HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Back from babysitting and about to watch an episode of Blue Bloods…hopefully one as the other night i did 4 in a row!


It was the song, but also love the whole album :heart_eyes:

the new 5FDP (Five Finger Death Punch) album is named “F8” :sweat_smile:

get well soon :relaxed:

hell, lots of work to do :scream: - but you can do it! :muscle:t2:

Around here 70% is like a “C-” or a “3,00”.

get well soon buddy :relaxed: - maybe you should wear gloves? :sweat_smile:

you’re always welcome and also thank you for your nice words :kissing_heart: feel free to share your german, when you’re able to do it :heart:

always: you’re welcome too :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :heart: I hope, everything is fine? :muscle:t2:

‘WEP’ = weekend post :laughing: :grin: :see_no_evil: but no problem.

Oh, should I have to write down the exact word? But I love the ‘acronyms’ :rofl: :joy: :kissing_heart: :see_no_evil:

good start into the new day! :blush: :relaxed: :kissing_heart: :hugs: :grimacing:
just asking: is ‘Blue Bloods’ worthy to watch? :blush:

quick tags 10 tags to @theearlywalker @lpfan61 @lplove @anngelenee @drounzer @rickvanmeijel @AJ_7 @justinkilmer :heart: :grimacing: :metal:t2:

OT: sh’tty weather in Germany :frowning_face: how about the weather in your region @anna834 and @Linkineli ?How are you doing? Hopefully everything is fine :heart: :metal:t2: if you got a little bit of sunny weather, send it to me please :grimacing: :hugs: :kissing_heart:

Enjoying some music, drinking coffee and gonna do a long walk later.

Wishing everyone a good ‘hump day’ :heart: :metal:t2: :blush:

Hugs, squishies and huddles to everyone :heart: :metal:t2:
Linkin Park Huddle (3).jpeg


Happy hump day!

With the rain the last couple days, combined with the humid temperatures, the snow is almost gone yet again. I wish winter could stick around for the whole season like it did when I was a kid.

I just remembered, it’s also Daylight Savings time this weekend (in Central and North America).


Good Morning all! Happy Hump day! Woop Woop! :camel::camel::dromedary_camel:

Was my thoughts exactly the first time I read F8 :rofl: It’s “F8” because it is their 8th album lol

Having a busy day today but wanted to check in!

Going to share some news that I’m still unsure of
I had a company in my hometown offer to interview me for a Graphic Design role (which sounds great, and the fact that they approached me is even cooler!) I love my area that I’m at and have decided to do the interview tomorrow just to see what happens.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Will make sure to check in when i can! :grin:



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Hey you all! Woop woop! :grin: :wave:

Back from hell :confounded: or better yesterday :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You look like Kenny G.? :flushed:
. :laughing: :crazy_face:

Oh yeah :joy:

So nice! :grin: Mom talking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :hugs: :heart:

.:blush: :blush:


Oh, don’t forget to reveal your dogs again :heart_eyes:

Sounds great! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: for you! :hugs:

Oh, yeah, some furry friends for you over there on this island :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grimacing: :sunglasses:

Still, I like that place. :slightly_smiling_face: Imagine it full of students. :grin:

Done :joy:

Oh, even better to imagine this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

10 today. I normally try not to count. It’s better not to and just work in the moment. And I have after free time way longer then usual.

On the phone, she seems good. Has a new goal, easter party with all her loved ones. :blush:

Right backatya :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

15! :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart:

You can do it! :muscle:

Today was good, yesterday there was even hail :astonished: but yesterday everything was :poop:

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :hugs: :metal: :brown_heart:

Thank you! :blush: lots of love to you! :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

:pleading_face: :pray: :heart_eyes: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

Hope you are better! :tea: :hugs:

I am alright, today. Yesterday :confounded:
It is a little jumpy with me. :grimacing:
Thank you :hugs: :green_heart:

@IronSoldier16 thank you! :hugs: :blue_heart:

@theearlywalker :yellow_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs:

@anngelenee what’s up with you? :hugs: :two_hearts:

@amitrish no interest in this thread? :hugs: :green_heart:

So, now OT yesterday
this nightmare of a day :confounded:
They cancelled the book fair where my publisher wanted to present my book and what is also the market were my publisher makes the biggest sales in the whole year, not only to readers, also to buyers from stors.
As I got this massage, I was fencing on a huge feeld. The dogs kept the sheep in line on one side. The other, I had already fenced the day before. Cause there was a field near by, where the owner hates us and my boss said, it is important that the sheep never go there.
But I hadn’t noticed that deer had broken down the fence. So sheep started to escape.
I was fencing out of sight and to busy with thinking about the fair, so I realized it really late. (Distance of the sheep meadow 1,5 km)
Then I run to get to the field where the flock escaped. My dogs meanwhile had tried to prevent it, but failed. One lamb had fallen down, I wasn’t there, so the dogs got in an hunting rage, ripped the little ones throat out, killed it.
On my way running there, I saw the farmer coming on his tractor, seeing the disaster, turning and leaving.
I couldn’t even make my point to the dogs, cause I needed them to catch the escaped flock, bring them back.
I did, and had still to do so much fencing, was totally put out, was crying and sobbing.
Then I got a bolt piercing pain feeling in my left chest. I was sure, it’s just of stress, but not sure enough. So I did a recording for my kids. But also tried to breath evenly, stop crying so hard.
Meanwhile still fencing.
The sheep were really mad at me, cause they preferred the grass of the angry farmer, so they all constantly yelled at me, run backwards and forwards. Got the whole meadow into mud. A lamb escaped again, I had to catch it with Lilles help. Normally he is very careful with this, now he went directly for the throat. So I know, he had learned with this and I can never again trust him to work out of my sight.
Finished the fence as it was completely dark.
Went home, my boss family was really understanding, I looked probably like hell.
Fell asleep at 9.30.

Yeah! :partying_face: What a day. :rofl:
But it’s over. Today wasn’t that long, Lille tried not once to grip a throat, everything went as hoped.
So still exhausted, but way better. :blush:

Today, both dogs doing a good job


:scream: how horrible- Get a biiig bonecrusher dear :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::yellow_heart::hugs: god bless such days aren’t happening very often- I’m happy you had a better day today :hugs::heart::heart: Stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


@anna834 I will send a second Bone Crushing hug as well!! That just sounds like a day from hell! But happy today has been better! :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Hi People!!! I’m sorry i wasn’t here for a few days​:grin::grin:was very busy with different things​:grimacing:but so nice to see all your lovely posts!
I have some great news from my side🤩
First of all, the one friend i told you about who was in the clinic, is back now!!! I’m so happy for her, it’s so good to see her eating normal food again, asking if she can try some of mine, to feel how she’s not stressed out anymore about thinking of how she can avoid lunch, not drinking watee every five minutes to not feel hungry. And of course having her around, so relieving, i was so worried about her, and so powerless. But now it’s all good​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Also, i’m about to learn TLTGYA on guitar​:blush::blush:and it’s so cool to “explore” a well known song from a different perspective, and of course to play it! And when i showed the song to my guitar teacher for the first time, we both listening to it in this tiny room, sharing it with him and experiencing how Chester’s and Mike’s voices feel to others, was such a special moment, i loved it!
One last thing, i realized that this whole month is 3.20 and it makes me happy to see those numbers every day when i’m writing the date of the day somewhere​:blush::heart:just wanted to tell you that​:relaxed:

That’s so sweet, thanks, i forgot to say sth about it in my last post, so i’m doing it now!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::hugs::hugs::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::heart:

Aaah i just came back from your channel, you’re amazing! I was searching for a tutorial for Mike’s PT version of In The End for so long, thanks a lot!!:heart::hugs::muscle:

Thank you for your kind words!:heart::heart::heart::hugs: i hope you had a great day too! Are those other co-workers behaving well and treating you right? I really hope so, and if not come here and take some squishies!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:or take them anyway :joy::hugs::muscle:

Thank youu​:hugs::muscle:i hope you’ll have an amazing start into the day tomorrow too!

Uhh still waiting for the results, wasn’t that an important test, but yeah i think it’s gonna be bad​:joy: but it won’t help to worry about it​:grimacing::sweat_smile:

true words

Thanks for asking, i’m great, i just was very busy the last days​:grin::grin:but always nice to see you caring :heart_eyes::muscle::hugs:
And i’m sorry, i don’t have any sunshine for you, only grey clouds and coldness…:grimacing:
It’s so cold in my room, i’m even using two blankets​:joy::scream:

Sounds amazing​:blush::heart_eyes:

Always back at ya!:hugs::heart::hugs::heart:and love the huddle, huddle, huddle from the guys​:heart_eyes::blush:

I so agree. We didn’t have any snow at all here in munich😭last year was soo much snow, it was the most snow i had ever experienced, and what i miss the most, ice skating on the frozen canal, you always meet someone you know everytime you go there, it’s so much fun but i lost hope this year for it to just freeze late🙁
Used to be like that👆

Wow, that’s cool!:muscle:

Thanks! :hugs:and have fun with the interview, i hope it’s gonna be great!:muscle::heart::blush:
@LP13413 thanks for the pix, very nice!:heart:
@anomalia saw you typing somewhere else before and leaving here a tag🤗as a reason for you to look here😊

And about your horror-day; i’m so sorry that your book fair is cancelled!:persevere::persevere:that’s so sad! And then, what a time with the sheep …

Seems like he’s not the only one who’s hating someone :grin: did he also saw you? Crying and obviously needing help??
And i’m also sorry for the lamb who got killed, and for you loosing faith in your dog🙁
But good to hear they did a great job today, and that now this cruel day is over! Hugs and love to you!:heart::heart::heart::heart:
Love and power to everyone else too of course!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::muscle::muscle::muscle:


I spend a limited time on this site so my preferences are laughter thread and music/jukebox thread. I try to read other topics when I am tagged and that is why I get to know you guys a little later than the others. So here is a balloon for that.:balloon:


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: such a lot going on… first of all:

Congratulations :tada::champagne: @justinkilmer you so deserve this :+1:t2::tada: you’re WANTED in the best meaning :tada::hugs::yellow_heart: I feel so happy for you :hugs:

@Linkineli 320 is the topic of the month :bangbang: So great to hear about your friend :tada::+1:t2: :dancer: hug her and stay warm :fire::hugs::yellow_heart:

@HakManLP enjoy your time off uni man, thanx for caring :hugs::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs::sunny: and it’s pre Friday again :tada::tada: looking forward for the WEP :star_struck::partying_face:

@drounzer thanx for the hugs, you sound fairly better :hugs::yellow_heart::muscle:t2: stay strong and give us more Chazzy pics :heart:

@anna834 keeping my fingers crossed that the book fair will be opened asap :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2::hugs::yellow_heart: stay strong, it’s supposed to be and it will happen :+1:t2::tada::yellow_heart::hugs:

@hennler get well soon buddy :hugs::muscle:t2: Hope to hear from you soon

@Lilyope big bonecrushers for you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: laughing a lot is just the best to do!! I join you :joy: have a good day :sunny::sunny::sunny:

@alz89 the final countdown- I guess I missed it but you have a new job already, right? And grats for your Twitter bday post, great idea :bangbang: and Anna is just soo sweet :blush::tada: well done Allie :hugs::yellow_heart:

@amitrish a :balloon: for showing up :grin:

Ot: :coffee: :coffee:

And ofc @LP13413 thanx for the pix- I just love to see his attitude :heart_eyes::heart: - hope your hand heals quickly- take care and good goodnight :sleeping: Andy :blush::hugs:

Have a good day and feel hugged deeply- :hugs::hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: especially all peeps I couldn’t tag due to the tag limit! Feel hugged :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: and stay strong :muscle:t2: soldiers :sunny::sunny::sunny:


I’m negociating with some guy :face_with_monocle: :joy:

and trying to work on iikea stuffs :hammer_and_wrench:

How’s your morning?

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I did.

I guess so! I don’t play any instrument which is a shame. (by the way, my first aware dream to have something on my own was to have a guitar - when I was 3 or something). Now the only thing I can do is to watch youtube videos like ’ how was a specific song made?’ and it looks quite simple ( for the people who are able to play any music, off course) - you get some drum beats, then a catchy guitar riff goes in, some vocals - and you’ve got your favorite song deciphered. The one you’ve thought is unbelivable…

Sunny morning outside. Papers and phone calls inside :slight_smile:

Vielleicht heute Abend?


I love the WEP! It’s a fantastic idea. What about a WEP song - maybe one of the remix tracks you listen to? Looking forward to it :star_struck: :revolving_hearts:

Oooh F8 the album? I was just listening to some of the tracks. I love Brighter Side of Grey :heart: beautiful song.

Hopefully you are doing much better? I’m sorry about the lamb :slightly_frowning_face: it’s good you managed to remain calm, sometimes you just need some time to process these types of incidents. It sounds like you did everything right and everything you could. I have to admit that I’ve felt a little anxiety creep up recently particularly with the constant news on the virus. I ended up having a rather disturbing nightmare last night which woke me violently at 4am :confounded: I’m running out of it now. Can’t listen to the madness - as they say stupidity is more contagious than any disease. Just for once humans, don’t be crazy. What is the :bat: doing?

You’re welcome. You sound like an amazing friend and I’m glad your friend has you for support. Sometimes we do feel powerless to help others but just being there is enough :hugs: Good never worry about what you can’t change, just learn from it :+1: Champion! :wink: In the UK we say 20/03 so it doesn’t work here :confused:


Good evening to this side :relaxed:
Good day to the other :sunny:
@Honey8 :heart: sweet dreams to you! :milky_way:

So true. Sigh. Head shaking. Shrugging. Turning away from it.
Turning to you, biiiiiiiiig and even bigger hug for you! :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

Thank you! That’s so sweet! :blush:
But did you actually believe, that you can trick me with this in giving you a slag? No way! Come on Justin! It isn’t weekend jet! :crazy_face:

:partying_face: :partying_face: hey! That’s great news! Happy for her and you too!

Hach! :pleading_face: Yeah, I miss this too.
But I actually do not miss to get no fence pick in the ground :laughing:

Thank you! :green_heart: Huge de hug for you! :hugs: :heart: :green_heart:

:blush: :balloon: happy where ever you find time to check in :hugs:

.:exploding_head: :blush: :hugs:


Sun! :pleading_face:
Hope there was still some when you came out! :sunny:

Immer, wenn du möchtest.
Oh, ich merke, ich schreibe viel Umgangssprache, da muss ich mir für dich besonders Mühe geben. :laughing:
Liebe Grüße :revolving_hearts:

Thank you :hugs: :green_heart:

Till now, I’m more anxious about the protection measures they come up with.
Stay healthy :tea:

You ask me again? Maybe just write him. :upside_down_face:
@framos1792 someone is missing you :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Time to fligh in again :bomb:

But it looks fitting to us. We say 20.03.2020

@LP13413 you haven’t gotten blood poisoning, have you? :kissing_heart:

@evooba just some greetings :hugs:

@evowarrior5 miss you! :hugs:

@chigokurosaki :blue_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

@Lilyope :woman_cartwheeling::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@lpfan61 spring :tada:

@intheend you seem almost tame :astonished: :smiling_imp:

@drounzer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: :heart_eyes:

It rained the whole dang day. :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_rain:
And I felt weak and bloodless. But this day is done too.



Yes the protective measures can seem excessive but as they say prevention is better than cure. There seems to be some panic buying and bad behaviour which is horrible. I really hope if nothing else humanity comes together in these times, not pulls apart.

You didn’t answer. I just meant hopefully nothing bad has happened. Stop tagging him :roll_eyes:

Yep, not 03.20. So we date everything XX.03 not 20.XX? :upside_down_face:

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Work is pretty nice today, it was raining so it was quiet and we finished really fast. Just need to get through this weekend…
I’m home now, waiting to hear back from everyone else about that bloody assignment we have for Monday. Also, the RSD list is out and I want a LOT of stuff this year, damn!

@Linkineli TLTGA is really beautiful to play on the guitar, it just gets boring after a while cause the chords just repeat.


Let us dream :grin:

Why not? @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 @framos1792 :smiling_imp:

Don’t get this? :thinking:
In Germany, today is 05.03.20
In the US its 03/05/20
And in the UK?


Diese muss man auch verstehen.

Same here.

It always confuses me although I’m aware of it. Like how come May 3rd if there haven’t been May yet this year :rofl:

The Ikea stuff is easy to put together. (but I don’t know if they offer crosses :rofl:)


Hhahahah. @framos1792 where are you?! Anna needs you here :hugs: :rofl:

Hello everyone.
Tomorrow the last day and then weekend!! :sunglasses:
Dinner plans with friends and family this weekend. So i have something good to look forward to :relaxed:

Same here. It was nice in the beginning of the day, at the end it started to rain, so we couldn’t do much. Our work depends on the weather.

This is way i love this LP community. :heart: we support each other in the good and bad times. :blush:

Good to hear! Some good to look forward for her :blush: glad she is better.

Very sad to hear they cancelled the book fair. :open_mouth:
Hope things will work out.

How was it?! Hope it is good news for you! Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

How are you feeling today?! :blush: get well soon!

Thanks buddy! I needed it! You are awesome! :love_you_gesture: :sunglasses: much love for you!


@lpfan61 @evooba @anomalia @StephLP18 @Linkineli @birdy1989 @theearlywalker and the rest , much love for you! Have a great day! And enjoy the weekend! :heart:

Im going to bed. Ready for Dreamland! Im little tired. And I brought a ticket for Sum 41 today! @rickvanmeijel Im going to see them again! So ready! :love_you_gesture: the last concert in Amsterdam was facking awesome! :sunglasses:


Lovely lady’s and gentlemen take care, and don’t forget, we are here for you! :blush: :heart:

