HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

I can only repeat, thanks for your motivating sunshine posts​:sunny:, i often read them just before i leave my house and they never fail to make me smile, and you make my start into the day nice! Mornings aren’t so bad with being here and reading nice things :joy::heart::heart::hugs::hugs: that goes for all of you!:hugs:


It’s not to late to start! And even if you’re thinking you don’t have the time, once you have the instrument you will somehow find some little time for it to play​:muscle::blush::hugs:

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::heart::hugs:your posts get only even sweeter
 love you! Know that you’re absolutely like an amazing friend to me here!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
And the 20/3 thing- i feel sorry for you not to have them in the right order for 320​:joy::grin:


At least one good thing😅

Back and forth​:wink::hugs::hugs::heart:have wonderful dreams tonight​:kissing_closed_eyes::hugs:

Good words👍

Yeah, but until now i’m actually pretty happy about them repeating, it’s easier :joy::grin: and yes, i just love the song!:heart:

Me toooo! I always need a moment to realize it, still confuses me everytime



:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart:i always love your posts, how you add little beautiful images to it and stuff​:blush::joy::heart::kissing_closed_eyes: wishing you nice dreams too!

To everyone else, good night, going to bed now​:first_quarter_moon_with_face::first_quarter_moon_with_face::hugs:
Good night/good day! Stay strong y’all!


Watching gogglebox. :heart::heart::heart:


I don’t know if you’re learning on acoustic or electric but you could totally learn the solo, it’s one of the easiest. SIB sounds decent too, especially if you throw in some power chords.
Also, LOATR and Final Masquerade used to be my favourites to play on acoustic (along with pretty much every Rise Against song in existence). It’s super easy to pick up the chords by watching Mike and Brad play them.

OT: No word about the assignment. I’m officially doing it blindly and hoping for the best.


I got called into work a few hours early. I’m training somebody tonight.

@anna834 Not yet!

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Hey all! Happy evening! it is currently 5:50 here and I’m finally about to get home from work. Late day because I’ve had a messed up week. (appts and interview made me miss some work but oh well.)

But but but
 come on!!! :sob::joy: I would hope you wouldn’t let me slide by without some form of recognition :joy:

Thank you so much!!! appreciate it! :grin::grin:

Sorry to gang these comments together I am currently just exhausted due to lack of sleep the last few days because of course I would decide to be nervous :joy: :sleepy:

But thank you all for the well wishes!!!

The update as for the interview: I feel like it went well for the most part. Was very casual so thats a plus! only sad part is
 it’s apparently a 3 part interview! :exploding_head: So part one - casual, introductions, show your work, etc etc
 part 2 (if they call me in for this) show us your aren’t just talking complete [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] and do a job for us. and 3rd I believe is basically the you are hired. So I will keep you posted as to what happens next
 as for right now I’m going to go eat and basically pass out for the night (hopefully :joy:)

Thanks all again!! :hugs:


:sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny: Friday :tada::yellow_heart::sunny::hugs: although it’s raining and will rain the whole weekend in Germany- we can have a sunshiny mind and look forward to the first spring weekend :sunny::sunflower::blossom::hibiscus: imagine how nature will explode the next weeks- and my wish for the picture squad @anna834 @evooba @linkineli maybe you can send us some great shots about spring starting :cherry_blossom::bouquet:- would be so cool :star_struck::partying_face:

@justinkilmer wooow super fancy hiring system- but I know you by now. Since you decided for being nervous before and found out it was pointless :joy::joy::speak_no_evil: maybe you decide being you this time- you’re a great person blessed with a great creative potential :+1:t2::tada::sunglasses:
 that’s what they look for- it’s a match :dart: that’s how it sounds for me
 you can trust in this Justin :+1:t2::hugs::sunny::sunny::sunny:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 hope you show us spring pics too?! Have a goodnight Andy- :cat: cuddles for the boss

Have a good day also @drounzer @zanybelle @lpfan61 hugs and love - :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::muscle:t2: and everybody I missed rn
 stay strong guys

And of course for you guys who don’t know this: @Honey8 has issues with the reply button here and is buzzy on top- but she’s well und sends love :heart::heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: to us all

Same from myside: :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny: deep breathing and on it goes :running_woman:t3: :sunny::sunny::sunny: Have a great day family :sunny::sunny::sunny:


Up and ready to leave for work soon
only 2 weeks left of this job!


Thisssss!!! It sometimes work it sometimes does not work so till it works and till i am free I’ll spread some love to thee :laughing:

@HakManLP , @anna834 @Linkineli @drounzer @theearlywalker @alz89 @Marilau @birdy1989 @chigokurosaki @rickvanmeijel

Aannndddd I can’t tag anymore but love to all!!! I guess i gotta reply other threads by email only this isn’t working again :persevere:
Sending love for alllll of you!! Please take care and stay safe from corona and other diseases


Enjoying my last 5min before I need to open. It’s a really nice day over here, will probably be busy compared to yesterday.
I have a lot to do today, admin plus prep for the weekend, let’s see.

@justinkilmer good luck!!
@theearlywalker Ha, I uploaded one before I saw your post :stuck_out_tongue:


@anna834 Amateurs :joy: :crazy_face:

I know but
The one thing that just scared me is that the two stuffs arrived in 15 boxes :rofl:


Happy Friday!!

DSCN3328 DSCN3327


Happy Friday everyone.

Just came back from an interview, now just had dinner and my nan just arrived. :+1:


what?! :disappointed_relieved: :scream: Hope you’ve got a better weekend - extra bonus super hyper squishy to you :kissing_heart: maybe the WEP will make you happy again :grimacing: :hugs:

If you wanna talk, just text me :kissing_heart:

you’re welcome :heart: :hugs: :kissing_heart: maybe today? It’s still raining, windy and just ‘dark’ - but got the perfect lyrics for the WEP to make this day a little bit better. Also the ‘corona’ thing is gettin’ really awful :roll_eyes:

join us, I follow your posts in the laughter and music threads - always good :blush: :relaxed:

Just asking: can you share your profile picture? :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray:t2:

would be better with less assignments and work and more sunshine :disappointed_relieved: :worried:

Now it’s friday and maybe we’ve got another awesome start into the weekend? Hopefully you’re feeling good buddy :relaxed: :kissing_heart: :metal:t2:

sorry, but I’ve had to ask: what are you bought? :rofl: :sweat_smile: :see_no_evil:

Also you’re doing well? :blush: :kissing_heart: :relaxed:

I read your postings in the ‘German thread’ and your german is pretty good - If you need some extra advice, feel free to ask - I’ll help you anytime :yum: :grimacing: :hugs: :kissing_heart:

thank you for that feedback :kissing_heart: sure, I’m going to keep the WEP ‘rollin’ :sunglasses: just look down below, I’ve included a ‘song of the day’ :kissing_heart:

‘brighter side of grey’ is really good, but not my favorite one from ‘F8’ - still going with ‘Inside out’ and ‘full circle’

oh, you’re weekend gonna be that bad? :disappointed_relieved: Keep your head up! :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2:

aaawwwww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: always for you, if you need some more, just share your thoughts and feelings and may I find the perfect (lyric) picture :kissing_heart: :heart:

It’s friday, so maybe on this sh’tty rainy day, we still need a little bit ‘sun’ right? :yum: :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :grimacing: :smirk:

fingers still crossed - but maybe ‘get some space from that’ so you can ‘reload your battery’ - hopefully your weekend will do this for you buddy :grimacing: :sunglasses: :relaxed: :hugs: :kissing_heart:

stillt with your updates - just 2 weeks!!! :muscle:t2: :grimacing: :kissing_heart:

isn’t that much, ‘time flies’ :blush:

you too honey, extra bone crushing squishies to you :muscle:t2: :kissing_heart:

happy friday to you too :sunglasses: :grimacing: :muscle:t2: I think he likes more the bagle :rofl: :joy:

what kinda interview? job interview? :thinking:

a late ‘Guten Appetit’ to your diner, what did you eat? Also wishing you and your nan a good time and als a Happy friday to you :kissing_heart:

quick lovely tags to @lpfan61 @lplove (a special one for you in the WEP - hopefully you’ll love the pictures of Mike) @AJ_7 @Lilyope @rickvanmeijel @Marilau @Himan10 @StephLP18 :heart: :muscle:t2: :kissing_heart: :metal:t2:

@framos1792 and @IronSoldier16 come back :disappointed_relieved: :pray:t2:

so it’s time for the WEP!!! :grimacing: :sunglasses: :metal:t2:

Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (22)

with the announcement from LPU for the 20th anniversary of #HybridTheory I think this one here matches perfect - one of the ‘oldest’ :grimacing: - I’m going for Rob and Dave :rofl: :metal:t2:

Mike Shinoda Art (3)
Mike Shinoda Art (4)
I found these two here on Instagram and the artist did a hell of a job :scream: :flushed: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:
I mean - JUST WOW!

Shadow of the day gif
For the lyric pictures/gif I’m still going for ‘Shadow of the day’ - it’s still a sh’tty weather. All is sad, dark and grey and this weather can be a catalysator for depression, so maybe we should feel the energy of this song and maybe the sun will visit us :pray:t2: :heart:

for the ‘song of the day’ I can’t decide between these two versions:

which one would you prefer?

OT: One of my best friends gonna visiting me tomorrow for Bundesliga
again! :rofl: :joy: yeah, also my dad will join us - so we’re gonna take a couple of beers eat some good food (it’s my cheatday) and will have an awesome time :sunglasses: :heart: :metal:t2:

I wish everyone a good start into the weekend. Take care of yourself, share some love and do what makes YOU happy! Protect yourself from corona and enjoy the weekend - Hugs and love to everyone :heart: :pray:t2: :kissing_heart: :hugs:


Talk about good taste in stuff and I am there :sunglasses:

This is a real tough one. I have not changed the image since I joined I guess. This is from 2014 probably. The best I could do right now is this:


If I find the original, I will definitely share.


Awesome, congrats! It was indeed. Though I’m not going to this one, it’s a bit too soon after the last one

Sending back, and to everybody else too. Have an amazing weekend :tada:



I know this is a Skillet post, but what John says I totally agree. This man is a inspiration for me. I’ve met them 2 times and seen them play 6 times. This post gives me hope. :blush: :pray: :bowing_man: :heart:


Hey you all! Where ever in time you are! :world_map:

Sicher. It comes with time and practice. :hugs: :two_hearts:

I actually was teasing @zanybelle :kissing_heart:
But you still nailed it :crazy_face:

.:partying_face: :partying_face:

Thanks for sharing :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Turning and turning :revolving_hearts:

Never :triumph:
and where are you today :exploding_head: It isn’t weekend jet :roll_eyes: at least not for your side of the pond :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :hugs:

You too! Sorry that the check in here is so difficult. You know, we miss you and are just happy when you are in. :blush: :hugs: :heartbeat:

Loved it. At first glance, the road looked like water :star_struck: :joy:

You make me curios what it is :astonished: we need pics from the work :joy:
And? How are your negotiations going? :thinking: :laughing:

And him blinking “Outrageous!”

Curious :thinking: :grin:

Have a good time! :hugs:

Thank you :hugs: as I mentioned, I turn quiet when troubled :grimacing:

Awesome :star_struck:

Thank you! So love this song!
Even so I can’t feel sun with this, on the contrary. Vanishing, goodbye, leaving

I so miss the light. Did you have tested your Vitamin D status? Even I have a deficiency and I’m outside all the time.

Have fun :partying_face: :soccer: :beers:

You mean, we just have to give you some :honey_pot: and you participat in this topic? See it done with this :joy:

And to you! :hugs:

Of course. :hugs: :yellow_heart: With all the rain, hail and cold today it’s not really visibl jet. Just the air and the birds. They sing their lungs out, so beautiful.
But I did find this :blush:


A tag for the flower queen @lpfan61 :kissing_heart:


@HakManLP It’s a tough week in general, my manager is on holidays so I’m fully in charge. I neee to babysit my team too, it makes it even harder when I need to focus on more important things.
I’m working 6 days (12+ hours each day) and ha, that assignment I have for Monday? I still haven’t even started! I’m just too tired to sit down and study after work, I’m home so late. I’ll have to pull an all nighter on Sunday.

OT: Bloody hell!! What a day!! It was insanely busy! Apparently the schools in the area are closed due to the coronavirus. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.

I was super happy to come home to this surprise from Rise Against! :heart_eyes:



For those asking, it was for a job interview. Dinner was ham and cheese toasties.

OT: watching mindseed tv on YouTube since there’s a new ghost video.


I was praising myself for no reason by writing that but this might work as well. With this honey pot, Winnie and I will have a great weekend. Thanks!