as pendejo#1, baka, onion, Batman, and also pain in the ass :crazy_face:
Mexican by birth, American by captivity :partying_face: and yeah
Hope you enjoy your stay here! :slightly_smiling_face:


Francisco, are you an angel? You sound so damn nice! Itā€™s so rewarding to have such a nice human interaction first off, thank you for that! Iā€™m just exploring the forum right now. I havenā€™t done such forum things since high school actually, so i need to dust off a little xP and thanks for taking your time off for all the lovely caveats and suggestions. I surely take heed of those :slight_smile:


:flushed: :joy: :rofl:

Wait and see :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hey @JoY92 welcome again and donā€™t believe :bat: :mouse: the other guys are all nice pendejos too. The only one you can fear is @the_termin8r :skull_and_crossbones:

Jk, yeah, look around, ask if needed and enjoy. This place is addictive :hugs: :crazy_face: :rooster:


How often do you guys hang around here? I saw some posts and comments are like months ago. Does it ever get pretty crowded here?

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:rofl::sweat_smile: nooooooooo no no no noooo no no no noā€¦noā€¦noā€¦nooooā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
[spoiler]i have to say no because angels are humble :roll_eyes: :innocent: but secretly, look at my little wings :angel: :rofl:[/spoiler]

Jkā€¦Iā€™d be ark angel of darkness :thinking:

Sadly though itā€™s more like poltergeist of the forum :grin:

Ah cool! What kinda forums did you participate in back then?
This was my first forum when I joined in 2017ish or so and havenā€™t really left besides a few months earlier this year

Finally made my way back here because those guys I mentioned were making a mess of the forum and ruining it :pensive: had to come fix it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ps donā€™t believe anything they say! Muahaha

Sure thing :blush: most of us try to pop in here fairly often to see whatā€™s up, I surface quite a lot depending on whatā€™s going on and how busy the day in reality isā€¦

@JoY92 she liesssss! Sheā€™s just jelly that youā€™re being nice to me :smile:

See, another lie, heā€™s the cuddliest nicest guy here! He loves Hugs and hearts and is like the powderpuff girls, full of sugar and spice and everything nice :rofl:

As I kinda said before most of us come daily even if for a little while ( us being around 20 users) and on whether it gets crowded, not reallyā€¦ I think when thereā€™s big Lp announcements like this HT stream we tend to get new people come in and check it out but most donā€™t stay regularly
Youā€™ll find that the people that are here a lot have become a very tight knit community, weā€™re like a second little virtual family-different tastes, personalities, paths in life etc but find common ground here :blush:

Donā€™t feel shy about how long some have been here or how short others have been here, feel at home and see if you get along with people here :slightly_smiling_face: you seem very likable and Iā€™m sure somewhere here youā€™ll find a spot where you find that click/link to :slightly_smiling_face:


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Oh thatā€™s funny!

Welcome @joy92!


:flushed: :skull: :pensive: :sob:


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy: i 2nd what @anna834 said.

Welcome @JoY92 , ask any questions you have.


:sob::sob::sob: lmao

@JoY92 see why I say not to believe them :sob:

@melisLP @lplove @anna834 you three just need to learn from my new friend joy (is your name joy? :sweat_smile:)
She can see through the screen and the deception to behold my fluffy white wings and shining golden halo of light radiating nothing but sunshiney saintness :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :joy: