HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Well, today I put the “labor” in Labor Day. Eight long overtime hours spent at work getting ready for the virtual school year that starts on Wednesday. It’s a little overwhelming, and there’s still more that has to be done, but tomorrow’s another day. I also jump back to my night shift tomorrow, and my dad and I are also looking to squeeze another camp out in probably Thursday to Saturday.

Stay strong, @evooba!


Hey. I’m fine. I don’t remember what I did last weekend. :flushed::joy::heart:


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny:Routines starting again and time is always not enough… stay strong you guys :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs: and make the best out of your day :sunny::sunny:

@evooba :flushed: how did that happen??? Take care Eva :hugs::hugs:- hope the pain stops :pray:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: asap

@anna834 A READING :tada::confetti_ball::partying_face::star_struck: yaaay - so great!!! Keep us updated :+1:t2: you’ll do great! :hugs::heart::kissing_heart:

@HakManLP sending you strength :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: hope your Tuesday kicks up the mood :tada:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 awww, camping :camping: trip sounds nice!! Have fun :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and cuddle the cat :cat:

Have a good Tuesday soldiers :yellow_heart::sunny::hugs:


Same wishes goes back to you :hugs:

This :heart_decoration:


:grin: jajaja It’s a win-win. You learn Spanish while I learn German (or I pretend to. Articles and declinations :unamused: :cry:)

Good luck on it, Anna. You’ll get it!

Jaja I still remember that day :joy: I woke up and went directly here to see a beautiful chaos in my thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I miss that too much :confused:

I’m sorry for that, hope you’re better now. Sending strengths :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

On topic:
I’m sure I hit the reply button yesterday but it didn’t send the message. Anyway, hope everyone had a great day today and if not, well, tomorrow will be better.

I didn’t go to work today because I have a squeegee in my eye since like 1 or 2 months ago. I just received my class from the U then I went to see the doctor. A week treatment and everything will be good.

Right now I’m going to sleep, I think :sweat_smile: goodnight :innocent:


NGL i was holding off on this thread cuz its the busiest and ive got about a k of posts to see :crazy_face: but gotta say what uuuup?! :partying_face:

non nie no niet .!x*%!. :zombie: covid has taken me but i say helloooo from the…yeah no…lame…sorry, me rusty :crazy_face: thanks for keeping me in mind though! had quite a few tags! :hugs:

that was premature :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

:flushed: i was here :exploding_head: too far back :joy:

better(?) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :hugs:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes: :pensive: so easy to replace so soon i guess… :triumph: pshhhh…imitated! not replaced :unamused: :smirk:

RIGHT HERE BUD! :hugs: someone…let out…that i had…an assignment…to disable a nuclear bomb…in a top secret base…cough cough @justinkilmer :unamused: 25 years have now passed so the statute of limitations and the freedom of information act become active, long story short someone cough cough let it out and lil kim had me locked up for a sec :triumph:

stealth mode on :unamused: :bat:

give it a week :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ill be back to being the pain in the ass fairly soon muahahahha! if i can get the onions anna justin @anomalia @anngelenee @evowarrior5 @intheend @lauralou42 @zanybelle @melisLP back to our annoying ways :smiling_imp:


wthhhhhhhh! what about meeee?! :sleepy:

oh its this one super cool super chill dude that only the cool people meet :smirk:

hope it all works out for the best!! patience above all else! :hugs:

hey!!! long time no see! :slightly_smiling_face: tbh same here, troubles with sleep, bit sick so yeah but well all get through it! :hugs: head up high! :muscle:t2:

:thinking: ran out of gasoline for the car burnings(?) :face_with_monocle: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

aye bud! ill reply here instead of the tag thread :grin:
fine is fine, its not so bad but give yourself time to move the needle towards good! we gottta hang out here for a bit, see if it helps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: or not :sweat_smile:
ps: dont come work in the us! :exploding_head: :grimacing: much respect for taking that road tho! :fist:t2: the good ones gotta go in to make a change :blush:

again?! :persevere: im really sorry to hear! i broke a couple last year too and it was crap to deal with :confounded: be patient with yourself and stay conscious of what you do! i worked through it too but you can feel your limitations with it… super glad to see that your manager is accommodating time for you!!! hang in there and be safe with everything else! watch them lungs especially! :hugs:

i 8 2 see you that way :confused: does that help(?) :laughing:
comannnnnnn! cheer up! we a-lewan (only want(?) :grimacing:) you to see you better hehe neuer(know youre) not alone bud :hugs: ok kimmich-ance #2 to behave… (gimme a chance :skull:)
sending you backup strength for the week bro! :muscle:t2: hope to catch up here when possible :hugs:

DUUUUUUDE! missed you bro :grin:
what you gotta have ready for virtual tho??
thats crazy tho, think of the paycheck(?) :sweat_smile: jk hang in there man, that camp out is just around the corner


:thinking: :flushed: kinda struggling with the flow there :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
was it tequila, ganja, bliss, or something else that caused this amnesia :flushed: SHARE! :joy:
long time no talk :monkey: :see_no_evil:

good morning! :hugs: :sunny: have a fantastic day tho! take care! :hugs:

:unamused: i left you, chigo, and the fish in charge :unamused: the FISH was doing his job :exploding_head:


:flushed: i SWEAR it wasnt me! i ONLY use the bat! the metal one at worst :grimacing:
how in thee hell do you get a squeegee to the eye?? it was that car wash girl from the other day huh? you offended her? she went SWAT! huh?huh? :joy:

did she get you with the full slap or just the corner? :face_with_monocle: i gotta send her a gift :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl: jk bro


That sucks! At least you have your camping trip to look forward to!

Honestly, I’ve no idea. I woke up from the pain at like 4am on Saturday and things just escalated. I hope the pain stops soon too. Have a good one at work! :slight_smile:

Thanks! Hope your eye heals fast too!

Yeah, again :frowning: I fractured them a few years ago during a concert of my beloved Rise Against. I was caught up in the mosh pit and shoved hard on the barricade and the impact caused the fractures on my right side.
Broken ribs sound a lot worse, I’m sorry you had to go through that, I almost feel your pain. It sucks!

OT: Good morning everyone! :slight_smile: I finally managed to get some proper sleep, didn’t wake up at all through the night. I’m still a bit sore right now from sleeping in the same position but I’m positive it’ll go away in a bit. I’ll try and move around the house as much as I can but still relax and not do much.
I’m still uncertain how this happened and it has brought me down quite a lot to be honest, I’m stressing a lot about work since I know it is impossible for me to take time off right now. I have another check up with the GP later this afternoon to see what’s up…

Have a good day guys :slight_smile:


:exploding_head: i just remembered you told me about that!!! the day before i went to their concert! my first pit experience :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy: :joy:
good luck with your GP!!!
be safe and have a greeat day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good morning lp family I hope you all had amazing holiday. I had a good holiday myself my dad and my boys came down for a visit and I woke up sick but I still have to work. I hope everyone is being safe and stay strong. Love you all.


Good morning all!! Happy Tuesday!

First off… @framos1792!!! :exploding_head:

How’s it going man??

I mean… Besides the whole me getting you locked up by Kim… I thought you were a better agent than that??? Couldn’t be because I tipped them off or anything like that… Right? RIGHT!!!

Anyways good to have you back! :grin:

So excited!! One been up here for half a day and I already feel so much better… Relaxed and destressed… this is just what I need I think!

Congrats!!! That’s so exciting!! I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park!! So happy for you!! :grin::hugs:

Thanks!!! Really hoping too! :grin:

Thanks!! Appreciate it! I pre-ordered it but shipping got delayed so it won’t be on until Monday (which is okay won’t be home to enjoy it anyways :rofl:) I did get Avengers though and did enjoy what I’ve played so far! How about you? You pick up Tony Hawk?

We decided to honey moon in Northern Minnesota, not where we originally planned but due to the whole pandemic crap thought it’d be safer to stay in the same state. We are in Duluth with a hotel right on the lake so get to see all the pretty views :smile:

OT: first of all thank you to everyone for wishing me a great vacation!

As of right now just finished my morning coffee out on the “patio” while watching this! :heart_eyes:
20200908_064202 20200908_063922

I hope you all have a wonderful day!! I’ll check in when I can! :hugs::hugs:


It starts on October 19 but I think it will be online. I will see English preparation for 1 year :smile:

How have you been :relaxed:

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Welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:

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Doing work from home and listening to the new Aesthetic Perfection cover of Orville Peck, “Dead of Night”… check it out and the original if you haven’t heard them

(Daniel may be on par with Chester when it comes to vocalists now) Aesthetic_Perfection_Filthy_Design_Live_Engel_07_Hannover_05_07_2013


Gooooooood morning!


Morning Sudoku :heavy_check_mark:
Finding something for breakfast :heavy_check_mark:

I might just have to go for a bike ride before I go to work. I haven’t done that in a while.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


I think this might be the final design for my upcoming Mike tattoo


When I added the date as suggested by @framos1792 I remembered that Mike has his own font now so I used that :joy:

Don’t think there’s anything else I should really add by this point or it will just become clogged. I don’t think there’s a way to add something with his name in there fluidly. Might add a simple Fort Minor tat near it at some point in the future, idk yet. The possibilities are endless :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi y’all!:hugs:

Oooh yeah overnight stays are kinda scary if it’s somewhere you feel uncomfortable… but nobody knows how it’s gonna be, so for now don’t worry too much about it​:muscle::hugs: and i hope your ribs are gonna heal fast! I have no idea how you made it through that work day… sending you more strength!:muscle::muscle::muscle:
And yeah, today was my first day back in school.

Oh, sounds cool, i wanted to try that too! (But didn’t have a chance yet to use it😂)

Thank you…:heart::hugs:

I didn’t :exploding_head::joy: idk why, but the last night before school start is always and will always be horrifying to me. I am stressed out, anxious how everything’s gonna be, i can never fall asleep early, i am too tired on the next morning… ugh​:woozy_face: but the day itself is never that bad! And i know that! You have any tips how to sleep good in such a night?:pleading_face:

Wow! that’s gonna be exciting! I hope many will come! :hugs::hugs: and sorry i just checked the music thread by now, i almost missed your tag, thanks for reminding me!

Hi buddy, thanks for checking in​:hugs::heart::heart: today i’m like you were, just fine. Without any reasons, my feelings during the weekend until now were kinda mixed/sad, but rn i’m relaxed and happy​:blush::blush::blush: (read below​:v::cat2:)

You don’t have to. Do what’s best for you. If you wanna come here and answer, that’s great. If you wanna come here and tell us how you’re doing, great as well. If you just wanna feel all the love we send you, just as fine!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::muscle::muscle::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: i know you already know it, but sometimes when you’re stuck in a not so great place, it’s hard to believe it: it’s gonna get better. Really! And you’re strong and amazing, even when you’re feeling down. I hope you feel my bonecrushers!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Your hilarious jokes make it impossible for me to forget you… :exploding_head::joy:just as impossible as trying to not have heelloooo from the other siiiideee stuck in my head all day long… always a pleasure to have you back​:heart_eyes: no, seriously, nice you’re coming here again!:joy::blush::hugs::hugs: aaand see you typing​:open_hands: you’re going from disappearing for idek how long to posting multiple times a day :scream:

Woooow!!! Enjoy!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::v::hugs:
I would like to change with you… i can offer you school with wearing masks all day long… yaay​:muscle::joy::lying_face:

@evowarrior5 Cool design!:heart::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@LP13413 someone is finally joining this thread… someone really similar to your buddy​:blush::cat2:


I don’t know why he wants to sleep like this, apparently that’s more comfortable than sleeping in a normal position :joy::heart_eyes_cat:but who understands cats anyway…
We’re like this for almost two hours now… my body kinda hurts from this position, but i don’t want him to wake up or leave.
We got him yesterday and he’s already so trusting🥰
His name is Vio, from Silvio. Seriously, i don’t know what i would be doing without him now​:sweat_smile::joy: the first day at school was already stressing me out, but for now everything’s good.
Hope everyone can have a good week!


:unamused: bruh
Betrayed me as bad as rose dropping back to the icy depths :triumph:
They had Rachel so I did what I had to :roll_eyes:

Yo!!! This! Glad you’re already having a blast! Those pics look ridonkulous! :star_struck:

:grin: thanks! How you doin’? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:ok_hand:t2: perfect font!

Muahahaha mission accomplished :yum:
I have to make up for lost time! At the start of the yeah I accepted the challenge of catching up to @the_termin8r
My ability to complete that challenge is severely compromised :skull:
We gotta hang out in here so you help me :stuck_out_tongue::crazy_face:


Vio is so cuuuuute! :heart_eyes: :laughing: :grin: prolly thinks he’s sleeping in a tree like a lion with his limbs hanging lol

Hope school finds some normality soon! :hugs:

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Hope you have it in your head, too :expressionless::joy::nerd_face: i mean, you must be really powerful if you can resist that melody… but who knows, maybe you secretely gained new powers while you were away​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::thinking::thinking:

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You’re right, haha​:lion::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: he really thinks my legs are trees, thinking of how he’s treating them(ouch!!) He woke up now, is in playing mode and uses my legs to go from the couch to the ground how often he likes​:face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:

I hope too!:grimacing: :hugs::hugs:

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You give me far too much credit :joy:

This is me :sweat_smile: all day long lol

But it’s hello :crazy_face:

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