HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Today we started placing tape and stickers in the hallways. The tape is really cheap, and we ran out in no time. My boss was busy doing that, while I went around to the utility rooms around the building to start changing mop heads and stocking toilet paper, etc.

I might be working overtime tomorrow, and possibly the rest of the week, or the weekend. We’ll see.

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New parking lot update as well. They’re almost ready to start paving soon.



:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: good Thursday everybody, weekend is another step nearer and I enjoy one of the last calm mornings with my own rhythm before work continues after the summerbreak .

I really feel prepared and well charged for the next stint- I managed to get a lot things done the last weeks and I’m in the end corrections for the stuff for the website :partying_face::partying_face::star_struck: it was on my TO-DO list now for 8 :bangbang::flushed: :see_no_evil: month- however :tada::tada::sunny::balloon: I’m happy this baby is aboit to see the light of the day :sunny::joy:

So here’s a question bc I need a feedback- how do you guys like this quote:
“Every day is the beginning from the rest of your life”
It comes from Ghandi and I like it very…

However- have a good Thursday soldiers :hugs::yellow_heart::heart:

@Linkineli Are you already back in Munich? Hope you can enjoy the rest of your holidays :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::sunny::balloon:

@anna834 hope you could sleep on and feel good rested! Loved the pics in the w&w thread! And the next few days are going to be warm and sunny :sunny: enjoy the festival :tada::crazy_face: :chicken: Take care! :yellow_heart::sunny::hugs::heart:

@evooba sending you strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:good flow for the meeting - :yellow_heart::hugs::+1:t2:

@justinkilmer everything well? :honeybee: good flow :sunny::sunny::hugs::muscle:t2: Although to @drounzer how’s your week going? And

@HakManLP 1 more day - already curious for the WEP this time. Weekend is insight Tim :grin:, I’m Pat btw :blush: stay strong :muscle:t2:

@raz7 watched 3 vids and yeah, I like him, the music is very special… his talking catches me more… and he is :fire: lol :joy: :see_no_evil:

Ot: coffee

@LP13413 lol that’s so typical- to take the cheap stuff not realizing that they pay twice… You guys made pretty much progress!! That’s good! I keep my fingers crossed that there’s no overtime needed :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: would be cool if you find time to come on plug - cuddle the cat :cat2: goodnight :crescent_moon: Andy


Thank you so much and

Thank you, too!!! You guys are right. Usually i know that, but sometimes… i just get overwhelmed with it. Your words really help. Thank you, really​:heart::heart::heart:

I hope it’s gonna turn out well, whatever you’re gonna talk about!:muscle::muscle:

I can tell you, a cat is gonna make you feel better! It’s not as much work as a dog, and when somebody’s waiting for you when you come home, or when you find someone sharing your room with you or coming over to lay down in your bed, that’s really nice. Even when they don’t do anything, it’s so relaxing just having them around.:heart::cat2:
And nice idea with the skull! I get you, let us know how it’s gonna turn out😊

Hi​:hugs: uuuuh the ice cream… don’t remind me of that, i couldn’t eat it all i felt kinda bad afterwards and i think i’ve had enough ice cream for the rest of the year​:sweat_smile::joy::sob::woozy_face: but you’re right with your thoughts on soccer… yeah, luckily we didn’t loose!:joy::v::v:

Thank you. You’re right​:kissing_heart: today i’m actually “excited for my future”, idk how to describe it but sometimes i get kinda visions/ vibes from the future and there are so many possibilities and that’s exciting… :innocent:

Yes, will do it!!! As soon as i’m back in munich, i’m gonna go to Hugendubel😉(or order it there if they don’t have it in the store)
And Marlina sounds like an interesting person, great to write about… your words make me wanna write something too! Actually i’ve been writing some things and even got an idea for a longer story, but nothing “presentable” yet… anways, i love when you tell about your writing!
And i’m so sorry to hear that scary story with your grandma… i was scared to read what happened next. I know that feeling. Was the same with my great-grandma back then, also the emergency bracelet… but it turned out well. Even if they seem so fragile, older persons are stronger than you think often times. I get how worried you are, i’m sending all of you much, much strength!!!:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: but it doesn’t help you or her if you worry all the time, try to believe that she’s gonna get better! (I know that’s easier said than done.) :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:

Ot: driving back home today, don’t have anything else to tell​:grin: hope you have a good rest of the week everyone!:hugs::heart::hugs::heart::hugs:


Another day working on my manuscript, trying to be not too rude at my editors suggestions :smiling_imp:
Listen meanwhile to music from here and forgetting all time.
My brother checked in at four, if I don’t want to eat anything? Hadn’t before and not even noticed.
Now feeling dizzy from all the screen time. But also totally relaxed with a big smile on my face. :blush:
If I just could have paid work that way. :joy:
Phoned with my grandma and she sounded lively. :grin:

You all feel tagged and hugged and loved!
:hugs: :green_heart:


Hey all! sorry I haven’t been checking in!

It’s been a hectic week for me… with work and other things.

Thankfully vacation is next Monday! Really needing it :sleeping:

Very short check in post, just letting you know I am still alive lol

Bonecrushers! and I’ll try to check in soon!! :hugs::hugs:


Bonecrushers back atya :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Enjoy dinner @anna834 :shallow_pan_of_food:


I love Daniel, he’s an awesome guy and he might have just mentioned me in his latest livestream from Facebook, go from 24:44 and listen for “Rhianna Spiers”, (yes that’s my real name) I use Raz as a nickname

You can watch the full thing as well, hahaha

OT - looking for new jobs



Sending strength @LP13413!

Thank you, it went amazingly well!
Congrats on finishing up the website by the way! That’s awesome!! Enjoy your last weekend off as much as possible :slight_smile:

I was in your shoes when I was your age, been there, done that! Haha, honestly, it’s going to be ok, you’ll do great no matter what :slight_smile:

Glad all is well with your grandma :slight_smile: And sending strength for the books, bloody editors!!

Whoop!! Going anywhere fun?

OT: Hello guys! Hope you’re all good and getting ready for your weekend…
I had a really really good day at work today. I went in around an hour early to catch up with my manager before the director would arrive, just to make sure we were both in tune for the meeting etc. That itself couldn’t have gone any better, honestly! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Long story short, we are doing incredibly well, we’re both going to get an extra bonus as a thank you AND we found out there is an annual conference for all managers of the company taking place in October and they want me to go along. And I am kind of panicking!! I am so shy and I won’t know anyone and it’s going to be so damn weird, I was trying to come up with excuses to my manager so I won’t go.


So I worked twelve hours today. I spent a good part of my morning zamboniing a couple hallways.


Among other things, I also had to replace a few ceiling tiles.

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At first glance, I almost thought there was a body hiding up there.


Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: Almost a normal Friday today- means like the daily routines are going to start again.

I’m a bit busy today, so I guess it’s better to check in later here, so this is just a quick good morning :sunny: post for this wonderful community :partying_face::heart_eyes::sunny::sunny::sunny:

I love that we alltogether build a space where we have each other! Shoulder by shoulder one for the other - soldiers attitude :heart::hugs: and fun on top :joy: awesome :tada::sunny:

@evooba yaaay :tada: Bonus sounds absolutely awesome :clap:t2: :muscle:t2::hugs: and have you already decided and told your manager you won’t go? Couldn’t get it :thinking:

@Linkineli safe travels :blue_car: :+1:t2::sunny::hugs:

@anna834 that sounds good and you make progress! Happy about your granny :tada::muscle:t2::+1:t2: and enjoy your weekend my dear! :hugs::heart::sunny:

@raz7 watched from 23:00-18:00 and he is funny :joy: this wasp thing… the thought behind it :joy::joy: he is fun :crazy_face: but he also speaks very fast- haven’t heard - listening again later… thanx for sharing and lol :joy: everybody can speak german… would be cool to hear him talking :+1:t2:

Ot: routines starting

@LP13413 hang in there :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: - how are the chances for a free at least Sunday?? :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: Hope you had a restful night :zzz:


He is a funny guy, very down to earth as a person, both with and without fans. (If you want to know where my name is, go to around 24:50 then listen for Discord… the line is:

“Ah yes, join the Discord. We have an amazing community and er, Rhianna Spiers is sharing the link there”

He has quite a few German fans so they are always asking him to speak German in which he is a little rusty on, lol…

Well, I’m going to share every new video on here so you’ll be able to hear it soon :+1:so far its only a patreon only thing hahaha

OT - Just woke up and on here :joy::kissing_heart:


Yeah, also among my friends i’m not the only one with future doubts…:sweat_smile: thanks again for your motivation! I’m feeling better about it now! :muscle::kissing_heart: and amazing that your meeting went great!
And about that conference- the others there probably won’t know anyone, too. I’m sure you’re not the only one feeling like that. It reminds me of doing a presentation in class, maybe even english class and everybody was so scared doing it. But everybody had to go through it and everbody made it, nothing bad happened. During the actual presentation it got better(at least for me) and then it even was fun. I get your stress, going alone kinda sucks, but what’s the worst that could happen? Maybe it’s even super amazing and there are really nice people who were also panicking, and you’re gonna be friends with them…

Yeah me too!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it’s really a safe space for all of us, like a second home.

@anna834 good to hear that from your grandmother​:blush::heart::hugs::hugs:
@HakManLP how are you buddy?:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ot: woke up feeling sad, the morning really sucked but now i’m listening to Linkin Park and after coming here i feel better. Everytime this happens, i’m again amazed at how powerful and helping the band is. Like, i listen to one song, concentrate on their voices, and it’s like a blanket around me, comforting me. I love them so much.
Sending you all strength :muscle::heart::heart::hugs::hugs: hope your mornings were better than mine! Love you guys!


hello everybody and happy friday :partying_face:

hello Pat :relaxed: :kissing_heart: thanks and I know your name. Anna sended me a picture from your Linkin Park night. Thanks for the vibes, but I’m feeling a little bit better, but not enough yet. I think it will change with tomorrow, bc one of my ‘big bro’s’ had birthday and we celebrate it tomorrow :grimacing: Sending some good vibes back. And yes, I’ve got something for the WEP :crazy_face:

Hello Rhianna :kissing_heart: your gifts sound amazing, but that cake… THAT CAKE! I haven’t it so long. It’s also one of my favorites. I love it. I just love it. Hope you started well today and also: Did you read the newest interviews with Christoph „Doom“ Schneider 's lifestory? It’s amazing.

ok, which shirt? Sorry for asking again :sweat_smile:

that’s the best way! I’m doing ‘ok’ I guess, but my mood will change hopefully tomorrow. How are you doing now? Did Linkin Park helped well? :kissing_heart:

yeah dear :kissing_heart: and he made you an awesome Burger and I was like: come on, it’s very devilish to me :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Good that your back and your manuscript and that you got your flow back. Thanks for the uplifting words yesterday :hugs: If you can watch it: Tomorrow 1PM Hannover - Werder Bremen on Hannover Youtube Channel.

hello there buddy, don’t worry, it’s just good to read from you and wishing you a good start in your vacation! You deserve it. By the way: Do you already bought Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2?

hello dear :kissing_heart: number 3? It’s normal right? #Coffeeaddiction Also very happy to read from your meeting and your good day, but you don’t have to be shy. Maybe practise something in front of family and/or friends. It’s just ‘that typical’ idea, but it will help you. Also don’t think about to much it. Maybe make a plan, how you start your day, maybe with some of your favorite food or somethinge else to get you feel comfortable. After that, get some very delicious lunch for example. In this way, you can outsmart your feelings and brain. :grimacing:

hello andy :relaxed: 12 hours? Is this a normal working day or did you make overtime? Sending you some strength and good vibes :sunglasses:

hello buddy, how are you doing today? Did you also think about ‘further education’? :relaxed:

I know it’s late to ask: Do you also work on the weekend dear? :sweat_smile:

hello dear :kissing_heart: everything good? It’s been a while since you showed up on here

tag, you’re it dear :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: Your doing good?

hello buddy :relaxed: hopefully you didn’t answer me that question ( and I forgot it, damn it), but what do you study?
Hope your doing good - sending some good vibes :muscle:t2: :fist_right:t2:

powerful and lovely tags also to @zanybelle (where are you) @anomalia @lplove @melisLP @anngelenee @IronSoldier16 @AJ_7 @Honey8 @chigokurosaki @Marilau

Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (44)
Sadly not the perfect quality, but it’s perfect for the upcomming colder and fall days right? I think it’s one of the oldest wallpapers, where everyone looks like ‘professional’
Hybrid Theory Anime
I really love the connection between Linkin Park, Hybrid Theory and that anima art stuff. The artist always does a great job :heart:.
With you (3)
Don’t know but this song and also it’s lyrics got stucked in my head this week. Also made a Instagram post about it with a picture of Mike and Chester. Just beautiful
Halfway Right Art
Here’s bonus. I read many comments, why Halfway right don’t get the deserved attention, so here’s a special art picture of it. Beautiful song. Point. :heart:

OT: Gonna do a short walk later, play some Star Wars Battle Front 2 later and gonna start my weekend tomorrow moring. I’m really looking forward to the little party for one of my cloesest friends tomorrow.

Wishinge everyone a good start into the week. Love ya’ll :heart:


No, I haven’t had time due to work, Discord, live-streams (above :point_up:), and looking for jobs.

If you can, put the links here or via DM’s on Twitter and I’ll have a look :heart::black_heart:

OT - having dinner, (cheese and beans on toast)


What do you mean where am I? I posted you about Lit (the band) and you never responded. I am still wondering if you even know this band…

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Getting ready to go food shopping and get some house work done. On my day off. I hope everyone is doing well on this beautiful Friday.

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Bonus will be great! It means I can buy more vinyls :stuck_out_tongue: The reason I don’t want to go is because I’m very shy and nervous around strangers and I loathe conferences but my manager has insisted I go along with him, the director wants me there too (basically because the promotions are going to be announced officially there so everyone knows who is doing what etc). We’ll see though, still time till then.

No prob! :slight_smile: Yeah I know… I’ve just had bad experiences from conferences before so I guess that adds up to my stress. Also, this one is going to be 3 days long!!! With overnight stays etc… yikes!
I’m glad you are feeling better now, enjoy the rest of your day! :slight_smile: Are you officially back at school or not yet?

Oh yeah, I usually have like 5 a day :stuck_out_tongue: In all seriousness though, I should cut down on caffeine…
Yeah, I’ll see what I can do, we’re still a month and a half away anyway and I don’t know all the details yet…
Have a great cheat-weekend!! :smiley:

OT: It’s been an alright day off so far, did some grocery shopping and chores around the house, I got some much-needed guitar playing down as well. I think I’m going to listen to my new vinyls now and relax for the rest of the evening :slight_smile:


After yet another twelve-hour day, I am in for the night. It was long, it was tedious, but yay overtime! It’s also a holiday weekend in the States (Monday’s Labor Day), and I got roped into working all three days (I can pick and choose my hours, though).

Parking lot update. Half of it’s ready for paving. The other half still needs work.


I hope everybody enjoys their weekend!


Working as usual


Hey you all :rainbow:

Phone reception is horrible with that many people around. This festival is just huuuuge.
We arrived yesterday evening, after I drove 4,5 hours. I just did a short exploring and went straight to bed.
This morning, I did lot of walking and watching again. It is impressive, picture will follow with more internet.
Now, I walked a small bridge over the Neiße and sitting in your country @anomalia :revolving_hearts: @anngelenee :revolving_hearts: :joy: feeling close to you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Yeah, this whole thing is that big. :grin:

@evowarrior5 take a big hug :hugs: :green_heart: see us as base where you are always welcome, when ever and how ever you are! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Linkineli did you see my tag in the Jukebox? :kissing_heart:

@raz7 nice you had a great birthday. :hugs:

@HakManLP thanks for your wep :star_struck: aaaaand youuuu strarted sending food pics during the week :triumph: :crazy_face: :hugs:

@evooba I see, how this scares you and to promise that it won’t be awful, no one can. Buuuut I am happy for you, that your work and devotion is recognised. :partying_face:
And maybe this is just such a - kick my own butt situations - you fight through like a bad work day. It is something you are good at. And just maby you even get surprised in a good way. :hugs:

@LP13413 stay strong :muscle: :hugs:
I wonder a little why you have so much to do, when school isn’t starting? Is it just to prepare if something change?

@drounzer :hugs: :heart_decoration:

@theearlywalker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

I’m happy my brother invited me and that we actually did go. I was very reluctant, festivals aren’t really my thing. Too many people.
But as I said, this place is huge. And I just can walk or sit and watch all this strange alternative hippie folk. :crazy_face:
Still not really get to pay that much money to just pay more money. Booths with food, drinks, clothes, pottery…everywhere. Music, I have to check, they at least talk about 17 stages. Till now, mostly medieval sounds.

Have a good weekend :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart: