HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Good to hear that. And it’s only wednesday! Enjoy the rest of the week :+1:


That sucks… English preferable but if you can’t see/find them, then originals please

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Right now I’m multi-tasking. I’m in the process of packing for this camp out (Thurman’s already claimed my sleeping bag) at the same time I’m doing online training for work.


I definitely saw your reply and liked it straight away. You are right about one hit wonders, I think even bands like Alien Ant Farm only had a couple of good songs. But nice to listen to some old punk rock that were so popular back then.

Yeah true, I was just replying to this above. The Offspring only had a couple of good songs too. Feeder were an awesome band, but I didn’t take much notice of anything else they made past this masterpiece:


Other British bands I used to like a lot included: InMe, Stereophonics and The Killers. What are the best German bands for you?


Why? :triumph::rofl::woozy_face::rofl:

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Hey guys, thank you all for your get well wishes :slight_smile: I am actually feeling much much better, haven’t taken any painkillers in 2 days! Whoo!
My manager made sure nobody allows me to lift anything at work and had someone come in earlier to help me open, which I appreciated a lot. We have a big and long day tomorrow, the director is coming again for a short meeting and they’re also going to clear out all the furniture so they can be replaced with new ones.
I’m going to take today slow, relax again as much as I can. I might go out with my flatmate later with the dog, we’ll see.

Have a good day guys! :slight_smile:


I’d like to get back… But the longer you are not active, the harder it is to join again.

Seems I can’t run the race - the pace is too fast.

Hope everybody is fine.


Come onnnn, for me it was literally 4xs harder :stuck_out_tongue:

We gotta get the whole crew active again! Just hop in and ketchup as you go

So mad right now :unamused:
NFL kickoff game, hyped up, hear linkin Park BiD playing in the back I’m like YEEEEEEEAAA…!..-FML
They were showing replays of the Super Bowl, niners getting beat :pensive::sob::weary:

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hellooooo LP forums… glad to be backkkkk wad up wad upppp


Damn dude! Appear and reappear every few years :stuck_out_tongue::joy:

Remember you from when I first joined :joy::rofl:
Kicking off that trump convo that ended well lol

How you been? Life treating you well? Any big news? Made it to any of the pt shows during your absence here?

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heyyyy framosssss kinda recalling some memories here age plays big timeeeee hahahaha

ahhh that trump convoooooo lol so laammmeeeee :joy:

its been good dude… life is just what it is… aging gracefully i must say hahahahah
and no shows has been involved along the way, tooo badddd hahaha

how’s it going for you?

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:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: Fridaaayyy :tada: marks the last work day of the week for a lot of us! :tada::tada: - stay strong soldiers! And today is WEP day :tada::partying_face: and in my country a wonderful warm late Summerweather is announced :heart_eyes:- so the outlook over the next days is great for me!

Hope you guys have sth to look forward to! :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny: Have the best Friday possible :muscle:t2::heart::hugs: #makechesterproud :rainbow::heart:

Lol @anomalia :joy::joy: yeah, traffic here feels like rushhour on the highway :joy: - only chance to get along with it is to set a priority to the threads- and jumping just in then, that’s what I do lol - :crazy_face: and I enjoy the kids having fun :joy::sweat_smile::rofl::rofl: would be great if you show up here in the twitter thread more often again :hugs::yellow_heart:

@evooba good to hear that the pain becomes less heavy!:hugs::muscle:t2: Good flow for the meeting! Stay strong :muscle:t2:

Batmouse rising :partying_face::star_struck: very entertaining :stuck_out_tongue::crazy_face::rofl: :joy::bat::crazy_face::tada::partying_face::sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: hahahaha (@framos1792 )

@raz7 enjoy :blush: :muscle:t2::hugs:

@zanybelle @lpfan61 @lplove and Amitrish ( 10 tags limit is bs still!!! ) nice you checked in here again :tada::tada::yellow_heart::hugs::muscle:t2: bonecrushers to you :yellow_heart::hugs:

@turexidrosa wb to the homebase :tada::hugs:

@HakManLP good to hear your power is back! :yellow_heart::hugs::hugs::muscle:t2: and good flow for the WEP Tim! :sunny::hugs:

Ot: first morning without rush this week :heart_eyes: absolutely awesome- enjoing my coffee :blush:

@LP13413 yaaay! Camping trip ahead :camping: :sunny: :mountain_snow: and lots of fun! Enjoy! Cuddle the cutie :heart_eyes: :cat: and sleep good Andy :sleeping: :hugs:


@anna834 no free morning, just late shift, from 10:00 to 18:00 :muscle:

OT: checking notifications and threads before going to work


Stay strong! Love you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I can be :smiling_imp:


Chilling atm then off to work for the late shift. Need to get back on here more! Sorry guys!


hello everybody and happy friday :partying_face:

urgh, that sucks dear. Sending some positive vibes :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2:

thank you :relaxed: :kissing_heart: yeah, it’s friday now and I can smell the weekend so my mood is good. Have to work in the garden later, but that’s ok. How about your mood? :blush:

yes, but here’s one of the latest: https://www.loudersound.com/features/rammstein-christoph-doom-schneider-my-life-story - Hopefully I can find the other ones, but most of them are in german. I’ll keep watching if Loudwire or kerrang! post some more of this.
Also, how are you doing? :kissing_heart:

you mean his sleeping bag? :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Wishing you a good start into the weekend andy

hello twindear :kissing_heart: ok,
Alien Ant Farm: I would say just THAT ONE song, who’s actually a cover. I really liked the style of that band, but after ‘Smooth Criminal’ their was nothing left.
The Offspring: Oh damn, I have to gainsay you, bc The Offspring is besides Sum 41, Blink 182 and Green Day my alltime favorite US Punkrock band. I just love them since my childhood days and have all albums. They made so good songs and hopefully gonna see them next year.
The Killers: I think they got that one really popular song and that’s it?
my german favorite bands: Of course Rammstein, but above them is ‘Böhse Onkelz’ since my teenager days. Also I love ‘Callejon’(really heavy music). I also liked till 2008 ‘Die Ärzte’(german punkrock also saw them live 2008) and still like some songs of ‘Die Toten Hosen’(german punkrock) and really like ‘Broilers’. But that’s it. Back in the days I loved the german nu metal band ‘Guano Apes’, but they aren’t popular anymore. Sadly :sob

I quote Harley Quinn: We’re bad guys , it’s what we do. :joy: :joy: But sending some positive vibes. Hopefully your in a good mood dear :kissing_heart:

that’s really good to read dear :kissing_heart: and yes: take it slow. Enjoy some favorite stuff like food, games or drinks. Also who’s this cutie dog I saw in the other thread? :heart_eyes: He looks so fluffy

hello dear :kissing_heart: really good to read from you and it would be really awesome, if you can join us again. Maybe step by step? Also, I think nobody would be angry with you, if you missed out answers or something like that. Hope you’re fine too and wishing you a good start into the weekend :pray:t2: :heart:

sending some hugs buddy. Still can’t believe it that the 49ers lost it. But I think this season will be a year for the 49ers?

welcome back in here :muscle:t2: :sunglasses:

WEP-Time :crazy_face: :grimacing: also yes for the weather… but also perfect weather to work in the garden :rofl: Also thanks for the flow, sending back to you. Wishing you a good day and a good start into the weekend :heart: Any plans?

hello dear :kissing_heart: everything ok? If you read this here first, answer me on whatsapp please :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:

that’s not a secret buddy I guess :joy: :rofl: :muscle:t2:

sending some good vibes to you and wishing you not a stressful late shift. Don’t worry, it’s just good to read from you :kissing_heart:

I’ve got new plans: Gonna watch the ‘whole’ saturday european football (german cup games) with my dad and gonna enjoy some typical german food :heart: How about you?

much better so I answer again - hope your in the same mood dear :kissing_heart: :pray:t2:

still waiting :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart:
Also, bc I’m gonna eat this tomorrow: As a bavarian, do you love ‘Leberkäs’?

that’s a really good sentence and I have to quote it. Thanks for this, I’ll try to keep this, when I’m feeling not so good again.
Also your doing better with ‘squeegee’? Isn’t this for window cleaning? :sweat_smile:

hey ho back to you buddy :blush: :yum: :grimacing: how are you doing today? Hopefully better. I’m back ’ in the game’ :sunglasses:

powerfuly and lovely tags also to @anngelenee @Lilyope @AJ_7 @justinkilmer @chigokurosaki @Honey8 @evowarrior5 @Marilau @Audrina87 @StephLP18

So this week was in the beginning very worse, but it turned into something better. Also this week was very special for Linkin Park anniversaries:
Linkin Park A thousand suns wallpaper
A thousand suns art cover
the 4th studio album ‘A thousand suns’ turned 10 this week. For many Linkin Park fans ATS is the best album. Also it changed something in the modern rock era. For the followers of my Instagram you already saw the photo shooting wallpaper, but I want to share it here again with the ‘bacl & white art cover’. It’s just beautiful, even with ‘Mike having a boy band member haircut’ :joy:
Burning in the skies lyrics
So, we already got something for ‘The Messenger’, ‘Waiting for the End’ and ‘The Catalyst’ so I choosed ‘Burning in the skies’ for the one of the songs today. Maybe it’s just that quote, but it was often so true.

Numb gif
Numb lyrics
Chester Numb Art
Even if it isn’t enough, also ‘Numb’ had it’s 17th anniversary on September 8. So, I thought it would be a good idea, to combine these two things in one WEP. Just feel Chester’s energy, if you need to get back in better mood - YOU CAN DO IT! :heart:

OT: I’m feeling much better and gonna work in the garden later. It’s good weather in germany and I’m enjoying the day. Also gonna play some Star Wars Battlefront 2 and looking forward to the weekend with so much delicious food stuff.

Wishing everybody a good weekend and don’t forget to stay awesome #LPUFamily :heart:


I’m fine. Actually feeling better today than the past few so I’m catching up with my online courses. Speaking of that, I’m attending a local college all day on Tuesdays to do an accounting course. Hopefully goes well. It starts on 22nd September and lasts until July.

OT - got AP videos playing in the background whilst doing online courses

Thank you for the links @HakManLP, I’ve got something for you back, :point_down:t2:



I am listening to Porcupine Tree and all set. Probably will watch a movie and sleep through most of the weekend.

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