HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Good luck @evooba ! :hugs::muscle:
I hope your daughter will recover soon @anomalia! :muscle::hugs:

OT: Lots of issues at work because one of the HR member is sick (thanks to covid). So we have to manage a lots of things she usually do, and we are pretty late on some subject because we didnā€™t have informations on time. Thatā€™s a big mess. My workmate are mostly managing it so iā€™m just watching them work for now, waiting if they need help. :joy:
In bed right now and iā€™ll fall asleep soon. Just opened the window and i donā€™t know if it smells smoke or meat outside. I hope nothing is burning outside. :face_with_monocle:

Have a good day / night all :hugs::hugs::purple_heart:


Hellooooo, any updates? :slightly_smiling_face: canā€™t imagine you drifting off into a peaceful nights sleep while there :confused:

Hello mini @anomalia jr!


Not sleepingā€¦
Updates are expected tomorrow


Ok, hang in there ok? :hugs: were all here if you need us,
Theyā€™ll be good updates :blush::crossed_fingers:t3:
Youā€™re in our thoughts! :hugs: sending patience, calm, and health your way!

Also, I know itā€™s a huge stretch and itā€™s not always looked upon very nicely but if you get to get out for a bit or have a way to access it or once youā€™re home, eucalyptus tea helps some :slightly_smiling_face: hopefully sheā€™s getting inhaler but as a home remedy too you can boil water and add eucalyptus oil to it, place a towel over your head to trap the steam and inhale the steamā€¦
Then thereā€™s vaporub (idk what itā€™d be called) but yeahā€¦ tbh been having to use this fairly frequently the past couple weeks so thought Iā€™d mention :slightly_smiling_face:
To a Mexican mom, no matter what the doc tells you, she still waves a chicken over you while chanting songs of Mother Earth under the half moon while whipping you with palm leaves soaked in holy water til the devil germs leave your body :yum:
Jkā€¦just have learned to listen :slightly_smiling_face:


Hang in there @anomalia. I hope your daughter recovers quickly. :muscle:

@evooba I totally feel you about being shy and public speaking. Iā€™m the same way. I just canā€™t do it. Even if Iā€™m focusing on one spot in the room and not everyone there. I just get awkward and jumble everything Iā€™m saying.

Weekend was good. We did a lot of errands and things around the house. We watched the Patriots game with my husbandā€™s family on Sunday. His aunt invited us over. They set up a tv outside. Oh, and I made this 20200912_102224 20200912_102236 20200912_102333 Into this 20200913_195536 20200913_195548 20200913_195943

OT: watching the Celtics. Have a great night everyone!


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: yesterday the rush in the morning was crazy- I hope I handle it better today, my new morning schedule :muscle:t2::sunny::crazy_face::upside_down_face: however- I checked in here and saw @anomalia s post. Hang in there! Stay strong and ofc all the best for your daughter! And the strength to get everything organizedā€¦ keep us updated! Bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

And to all you guys who already answered @anomalia - you opened up my heart today :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: thank you for being you! :heart::heart: wearelpu :partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ot: :shower:

:sunny::sunny:Happy humpday soldiers! :sunny::sunny:


:man_shrugging: one day I woke up and I already had it in my eye :upside_down_face:

It was you, I remember it now.

Again? Stop projecting on me, man. She doesnā€™t love you :confused: nothing to do with me.

Itā€™s better now. I still have that thing in my eye, but itā€™s smaller now.

:sweat_smile: I use to disappear a lot :confused: sorry. Too much to do here. In my mind, I mean.

Ich werde. Danke.

What are you two waiting for?! Go ahead! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smile:

When he came back a few days ago :thinking: :man_shrugging:

Why is the fish there? Heā€™s not an onion like us :unamused:

Iā€™ll be waiting for it :hugs:

Stay strong, man :muscle:



No, tbh I donā€™t know what it happened :upside_down_face:

@evooba I know you will take the right decision. Iā€™m sure you will. In case you have to talk in public practice with someone you trust or with any of us. Iā€™m a shy person too, but years ago (10, I guess) I decided to stop feeling bad for myself and I started moving from that place. Iā€™m still being shy, but I can handle it better now.

On Topic:
I canā€™t wait for the next month to come and have enough time to spend here and no disappear again.


@anomalia I second the whole eucalyptus thingā€¦ I use for the kids a liquid thingy that you dilute it in boiling water and leave it in the roomā€¦ It helps a lot.
Always if the doctors agree :slight_smile:


Thank you! It isnā€™t yet :joy: Iā€™m kinda used it, because I already worked there during the summer holidays

Yeah you could say that. Thanks!


hello everybody,happy wednesday

these vibes back to you dear and every start is hard, so enjoy playing guitar :blush:

always welcome dear :kissing_heart: best wishes for your daughter and damn, what a fā€™cked up situation. Sending strength to you - stay strong dear! :pray:t2: :heart:

oh noooo :disappointed_relieved:, did you get him a belly rub instead?

And more good news: https://www.loudersound.com/news/are-rammstein-back-in-the-studio?fbclid=IwAR2LaU07_XBWPQq47A-CFTorqHLjh2YpAEtHaw0th-p6lDiIgvzSF40fwPE Rammstein is back in the studio :heart_eyes:

oh yeah, weekend was good. Looking forward to the next one :blush: sending you some positive vibes dear :kissing_heart: What did you do?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thatā€™s good to read. No the official semester start is on November first, but I have still much to do with assignments. How about youā€™re semester?
Also: best of luck dear! :pray:t2:

oh you turned vegan or veggie? For better health?
I really love ā€˜LeberkƤsā€™ - it was delicious. Also we had some Oktoberfest beer :yum: So beautiful pictures :heart_eyes:
Youā€™re back into school?

yes, absolutely :joy: Looks very funny

thatā€™s so strange, weā€™ve still got sunny and warm weather around here and hopefully it will continue, and youā€™ve got frost. dang :expressionless: Sending positive vibes to you andy :metal:t2:

they all sing german :sweat_smile: Iā€™m not into german bands, whoā€™re singing english. Exception is ā€˜Guano Apesā€™. But if you want to hear german bands with english texts, try ā€˜Scorpionsā€™ or ā€˜Blind Guardianā€™. Theyā€™re kinda good.
Oh yes, The Offspring is still punk and theyā€™ve never changed their attitude or stile or whatever. They do the same thing since the late 80ā€™s/early 90ā€™s
I really love Deftones, because theyā€™re one of the big ā€˜Nu Metalā€™ bands back in the days and theyā€™re still making good music. Iā€™m really looking forward to the new album in the next few days. But I prefer SOAD also a little bit more than Deftones. Theyā€™re still a big band, but sadly donā€™t making new music because the members arenā€™t on the same page. Exception is for live concerts.

Thanks for the feedback and I really appreciate our talk about the ā€˜oldschool bandsā€™ from the 90ā€™s/ealry 2000ā€™s :heart:

welcome in here :blush: :yum: :grimacing:

sending you strength and positive vibes to the north dear :kissing_heart: Hope it will get better for you soon.

urgh, that sucks dear :expressionless: Are you two alone with these problems?
Sending you strength and positive vibes :pray:t2: :heart:

that sounds good dear and also beautiful :heart_eyes:. Iā€™m also into that ā€˜classic looking colouredā€™ stuff. Whatā€™s gonna get into that new thing?

you too Pat :kissing_heart: just two more days :grimacing:

donā€™t worry buddy, itā€™s everything good. And sure: youā€™re welcome, just ask if you need some help :metal:t2: :muscle:t2:

thanks really good and youā€™re welcome, best wishes for the next steps :muscle:t2: :sunglasses:

also powerful tags to @drounzer @lplove @chigokurosaki @anngelenee @alz89 @AJ_7 @Honey8 @lpfan61 @evowarrior5 @turexidrosa

OT: Waiting and preparing for my tomorrow tattoo session for some renewal and some new little things, and hopefully my tattoo artist didnā€™t forget me, bc Iā€™ve got no message from him since many days :sweat_smile:

Wishing everybody a good wednesday :muscle:t2: :grimacing:


I noticed, so what is it doing to be? New album or Ramm 4?

Time will tellā€¦

OT - watching TV


Happy hump day, everyone!

I had a thought last night at work. Most of my job this year is consisting of disinfecting nearly every surface that I work with, and Iā€™ve noticed myself having to continuously bend over to clean every little kidsā€™ desks in each room. So today (itā€™s been a while), Iā€™m trying to get back into some sort of morning yoga routine. After which, Iā€™ll get some breakfast and start my day.

I also just had to chase a cat off the patio after him and Thurman locked eyes with each other.

EDIT. Rise Against also has a new song out today!!


HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now?


Sitting here, enjoying that my mother took over and I can escape outside of my ā€œnew homeā€ for a moment. Walked the 9 floors, thatā€™s also good.

First, my grandma doing way better. She started eating again and there is even small hope, to get her back on her feet. Also she is clear minded during the day.
But I canā€™t even describe how exhausted I am.
24/7 caring and Iā€™m just on day 6. With 2 hours sleep last night.
And yeah, I know, I have oh, what ever.
Donā€™t want to think right now.

My spare moments I mostly use to go :rooster: :crazy_face: getting to ball out my brain a little.
So I hope, you excuse me, for not replying back. I just donā€™t find it in me.
Iā€™m still always here, stealing the time to follow the convos, enjoying it sooooo much.
Also and especially all your kind encouraging words.
All this, you all, help me sooooo much in this. Thanks to you, I keep my sanity.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
:hugs: :green_heart:


Thanks for the encouraging words everyone, I wish it was easier on me. I will talk to my manager tomorrow when I see him.

Sending strength and good vibes to @anomalia :slight_smile:

@HakManLP I finished all my classes, just waiting to hear when we officially graduate. Also, let us know about your tat appointment tomorrow, Iā€™m curious!

@LP13413 Thoughts on the new Rise Against? I really hope they will come back with some new music soon!

OT: Very stressful day at work, I feel dead tired. Just going to take it as slow as I can this evening.


Oh, what I thought about, could it maybe easier to talk, wearing a mask? :mask:
And Sunglasses :sunglasses: :joy:
Oh, and a hoddy :rofl:

Yeah! Tell them youā€™re blind and sensitive to covid that way the glasses and mask are inconspicuous :crazy_face:


What are you getting done?

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I am wondering about redditā€¦ Is it worth the fuzz? How the duck this thing works?


Setting up my new laptop before I have go to work


Hey all!! Happy Thursday! :grin::grin:
Hoping everyone is doing great today!!

Yooo! @framos1792 Happy Birthday man!


@anna834 Glad to hear the update!! Sending some hugs your way!! :hugs::hugs:

Short post today but thought Iā€™d check in with everyone! Hope you all enjoy your Thursday!! :hugs::grin: