HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

UPDATE: I have lost my sanity… I tried looking under the table, in my car, the bathroom, and at the bottom of my 1st cup of coffee… nothing…

Maybe it’ll be at the bottom of my second cup?

Wish me luck

UPDATE: PT 2 nope not there… the search continues


I will join this and I already bought the deluxe bundle with shirts, guitar picks and so on :sweat_smile: Just the collectors life. :slightly_smiling_face: :joy:

Who’s in this too at october 9? Many of my friends will also join and already bought their ticket and/or the bundle


Working on my accounting course today during the weekends, I was practicing on my Wolf cosplay yesterday. What do you think?

giphy (4)


I’m taking my lunch break at work now. I’m here on a Saturday, getting ready for a fire inspection happening sometime this week.

Welcome to the family, and enjoy your stay, @Monkeyman20!


Welcome on board @Monkeyman20 !! :grin:

OT: just had dinner, browsing a bit and tomorrow is free!


Stressful day at work, I had a staff member walk out, fun times! One more day and then my manager is back and we can have our usual morning routine when we complain to each other about work, life, whatever else over coffee. I’m ready to complain about this past week and how damn tired I am and he better bloody give me an extra day off or I’ll flip. (I’m sorry, I’m just so damn tired and no one seems to care, everyone is so selfish).

I got my Corey Taylor bundle in the mail today, made me happy! I cannot wait to listen to the album. @justinkilmer Enjoy the concert and let us know how it was?

As for the Q&A with the guys, I’m not a fan of paying for a stream and I’m sure it will be uploaded later for everyone to watch (plus, the concert is included in the HT bundle anyway). @HakManLP I really wanted that slip mat and guitar pick set, looks so damn good! But I’m going to pass this time.


Ah, are you talking about nu-metal? That has mostly died out, I agree. Recently I was in a discussion about why nu-metal ended as abruptly as it begun. It appears this type of music was associated with violence/anger and some felt bordered on misogynistic / homophobic. As a female who is anti-war, I never felt that. But I never considered any of the bands I listened to as nu-metal. People who listened to metal would laugh in my face at my music. I still won’t describe LP as ever being nu-metal. It’s just experimental rock music using subgenres to differentiate and express various styles. If anything, most bands I listened to brought issues like mental health and loneliness to the forefront and were inclusive of everyone. The alternative was pop music or rap which sung about love/break-up or sex. Indie was pretty much the only other genre I listened to as grunge was pretty much over by then. I don’t think nu-metal was ever really a thing. It was such a blanket label that people would put bands like Korn and LP in the same list. What was really happening was experimental rock. I’m only deflated that LP walked away from rock for electronic/pop sounds from time to time. This never worked anywhere near as good as HT and M. It just wasn’t unique or memorable, and Chester was made for rock music. To me, they underutilised his talent and potential. Anyway, I’ve gone off topic now :expressionless:

BMTH attitude can be a little poor at times. They used to drink insanely and it affected their live performances and writing. I think they have improved somewhat now they’ve grown up. Oli still doesn’t sing very well live. Anyway, I like to support British bands especially because they’re trying to keep this music genre alive. I really don’t know Mudvayne at all :laughing:

I’d say Breaking Benjamin is one of the big bands that still has recent music. Ember was the most recent album. I think you may like Aurora which is a compilation of their best songs, with one new. They also feature songs with RED and Adam Gontier (TDG). I don’t see how you can’t like this album? :grimacing: Maybe the slight religious undertones don’t appeal to some.

My Playlist: Bowling For Soup (another old punk band if you remember)? They have some good new songs: Erase Me, Catalyst, and sound exactly the same! Three Days Grace: Strange Days (the song of 2020!). Evanescence (finally a new album)! Blink 182 is still on my playlist because they always cheer me up (Kings of the Weekend!) :metal: Northlane (I posted the song Bloodline). Blue October (nice cover songs lately). Fall Out Boy: Lake Effect Kid, Bob Dylan.

Staind great band and voice! What about Evans Blue? Happy birthday if I missed this! :partying_face: Was that your birthday biscuit/cake? :drooling_face: I want some :laughing:

@drounzer Congratulations on passing your exams and your baby niece :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ! @theearlywalker :wave:

@Monkeyman20 Welcome to the forum :smile: What’s you favourite LP album? Why do I always ask this when I know I won’t like the answer :unamused:


Easy, Hybrid Theory.


I stand corrected! :grinning: I would normally say Hybrid Theory but I often sway towards Reanimation.

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Reanimation is a very close second, and equally alongside Meteora.

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In part of preparing for the fire inspection at work, I straightened out the room we have a lot of our furniture that’s not in the Conex.

The following shots; What the room looked like before, the hall after I pulled all the chairs out (I left all the desks in) and put it all back in, and what it looked like when I left. There’s only so much room.

DSCN3901 DSCN3902 DSCN3903 DSCN3904

A couple screws also fell out of the shade on the window.


Thank you, thank you :heart: :heart:
I see you have a new profile picture, cool :metal:
How are you doing? :smiley:

@LP13413 Can I ask why the chairs are put together? :sweat_smile:

@theearlywalker heey you! :smiley: yeah I was down the last weeks and little fucked up. Doing a little better. I had to take a step back from everything and needed to take care of myself. But I’m getting there.
How are you doing? :smiley: plans for the weekend?

@anna834 :heart: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: here for you
@HakManLP have a good weekend buddy! :heart:
@rickvanmeijel I’ve listened to you work. It’s so damn good! I love it! :metal:
@Linkineli how are you sunshine? :hugs:
@lplove :heart: :hugs: what are you’re plans for the weekend?

Have a good day lovely family. Love you all! Take good care of yourself! :heart: :heart:


Hey bud, Idk if you talk to people from here outside of the forum but if you ever need to talk especially during the times you’re away from here don’t hesitate to send a message :slightly_smiling_face:
I absolutely get the having to leave for your own sake but it’s also important you know you aren’t alone when you’re away from here
Glad you’re grinding out of this yourself :muscle: :hugs:

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And sundays!

O.T… I can’t sleep and it’s 02:15 and I’ve just taking a sleeping pill as my insomnia is hitting me again… oh and I’m up in 4 hours for work…and it’s a long shift!! :grimacing::expressionless::neutral_face::no_mouth::eyes:

I get you - sleep is a often sought luxury…
Fight for it and it fights you back!
I wish you good rest; maybe listen to My December a few times… :wink:

Or Hell’s Bells’ AC/DC for that matter lol just kiddiiinnngggggggg :joy: :v:


Hey guys :sunny::sunny::sunny: Good Sunday morning to you all! :sunny::sunny::sunny:

First of all today: a warm welcome to our new sibling @Monkeyman20 :blush::tada: enjoy your time inhere.:tada: Me, I’m curious Pat :joy: would like to ask where you’re coming from? Which country and is nomen omen? Are you male and 20 yrs old?!?! :joy::upside_down_face: yeah, I definitely am curious BUUUT we had so much false interpretations about user and usernames :rofl: so that I ask it now right from the start :crazy_face:

@drounzer :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart: sending you strength and hugs ! And it’s a good idea from @framos1792 ! Consider this seriously! For now you sound ok :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny: Happy to have you back :tada:

@evooba hang in there!! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: and you do a great job Eva! :medal_sports:

@anna834 :heart: bonecrushers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::heart::kissing_heart:

Have a good Sunday soldiers :yellow_heart::sunny::sunny::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny::hugs: we make a difference :rainbow:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 woah!!! That looks like really hard work :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Take care! Have a good nights rest Andy :crescent_moon: :zzz:


Yeah big time lol now we dont want anyone to get a misinterpretation about this lol

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Hey buddy.

Thank you for the advice. :heart: I sometimes talk with people on PlugDJ. But not that much. I talk here with everyone.
I talk a lot with family an friends about my condition. So that helps.
@theearlywalker i will consider it. I never really thought about it. :heart:

Have a good day. I’m off to work.


Yeah bud,
I mean I’m sure you have people outside the forum in general but a lot of us on the forum talk through insta or WhatsApp or emails
At times I lose myself from everywhere as well but as I said if you ever need to reach out feel free to holler :slightly_smiling_face:
Talking to a handful of people here has made a difference through the years

No pressure, no worries :slightly_smiling_face:
I can always give you my number there… (@intheend taught me to but put it up here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)