HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Hello dear,
I’m not angry with the question you asked. I am female. :smile:

I could not enter for a long time because I was waiting for the announcement of my preference results. I got into Istanbul University physics department :grin: :grin:

How are you?


Thank you for the support… let’s just see what happens :woman_shrugging:

OT - doing part of my online course and listening to music


Sending strength @LP13413!

I used to be way into football when I was younger, knew all the teams and the players etc. I just don’t care anymore (I’m sorry). My flatmate doesn’t either, she just likes the team because she’s from Munich, she doesn’t know anything about them and doesn’t really care about the game either.

Hang in there with the weather, it ain’t the best here either, we’ve been experiencing some pretty gusty winds lately. Stay positive :slight_smile:

@anna834 That rainbow is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!!

OT: Glad yet another hectic day came to an end. I honestly can’t believe how busy we’ve been lately, it’s just crazy. Had to deal with a lot today, my manager was constantly calling me too to check on other stuff (poor guy can’t get a relaxing day off), and I barely got what I need to do done, I had to leave some things for Friday, which sucks.

I am off tomorrow, flatmate wants to drag me out skateboarding in the morning (I haven’t skateboarded in at least 2 years so I’m pretty sure I suck at it now) and in the evening we have the dog so should be a good time. I’ll try and relax as much as I can as well and sleeeeeeeeeeep! (Precious sleep without nightmares hopefully).

Have a good one guys :slight_smile:


Work was alright today. We’re starting to put some stuff into storage, and getting hallways ready to clean the floors. Not that we’re in any rush now, we’ve got two whole months now to get the school ready. And even then, who knows what this will all look like.

It’s not so much that there’s a higher risk, I think the administration is just playing it extremely safe. There’s still so much uncertainty with COVID, and I don’t anybody truly knows what the hell to do.


Last full tending day and, as it seems also the last day of really summer. So I enjoy it. :blush:

Yesterday evening I visited a neighbouring sheep farm. The shepherd had called me, she always read my columns in the shepherding magazine and would love to meet me in person. Course she had lambing season and couldn’t leave, she invited me over.
And wow, what a nice person, already in her 50th, her farm perfectly organised, best cared of sheep. She started late, maybe 15 years ago as she met her husband, a shepherd, gave up her old life and totally passionate about her new one.
And, as she stated, a total fan of me :flushed: I’m her raw model :exploding_head:
Hey, I never write one bad word about the farm I work on, but totally honest about my mistakes and struggling.
She just said, it feels so good, to see, that she isn’t the only one to get in trouble. :grimacing:
I feel a little like a fraud, sigh, I couldn’t compare my dutiful working to her passion.
The evening was great all together. She had everything prepared, so she has time for me, could leave the barn early. But, as it happens, a lot of sheep decided that now is the best moment for birthing :joy:
Didn’t matter to me :blush:
And we got off at some point, had dinner and talk. Her husband even arrived later from his flock and they were full of stories, we had a lot of laugh. :joy:
Good people to know :blush:

@theearlywalker tomorrow :partying_face:

Right now

Take care you all :revolving_hearts:

:hugs: :green_heart:

Post 2000 :partying_face: :joy:


Today was…different, to say the least. Our work days normally start with us sitting in our break room, watching the news. The top local story for today was a fire that started very early this morning in an abandoned mall downtown. A few hours later, from inside our building we started smelling something burning. We stepped outside a back door and we could see the smoke from that fire still being put out, drifting towards us.


The yellow marker is where I work, the red marker is the mall that went up in flames (roughly 7 miles, 11 km)

I wish I had my camera.

We were told to go around the entire building to make sure every door and window was closed, so the smoke didn’t find its way in.

Otherwise, my day was fairly normal.

One more day to get through, then the weekend!


Listening to music before sleep…

Got this album (As a DVD and CD) for my birthday from my work mates


Good morning guys, hope you’re all well :slight_smile:

I’m on break at work at the moment (I know, too early), was planning to leave early but my manager won’t let me. He says we have too many things to deal with and he complains that I always leave when he’s there (like, that’s the point, he’s here so I don’t need to worry :upside_down_face:) but pfff… at least I hope it’ll be a quiet day since it’s raining too. Let’s see…
There’s a big management meeting scheduled for next week apparently as well so we need to prep for that. I bloody hate meetings, I always feel awkward. And it’s a face to face one this time too…

Have a great day y’all, special hugs for @anna834 and @theearlywalker, have an amazing time today!!


:sunny::sunny: gooooooood morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: Friday again and a working free weekend for the most of us ahead :tada:

I had a good week, and realizing how quickly time passes is really a bit frightening… :upside_down_face::crazy_face: - but yeah- a steady reminder to live each day with the awareness that it is unique :sunny::sunny: - and however, to make the best of it! Every day is a challenge, an opportunity to grow and to walk further on our way to become who we really are :partying_face: :rainbow::heart:

Highlight of my week so far was my shepherd day with @anna834 :tada::hugs::yellow_heart: yeah and tonight we’ll have dinner together :yum: :clinking_glasses: before she’s traveling back home. Looking fwd :partying_face::star_struck: :heart_eyes::kissing_heart::hugs::heart:

@evooba hope you had a great evening and good charging nights rest :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: you so deserve it! Stay strong :muscle:t2: :+1:t2:

@HakManLP don’t worry when “bad” thoughts come up :hugs::hugs: just remember: you’re not alone! :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: looking fwd to the WEP :tada::tada:

@Linkineli sounds like when you’re having a real good time! :partying_face::star_struck: enjoy- 1 week to go before the grind starts again :crazy_face: :hugs::yellow_heart:

@raz7 nice vid :confetti_ball:

@justinkilmer hahaha :joy: reading your posts makes me often feel your buzzing :honeybee: :joy::joy::sweat_smile: however- very appreciated you find your time to check in!

@lauralou42 heeey :partying_face: nice you show up :tada::tada:

Ot: starting my routines…

@LP13413 hope the working day passes quickly today! Stay strong :muscle:t2: :sunny::hugs:


I haven’t posted in this thread for a while, so let me catch up with you all. As for me, it’s been kind of a drag lately. Been applying for various jobs and had two interviews, but no luck so far. Spending (too) much time at home, really need to get outside more often. Yesterday I took a 2,5 hour walk through the nearby forests, that felt great. Besides that trying to make progress on my music projects, which are going quite steady luckily.

Thanks for this reminder, I needed to hear this. Enjoying your time with @anna834 ! :hugs:

This, especially when it’s about something not related to your work :joy:

Did I miss your birthday? In that case, happy belated birthday! :smile:

Luckily you weren’t too close to the fire! I remember a fire breaking out in the street behind us last year, it can be pretty scary to be so close to it.

Great story. It’s nice to know there’re still hospitable and decent human beings out there :joy:

Yes you are! I know the feeling of getting caught up in the past, it happens to me sometimes as well. Here’s the thing: it’s completely useless to let this happen, because you’re a totally different person now than you were then. Wishing you all the best! :hugs:

The latter is the best option. It’s important to communicate your borders to others, so people know what they can expect from you. Good luck! :blush:

That’s insane! Enjoy your time off :slightly_smiling_face:

Sending back the positive vibes :hugs:

It’s crazy right! July and August have gone by so fast. Feels like I’ve barely had any vacation :joy:


It was an early birthday present from work… my birthday isn’t until Monday so you’re fine :+1::grinning: @rickvanmeijel


Hey all! Happy rainy Friday to you!

With it being as “deadfully” warm as it’s been this past week… I welcome the rain :joy:

In other words I’m super excited for today not only because it’s Friday, but it’s also the release of “Panic” by From Ashes to New. Been waiting for this album for what seems like forever :metal::metal: :joy:

It really is… you don’t notice it up until you are actually doing something too lol., or at least that’s how I am :joy:

I mean I’m willing to make that trade :grin::grin:

I would be SUPER jealous!! :scream: :scream: :scream:
That is awesome!!

Isn’t that what the husband is supposed to do?? :rofl: :rofl:
I definitely will speak up if needed and will make sure to keep you all posted with it! Seriously thank you all for being here when I need to be crazy or just vent a little! :hugs: :hugs:
But next time… a little less bone crushers, my back is starting to feel it :wink::wink: :joy:

Lol It does make me seem like a very busy bee huh? :joy:
Yeah I also feel bad when I can’t say hi lol, used to be so easy to post everyday with long crazy posts :crazy_face:
But glad that I can still catch up with everyone here! :smile:

Just remembered that you and @anna834 where going to meet up again today! Hoping that went well!! :smile:

Thanks! Yeah I have a pretty good relationship with my manager so I’m sure she will understand, if it comes down it it.

Definitely will stay as positive as possible! and If i need anything I know who to come to! :smile:

Again thank family for being there and a. putting up with my crazy ass :crazy_face::crazy_face:
and b. just for being here! It’s nice to have that “second family” feeling with you all! No matter how many mile apart we are :grin:

and with that. I am going to get some food and finish off the work day!
Hope you all have a wonderful day and great weekend as well!! :hugs::hugs:


good evening everybody and happy friday :partying_face:

I forgot to ask: do you gonna spend something of that for something special? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :relaxed:

I searched Lucifer and I found every episode on amazon prime and netflix. Which one is faster with new episodes?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, hopefully it’s ok, but I had to include some other songs today :sweat_smile: Hopefully you’ll like. Also: what are your plans for your last days of holidays? :heart_eyes:

just tag you dear :kissing_heart: bc it’s weekend time and hopefully for you two? :pleading_face:

thank you dear :kissing_heart: and sure I’m taking care of myself. I think I’m strong enough to stay positive. Also that home office thing have it’s advantages right? :crazy_face: Wishing you a good start into the weekend

hello dear :kissing_heart: oh no, hopefully it’s worth it. I don’t know, but sometimes ‘a better job interview’ is the personal thing right? Bc they can see how are you ‘feeling’. Wishing you the best and hopefully there will be some positive news in the future :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

urgh, don’t remind me - I hate winter :expressionless: Yeah, I did a lot of work in the new house from one of my best friends (painting) and I’m feeling really good right now. And sure, there are waiting some delicious things for me. Also thanks for reaching out to me dear :kissing_heart: :pray:t2: Hope you’re still in a good weather mood

hello dear :kissing_heart: I knew it :crazy_face: And congrats for the new chapter in your ‘life book’ - wishing you the best. I’m doing better today and you? :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: doing my best to stay positive and it’s working. How are you today? Hopefully the bad things, thoughts and feelings from your working day are gonna turn into something better in the evening? Sending you some strength. :pray:t2:

hello andy :blush: :relaxed: oh damn, what a katastrophe :scream: Hope you8r working day passes quickly, stay strong and enjoy your well deserved weekend buddy :muscle:t2:

you’re too kind dearbud :kissing_heart: I know, I’m not alone and it’s really just to type in here to get something off my chest and also getting these support :pray:t2: Hopefully you’ll love the wep. Also what you’re gonna do on the weekend? :relaxed:

thanks buddy :heart: and: don’t give up, it’s kinda normal, also in this time, that it’s really hard to find a ‘new chapter (new job)’ - so don’t give up. And yes, I’m not that person anymore, thanks for writing this! It will work for me :pray:t2: Maybe it’s ok to ask: What kinda of jobs do you looking for?

thank you buddy and wishing you exactly the same! Have a wonderful day and great weekend. Also - are you into ‘fall guys’? :joy: I think it’s a big thing on PS4

powerful tags to @drounzer (give us an update buddy :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:) @zanybelle (I miss kinda punk rock talk around her twindear :crazy_face: ) @lplove @anomalia @melisLP @anngelenee @IronSoldier16 @AJ_7 @chigokurosaki @Honey8

Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (43)
So, I’m still kinda in the mood for that #HybridTheory20 thing and searched some really old wallpapers in my collection and found this. You know, it’s Mr. Mike Shinoda with blue hair and glasses #Nerdymike :laughing: :grimacing: Love it
One Step Closer Art valeria_favoccia
So Valeria Favoccia did another Hybrid Theory song for an artwork and she did ‘One Step Closer’ - Also the lyrics macthes for me this week 'Everything you say to me Takes me one step closer to the edge And I’m about to break
I need a little room to breathe ‘Cause I’m one step closer to the edge And I’m about to break’ - you know it. And this artwork is just :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
Heavy Lyrics (2)
Battle Symphony 2

So, we’re also in the round for the battles for the best OML album song and these two are the perfect combination for my week. I could have chose ‘Nobody can save me’, but I can save me on my own! :muscle:t2: Also ‘Heavy’ is this, why I’m holding on those memories and so ‘Battle Symphony’ gives me something to move forward. It’s just perfect and without ‘One More Light’, Battle Symphony would be my #1 on that album :heart: I just love this song.

OT: It was good day. I was at the new house from one of my best friends and helped him. I painted 3 1/2 big walls with all that stuff you need for ‘wall painting’ and I’m really done today :joy: But I’m happy again and looking forward to a good weekend with some favorite food, good music and good beer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wishing everybody a good start into the weekend - Thank you for the connection, the exchanges, the support and the shared love :heart: :pray:t2:


:pleading_face: nope, tomorrow I’ll do 7:00-15:00; sunday 6:00-14:00 :muscle: so busy, no time to do anything :persevere:
Thanks for tagging me :heart:

OT: going to sleep soon


Two whole days I won’t have to think about that place. That’s how my day was…


Well… mine is but it’s just weird, I’m always too scared to speak.

Good luck with interviews and all, it’s a tough time now but I’m sure you’ll find something eventually :slight_smile:

Not my best of days, it’s been pretty crap actually but thanks!

Hope you guys had a lovely time @anna834 @theearlywalker today!

OT: It was a horrible day, I had a pretty bad argument with my manager again, I honestly don’t know what or where I’m doing/going wrong. He refuses to understand, I honestly wanted to just cry and walk out today, that’s how bad it was. I cannot wait till my next day off, I need major chill vibes…
I’ve had a nasty headache since around noon too that doesn’t seem to go away, I’m pretty sure it’s from the nerves but still… one sleep away from stressing all over again. Oh well… happy weekend I guess.


Still have :joy: :clinking_glasses: :rofl:



A lil bit drunk with RAR 2014 YAAAY :tada::tada::tada: I feel alive :dancer:


Lol :joy: two in a row for me now :joy::tada:

:sunny::sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny:
Yeah, we really had a nice evening yesterday @anna834 and I… we talked, ate, talked, watched two shows (RAR 2014 and RTR live at Milton Keynes ) and our favorite YT vid - long story short: we ended up at 1:30am - the time was pretty speeded up and we were both a bit drunk :joy: :crazy_face: - the quintessential: we had a great time together :tada::sunny::sunny::blush::hugs: and I made once again the experience that we all, I mean the regulars especially… we just share a base with each other which is incredible deep. Thank you for the nice evening Anna :hugs::heart::kissing_heart: you’re wonderful!

I’m happy that you found your way inhere :hugs::yellow_heart: so that I had the chance to met you! I can say I have a new real-life friend!!! That’s so great!

:thinking: We alltogether should really make a meet-up when Corona is over!! Sending out bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: love :heart: and strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: to you all inhere…

No tagging rn - time is short

Ot: :coffee:


Oh great! Consider it my early birthday wish then :smile:

You’re welcome :blush: Yeah some companies are in financial trouble, so they don’t recruit new people. I’m looking for a job in the field of marketing and communications, but I might have to consider other jobs too.

Wishing you good luck! You can do this :muscle:

Don’t be, I’m sure you have valuable things to say about the work as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! Just gonna keep trying just like @HakManLP said.

Haha nice socks :joy:

I agree! When all bullshit is over we should plan something