HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

@HakManLP, I’ll have to look into that… pretty sure I’ve seen it somewhere… and Daniel has a new video out soon

Apart from that, doing fine. Just finished my holiday from work so still working part time from home on some days


:heart::sunny: Happy humpday soldiers :tada::sunny: We’re at the airport… boarding starts at 1:50 pm - enough time to ketchup here :grin:

@raz7 I hope you enjoyed your holidays… watching the vid later when I’m at home… no wlan here available :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@HakManLP very nice and powerfull Wednesday post BD :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:- already curious about whats up next for the WEP :star_struck: - and are you sure AngeDeLaChange is female? :thinking::crazy_face:

@justinkilmer oh thank you buddy, :yellow_heart::hugs: and it’s such a great gesture from your students to keep you updated- :partying_face: and such a feedback is very touching :heart_eyes: and a great compliment :clap:t2: ofc! I’m just happy for you :tada::+1:t2::grin:

@anna834 thank you! Sending bonecrushers back at you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: and we’re family of our own choice here :tada::heart: so just try to not feel bad about the wedding- they don’t deserve you! :hugs::kissing_heart::heart:

@evooba hope you enjoyed your day off at it’s best :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::sunny: sending strength to deal with all the things that come up with work! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Quick bonecrushers @Linkineli and @anomalia and @drounzer and @hilaryfol :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Always be aware guys, love :heart: is the answer #320 & #makechesterproud :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

Ot: browsing

@lp13413 oh man, that really sounds busy Andy! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Stsy strong my friend :hugs: and please cuddle the boss! Have a good humpday :sunny::+1:t2:


Good morning lp family I’m up early watching tv and getting ready to go to work to get my test done and I work late today. To cover for tomorrow. I have to go to a funeral



@HakManLP, the Amphi festival in August 2018

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I hope you have a safe flight dear

Hellooo! :grin: :hugs: :hugs:
Thinking about the deluxe bundle :pleading_face: BUT I think I have to wait a bit :grimacing: hoping I’m not too late for it :pleading_face:

OT: coffee break :coffee:


I just took a hot bath, and now I’m simultaneously making breakfast and packing a dinner for tonight since my hours were shifted just for tonight.

Happy hump day everyone!


Hey family! :heart:
I really need to bonecrushers! The love and the happiness right now.
Everything is so fucked up. I’m fucking hate everything right know. Fack my boss, fack my work, fack it…

Sorry guys, i needed this anger off my chest. :disappointed: :disappointed_relieved:

Im not okay now. I had a work meeting with my supervisor, team manager and some person who manages things at work. We all have a work meeting with those persons, one by one. And now they told me… that i need to step up in work. I need to do my job better and the things i do, so protecting my coworkers ‘in the field’ and talking with civilians is somethings that we aren’t allow to do. :confused: :unamused:
It so stupid, why can’t i talk with a civilian when they ask something, or wanna something.
And why do we need to stay out of problems. We are special law enforcers, are job is to step in a problem and to fix it.
What the fack is wrong with that? :unamused: :confused: i don’t get it. :man_shrugging:

Hope you all feeling better?!
@anna834 @HakManLP @theearlywalker @LP13413 @lpfan61 @lplove @evooba @zanybelle @StephLP18 @Lilyope and the rest!!
Love for you! :heart:

Im out… need to chill. I’m pissed off. :angry:


Biiiig hug! @drounzer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You are on the right side!
Be sure of it!
Love you!
:hugs: :revolving_hearts:


Thank you love. :heart: :heart:
It’s very confusing and messed up. :man_shrugging:
Listen to some heavy metal and get the anger off my chest.
Everything is just bullshit. :man_facepalming: :angry:


Hey @drounzer !
I agree with you but they don’t deserve your anger! Take a big hug and strength here :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::muscle::purple_heart:


Here’s looooots of special sunshine hugs!!! :sun_with_face: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :sun_with_face: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I don’t know why they acting like that…but don’t let it affect you in any way! :muscle: :heart:

OT: going to sleep :sleeping:



It’s been raining a lot, which I don’t mind. Today is supposed to be a fairly ok day, rain will stop but temps are starting to go down, it’s meant to be around the 20s by next week. Perfect!

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed your holidays as much as possible :smiley:

Hang in there! Sending love and strength your way! Don’t let their words get to you, I don’t agree with that approach either but just try to do your best.

OT: Hey guys, what’s up? I had a very quiet day at work yesterday because of the rain, it was good for a change. Some friends came over for dinner later, we had sushi, played board games and had a few drinks, it was great! I even managed to sleep in a bit today, now just chilling with some coffee.


I’m at work, super boooooored. Almost nothing to do. I’m working on the same job offer for days and there is no good applicants. I have to do like i’m working hard because the sister of our CEO is doing an internship in our team. I can’t wait this day to be over. :blush:

Have a good day / evening / night everyone ! :partying_face:


@drounzer Hoping today is better!
That is so stupid… I’m 100% on your side! I feel like you should be able to talk with civilians, that way they know they can trust you.

sending bone crushers your way!


Thanks! It was just a great little gesture that meant so much to me!

Hope all is going well on your end! :hugs:

Going to have a busy day today so just going to check in saying: I’m alive and well… (maybe well probably with more of a touch of crazy :crazy_face::crazy_face:)

I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Congratulations! I’m sure she’s a cutie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hope you get to take a day off work just to get away from the stress :slight_smile:

I’ve seen very similar messages on other LP forums. I think the “older” fans have a lot of the items already in their collection and keeping physical items takes too much space. Great if you want to maintain a collection (probably to sell in the future/ pass on) but otherwise I don’t keep merchandise like I used to in my 20s. You can enjoy music without fandom. I sometimes worry about fans who have a lot of LP tattoos because you need to save some space for your future family members and possible interests - I’m sorry to all the tattoo fans but maybe cut down :grin: I saw an interview Mike and Chester did about tattoos and Mike really made me realise you don’t need them. I don’t know if he has any now but he never did back then. Chester was weirded out about a fan who had a replica of his tattoos.

Yessssssssssss! :laughing: haha! I like both Mark and Tom’s voice. Travis - goes without saying, the man is pure talent. Sadly, Mark and Tom didn’t get along. I know there’s jokes about every “break up” song Mark writes is about Tom, but I really think +44 “No, It Isn’t” is about Tom. Don’t make Mark go through that again!! :frowning: Sure they could get back together for one album or a tour but they wouldn’t last. There has to be a mutual respect and love between band members. Matt respects them and I’m sorry but even though I like Tom he never sounded this good live:

Old Blink videos are the best though, so funny to watch :laughing:

I loved listening to your music yesterday, it was awesome lots of Evanescence and LP! Woo!! :partying_face: I understand your feelings about work having had ups and downs in the past myself. I’ve learnt that work isn’t as important as I made it, it used to cause me anxiety/stress and it still does but I’ve learnt to let a lot of things go and never let it affect my personal life. I said to @evooba maybe taking some time off will help break away from the feelings of worry and give you space from your manager. I hope that might help you if you can take a break. Sometimes things are plain idiotic and managers are not as good as they should be and they do the wrong thing. We are still awesome in our own right so never let negative feelings get you down. You will find a way through this. As the saying goes, “When you’re going through hell, keep going!” :hugs:

Yes I completely get you. I prefer to connect to the music and listen to it alone, especially given this is Chester :heart: I loved your post, it was so sweet about the farm and your birthday. One of the nicest posts I’ve read for a while. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile: No one can take away your memories and that’s what you keep forever. Maybe someday you’ll have your own farm :wink: :hugs: I love the origami cat so much!!! But he needs eyes :laughing: :cat:

Oh cool! I just wanted the rare / unreleased stuff but I’m not sure whether anything has been remastered and whether I’ve already heard most of the songs. I’m actually just happy with more Reanimation personally, that album is my absolute favourite :revolving_hearts:

Thanks for these lovely words at the end. Your posts are always very kind and caring. I like how you stand up for people here. You are a legend! :star2: Thanks for being my Linkin Park friends everyone, even those who never reply!


Doing extra work from home… listening to a mixture of artists in the background, (e.g. Aesthetic Perfection, Alice Cooper, Priest)


Today was a very productive work day. I even got to start my day riding the zamboni. The closer we get to the first day of school, the more of a headache it’s becoming, especially for us in the custodial department. They’re talking about adjusting some of our hours, and we’re basically going to be stretched as thin as we possibly can.

@zanybelle clears throat


I also just realized, this coming January will mark ten years that I had that done. The signatures were added after the band saw it about a year and a half later.

One more day, one more day, one more day.