HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Good morning all! :heart:
Another work weeks is started.
Vacation is over, the kids are going back to school!
Yesterday and the day before yesterday I was free. Enjoyed time with friends and family.
I’ve watched Bayern München vs PSG yesterday! :soccer:
Happy that Bayern won! They deserved it!

Have a good day people! Prepare myself for work!
Much love! :metal: :hugs:


Good morning family :sunny::sunny: I’m just enjoying my time atm :grin: feels sooo good.

Today I actually drive over to @anna834, she’s not far from here tending the sheep- so a great opportunity to meet up again! :tada::yellow_heart:

Hope everybody is doing good :sunny: Wishing you all a good start into the new week! Have a good Monday soldiers :grin::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs::muscle:t2: Stay strong :muscle:t2:

Ot: late breakfast :yum:


hello everybody :blush:

hello :kissing_heart: thank you for your feedback and yes: it was JUST A FANTASTIC AND AWESOME WEEKEND :heart: Still a little bit tired :rofl: Enjoy your late breakfast. And sure: staying oldschool is always good :grimacing:

friday and weekend was good, how about you? :kissing_heart:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: if you got the chance, take some pictures - would love to see them. Also the best wishes for your new projects on getting a better paied job dear :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2: Do you already some job interviews?

sorry for answering that late, but the weekend was just awesome :heart_eyes: On saturday I was hiking with 2 of my best friends to a new place and also a new big lake. We had a great time. Yesterday I saw my favorite team to win the championsleague for the 6th time (I’ve seen 3 wins and 3 final losses now), so it was just great. Did your flatmate watched it too? I think I remembered it right → also Bayern Munich fan?

:kissing_heart: sending some special hugs and vibes. Damn, we’re not in a lockdown and life is kinda ‘normal’ but people are still stupid in germany :expressionless:

maybe you can order the box for christmas or next year? But a new car is always better, congrats on that dear :kissing_heart:

hello :kissing_heart: you’re always welcome I saw something like ‘Pokemon go’ but with Harry Potter, do you know about this game? Looked interesting. :star_struck:

hello dear :kissing_heart: you passed it and are still alive? :pray:t2:

naaaw :heart_eyes: thank you very much and of course: YOU’RE welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sunglasses: :kissing_heart: How was your weekend?

We won it! :partying_face: :partying_face: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: And I’m gonna remember these 5 songs, it was a little bit late for the WEP :sweat_smile: Also enjoy your last two weeks and I think it’s no secret that my weekend was just awesome with hoiking, good weather and the championsleague win :heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: by the way: Great RA tattoo :star_struck:

it’s always good to step up and trying to stay positive. You’re doing it right buddy. Maybe it’s bc of corona and there’s are ‘bad sales’? (Don’t know how to describe it better)

And also saw your other posting: JUST YES! YES! YES! YES! Weekend was very good, I’m still in super mood and need more coffee today :rofl: sending some good vibes back to you

hello dear and first of all: thank you for texting me yesterday at the game time and also for the vibes from framos :heart: :kissing_heart: :pray:t2: I’m still very tired and yesterday was very hard to watch, I even couldn’t enjoyed my beer that much before the 1:0 for Bayern Munich :rofl: But then, it was good and after the game just awesome. But I went to bed early and I’m kinda fit today. And yes, she’s got really talent for these drawings and I can’t also not 100% believe that I crossed the 2000 on friday :sweat_smile: - what about you today? :grimacing:

also thinking of starting this series. It’s complete on amazon I think

powerful and lovely tags to @zanybelle @melisLP @IronSoldier16 @AJ_7 @justinkilmer @anomalia @AngeDeLaChance1905 @Marilau @Honey8 @rickvanmeijel :yum: :hugs: :grimacing: :heart:

OT: coffee and already lunch time :laughing: and of course…
:muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Wishing everyone a good start into the new week :sunglasses: :grimacing: :metal:t2: :muscle:t2: :pray:t2:


I don’t at the minute as I’ve only started looking but as soon as they come, I’ll be ready for them. I’ll got some photos ready and I’ll share them.

OT - in work and on Discord at the same time lol

Photo is a meme for Aesthetic Perfection but to share it on here as we are all loving


Hey all! Happy Monday!

Hoping you all had a great weekend!

Thanks! Hugs back! :hugs: :hugs:
It was good for the most part! Saturday there was a live music “gathering” in my town so I went up with my mom and just relaxed a little and yesterday I hung out with a few friends, just joked around and all that. Was nice to feel “normal-ish” lol
I hope yours was good as well?

@LP13413 Love the tatt!! :heart_eyes::metal:

Apparently today I am EXHAUSTED… thought I slept great but apparently not :thinking:
Well It’s almost lunch time here and I’m about ready for my 3rd cup of coffee… here is to hoping it works :joy:

I hope you and @anna834 have a great time together! :metal:

Great show! I still haven’t finished the last season… I need to get on it!! I’m missing out :joy:

I hope you all have a lovely day! Sending positive vibes and bone crusher whether you want 'em or not :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


That sounds good, you guys are doing the right thing! Respect for you!:muscle::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

:joy::sob:oh noooo! But it’s cool how much you come around​:blush:

Awww that gives me a big smile!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Haha, i love things like that​:joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:oh yeah, choosing “your” character is so fun, like who would you be​:heart_eyes:
I love Merry, she’s really nice​:wink::wink: i find Aragorn soo cool​:grin::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: but LOTR is a story with so many favourite characters, so many great ones…

Awww yay ok!:blush: yeah, it’s really a special thing. And i can understand why you chose not to work with cows…
after this experience i promised myself to never eat veal cutlet( this word sounds so unfamiliar??:cow2:) again. I’m already “meat avoider”, how i call it, but now i want to eat even more vegetarian​:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I can imagine those struggles very well…:sweat_smile: that times with band chats sound so cool!!
Yeah and yeah​:joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes: i already miss them so much…

Same haha​:joy::joy::joy::muscle::muscle::muscle: IT WAS SO AMAZING AND INTENSE IT WAS SL CRAZYYYY after 7 years i remember the last time so well, i watched it in croatia, with dortmund fans in the back​:joy::joy: one of them cried so hard after the game, my father gave them all beers for free​:grin::joy::sob:
It was physically and mentally exhausting but so good, i wasn’t used to such a thrilling atmosphere i loved it! Thinking about it I GET SO EXCITED AGAIN :joy::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::muscle::soccer: my father promised us 6 balls of ice cream because of 6 wins​:joy: last time we couldn’t eat 5, but i think this year me and my brothers are old enough to make it​:muscle::joy::joy:
And my mum, who stayed in munich bc of work(idk if i mentioned it here, but she works in the arena for the museum) and SHE MET SO MANY FROM THE TEAM SHE JUST SENT ME A PHOTO OF HER AND MANUEL NEUER!!! I wish i was thereeeee, they came with the throphy in the arena​:sob::sob:

YEEEESSS!!! Yeah, your weekend defenitely sounds awesome! And no problem with the songs, now i het why you wanted to know​:joy::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Ooh yeah, it’s funny how special it is now to get a feeling of ‘normal’ again…
And i want your bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::wink:but some you get back​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi everyone!
As you already probably noticed, it was a good weekend for fc bayern fans​:joy::muscle::muscle:it was so nice to have the game as something so exciting, it was great despite corona, it almlst feels like a small win against the virus as well bc we could still treat it as the important game that it was, still have fun, still be so happy afterwards​:muscle::blush:
really helped/helps me to forget about how much i already miss the farm with the people and animals there… but well, next year we can come there in the holidays again, only without an apartement :sweat_smile: so that’s still so good, something to look forward to​:grin::pleading_face::heart:
Today i didn’t do much, some reading and a really nice bike tour along the lagoon. I wish you a good week, positive vibes to everyone!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs::hugs::kissing_closed_eyes:


Its on Netflix!


Awesome!! Have fun :slight_smile:

That sounds like a great time :slight_smile:
She didn’t watch the whole thing, we just had the last 20 or so minutes on but she’s happy they won.

OT: It’s been a busy one at work today, really busy. Was running around like crazy, but it appears that my manager and I are back in sync, we had a great day despite the craziness. Hopefully it stays like that, let’s see.
I’m craving ice cream tonight, I think I’m going to have some and then watch Angel with the flatmate. It’s supposed to rain badly later tonight and all through tomorrow so let’s see what happens. We’re supposed to go out to dinner tomorrow night…

Hope you guys are doing well, have a great start to your week :slight_smile:


Another Monday, another day spent social distancing desks. I caught two more mice over the weekend as well.

Also, for everybody that noticed, I also have a Metallica logo on my arm. I consider it part of a New York Yankees tattoo I have, so I never think about it in terms of music. There was a pitcher for the Yankees who used Enter Sandman as his entrance theme.

My mom and I attended a game in 2013 when he was honored in a pre-game ceremony where he also had his number retired. Metallica was there to play him onto the field live.



About to go to bed, shattered from work as working 7 days straight this week! On a good note I had my nails done earlier and I get paid tomorrow :slight_smile:


Good morning family :grin::sunny::sunny: Sun shining outside- I slept good last night :blush: and I’m about to take a bath :bath:t2:, after finishing my coffee. Sending out bonecrushers to everybody inhere :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart: stay strong you guys! #320 - we make a difference :+1:t2::heart:

@alz89 yaayieee… grats for the fingernails :tada::tada: :nail_care:- sending strength for the stint! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

@evooba thank you :blush: we had a nice afternoon tending sheep and talking :smiley: :sunny: :sheep: ! sending you strenght for the craziness at work and good job you did with your manager… and yeah- I guess you’ve to be in a continuous process with him- to always find solutions for given situations… stay strong :muscle:t2: Eva :hugs::yellow_heart:

@drounzer I’m glad that you calmed down! :hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: stay this way! You guys will make it holding together as a team :+1:t2:

@HakManLP grats :tada::tada::confetti_ball::+1:t2: :beers: happy you enjoyed your weekend :yellow_heart::hugs:

@anna834 so my dear :sunny::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs: looking fwd to have a chill drink together on Friday :beers:- it’s so cool that we can go on talking :tada::blush::hugs::hugs::heart:

Ot: time over… later guys! :sunny::sunny::sunny: Have a good day everybody :hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

@LP13413 stay strong Andy!! Hope that smoother times are ahead :hugs::+1:t2::muscle:t2:


Hey you all :wave:

Kind of :laughing: :crazy_face:
And, recovered today? :stuck_out_tongue:
Suuure, totally worth it :trophy: :hugs: :heart:

Thanks :heart_eyes_cat:

:flushed: there you have a strong wife, who knows how to fend you off and in your need you get this out on us? :exploding_head:
Not fair!!! :scream:

Jk :laughing: oc :crazy_face: Thanks man :hugs: :green_heart:

Yeah :heart_eyes: I even love Smeagol :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: needed me a few years and Peter Jacksons and Andy Serkis view on him, but still :heart_eyes:

Ha, ha, ha. Then congratulations on you too! :partying_face:
I so get you! The atmosphere in a stadium brought me to Werder Bremen. That were just big life experiences :dancer:
It looses a little in not watching, but still flares up in sharing the thrill @HakManLP :kissing_heart:
And being hyped in an stadium isn’t that much different from a concert.
I remember once in the Weser Stadium, the fans started some African sounding rhythm with drums and singing. All, the whole 35 thousand people (it was before they made it bigger) did go along for like half an hour. It was just mind blowing :exploding_head: :heart_eyes: :joy:

Probably the same feeling at a baseball game. Wonder how this is now without the crowd.

Thank you :hugs:
We so had :partying_face:
It was amazing :blush:
I am a little reluctant to have company while tending sheep. Even in fine weather, people get stressed out and restless by the quiet peacefulness. :joy:
But not @theearlywalker :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You seemed to have dived into the feeling. Even saw the conection between me, the dogs and the flock. :dizzy: Impressive :blush:
And the icing, our conversation. Don’t know what exactly, but all my own stressing just evaporated.
Real happy to meet you Friday again and deepen this further more. :hugs: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

@lpfan61 :hugs: :heart: :green_heart: flowers entwining corn :revolving_hearts:


:hugs: :green_heart:


Awwww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: how nice words :partying_face: I’m feeling exactly the same :tada::tada::hugs::heart::kissing_heart: and I really enjoyed the time yesterday! And this connection :heart_eyes: wirh you :tada::confetti_ball: looking fwd to see you again on Friday :hugs::hugs::hugs: @anna834 :kissing_heart::heart: take care my dear :heart:


Hey all! Happy Tuesday!

Not even 9:30 (as I’m starting to type… usually takes me longer to post) and I’m on the second cup of coffee for the day :crazy_face::coffee::crazy_face:
My poor co-workers… :joy::joy:

That’s exactly it! :sob::sob: :joy::joy::rofl:
You get to feel the wrath and it’s all Brianna’s… fault? :joy:

So happy to hear that you 2 had a great time!! :hugs: sounds nice!

@LP13413 the Metallica into the Yankees tattoo… I love the connection there! Nice! :metal:
I love tattoos and all their connections/meanings… so don’t mind me commenting here :joy: :joy:

Alright, another busy busy day, at the time of typing it is 11 am and I’m ready for coffee # 3… oh boy lol.
Just going to jam out and hopefully get things done today :metal:
The new things I’m learning isn’t too bad. Last week I got a tad bit stressed, but that’s because I’m expected to do the new stuff AND still get about as much done with my other “tasks” so felt a bit overwhelmed by Friday. :crossed_fingers: Hoping that things get better or I might just have to have a discussion with my manager saying that it’s just too much.

Anywho… just rambling on here :joy: :joy: Hope you all have a lovely day. :hugs::hugs:


Today was spent picking up where we left off yesterday, social-distancing desks.


Six feet in between each one in every direction (God forbid, they’re off by even an eighth of an inch). Each room is only allowed about twelve desks each - which is less than half of the number originally in each room. We received a storage unit last week for all the extra desks, tables, bookcases, rugs, etc to accommodate the required spacing.

Some of the overflow of desks we’ve also set up in the cafeteria. We had to fold up all the lunch tables, and set them aside, so this is what lunch is going to look like this school year.

DSCN3763 DSCN3764 DSCN3765

I mentioned a couple days ago in the When/Where thread about the field at the Rec Center getting paved soon, and they started that yesterday.


Other than all that, I think this week we’re also going to start placing directional arrows in every hallway, so everybody knows how to maintain distance, and walk down the right side of the hallway.

Only two more weeks until school opens, so help us, God.

I hope everybody else had a decent day!


Two in a row? Lucky me.

I found out tonight that it was decided by the board of education to start the school year strictly online starting on the first day of school (September 8th) through October 23rd. Where it goes from there will be decided on sometime in mid-October.


hello everybody and happy wedndesday :blush:

YEAH! :heart_eyes: that sounds awesome dear. Some good news for a better payed job?

oh wow, that sounds awesome and 6 balls of ice cream are that much - it’s easy :grimacing: :sunglasses: The finals 2013 were more intense for me bc it was against Borussia Dortmund. This year was also intense and I was mentally exhausted too, but a loss against Paris wouldn’t be that hard as a loss against Dortmund in the finals. But it was just well deserved.
I want to include some of the songs in the WEP, maybe next time :blush: Summer is over in my region, you’re still having beautiful days right?

and also on Amazone Prime, Don’t know where I’ll try it :sweat_smile:

hello dear :kissing_heart: WHAAAAAT she didn’t watch the whole thing? I would have died :joy: By the way: are you into european football or your just watching bc she’s a friend?
Also: The bad weather hit us hard :sob:

Do you got some days off after this? :scream: :kissing_heart:

thank you :kissing_heart: and you’re gonna anna again? this is awesome. Wish I could join you for some talk, but this money thing… damn it. :expressionless: Wishing you two a good day :grin:

hello dear :kissing_heart: first of all: if you got any better weather than that shitty typical north hessen weather, send me something :weary: :sob: Also I’m fit again, but the weather makes me sad. Even I couldn’t enjoy my walk/run yesterday and today I think it’s not possible to do that. That sucks. And yes, totally worth it. But bc of that weather, I have no weekend plans yet :frowning_face:

good luck and best wishes for that :muscle:t2: Everything ‘worse’ will turn into something better - soon or later, so stay positive. Also sometimes some talk would help too? Wishing you the best buddy :relaxed:

hello andy - damn, that sucks, but welcome to the ‘horror show’ too. I’m in the same situation and the online thing will go on for me until next year february :pensive: But on the other, for me it’s safer, bc we’re not having these big rooms like schools and we’re more people than school classes. But even it’s hard,don’t lose your routine, don’t lose your positive human being. Sending you good vibes buddy :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :pray:t2: :pray:t2:

powerful tags to @drounzer (how are you doing these days?) @zanybelle (still waiting for another punk rock answer twindear :kissing_heart: ) @anomalia @lpfan61 @melisLP @lplove @rickvanmeijel @IronSoldier16 @anngelenee @AJ_7

OT: bad weather, gonna have to do something in my house and kinda ‘bad mood’. Drinking some coffee, but some ‘bad things’ want to get in my head of my past from the last 3 years. Sometimes it’s kinda hard to fight them at the moment, but I think I’m stronger than these :muscle:t2:

Wishing everyone a good day and just 2 1/2 days before weekend.Stay safe and healthy everyone :heart:


@HakManLP Sending you strength even if you’re stronger than bad things :muscle::hugs::purple_heart: Take care of yourself :blush:

OT: working at home, it feels better than at work when there isn’t so many things to do. So i’m good :grin:

Have a good day / evening /night everyone :hugs::purple_heart:


Jobs have been delayed for now due to COVID but even if I get to the interview stage, they can save them for a later time or do the interviews at home via video chat


Hey you all :sunny:

Meee so toooo! :heart_eyes: :hugs: :yellow_heart: :hugs:
Yeah, I actually can’t wait to leave this place. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Suuuure :flushed: blame Brianna :unamused:
You are like a little kid, getting deeper into trouble with every excuse you come up :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Hey, take care of yourself :triumph: with this, I’m serious, speak up, when it is too much and know, we always have your back :hugs: :orange_heart:

:flushed: F*** all the work for nothing :confounded: and continued uncertainty :sleepy: real sorry! Strength :muscle: and positivity :grimacing: to you :hugs:
I also not really getting it. Is it so high a risk in your region? I heard that university starts normally in some places till October. All expectations say, that with the cold curve will rice again. :persevere:

Sorry, no chance! :stuck_out_tongue: I keep my perfect weather here, it’s what holding me up :blush:
But hey, this winter time will be long and rough. Don’t start with the bad weather mood already. Maybe you give yourself a little slack and find some special treat for rainy days? :doughnut: :yum: :hugs: :green_heart:

Positive side, you don’t need more money for concerts either :partying_face:
Jk it’s just crappie :weary: keep it up :muscle: :hugs: :black_heart:

The one satisfied with work! :partying_face:
Happy for you! :joy: :laughing: :hugs: :purple_heart: :hugs:

@drounzer :hugs: :two_hearts:

Tending sheep in beautiful sunny and windy weather.
This is from last evening @evooba :hugs:

:hugs: :green_heart: