HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Watching paranormal YouTube videos :+1::black_heart::heart::white_heart:


Going to watch a movie but no idea what


I actually slept in a little this morning. I just spent some time with my bike on a gorgeous day off, now Iā€™m sitting with Thurman, and watching some baseball.

Congratulations, @evooba!!


@evooba, congratulations! :heart_eyes: :grinning:

OT - getting ready for work tomorrow and relax then afterwards lol


Hello lp family Iā€™m home watching some lp video too keep me calm i have been so stress it not funny . That why I listen to linkin park. Alway keep me calm


Although I didnā€™t sleep in as much as I did yesterday, it was still a great night to take my bike out. Now Iā€™m winding down for the night and gearing up for another work week. We only have about three and a half weeks until the start of the school year, and Iā€™m not sure if weā€™re prepared enough for whatā€™s ahead. Time will tell, I guess.

Hereā€™s to the start of another week!


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: short check in before we go to have breakfast and head to the beach :beach_umbrella: - two more days to enjoy :partying_face::star_struck: before we turn back home.

It feels good to be free from everything I normally have to handleā€¦ I really fill up my batteries- and itā€™s great to have my daughter with me :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, sheā€™s relaxed too- and we have just a good time :yellow_heart::sunny::sunny:

Sending you all strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: have a good start into your week soldiers and enjoy all the small things :heart::sunny:

Ot: breakfast


hello everbody - monday start :smile:

hello dear :kissing_heart: wow, thatā€™s impresses me, do you make some challenges out of it like 'I did this in X hours and now I want to make it in Y hours?)

hello dearbud :kissing_heart:, Iā€™m really jealous about the lovely locations and photos from you - Also I want to go to the sea so badly :expressionless: sending these good vibes back to you and Yes: Love is always the best answer? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Also enjoy your day :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart: sounds good to me - also a ā€˜real classicā€™ one from 2008 when I get it right?

hello andy, well said buddy and thatā€™s good and I also support these ways of thinking.
Oh, thatā€™s just hard decision, I think I couldnā€™t even think about to sell my Linkin Park merch stuff - hopefully the stituation will get better for you! Sending some supporting vibes :muscle:t2:

hello dear and thank you :kissing_heart: weekend was very good and Iā€™m still excited about the box - hopefully youā€™re days are now better, chin and head up :muscle:t2: :relaxed: and of course: CONGRATS! :heart_eyes:

nooooooooooooooooooooooo :rofl: - maybe it was at this time or back in the days, that blink 182 paused and I was very sad about that :pensive: but the music from +44 were good, but blink 182 got the better music for me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Maybe it was just this time, but I enjoy rewatching them on youtube.

hello dear and thank you for the message :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
so late? Damn, was the ā€˜Autobahnā€™ not empty?

i other words ā€˜shoppingā€™ dear? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :kissing_heart:

what did you watch? :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

oh yes, itā€™s the good medicine right? what did you watch?

lovely tags to @drounzer @anngelenee @anomalia @lplove @melisLP @justinkilmer @AJ_7 @AngeDeLaChance1905 @IronSoldier16

@Linkineli saw you typing :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

OT: coffee and after that lunch time :blush:

Wishing everybody a good start into the new week :partying_face: :heart_eyes: stay safe and healthy everyone


I usually donā€™t like Mondays. Happy Monday everyone. :grinning:

I will open up to Industrial Engineering or physics engineering. It is not clear yet
How are you buddy? I hope your days are going well. May strength, peace, health be with you :blush: :blush:


Haha, thanks :joy::heart: iā€™m still very good! Today the second half of my holidays is startingā€¦ :sun_with_face:

Haha, same!:crazy_face::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: i knew the song, but hearing it in that high quality, thinking about it more, makes me really love it! As Mike explained, in the song you find the groundwork for their later revolution. So i find it fascinating to listen to it closely, hear different sounds, and so onā€‹:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
And i guess iā€™m in the lucky we-will-get-this-huge-amazing-box club now with you and @justinkilmerā€‹:eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::crazy_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy: itā€™s expensive, but i think really worth it! My mum almost didnā€™t want to order it( i canā€™t do it on my own) but i convinced her to see it as my birthday wish heheā€‹:muscle:

Awww yeah, i would love to!!!:heart::heart_eyes::crazy_face:
Itā€™s just a little complicated from my side, i would have to clear some things with my mum.:joy: my parents know what the LPU is and that weā€™re all connected here, but i donā€™t think they get how close we are. (Maybe itā€™s impossible to know for anyone who isnā€™t part of this) so, that " iā€™m meeting someone i know from the internet" thing sounds strange to her. But that shouldnā€™t prevent us from meeting of course :joy: holidays are most of the time full with vacation/meeting relatives, and if we get our cat he canā€™t be alone the first months, but maybe we can find a weekend after that? Anyways, just thinking about meeting up with you makes me feel excitedā€‹:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you so much!:heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i had a great day.
Also, i didnā€™t forget about Amends. But iā€™m still here on vacation on that farm, my days are filled with other things and i want to listen to it on my own, without my family around all the time, you know?

Not at all, i totally get that! Makes me happy to read how much fun you hadā€‹:hugs::hugs::heart:


That sounds so goodā€¦ i totally get you, iā€™m filled with the same feelingā€‹:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: filling up your batteries by being free from everything else, just enjoying day by day really is one of the best things everā€‹:sun_with_face::hugs:

Soon my time on this beautiful farm is gonna endā€‹:slightly_frowning_face::sob: tomorrow weā€™re probably gonna go home, afterwards my father wants to take us to my grandparentsā€™ house in italy( theyā€™re not there). I rather want to stay here, feels more relaxed here and i donā€™t want to travel so much, coronaā€‹:roll_eyes:, but my mum has to work and i canā€™t stay here alone. At least we have the house there, so we can often cook at home, and from being there almost every year we know some lonely places at the beach. Still, i donā€™t have the best feeling, but they convinced me to come with them.

Right now, i have a bitter-sweet feeling. I know this farm since iā€™ve been born, and now the farmerā€™s kids need the apartement for themselves. Weā€™re good friends, so we probably can still visit them, but itā€™s never gonna be the sameā€¦ i love everything about this place. Waking up because the sun is shining through the windows(or bc you slept outside and it gets too hot to stay asleep), or sitting infront of the house, on this bank, watching the stars and the dark lake infront of you, the loud insects, the cows, farm noises, cats running around, reading for hours in comfortable silence on the grass, ā€¦
idk if itā€™s only a german term, but for the first time i have this feeling towards a place - " my heart gets heavy" thinking about leaving from here. Hmmm i will stop with the sad thoughts now, better tell from my birthday

. It was one of the most beautiful birthdays to me, i was so happy the whole day. The youngest of the farmerā€™s boys made origami cats for me i can use as bookmarks, because we were both always the last two sitting at the lake, reading. :sob::heart: and everyone around me was happy, too. My grandma was here as well and usually my mum and her always get into a fight. But everything went well, everyone felt so comfortable. Even my parents got along very well. Sun was also shining, even though it was supposed to rain. We were swimming, and visiting the new born calf! Itā€™s soooo cute, being in the stable with the calf and itā€™s mother is so incredibly calming.

The calf, a girl, is very curious, and for some reason it found my birthday dress highly interesting and followed me everywhere, trying to eat itā€‹:joy::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: and when i reach out to her with my hand, she sniffs at it, tries to get milk from my fingerā€‹:joy:

haha yeah, but i got distracted by my brothers wanting to play card games with mešŸ¤Ŗ

Sending everyone who needs it for the week the power that comes from feeling free and relaxedā€‹:muscle::hugs::hugs::hugs: have a nice week everyone!


:scream: how do you know??? :face_with_monocle: weeeeellā€¦ I didnā€™t buy anything for now, but Iā€™m thinking about itā€¦ :grimacing: :blush: :grin:

OT: just came back home :crazy_face:


Theatre of Death tour is really underrated as a tour and a showā€¦ it was released on DVD and Blu ray but I still need to get it

OT - godsmacked as this has just happenedā€¦ (images cropped from my iPad) but yes this is real! Iā€™m lost for words





Full version of notifications, (protected peoples identities for those in black)


I just finished my normal summer shift - we spent the entire day moving/delivering packages - and now Iā€™m still here for two and a half more hours of overtime.

@HakManLP Thank you. I think I just realized that Iā€™m at the age now whereā€¦Iā€™ve been a huge fan of Linkin Park since 2001, and Iā€™ve been involved in this community since 2003 (LPU 2008). As Iā€™ve grown older, personally, itā€™s not about the material things as much as it is the impact the band has had on my own life - the connections I have, and the relationships and the friendships Iā€™ve made with people here over the many years Iā€™ve been involved.

I like to think of it as an opportunity to give back to a community that has meant so much to me for over half my life.

I think the toughest thing for me now, especially with work, is trying to find the time to invest in getting shipping material and such. COVID-19 also furthers my complications. But, like I said before, weā€™ll see.


Enjoy your last day and safe travels back home! :slight_smile:

Thank you!! :smiley: Have a great week ahead!

My parents were the same, when I told them I was going to meet up with people I knew through the band they freaked out and didnā€™t let me go (even though I did go, I just lied and said I was meeting with friends from school). Honestly, it was amazing! And that was in 2008ā€¦ one of them became one of my best friends, we eventually went to the same uni, same course together, weā€™re very close, and to be fair, itā€™s so nice having someone with the same taste in almost everything for a change, haha!
But youā€™ll get there, it is incredible meeting people from all over the world!

I hope the last days at the farm were good, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to visit again regardless the circumstances. And Italy should be fine, try to enjoy your timeā€¦ just be a tad more careful :stuck_out_tongue:

I love this! I joined the LPU later than you (LPU8) but you were one of the very few people I remember was always there lurking or whatever, your name always popped up. I always loved the feeling of family we had, and I still appreciate the sense of community/culture the band has built.

OT: Hey guys! Hope you are doing well :slight_smile:
Itā€™s been an interesting weekend for me at work, it was weird with the weather and all. I managed to get off work a bit early on Sunday so I met up with my flatmate and went to one of her friendā€™s house to feed her cat (see photo in When and Where). That cat was so damn fat I loved her! Was great spending time there just chilling.
Monday was ok, I had a lot to do at work but I also managed to sit down with my manager and have a proper talk. He seemed to understand so letā€™s see how it goes. We do have some serious decisions to make for the coming months and winter and we hope things will turn out to be in our favour, otherwise we might be completely f*cked.

I have the day off today, currently enjoying my morning coffee at home. My flatmateā€™s boss is coming over later with her puppy so we can meet her! I canā€™t wait to get some puppy cuddles in! And after that I will meet an ex colleague for coffee to catch up. Itā€™s the first time weā€™ll meet since lockdown back in early March. It should be a good day! :slight_smile:


:sunny::sunny: heyo family :grin::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: we are about to make a lil trip around the town in a few- time to get a quick ketchup here :joy:ā€¦ happy about the flow you- we - everybody creates inhere!

Feels so good to read you guys- especially @evooba ( enjoy the :dog: cuddles :+1:t2::grin:) , @lp13413 ( good morning Andy :sunny::sunny:) @anna834 ( good flow keeping the sheepā€™s together) @linkineli ( she is right- - :see_no_evil: your momā€¦however, we can see how it comes- sooner or later it will happen :tada::yellow_heart::hugs:) @HakManLP ( sending a fresh wind from the sea to you BD :grin::sunny::wind_face:and @raz7 ( lol thanx for sharing @lpfan61( :hugs::heart::kissing_heart: bonecrushers) @IronSoldier16 ( good morning :sunny: Manuel :grin:) @Lilyope ( very niice puzzle! :star_struck:) and @zanybelle ( Iā€™m going to buy the cd bundle too :partying_face::star_struck:) you altogether create a very personal atmosphere inhere every day with your posts :tada::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: TY :heart:

You guys are so near to me that in real life hardly someone gets :heart::hugs: and itā€™s great to read you can relate to this! Friendship on a very personal level :heart_eyes: only awesome!

In this meaning: I wish you all to enjoy your day at its bestā€¦ :sunny::sunny::sunny: stay strong and take whatever one step at a time! You matter! And youā€™re not alone :tada::hugs::heart::confetti_ball:

Ot: ā€œtownā€ exploration lol


Hey you all :wave:

Where do I start?
Tending sheep right now, arrived at the farm yesterday evening.

@theearlywalker your answer made me all :flushed: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you :hugs: :yellow_heart:

At least. :crazy_face: :dancer:
Safe trip home :airplane:

Congratulations :partying_face: :partying_face: to be an aunt is the best! :blush: happy for you! :hugs:

:blush: :hugs: always true :notes:

:kissing_heart: :crazy_face: I even though about asking, if I can crash with you. But decided, itā€™s too much falling into your home with the door. :joy: Is this even an english saying :laughing: but yeah, I made it and had a lot of ketchup sleep the next two days. :blush:
Biiiig hug to you and thanks for another awesome WEP, missed saying before. :hugs: :heart:

@the_termin8r is a engineering student too. He could share some war stories, but he wonā€™t read this, cause he has blocked the topic. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Oh, be sure, Pat and me get your mum. :joy: I wonder why? :thinking: Probably we are very understanding young girls :rofl: :lying_face:
Donā€™t worry, the day will come. For now, this here is already that much more. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Love your holiday reports, awesome farm. If you are interested in shepherding, you can always come and visit. :laughing: different ankle at the mum thing :joy: jk
Enjoy Italy :star_struck: say hey to @lpfan61 :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: next try :rofl:

Such beautiful words! Really happy for you! And my deepest respect :hugs: :heart_eyes_cat:

@justinkilmer :thinking: in still perfectly polite, whispering voice :lying_face: :notes: ā€œIt is already Tuesdayā€ :notes: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :laughing:

Yeah, you told us, also that it went well. :blush: Iā€™m really happy, that it actually brought success :partying_face: :partying_face: :hugs:

@raz7 just following your Daniel stories, happy for you :hugs:

@drounzer always ready to crush some bones :hugs: :green_heart: :joy:

Maybe @anomalia need it too? :bone: :laughing: :dog: :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

The day I left, a card arrived, my brother got married last week. Just closesed circle, meaning all people on my fathers farmā€¦
Yeah, felt as expected.
But beeing with my mother, grandmother, sister, nephew, stepdad, his wife, my best friend over the weekend. It was as always, good and exhausting at the same time. But I also realised, that I really seem to have made peace with my mothers mental difficulties.
Gave me a lot of thinking, maybe itā€™s time to let the wishes for a family, treating me more like a pity case, go and see the family Iā€™m actually welcome. Even so itā€™s right challenging.
Family is never easy, but it should be where you are welcomed and loved.
Thank you all for this!
:hugs: :green_heart:



Hey all!!

hope everyone is doing good on this Tuesday! :grin::grin:

Perfect! :metal: Yeah I was pretty much going to order it from the start :joy: as soon as I told my wife she was like ā€œIā€™m surprised you even asked before pre-ordering itā€ Lol she just knows how much LP means :joy::joy:
I did see the Warehouse demo level and wow!!! Just makes it that much more exciting and hard to wait for!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

:joy: :joy: Tuesday already? :exploding_head:
Yeah Iā€™ve been very good at slacking lately :joy:

Okay sounds good, so much goes on that I forget :joy:
But thanks! Iā€™m happy too. Itā€™s nice to see him close to his old self!

Couldnā€™t put it any better!
We love having you as part of the family! :hugs: :hugs:

@theearlywalker bone crushers right back to you!! :hugs::hugs:

So I have a heart warming story to share!

So Back in 2013until 2015 (Right after I graduated high school), I helped tutor reading at a school as my job. Was such a fun job helping students achieve a goal that they worked hard at.
Well this past Sunday I received a message request on Facebook. I was like the name sounds very familiar so I was like okay Iā€™ll read it.

It was one of my students and he left a very kind message saying how he wanted to thank me for helping him and that he still thinks of me as his favorite teacher. (Shortened version of the message)
:sob: :sob: okay manly tears Justin manly tearsā€¦

Either way it just made my day so much better knowing I helped a student and that to this dayā€¦ 6 years later! He still remembers me and is still thankful for something I had done without realizing how big of an impact I was.

With that I feel like I need to go back to work. Kind of a busy day and Iā€™ve had this open all day trying to post :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I hope all of you have a wonderful day!! Hugs and positive vibes to everyone!! :hugs: :hugs:


Iā€™m home, relaxing after another long, tiring 11-hour work day. My hours are getting adjusted for tomorrow, so I can actually sleep in a little if I so desire.

Iā€™m starting to think the start of our school year may be getting delayed. I still donā€™t think weā€™re prepared enough to handle whatā€™s coming.


hello everybody - happy wednesday :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: sounds interesting, but that wouldnā€™t fit for me bc I ā€˜hateā€™ physics, science and math :rofl: These nice words and vibes back to you and Iā€™m doing good , you? :relaxed:

hello dear and a late ā€˜happy birthdayā€™ to you - I hope the day was just perfect for you and you enjoyed it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Just one more year and you can order it on your own :sweat_smile: But be happy with it, I think itā€™s absolute worth it! :blush: So school starts for you these days right?

Also: can you name me your top 5 Linkin Park songs?

hello dear :kissing_heart: didnā€™t you know: Iā€™m like a spy ā†’ ā€˜00screamā€™ :rofl: So, youā€™re thinking about what? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grimacing:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, how are you doing? Just a quick question: Do you know where this picture took place? I can see ā€˜METā€™ in the background and I think about a german festival? :sweat_smile:

first of all: youā€™re always welcome :relaxed: :muscle:t2: really beautiful post Andy, just really beautiful words. I wished I had join so much earlier to connect with so many unique and lovely Soldiers/members/users from all over the world. I really enjoy the daily exchange and Iā€™m very happy to have this place. Would fit better back in the days, bc I was a little bit unique with my ā€˜obsessionā€™ for Linkin Park :sweat_smile: Iā€™m still flashed what the band has built over these years. Itā€™s truly a ā€˜big familyā€™. Hopefully the future times will get better for you. You deserve it Andy, sending some extra good vibes to ya :sunglasses:

hello dear and thank you :kissing_heart: , give these vibes back to you. I saw the pictures and now I want more :star_struck: :laughing: :heart_eyes: Weather around here turned into something better today, how about the GB?

thank your dearbud :kissing_heart: Weather is great again, but damn, I want to go into the sea for some long swimming sessions :sob: Wishing you a good way back home and stay safe. Sending these positive vibes back to you :heart: Whatā€™s next for you?

hello dear :kissing_heart: you should do that :crazy_face: so youā€™re also ā€˜tried the ketchupā€™ā€¦ :joy: yeah, you know ā€˜denglishā€™ - thank you for these nice words on the WEP. Maybe I find something special for this week :shushing_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

hahahaha :joy: thatā€™s really funny from her. I think itā€™s just worth it and yeah, this warehouse demoā€¦ I mean, just wow :star_struck: :heart_eyes: Also did you hear about that Jack Black will a playable caracter? :laughing: How cool is that?

powerful and lovely vibes to @Lilyope @anomalia @melisLP @lplove @drounzer @AJ_7 @zanybelle @anngelenee @IronSoldier16 @amitrish and all of you, who I couldnā€™t tag :heart:

OT: drinking coffee, preparing something for lunch :grin:
fun fact: itā€™s the ā€˜2020th postā€™ on this thread in 2020 - so I think I should something positive

stay safe and healthy everyone and be excited for the upcoming WEP :partying_face: :heart: