HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

@amitrish hey! How do you know Winnie the Pooh well enough that he spends the weekend with you! Share your secret!

@LP13413 Thurman is so cute! Always makes my day to see his pictures!

As usual, came to thank everyone on here for all the tags and love for this week!

Been a crazy week, but the next one is a new one and hopefully a better one.

Sending strength to everyone that needs it! Sorry I haven’t been able to read through all the posts, but know you all are in my thoughts.

Have a good day everyone!


I love them, absolutely stunning. Thank you so much! Do you know who the artist is or just came across them? Have fun this weekend! :kissing_heart:




Haven’t seen that troll gif in a while :joy: welcome dear @amitrish- :clap:t2::fist:t2: nice you decided to share your brilliant output in this thread here too - :star_struck::partying_face: :crazy_face: please stay a while - here’s your goodie bag: :hamburger::fries::beer::icecream:and ofc :honey_pot::honey_pot: enjoy :blush:

… what a great start of my Saturday :tada: Ami inda house …

assaand :sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny:

@HakManLP I go for Rob :joy:- thaaaanx for this great raw shot from the band!! And I love that the 20th anniversary is going to be celebrated- sooo curious- :pray:t2: have you seen, Jordan made an extra topic :sunny::sunny::sunny: and I very loved that you took SOTD as vid- I was surprised about which versions you chose, love them both too, but my most beloved SOTD vid is this one …


Good to hear from you dear @AJ_7 - wishing you a smoother time ahead :hugs::yellow_heart::kissing_heart:

@evooba thaaanx for granting my spring pics wish :star_struck::partying_face: and I need to zoom into your record collection - grats looks great from the first view- enjoy the new babies and stay strong :muscle:t2:

@drounzer thanx for the pics and especially the “Schneeglöckchen“ :heart_eyes: they are one of the first flowers showing up when the “winter” is over, a big part of the spring feel - thank you :blush:

Weekend bonecrushers to @Linkineli and @zanybelle :sunny::sunny::hugs:

@anna834 :yellow_heart::hugs: always a good feeling to find my hugs :blush: here are yours :hugs::hugs::hugs: have a good day :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::sunny::sunny:

However, I’ve a calm weekend ahead - time to make plans- I finish my last colloquial exams on 16th… some thoughts: I feel it’s time to move my butt and maybe change my working life :blush: finally? I could try it out now!!! If not now- when then??? ( self motivation in progress :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:) yeah these are my weekends plans- and not “cleaning and chores only” this weekend :confetti_ball::tada::tada: - hope you guys have a good flow today too- and some :hugs: :hugs: and :yellow_heart::heart: and :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: To you all :love_you_gesture:t2:

Ot : 2 :coffee:

@thurman ( :joy::joy:) whoms breakfast are you stealing??? :scream::joy: - and since it’s too late for goodnight- sending you a good day sunshine :sunny: are you free or working? Enjoy your soduko :hugs::sunny: @LP13413


Good Morning everybody!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
I’m gonna reply to everything here later, bc i’m on my way to my first ‘real’ job!!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:besides babysitting this is gonna be my first workday…:joy: (there were so many different thibgs going on that i forgot to tell you about it​:grin:)it is a wood speciality shop, selling figures or decorations or cutlery made out of wood.
Wish you all a wonderful day​:hugs::heart::hugs::hugs::sun_with_face::muscle:


You’ll be great :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Good start :hugs::yellow_heart:

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Thank you!!!:heart_eyes::hugs:

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Thanks for this. Free food is always appreciated.

What are you all planning for the weekend?


Hey you all! :sunny: :sun_with_face: :sunny: :sun_with_face: :sunny:

Dang! After such workdays, how can you even think of getting more done? :flushed:
Just wow! :muscle:
I know such long days. But I work on my own, in my own pace. And still don’t want to have this anymore.
With people? No way! I would fall of the rug.
Stay strong! And take care of yourself!
Love your record shrine! :star_struck:

:crossed_fingers: for you! :hugs: :wolf:

:laughing: You know how to throw it! :hugs: :green_heart:

It will! :muscle: :hugs: :bear:

Cool! How was it? :hugs: :green_heart:

:joy: :joy: it were my Schneeglöckchen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah!!! :tada: :hugs: :yellow_heart:
What makes you happy? What do you want from life? Kids are nearly grown! Nothing what hold you in this loop. No responsibility, no depts. So get your butt up and be brave! Change things!
That’s what I try to kick myself with! :joy:



I have a free Saturday!! I got to sleep in, I also took a hot bath, and now I’m relaxing as much as I can. Tomorrow, I’m going to make an appearance at work. It won’t be long, I’m just going in to fix a few clocks for Daylight Savings.

EDIT: I vaguely recall somebody here trying to find this interview recently. It just showed up in my YouTube subscriptions today,


Aww, this is the nicest thing I’ve read here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you so much! :grinning: I was born in March so I’m happy to share that with Chester (and also Mark Hoppus!!) :slightly_smiling_face: :metal: we feel shit the same.

Very well said and that’s what I found kept me here - everyone is supportive and caring which seems very genuine.

So funny isn’t it! :smile:

:hugs: :heart:

Oh thank you for including the song, you’ve made my day! :smiley: :kissing_heart:

Inside Out is too heavy for me. I prefer DSI and BSOG as the lyrics hit hard… such a beautiful letter to say goodbye:

If you’re reading this, I know you’re feeling sorrow
If you’re hearing this, I know you’re probably scared
Just know that all the things you want are borrowed
And all you get to keep is all you’ve shared

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Old school picture :heart_eyes: I love Chester’s hair it looks purple here. Mike’s drawing is perfect, wow.

Haha! I’m just showing concern for a fellow soldier and hope they’re ok :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh my gosh too many to choose from now! I need to think about this and then I’ll decide :laughing: :hugs:


Gogglebox is definitely more funnier than the previous cast.

OT: just watched previous Instagram stories.


Thank you. BTW, have you seen Till’s new Instagram story?

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Yeah i already analyzed their playing😄

I play on acoustic, and i defenitely wanna learn the solo🤩 and thank you for your recommendations!
@justinkilmer i hope you will be also called for the other interview parts, my fingers are crossed!:hugs::hugs: and if you had a good feeling, that’s a good sign!:muscle:

I will whenever i see something nice!:kissing_closed_eyes::hugs:
@Honey8 i hope you can see your tags… sending much love back at you! :heart::heart::heart:stay strong too!:hugs::hugs::muscle::heart::heart:

Aah i’m still busy with other things without really getting something done it’s awful​:persevere::persevere::grin::heart:but yeah your WEP makes everything so much better! And corona… school after school is closing here, i make a bet and say by the end of easter holidays at the latest is my school closed too.

I know this is already one day old, i saw it already a few times,but it still gets me everytime. I mean WOW just WOW i have no words… !!! I was scrolling down the WEP, smiled about the oldschool pic, and then i just had to stop and stare. stare for minutes. I find it one of the best fan portraits i’ve ever seen! Thank you for sharing this masterpiece!

Thank you for this, i didn’t listen to it for a while, i found it too sad but now it’ll be good to listen to! I also love the word ‘embrace’ and also the whole sentence ,one of the most beautiful lyrics ever to be stuck in your head through out the day and the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey

Both versions are stunning- the way Chester is singing, the way the crowd behaves… i can’t decide​:grin::grin:

Cheatdays are allowed​:hugs::joy:

Same to you, you awesome person​:heart::heart::hugs::hugs::muscle:you are always so positive and caring! Much love back at you!:heart::heart::heart:

Thank you, it’s great!:muscle::heart:

Thanks, and you too! Bonecrushers to you!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

It’s a great post, thanks for sharing it.:heart::heart::+1:

:heart_eyes::joy::heart::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:i don’t have any other phrases, so it’s just the love​:heart::heart::heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart::green_heart::heart:without words

Yeah, agree. But also BECAUSE of that cleaning and healing in a way.

oh wow :sweat_smile: :face_with_thermometer: i have it too but that’s not surprising at all when even you have that!

yet :innocent:

i love this Corner!

i knoowww me too when i got the mail and then read “Things are planned through the year” :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :crazy_face:

thaanks, feel hugged too!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

i thought About starting an acrylic paint on Sunday, but i also have to do a presentation About characters from a book we’re reading in class and stuff, so… Maybe no time for that :neutral_face: do you have any plans?? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

it was great, also a good training for Talking more casual in english with others(also native speakers :sweat_smile: :open_mouth:), there were many international customers too :smile:

nice interview, i think i never watched this one before :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

:heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: !

that’s cool! :blush:

i don’t have anything to add, but These words are just worth to be quoted

i don’t know when i will be able to not only post at night , when all i can say about what i am doing atm is going to bed :grin: but i wish everyone a good, refreshing Weekend!!! :muscle: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


@theearlywalker @anna834 @Linkineli Ha, thanks. Wish there was more space for my signed stuff, these are just some of my favourites, the rest are tucked away in their respective shelves.

OT: yesterday was wild at work, I had a staff member had a panic attack On top of everything else, it was really bad, I didn’t know what to do or how to help. Then came home way too late, stayed up way too late doing the assignment and now I’m about to start round 2.


:sunny::sunny:Good afternoon :sunny::sunny: sun is shining- gives me already a good feeling :yellow_heart::hugs: and I really enjoyed the plug session yesterday :tada: 👯‍♀ :man_dancing:t2: :dancer:… let’s do it more often again? Everybody can join, Rob made a thread with a good explanation of how this music-chatting site works… would be cool :sunglasses: :dancer:

@anna834 omg sorry :joy::joy: it was your pic with the Schneeglöckchen?! :joy::sweat_smile: really sorry for confusing @drounzer with you- I guess I scrolled and lost track :upside_down_face::crazy_face: however I love them - wild and powerful those Schneeglöckchen :crazy_face::muscle:t2: thank youuuu :blush:

Happy woman’s day to us - all the tough ladies in this family- clap yourself on your shoulder today - you’re AMAZING :tada::heart::balloon: strong :muscle:t2: and wonderful :blush::hugs::balloon:


Back from the farmers market…now off to get petrol before the prices go up again!


Hahah :rofl: i was a little confused :sweat_smile: I thought " what does she mean?" :man_shrugging:
Thanks the update :raising_hand_man:

Well today is a rainy day. I went to see my brother today. He had a soccer match. He lost :neutral_face: wasn’t a very good game. And I’m wet. :umbrella:

I’m waiting for a friend to come over. :coffee:

I wish everyone a good Sunday. I hope things are good for you this weekend! :heart:

I understand. I just cant wait :stuck_out_tongue: i love going to concert. I’m going to see Avril Lavigne soon… if the concert starts. I read that she canceled the Paris and Zurich concert, because of the coronavirus. :pensive:
I hope everyone here is safe and healthy :bowing_man:

:rofl: :rofl: i couldn’t resist :yum:
@framos1792 buddy, where you at?

Sunday good to? :grimacing: i forget it Friday. So buddy!

This will get you trough Sunday! :heart:

Love his smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Linkineli how where your days? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: have a wonderful day!


I’m off.

To the rest. Take care, love for you! :heart_eyes:



Good evening, day, night! :upside_down_face:

Thanks for sharing :heart_eyes:
They beep a lot :joy:

Hope this worked out! :muscle: :hugs:


No. Don’t follow him :grimacing: but i looked, not sure what you mean. The Chernobyl carousel? :thinking:

That’s cool! :smiley:

If you do, please show! :pray:
Here a pic for you :kissing_heart:

:flushed: Just read a joke that remained me of this:
If I stay up even later and have to get up that early, I bump into myself in the bathroom.

Me too and yeah! :partying_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart:
@StephLP18 thanks again for inviting! :hugs: :green_heart:

And? Spend some money? On what? :kissing_heart:

Backatya! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

had it already in the Tag, you’re it topic. Nothing changed. But I don’t want to!! So :zipper_mouth_face:

@lpfan61 :green_heart: :heart:
it starts small, but it starts

@Lilyope :woman_cartwheeling: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

Annas, even so I tagged you already today :revolving_hearts:
@anomalia :hugs: @anngelenee :hugs: @lpaniist

@Honey8 :weight_lifting_woman: :green_heart: :heart:

@AJ_7 :hugs: :hugs: :blue_heart:

@lplove :hugs: :orange_heart:

@birdy1989 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy women’s day to all the girls in the house! :dancer:



It’s beautiful! :blush: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :hugs:


OT: just had dinner