HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Thank you for your good wishes. This is life. One page closes and the other page opens. We don’t know what time will bring. This is one of the good things about life. I’m fine :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sending you love and strength :dizzy:


I would really love to meet you pat and all the other regulars in time, because you’re all very nice people and you’re all unique in your own ways


Awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs::hugs::heart: So nice words Steph @StephLP18

And yes- we definitely all are- U2! :blue_heart: praying for the meet up to happen :partying_face::heart_eyes:


I will meet you soon dear I promise

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Hey buddy! :heart:

I’m fine. Long week. Work today. Studying again :computer: So long study week! But I’m okay. :hugs: how are buddy?! :metal:

Netflix. The serie is from Netflix, so they are faster.
Im wachting the serie to. Love it! Tom Ellis is so wonderful as Lucifer. And Cloe Decker, Lauren German , I think she is pretty :sweat_smile:

How was it? Its sool great you to meet,!!! :hugs: :hugs:

Yeah, me too. :slightly_frowning_face:
Have a wonderful weekend :hugs:

Ooh that’s bad. Hope you find luck very fast! :crossed_fingers: and come more outside. The world is lovely and there is so much to see! :world_map:

We are here for you :hugs: hope you find the postive vibe again. :hugs: :hugs: and that your manager understands you , but they are just facking idiots. Assholes! :slightly_frowning_face: sorry couldn’t hold back. A big hug for you! :hugs:

Im at work! Going back! Good weekend! Love you all! :hugs: :heart: :heart:


So, it is RSD today, and I am happy to announce I managed to get the 2 vinyls that I wanted. I guess that makes today a good day? Plus the good coffee I just had…


Hey Eva, hadn’t read your whole post. Yeah, a little drunk :crazy_face:
Sigh, sorry, you where such a harmony with your manager for such a long time. Just sucks, that it turned that hard. Hope you find your way back :crossed_fingers: :muscle: :hugs:

Thank you for this beautiful words :heart_eyes:
Hit home with my experience :joy: :crazy_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Hey dear, try to relax. Something will come up for sure :100: :boom: and then, you will drown in work and wished, you had enjoyed this now more. :upside_down_face: :hugs:

:flushed: always something with you :roll_eyes:
You seem to enjoy this :face_with_monocle: busted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But ok, just this :wave:

@HakManLP thanks for your WEP :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :hugs: :green_heart:

@lpfan61 :green_heart: :heart:

450 km further north, arrived at my brothers. It’s party time. But too much for me. All strangers.
And I had my great night yesterday :revolving_hearts:
So I sneaked away to bed. :upside_down_face:


After enjoying a much-needed day off of doing nothing, I’m going to bed.

Have a great Sunday, everyone!


Good goodnight Andy @LP13413 :hugs::sunny::sunny: You’ll sense the effect tomorrow… the effect of resting and recharging :muscle:t2::sunny: Have a good Sunday - cuddles for the boss :cat2: :blush:

And ofc :sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny: I had a completely lazy Saturday too, I slept a lot and was lazy couching :joy: means only getting up the ass to check what’s in the fridge :joy::sweat_smile: man, I was soooo thirsty yesterday :joy:, but yeah, the wine from Friday was just too good :clinking_glasses: :tada::confetti_ball:. I feel definitely better than yesterday. Enjoying my coffee and checking in here as a relaxed start of my Sunday

@anna834 very wise decision :+1:t2::tada: when I imagine I had driven that far in the rain yesterday- I would’ve been dead definitely :sleeping: driving to the bakery was already enough for me yesterday… so I definitely understand that you sneaked away and went to bed! :+1:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::heart: - have a good Sunday :sunny:

@evooba :hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::+1:t2: I wish you a good Sunday, hope you enjoyed the coffee yesterday and CONGRATULATIONS :balloon: :tada: for your RSD (? lol hope it’s the right abbreviation?!) success :tada: Glad you got that shot! What was it again?! :thinking:

@HakManLP hey man :blush:, I’ve a new idea for our naming desaster :joy::joy: - how about taking our forenames?! And thanx for the WEP again and your steadyness in sharing this kinda weekendstarter every Friday :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::sunny::hugs: very appreciated… TY and interesting content this time HT and OML in one post is a moment to really get how wide their variety was and the development of all these years. Battle Symphony is the second single release from OML if I remember right :thinking: … was a crazy time back then in my life…

@NickGr heeyoo bro :grin::hugs::tomato: do you remember back then? Battle Symphonie ?! Twitter?! :joy::joy::rofl: soo nice ! And the pack you sent me and the photocopy of the OML lyrics for you, @AJ_7 and for me… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: awww so great memories :heart_eyes::partying_face::hugs::hugs:

@justinkilmer ty we really had a great evening :crazy_face: :chicken: :clinking_glasses: :notes: - enjoy your Sunday :blush:

@StephLP18 have a great day off :grin::hugs::blue_heart: my dear :hugs:

Hugs bonecrushers style to you all guys :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: have the best Sunday possible and always remember: Love is the answer :heart: and sharing is caring - let’s go on making a difference and to make him proud :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: :coffee:


Haha no worries, glad you guys had fun :slight_smile: And yes, we did today, all good again.

Enjoy the time at your brother’s!!

Thank you, it was a good day indeed! I’m so happy I managed to get them, honestly, all the websites were crashing and I was panicking. I got vinyls from The Big Moon and Girl Band. I like both a lot so I had to add these special ones to my collection.

Hope you have a relaxing Sunday! :slight_smile:

OT: Today was good, busy but still good. I’ve been fighting this massive headache since Friday night that didn’t seem to go away. It appeared that my manager had one as well since Friday and our argument. We talked it out today (he apologised) and an hour later we were both headache free. So crazy! It scares me sometimes how stress leads to that, I seriously need to chill.
Tomorrow is Bank Holiday here so it should be a super busy one, we’ll see.

In other news, my baby niece is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I just spend my nights looking at cool baby stuff for her. They dressed her as a ballerina the other day and I promised my cousin I would buy her her first pair of Vans and Converse so she can have cool shoes like me. Seriously, I don’t even know how I’m so in love with her, I generally hate kids and babies.


I have a feeling this is going to be a long week.

Time to make my lunch for tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: early walker early today lol, I woke up two hrs ago l- tossing and turning until I finally realized there’s no way to go back to sleep- so after I accepted my biological schedule I got up and now I’m sitting here and having my morning coffee :blush: ketching further up and I’ve only have 140 unread left! There will probably pop up some revived threads due to my diggin :joy::sweat_smile: and grats to @rickvanmeijel that you finally accomplished the mission :tada::+1:t2:

and I just now realized that the days became already shorter during my summer break- sunrise is definitely later today than it was at the end of July… It’s dark black night outside still at 5:53 am - autumn is knocking on the door. So I really hope for a bright and colourful indian summer .

Have a good start into your day guys! Let the good things that happen everyday lead your awareness- a smile, a friendly gesture are already things that matter- and this no matter wether you give or get it gifted … :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::heart: - no matter what happens- there’s always a way to deal with life :heart: #makechesterproud :grin: we’re not alone :pray:t2:

@evooba awww - so glad you had a good Sunday and yes- important experience: stress can cause physical- very painful symptoms like headache :face_with_head_bandage:- good you talked it out! And I must really confess that I don’t know both bands… maybe you post your favourite song in the Jukebox thread? And I get a tag? Would be cool :sunglasses:! :grin::muscle:t2: have a good Monday Eva! :muscle:t2::rainbow:

@anna834 how was your Sunday? :grin: I guess the festival still went on?! :tada::balloon: I hope you had fun :tada::crazy_face: :chicken: !! Have a good one :grin::hugs::heart: Hug the :dog2:’s :blush:

Ot: :coffee:

Good goodnight Andy! @LP13413 :grin: sending you strength for your week! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Have a good and charging rest ! :hugs:


That was way too long
Like in another life you know )

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Lol nope- it’s a pretty living memory on my side - let me tell you about it- we could do a memorial plug? :tada::tada::hugs::tomato: my dear lil bro :hugs::muscle:t2::+1:t2::confetti_ball::sunglasses: @NickGr

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hello everybody :relaxed:

urgh, that sucks dear :pleading_face: hopefully the next days are gonna be better? You’re welcome :heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart: also saw your other postings and hopefully your headache will be over as soon as possible. I drink more coffein when I’m getting headache and it helps very often. AAAW so partner look auntie and niece :heart_eyes:

hey there bud :blush: stay positive. If I understood it right (in german), it’s a big industry like here in german. Many people are working in that parts of society. But covid 19 is the virus in it. But you’re young and when companies want to move forward, they need you and motivated people. I think you’re gonna do it! :sunglasses:

that’s good to read dear :kissing_heart: sending these vibes back to you also the best wishes for your studies! :grimacing: When you’re gonna start?

agree 100%. I had the pleasure to meet Anna in real life at one of our favorite bands concert (sum 41 ) and it was just awesome to just get f’cking insane :rofl: :joy: in the first row

I’m doing good these days buddy and feeling much better these days. Weekend was very good and thanks for the advice with lucifer.

But weather sucks, how about in NL?

:heart: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_eyes: it was a very good weekend again and I don’t know exactly why, but I shared this picture of my pizza with you and somehow I knew, that you also got pizza :joy: Crazy stuff :joy: Also saturday was very good, a little walk and a nice place to chill, drunk some beers and had a good time with my dad #graciasClaudio :heart_eyes:

that’s a good idea, I’m okay with that. :relaxed: Thanks for the lovely feedback and sure I’ll keep doing this. Also awesome that you’ve figured out my intention behind the last WEP. It’s the time between HT and OML in that WEP and I found it perfect, also for the battles in the other thread. Yeah, BS was released as a lyrics video but the official 2nd single after Heavy was Good Goodbye I think, then Talking to myself and then One More Light.
Sending you some good vibes :heart: :kissing_heart:

sending some positive vibes to you andy! :muscle:t2: :fist_right:t2: :fist_right:t2:

just asking: was this the special version which is include it in the special album box of OML?

powerful and lovely tags also to @zanybelle @Lilyope @raz7 @lplove @melisLP @anomalia @IronSoldier16 @alz89 @anngelenee @Linkineli :relaxed:

OT: weather sucks right now, kinda cold and rainy. Need more coffee and I’m still a little bit tired from the awesome weekend :joy: Maybe I’ll do a quick walk/run later, if weather gets better

Wishing everyone a good start into the new week.Love and hugs to everyone and don’t forget to take care of yourself :heart:


Depends on when
The studies are about to start offline

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Thank you for the tag @HakManLP!

Well, it’s my birthday! Officially 20, yay! So feel free to leave birthday wishes or any photos of Daniel Graves, Till Lindemann, Chester or wolves/werewolves… I’ll get round to reading them later! :heart::black_heart: love you guys!



Hallo you all :sunflower: :rose:

:joy: :rofl: Thanks man! :blush: first thing I got after separating, colourful socks :crazy_face:
My ex thought, only black is appropriate :laughing:

:flushed: lmao same here. I always said, a puppy, anytime. There you are through with this shit after one year. :laughing: Then my youngest sister arrived. She is 22 years younger then me. I always said to this little cudly baby: You are my danger :heart_eyes:
Three years later I made her an aunt :sunglasses: :rofl:

Strength for this :muscle: :hugs:

:joy: :joy: :pizza: :yum: happy you feel better. This weather is just no fun at all. Yeah, miss the summer already. Take a hug :hugs: :green_heart:

Again :partying_face: :partying_face:

@Linkineli thanks for the holiday pics :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@justinkilmer Monday :sunglasses: :point_right:

@drounzer :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@lpfan61 :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart: :heart:

Rainy :cloud_with_rain:
So I stayed mostly in bed. Learned Spanish, even so it’s not really successful or fast :laughing:
Buenos dias @IronSoldier16 yo como tu tortuga :innocent:

Oh, yeah :partying_face: I take your word for this :sunglasses: :crazy_face: :joy: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs:

The decision to take my vacation at my brothers was mostly, that it is a good thing, to just do nothing and come to rest once a year. I would never do this at home.
And as always at the start, I feel on top of exhaustion edgy and annoyed. Just ready to jump on some: You have to … But no! Stop it! Come down! Relax! I can live through doing nothing and enjoy it! Ha, ha

Morning view from my window

:hugs: :green_heart:


Pictures of Chester, Till and Daniel in one day! :heart::black_heart:
Thank you! And for everyone who wishes me a happy birthday! :heart::black_heart:



Hiii y’all, finally coming here again! Sorry, the past week i was in a kinda meh mood, even though i’m still on vacation. I managed to have fun, but i’m also in that pre-stress state because the start of school is coming closer and closer and we’re supposed to “be normal”, wich means too much studying, too many tests, too much everything :exploding_head::sob:and i feel like i’m wasting too much time with that. And i want to be done with school but i’m also scared of what i’m gonna do afterwards. Everyone’s asking me about my future and i have ideas but no specific plans and when i tell a thing they are surprised and i think they think of me as a naive girl.
And i miss the farm so much, i feel like i can never be this peaceful again without being there… but on that there’s hope, becaaause my grandma’s cousin lives in that same village and she has a free small apartement, she doesn’t wanna let us rent it yet, but maybe in a few years… so we would be able to spend the whole summer there again!!

Thanks, haha​:wink::blush: yeah, stadium visits are so great! My most intense stadium experience was in rome, those fans can sing​:exploding_head::exploding_head: ‘grazie roma’ is soooo beautiful and intense, like a “real song”, sang acapella by thousands of fans​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Your african rythm thing sounds absolutely great, too!

Heeyooo​:hugs:the ice cream we had today, i have something left in the refrigerator… it IS much​:joy::joy:but soo good!:laughing::yum:
Yeah, the game with dortmund was defenitely different. But if dortmund would’ve played against PSG, i would hope for dortmund to win. I still like them more than paris😂 but that doesn’t mean back in 2013 a loss against them wouldn’t have been so bad… so, to me both finals matter equally to me.
And don’t worry about your WEPs, i’m happy with whatever you come up with!

That’s so amazing! I admire her, and you! That shepherding magazin sounds nice​:joy::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::relieved::muscle:

:hugs::hugs::hugs:sending you hugs in return



Yeah, i wish i was there!!! But i’m also really happy for her, she looks like a little girl meeting her idol next to him​:joy::joy::heart:

Woooow, great picture, never saw it before!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

This is the sweetest thing i’ve read the whole week. I’m happy for you how much you love her!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::innocent::heart:

How boriing​:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::joy:
And the time you spent with @theearlywalker sounds sooo amazing and fun! Makes me so happy to hear how through the band and this connection online boundaries get made​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:that’s just incredible!:blush:

Ot: lying in bed 'cause it’s raining and my head kinda hurts​:woozy_face: but other than that, i’m excited for next monday, bc then we’re gonna get our cat!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
(The left one(i think :joy::joy:))
