HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Its really great to meet everyone, thanks for the warm welcome; I already feel part of the family. Big love all. :heart:

@theearlywalker, I’m a 31yr old man from London, long long long term LP fan, first saw them in Cardiff International Arena supported by (dont hate me… Lost Prophets…) back in 2003. Hybrid Theory defined much of my youth, still defines me today, just for different reasons.

Super happy and excited to be amongst you crazy bunch of LP lunatics, I sense the fun starts now… can’t wait to hopefully meet you all in person when COVID f***s off and even more hopefully, at a future LP show. :crazy_face:


Ahh for a second i just wished you told us your age was 40 something just so we could include you to our 40 y.o.+ “old but gold” squad lol :laughing:

I’m savouring my 30s thank you!! :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: no worries, mate!
Enjoy your 10 years away from being an old-but-gold :rofl:
10 years is a pretty short time tho! Haha

No, the match ended in a draw. :unamused:

Thank you buddy. I met this new club that I recently joined. They told me about their projects and I participated. We met in Taksim on Friday and watched a movie. Then we did a movie reading. We plan to do this every Friday in Taksim. The title of the movie was Victory Roads. Stanley Kubrick’s movie. It was fun to comment on this movie. Had deep meanings

We will shoot short films and release fanzines in the coming months. I can be a writer in the university fanzine in the following days: smile: I will also participate in short films

How do you feel? I hope you recovered. Watch out for weather changes these days: pray:

I wish you health and strength :pray: :grinning: :100:

How is your life flowing? :blush:

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I saw your likes in my thread! Thank you so much man, I appreciate that :blush: If you want, I can add you to my taglist so you won’t miss my upcoming release :grin: Let me know

Welcome @Monkeyman20! Nice to meet you. Hope you have a good time here on the forums :slightly_smiling_face:

Funny you should mention this, we used to joke about us being the LPU aka Lunatics Protection Union :joy:

I agree with the first part, but I don’t think they completely underutilised his talent. With LP he still managed to use his voice in many different ways. Other bands like Grey Daze and STP had a different musical style, so he naturally had to adapt his singing voice to that.

That’s the feeling I get as well. It seems like many bands are going in this direction nowadays.


Yes please! Do you have a YouTube channel? I can follow that to

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On Discord and about to have some dinner. Got some news… for those who presaved Daniel’s version of Pet Semetary, thank you for presaving, we got to 945 presaves. Although the target was 1000, it’s still good for a size of a band like AP
Hope you enjoyed the cover!

giphy (25)

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Listening to the football while working!! COYS!!!

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I can’t believe I actually have a day off.


Thank you for noticing! I just wanted to use the HT soldier pic before anyone else haha :laughing: I’m doing alright. Still restrictions in place here because of the virus but I’m popping into work :slight_smile: I’m glad you are taking care of yourself. Always take time out to reflect and recharge :hugs:

I am a fan of the softer songs like The Messenger and OML and agree Chester’s voice was versatile because that’s what made him a great singer. It just feels rock was his strongest disciple and true passion. The move towards electronic “rock” and ultimately pop “rock” didn’t work as well. If I had a band with Chester as my lead singer, I swear I’d have made the most of it.


So feel you :muscle: :hugs:

OT: going to sleep, good night from my side! :sleeping:


Still in a emotional rollercoaster.
As if I’m not ever :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Yeah, but I top it right now.
Still in the apartment of my grandmother.
My two uncles and mother rip each other apart about every detail for the funeral.
And I try to stay low, still carrying.
Last night was just fucked.
Today, I listened to Corey Taylor’s solo album and it just blow my mind. :exploding_head: :flushed: wow!!! Love it! Great songs! Such varity!
As he hit Must Be Stopped he really got me giggling, love it. My mood did a happy jump :grin:

Ah, and I also love the new/old In The End version. I like the greater focus on the rap part.

Thank you all for being here and help my through this times of grieving. I really, really appreciate it. Even more, ups, I struggle to write this down :flushed: , I need you.
:hugs: :green_heart:


Hi everyone!

phoenix defenitely has the cutest smile here!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::joy: thanks for sharing!


Hey​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: it sounds very healing that you’re still surrounded by her things, also what you’re doing, knitting, walks in the woods, or even if it’s not much or nothing at all. I hope you know that it’s totally fine whatever you’re doing or feeling. And we’re always here! But you know that​:heart::heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

@drounzer nice you checked in again​:kissing_closed_eyes::hugs::hugs: congrats on being an uncle again!
And i’m fine, thanks for asking​:kissing_heart: hope you have a good week infront of you! We’re always here&with you​:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart::hugs::hugs:

You’re welcome haha :wink::joy:
Yeah​:joy::joy::heart: rn he can’t decide where he wants to lie down- on my arm, my belly, or my face​:joy::joy:(so it’s kind of a challenge to write this text)
Ok it’s the belly now😂
@Monkeyman20 hiii and welcome to this wonderful forum!:hugs::hugs::partying_face:
@theearlywalker some bonecrushers to you​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ot: i spent another weekend at the farm :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::blush:or i should say, half a weekend… i was there less than 24 hours, and i get so much peace out of it. Three more calfs were being born, so cute! And it’s so funny when they all play together :blush: i even went swimming again, water temperature was 17° Celsius and at the beginning it really hurt bc it was so cold​:sweat_smile: but then it was so refreshing and gave me so much energy!!
And the farmer’s wife (who is an art teacher) said she loved the painting i made for them and that she’s looking for a frame and that it’ll get a “place of honour” somewhere in the house…:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face: this is the best thing someone said to me the whole week, especially coming from her, such a special and kind person.

Gonna sleep now, goodnight y’all​:hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: good morning to this brandnew week! It’s week 41 :crazy_face: you know ?! And it kinda feels like time is getting faster and faster and faster :running_woman:t3: a moment to hold on and realize the fact that each hour passing is lifetime :grin: and we should make the best of it!
:rainbow: let’s have a #makechesterproud Monday :rainbow:

Together we make it! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:No matter what! :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny: Right here above in this thread it’s so lively sensable! One for the other! Side by side! Soldiers attitude :heart: I love you guys :heart: Have the best Monday possible :sunny::heart::hugs: #320 :sunny::sunny:

@anna834 :kissing_heart::heart::hugs: unfortunately we couldn’t talk last weekend- let’s try it tonight ok?? And one thing on the beef btw your mum and her siblings: in such phases - aka in crisis and on changing points people mostly break up and all Colors of a relationship are showing up blanc on the surface- I hope that this energy can’t really tear you down dear :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: it’s their very own privat battle but it’s really really sad that the seem to not be able to control it! And to your last sentence: you give so much! Don’t be afraid to get a huge amount of love and support back! :heart::heart::kissing_heart::blush: you really deserve it!!

Time over again :scream:

Ot: starting my routines :coffee: :shower: :dash: lol

:sunny::sunny: Have a good start into your week everybody :sunny::sunny:


Hello! I was buying my ticket for the stream on Friday and found out my old Underground profile from 2005 was still active. Figured I’d be a little more social than I was 15 years ago lol

Hope you all have a good week!


Helloooo @kairiki a/s/l plz? Lol

@turexidrosa lol been a while since I’ve been asked that. Let’s say 30/F/Beat Saber (spending most of my non-work time there lately)

Hello @kairiki !! Welcome back! :grin:

OT: having breakfast :yum: