HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Heyyyyy @Linkineli !! Don’t freak out about your future, that’s totally normal to not know what you want to do after school. Try to not put too much pressure on you and i can tell you that whatever you’re going to do, you’ll always have possibilities to do something else if you don’t like it at the end. A lot of people did a lot of different jobs until they found the right one. And some people don’t do their “dream job” but they enjoy their lives because they have a great hobby during their free time. :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle:

OT: Going to bed to be ready for my second day off tomorrow :crazy_face::joy::grin: Have a good day / evening / night all ! :purple_heart:


Thanks! Oh I will, I will for sure!
I’ve noticed that about the mornings and evenings too by the way. When I wake up now it’s barely light out and by the time I’m home from work it’s almost dark.

I do that too :stuck_out_tongue: I even get headaches sometimes from NOT drinking enough coffee. :stuck_out_tongue: Have a good start to your week too! Saw you had a great weekend :slight_smile:

Hope you had a great day celebrating!

It’s so weird honestly! I can’t wait to see her in person too!

Everything will find its way, don’t worry. Keep in mind that what you are doing to do in the future is for YOU and not your parents/relatives/friends. Just follow your heart. And don’t worry too much, it’ll be fine, you’ll do just great! :wink: And it’s absolutely ok to not know what you want to do exactly, nobody does at that age! And you can always change your mind later too, it’s no big deal.

OT: Today was the craziest and busiest day we’ve had since lockdown, revenue was damn high! It was also the first time this year my manager and I went on our usual walk around the park to talk without any distractions or interruptions from the others. It’s something we did when one of us needed to say something important to the other so I knew it was a big deal when he asked to go today.
I have tomorrow off, and he’s off Wednesday, so we both just have a day to prep for Thursday’s meeting… ugh!
My flatmate wants to go spaypainting tomorrow morning if the weather allows it, let’s see. Otherwise i really want to spend the day chilling.

Hope you guys had a great start to your week! :slight_smile: Sending strength to all!


Thank you to all who wished me happy birthday, :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:
Ask_Me_Anything_2018_Tone_Deaf_with_Daniel_Graves (1)

OT - working from home


Hey it’s been a while, gotten a few tags over the months but every time I do social anxiety kicks in and I can’t bring myself to post :sweat_smile: I appreciate you not forgetting about me @Marilau @anna834 @drounzer and others

Things have basically been the same, still on my medication but still no closer to getting actual help… haven’t found my own place yet either, I really want a cat or something to help me feel a bit better

I also lost that new friend I talked about on this forum a while back… That doesn’t make things any easier either

I still have my work luckily, I officially got my contract extended by a year and I still like doing it, so at least I keep occupied on most days

Also I found this really cute store with a bunch of really awesome shirts, so recently I’ve been buying a lot of new shirts:

To save space I just put them all in 1 gallery instead of uploading all the pictures here :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t have much else to say right now, I’m thinking of getting a Mike-related tattoo soon but I’m not sure about the details yet. I was thinking of just doing the traditional skull


but when I went into Paint to remove the blue and just get the skull in black lines I noticed that it looks very different that way, and maybe uncharacteristic for me to have that kinda skull on my body if you know what I mean :joy: So I might just see if it’s possible to tattoo the surroundings so that the skull lines remain white and it looks as gentle as it does in the pic. I’ll see what’s possible

Sending love to @evooba @AJ_7 @lpfan61 @birdy1989 @Lilyope and all the rest of you


Busy last couple days at work. Very, very busy. We’re moving furniture, getting packages delivered, distributing heavy packages, setting up rooms with face and desk shields, setting tables up for this and for that, zamboniing hallways. We’ve been non-stop working, and we’re almost halfway through the week.

Time to find something for dinner. I think there’s leftovers in the fridge.


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: HUMPDAY :tada::sunny::joy:… the legend says after Wednesday it becomes easier again! Everything and in general- let us take this as the daily quote- however :sunny::sunny: have the best humpday possible guys! #wearelpu :balloon::confetti_ball::crazy_face::joy::heart:

wb @evowarrior5 :tada::tada::grin::hugs: nice you pop in with your post :+1:t2: - sorry to hear about all these things but as you already mentioned yourself- there are a few things that you can enjoy :grin:- tattoo sounds good actually and I can imagine it looks different without background… however- don’t stop yourself from posting when you feel like! We really appreciate you here :partying_face::star_struck:

@AJ_7 this picture made me remember how nice it was to get your pack with the skull pin :hugs::yellow_heart: it has it’s place on my shelf - btw …

@anna834 sending you strength :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::heart::kissing_heart:

@evooba Hope you had a good day off- acc to your IG story you had :sunny::+1:t2:very nice pics- who’s the :dog:?? Did I miss sth? However have a good day at work- good going for whatever comes up and prepping the meet tomorrow :muscle:t2::hugs:

@raz7 so glad you had a good bday :tada::gift::balloon: and :thinking: these pics from Daniel are awesome :clap:t2: he reminds me on someone. How is the discord server going?

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 oh man, this sounds like very very busy… hope you can go just with the flow and care well for your body- this sounds physically exhausting- sending you strength :muscle:t2: :sunny: for a good school start and a recharging weekend before :sunny::muscle:t2:


Hey @evowarrior5 :hugs::hugs::hugs: Thank’s for the love, i take it ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Sending you strength for these days ! :muscle::muscle::muscle: It could be good to have a cat if you can take care of it even when you’re not at home / on holidays. (and if you don’t mind that your couch is destroyed by cat scratch :crazy_face::joy:)

Your shirts are awesome, I specially like those with cats :heart_eyes:
If you get a new tatoo, i hope you could send us a picture of it at the end!!! :grin:

OT: working from home all week, have a good day / evening / night everyone :hugs::purple_heart:


Daniel is awesome all the time.

The Discord server is going really well at the minute, chatting along just fine with Daniel announcing his new side shop called “Close to Human”, which focuses on cats… (link is below if you want to check it out)… by the way, he manages it on his own along with the AP shop, talking to us on Discord, making new music and Patreon so a really busy man and I give him all the respect for that :grinning::kissing_heart:

And actually, the thing I was talking on here a few weeks ago is still going on, (It’s a video :wink:)

Who does Daniel remind you of? He reminds me of Chester; he has tattoos, ear piercings, likes to swear a lot lol, can sing and scream, and on stage he reminds me of him.


exactly!! :tada: yeah- you´re rigt! Haven´t watched many vids… :see_no_evil: … but on the pics absolutely :+1:

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You should watch some videos of him… he’s awesome and sometimes hilarious depending on the topic… I’ll put some underneath so you can watch them

Enjoy :smiling_imp:

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lol TY for the variety :stuck_out_tongue: gonna watch them later when I make a break from setting of my website… :tada:

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Good luck with setting up the website :grinning::heart:

And let me know what you think of the videos :+1::heart:

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TY :smiley:

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Sorry I’m lost :joy: What mission?

I try to, but it’s hard when you get rejection after rejection.

Hey man, nice to hear from you again. Don’t be afraid to post here, you know we’d all welcome you! :slightly_smiling_face:


hello everybody and happy wednesday

you should join us more times - welcome back in the ‘crazy chicken area’ :joy:

thank you dear :kissing_heart:, yeah feeling a little bit better and looking forward to the weekend. Just 3 more days and I’ve got all my food stuff back :joy: Weather is still a mix. I miss wearing short baggy pants, bc it’s too cold for it :sob: what about the north?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, hopefully you’ve got a wonderful birthday and could enjoy it. Also what did you get? Some special cake? :heart_eyes:

hello to the south :kissing_heart: I want ice cream now too, but I can’t :joy: I’m almost on the same page and supporting almost all german teams in the international cup games too. If we had lost 2013 it would be so heavy, so many bad jokes… :joy: Thanks for the feedback :relaxed: Also don’t worry about your future.You’re young and can do what you want. It’s good to have a plan, but it’s also good to have a plan b and c. Also you just live you’re youth. Enjoy it. You’re getting older and a couple of years you’re gonna think: “Damn, I should do that or this.” I promise, you’ll regret something, if you’re to focus on making plans.

hello dear :kissing_heart: how long must you stay in the home office? Sending some good vibes to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello dear :kissing_heart: yeah, it’s just that coffee thing right? Maybe without coffee I would get insane… somehow :joy: Also yes, weekend was great. Also wishing you the best for the upcoming meeting, stay positive :muscle:t2: Enjoy your walks. :relaxed:

hello :blush: first of all: It sounds kinda ‘bad’ but you should celebrate the ‘little things’ like your extended contract. I know how you’re feeling, I know these feelings too. I’m in that kinda mood too. May I ask: why you’ve lost that friend?
for that tattoo thing: you should check out all the doodle collections for mike’s paintings. I think you’ll find that perfect one. If you new some advices for tattoos, just ask :blush:
Head and chin up, you’re strong and you matter! :muscle:t2: :heart:

hello andy, urgh - sounds very stressful :frowning_face: But just 3 more days left. You’re gonna do it. Sending some strength and good vibes to you. :muscle:t2: :relaxed:

hello :kissing_heart: so we’re gonna start with the new idea?
I think after wednesday it’s getting somehow easier, but it’s so much time left before the weekend :expressionless:

yes, I feel ya buddy. It’s hard to stay motivated. But we have to right? Life is an endless fight and we’re gonna conquer it! Sending all the good vibes to you :muscle:t2: :relaxed:

powerful and lovely tags to @drounzer @zanybelle @lpfan61 @anomalia @justinkilmer @AngeDeLaChance1905 @melisLP @lplove @IronSoldier16 @AJ_7 :heart: :blush:

OT: coffee time. Hopefully the last 3 days will be over soon and I’m going back to my assignments. I have to push me!



Lol :joy: I thought that I read somewhere here on forums that you finally catched up your unread threads lol :crazy_face::upside_down_face: probably I’ve mistaken sth?! :joy: however- it’s definitely a mission to ketchup for me before I have to go back to work next Monday… only 124 left :joy::rofl::see_no_evil:

@HakManLP Sending you strength Tim! :muscle:t2::hugs: and bonecrusher :hugs::hugs:

@evooba see you :grin:


@evowarrior5 Hey! Good to see you here! That’s great news about your work, especially now.
Good luck with the tattoo! My itch for another one is getting stronger and stronger :joy:

Thanks :slight_smile: Ah the cat was just a stray we saw on the street. Thank you, it’s been alright so far, have a good one as well!

Indeed! I’m on coffee number 3 already :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you, have a good rest of the week too!

OT: Busy morning at work but it’s alright. Having some lunch now, hoping for a fairly quiet afternoon, we’ll see.


Well, apart from around 10 wolf/werewolf GIF’s, some pictures of Till, Chester and Daniel (some of which were presented by @anna834 so thank you for those) and lots of birthday messages from social media, you guys and Discord, I got;
A new ipod with stand,
Some merchandise based on The Haunted Side, (a paranormal series I’m supporting on Patreon as well as Daniel),
New Clock to finish my room off;
New jewellery, (one ring and two pairs of earrings),
and some money
And Imperfect (DVD) from work

Cake was a Black Forest Gateau and it’s absolutely gorgeous :stuck_out_tongue: :yum:


Finally got my Lebensgeister (spirit, word to word lifeghosts) back.
The manuscript came back from the editor. And, as expected, she really don’t like parts of my style.
I have this 17 year old, very outspoken princess Marlina, lot of temper. I found her pritty much annoying, spoiled and exhausting. My view on her was too judging. So I changed her parts into Marlinas perspective. Since that moment, I love her. It’s so much fun, writing from her point of view.
Actually it is her, that gets young people excited.
(Btw @Linkineli read my first book, I could use your feedback :kissing_heart: )
But of course, my editor wants to smooth Marlina over. And yeah, I feared this battle a little.
But this time, I have more time for viewing the manuscript. So I can read it in a whole, don’t need to jump from correction to correction, getting more annoyed by the amount. No, I can read everything, can drown in my writing. And yeah, it’s always easier for me to fight for someone else. I can easily fight for Marlina.

I worked for the past six hours on this, and, as you probably noticed, got my spirit back.
Am ready now, to tell you the hard part.

In the evening, two days ago. My grandmother fell down, broke her femoral neck.
This, cause she hurried to the phone, to get my call. Got dizzy, said, she calls me back. Tried to get hold on a chair, but the chair tumbled over with her. The emergency bracelet didn’t work. But luckily, she still had a phone in her hand.
She came to the hospital.
My mother called me at 9 p.m., there my grandma was already in surgery.
After midnight, I got the massage, that everything turned out well.
Yeah, es well as it can be for a 92 year old, already totally fragile person.
I spare you my thoughts and worries.
For me, it’s good to be at my brothers, he is rock solid.
And today, I talked to my grandma. She sounds so weak. But immediately got adamant, as I proposed again, that we want to come, visit.
No! She want me and my brother enjoy our time together. We can’t do anything there, not even visiting. Thanks to corona. She feels just tired anyway and prefer to picture us happy together.
Ok. Yeah…
I try.

Thanks to all of you!
Just knowing you are here is heartworming!
:hugs: :green_heart:


Spec? Nah, it was one of those variants. I still got the shirt

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