HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Definitely, I ain’t having fun in mine either, can’t wait till it’s over.

OT: Had a quick conference call with work, sorted some stuff for this week, I’m going in on Thursday to deal with some stuff.
I played TONS of guitar but now had to pause to watch Mike draw live.
Oh, and obviously having loads of coffee!


:sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny: :blush::sunny: No time to come here as much I’d like to :pensive: but let me use these two minutes to wish you all a good Wednesday, Sun on your nose :sunny: and love in heart :heart: and mind :sunny::hugs:. Work is chaotic :crazy_face: thanx @evooba - I try my best :muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart: to stay healthy :+1:t2: :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Ot: :shower:


This last assignment is proving to be a pain, I hate writing reflective essays and I hate writing about myself. I find it extremely hard and never know what to say, I’m struggling a lot with this one and I hope I’ll be able to finish it on time.

In brighter news, had another lovely lunch break walk around the block, I’ve been enjoying this good weather and I hope it lasts for a bit. Sunny and warm (up to 25C or so) days are my ideal weather. I finally received the last vinyls I was waiting for in the mail today. Only a few pre-orders left now and some delayed releases of albums due to everything going on. Glad nothing was lost! (Even though my copy of the Kerrang! magazine is still not here). No word on the Chester pins either, they’re stuck somewhere…

I’m going to work for a few hours tomorrow and I’m so excited! Finally something to do!


I woke up once again to fresh snow on the ground. It definitely looks and feels more like the middle of January than April. I also just gave myself my quarantine haircut.


Had a sad day,
and there the words stuck.
Don’t worry, nothing out of the ordinary, just little much.

First rule to remember for those days!!!
No news, no daily paper, no facebook!
And maybe go solitude to other people besides you all. :laughing:

Last day, and why not? Special treat. Stop by the bakery on my way back from the dog walk.
I ask for a two croissants.
The bakery sales assistant has her mouth so full with some food, that she can’t even close it.
So she shoves it with her fingers deeper in, and then put my croissants into the bag. :nauseated_face:
This is gross in normal times! And what do I do? Too shocked to say anything. :exploding_head:
Leaving the bakery and want to get some crab salad on the fish sales car. I keep my distance while the sales woman talks with a customer.
He: “It’s so scandalous and just not right that we are ruled by this christian sect government.”
She nodes.
He continues: “Wait and see, soon, we will be ruled by Moslems!”
As I said, better no people :rofl:

And then, there are you all!
And it comforts me, just to know you around. :heart:

No tagging or quoting, sorry. You know I’m with you, read you, sending strength, love and hugs! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Tomorrow, I will ride 670 km south, working again. Wished I already were a week in.
Those two at least are nothing but totally exited! :laughing:



hello everybody and happy ‘hump day’ , ‘cave day’, ‘wednesday’, whatever day :joy: :rofl:

definitely better! Two good days and today was just fantastic. Oh yes, and we’re are supposed to wear masks from next monday on.
Also see you typing dear :kissing_heart: love your garden pics and damn, I look back at the food pictures from the past weekend and now I’m hungry :sob: :joy:

edit: also read your latest posting. Damn, sending you strength dear :kissing_heart: drive carefully and if you ‘hit North Hessen’ play some ‘Breaking the Habit’ :muscle:t2: :sunglasses:

you’re always welcome dear :kissing_heart: , by the way: how is the weather in your area?

hello dear :kissing_heart:
finally got my kerrang! - it arrived yesterday :sweat_smile: :partying_face:

best wishes for your learning sessions :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2:and yes, I love the LP pants too - it’s so comfartable :heart_eyes:
coffee + this mug = :heart:

hello and thank you dear :kissing_heart: yesterday and today was really good with the online university classes and it was kinda fun. So it’s a better time now, we’re going continue tomorrow morning
Maybe take some pictures, practice something - I know you’ll find your power back dear :kissing_heart: #TwinPower

we need pictures of that :heart_eyes: :star_struck: please! :grimacing: :heart_eyes: :pray:t2:

so which are you now (klick it):
(A little laughter never hurts - #4186 by anngelenee)
It’s so weard: We’ve got 20degree celsius plus in Germany und you’ve got snow :sweat_smile:

Yes, share some dark humour :grimacing: :smiling_imp: :joy: and how are you doing? Hopefully better :kissing_heart:

Yes 2 years = 4 semesters in Germany. We’re using ‘webex’ and it was good. Have the next online thing tomorrow morning and I like it, bc you can drink coffee, eat some snacks and nobody sees you if yu don’t want that :joy: :joy: but anyway: yesterday and today was really good. Also had a new assignment for this new semester and finished it yesterday at ‘Day 1’ so I’m back with positive vibes - also got a good grade/credit points for an old assignment :muscle:t2:
Also I read your latest posting and now I’m giving these positive, powerful and squishie vibes back to you! Best wishes and you can do it!!! :muscle:t2: :heart: :sunglasses: :grimacing:

thank you dear and hello :kissing_heart: - I received my kerrang yesterday! How about yours? :pray:t2:
I’ve got my positivity and energy back and today and yesterday were awesome.
but no jokes: hand me over those brownies :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: :nerd_face:

did you saw the stream today? I really love this old school guitar parts :heart_eyes:

saw it and thanks for the tag buddy :kissing_heart:

hey buddy, it’s just good to give some little updates. It’s always needed to post a big posting, sometimes it’s also nice to have this ‘routine’ and give some little updates, so everyone knows how are you doing :relaxed: :hugs:- hopefully you’re gonna have the weekend off - so keep staying positive, be also strong and ‘fight for the weekend’ :muscle:t2: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face:

10 powerful and lovely tags to @lplove @Lilyope @anngelenee @justinkilmer @Honey8 @AJ_7 @IronSoldier16 @melisLP @amitrish @lpaniist :heart:

OT: just enjoying the evening and going to bed earlier today. I’m listening to ‘Post Traumatic’ right now and it was such a good day with the online university classes and looking positive for the next one tomorrow. Also got my energy and positivity almost 100% back :sunglasses: :muscle:t2: :blush:

Also wnat to share this picture, which I took today on my running/walk. It fits perfect, to stay positive.
… and the sun will set for YOU again!
The world and life is still beautiful - don’t forget that. Let the small things into you and that YOU stay positive: sunshine, nature, walks, runnings and just to feel healthy as it’s possivle this time #LPFamily :heart: :muscle:t2:. Stay safe and healthy everyone!


It’s dark enough to say: Good night! :yawning_face:


… and already morning again :sunny::sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: Yeah and thx for your nice words @HakManLP - :blush:
This is one of the facts that I really appreciate here :sunny::+1:t2: it’s great to know we are all connected in our hearts :hugs::heart: - and that we keep the tolerance that each of us can be exactly what they are and realize each day again how empowering exactly this place here is -A place to feel worthy and appreciated here in the LPU :heart_eyes: soldiers homebase and soooo much counting for us #LPfamily and #320 ( :wink: @Linkineli great movement :+1:t2::hugs: I absolutely agree - stay strong :muscle:t2:… do you go back to school on Monday ? )

@evooba :tada::tada::sunny::sunny: YAAAY - hope you have a good day at work :+1:t2::muscle:t2: finally first steps into normality again

@anna834 Woooow :scream::scream: a**holes bullshit talkers :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I’m speechless- and such people which are obviously not well suited with brain and intelligence are a real danger :expressionless: spreading such thoughts :expressionless:- and for the situation with the shop assistant: :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:… I would never ever buy sth there again- kinda only force we customers have … safe travels Anna :yellow_heart::hugs: take care :muscle:t2::sunny:

Ot: coffee and starting slowly to get ready- time over here for now :dash:

@LP13413 piiiictures! Short? Btw I cut my hair myself too- curls are difficult for hairdressers to manage- my experience… cuddles for Thurmy :cat: good goodnight Andy :crescent_moon: ( back to normal here too :grin:- saw the puzzle btw :tada::muscle:t2: That was really fast :dash: sleep good :sleeping:


Safe travels!

Sounds great! I’m glad it’s working out for you! Keep it up! And thanks :slight_smile:

We won’t go back till at least the end of May, today was an exception to check on some stuff. Have a good day!

OT: So, I’m not entirely sure why we went in to work today. We were there for literally just one hour and did nothing. The owner didn’t plan it well at all and nothing was prepared so we basically didn’t do anything. I spent the hour catching up with my manager instead, talking about random stuff. Before we headed back home we had a quick walk around our park (it was already way too damn busy considering we’re on lockdown) and I missed it so much, it has changed so much in the one month we haven’t been there.

I’m just going to chill for a bit with some coffee before I start work on my assignment again. I think we are taking the dog out later today, if so, I will post photos for you!

Have a good day guys! :slight_smile:

Update: I’m back at work, there’s been a massive f*ck up, trying to resolve everything now.

Update 2: Back home for good, what a mess! We sorted everything now so hopefully no more drama and we won’t need to go in for another month or so.


Completing work booklets for work. Working from home rules! (and listening to music)


Hey all!

Hope everything is going well!

I’ve been swamped with work lately so I haven’t had the time to check in as much :sob:
We are 4 people short (have been for about a month) but business has picked up so we are trying to do somewhat of a normal workflow with less people.
Oh well I’ll make it lol

Only fun thing I have to update you is
I bought a card for mothers day (also a few gifts so I’m not totally horrible :rofl:)



I’m such a good son! :joy:

Hoping you all have a good thursday!


For comparison, this was before;

DSCN3512 (2)

On topic, I received an e-mail last night about new training courses we have to take now, so I’m knocking these out.



:grinning::+1:t2: thanx for sharing :blush: great job :clap:t2: looks super cool :sunglasses: ! Have a nice day :sunny::sunny: And good going for your course :blush:

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Had a great afternoon with this guy


Now, time for some music and dinner and maybe Netflix a bit later…


Hi you all!:hugs:nice to be here.:heart:
I made a few attempts recently to post here, but idk, i’m often feeling too unconcentrated to put my thoughts into words.
And i also had(and still have) some really low moments bc of the whole situation, so many things cancelled, mean people at the grocery stores, i don’t wanna go on it just becomes so much.
Also about school, i would LOVE to go, but it’s no realistic end in sight, and the teachers, instead of being a bit sensitive at least NOW, are throwing around with work, work, work.:face_with_monocle:

But i also have some good things😊
I finally come very close to my goal of stretching: reaching the ground with both of my hands😂maybe sounds lame, but in the last few days it becomes more and more easier to reach it, and i was so bad in being flexibel for so long, it’s now a big motivation for me. I’m doing stretching every evening for over 5 months now, so good to see some results.
I also had an online guitar lesson today (together with my cousin), it was a little weird, nothing in comparison to a real lesson, but good to see their faces​:relieved::blush::blush:
And then there are Mike’s daily streams, he lifts me up so much. It’s not only calming to watch him create the songs, but also so interesting and what he makes sounds so good, i love every piece he created yet!!!
And ofc Anna’s streams were so important for me too! Everything she says is either so smart or so caring, i’m so thankful for the internet​:pray::pray::pray:
Aand of course the whole thing going on with the Band is the biggest excitement at all!!!:relaxed::heart::relaxed::heart::relaxed::heart:

Still not here😥but now that you got it i hope it will arrive soon!

:joy::heart_eyes:hmm i would, but i think some other family members don’t like to share- my brothers even fight about who gets the bigger piece​:joy:

Nice, you seem like a good barber!:hugs::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Also, amazing hoodie!!!:heart_eyes:
I’m actually thinking about cutting my hair by myself, too…:thinking::thinking:

Also @evooba, @theearlywalker, @anna834, @drounzer, @justinkilmer, @zanybelle, @Honey8, @anomalia, @HakManLP, @Lilyope and @ you who i couldn’t tag anymore- thank you for your posts and existance and shared love, you are all so important to me! I love the #lpfamily​:heart::heart::heart::heart::muscle::muscle::hugs::hugs:
So Goodnight everyone!:heartbeat::new_moon_with_face:


Aaaaand :sunny::sunny::sunny: Good morning already again :sunny::sunny::sunny: Short one from me again today- if you guys can remember- Friday is my free day - I don’t have to work at my working place - but at home :joy: - so and that means chores & grocery ( 2x for me and my parents) and that’s already enough for my day :crazy_face::rofl::upside_down_face:. I try to stay positive- :muscle:t2: :yellow_heart::sunny: nevertheless…

@Linkineli I’m stretching too since the lockdown :woman_in_lotus_position:… isn’t it awesome to feel the body reacting to the gymnastics? The school situation is definitely a DRAMA … hang in there :hugs::yellow_heart: you’re not alone…

@evooba I’m happy you had a great afternoon walking the :dog2: . He is absolutely sweet :heart_eyes:. And sorry for misunderstanding- I thought it may be like here, that you are preparing a form of exit- strategy at work :no_mouth: I wish you strength and good going with uni stuff :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Ot: starting my stuff :muscle:t2:

have a good Friday everybody :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: bonecrushers :yellow_heart::sunny::hugs::hugs: @everybody


Believe me, being able to go out to the park to walk the dog feels amazing right now!
It’s ok! :slight_smile: The measures are on till May 7th, but to be honest I don’t think it’s enough, people are stupid, it barely feels like a lockdown right now, it’s too early to lift any measures. But even if (and when) that happens, my sector won’t return to normal soon which is why we are looking at late May - early June right now to re-open. It all depends on how that thing goes really.

OT: Gotta do some grocery shopping today and try and finish that assignment maybe.
I don’t know if it’s just me but now that I’m not on my feet all day every day I get crazy muscle pains and my body aches with the slightest form of exercise, it’s so annoying! (Or it means I’m getting too old :stuck_out_tongue: )


Aesthetic Perfection listening time and work.

Trying to do this while not headbanging is a task in itself!


That’s what I like to see - we are the exception to the rule of social isolation :raised_hand:

haha! :laughing:

That’s good you actually missed studying - nerd! :nerd_face: :laughing: I did take some pictures on ‘where and when’ but when I’m walking I tend not to stop, I just keep going like a machine. I wonder what I should practice? I haven’t written anything in ages, but I don’t think I will… :thinking:

I love this picture so much :heart:

I’ve noticed people are slacking now, they’re out all the time now and won’t even keep their distance when they walk past you. I think one month was the limit for “adherence”. I miss walking around my local parks by work and I also miss our daily visiting birds - although the bird feeder at home does get the occasional blue tit. There’s some news that transport companies are due to expect an increase from mid-May and I think Wales want to reopen by May so not sure when I’ll be back at work.

I listen to music when working at home too :laughing: :metal:

Sometimes talking about what you’re up to isn’t always easy, especially if you’re feeling a bit anxious about things. Why don’t you join in on some other threads that are more lighthearted and silly? We’d love to see you there :slight_smile: :heart:

What-day-is-it?: Everyday seems busy filled with nothingness, but I wouldn’t complain because if we’ve learnt anything it’s that we should always be grateful for what we have. I enjoyed the funding raising last night on tv and it’s great to see so many people who care about helping others. This has been really positive. Soundtrack: Travis - Writing To Reach You. Travis - The Last Laugh of the Laughter. Travis - Slide Show. (Great album).


Hey family :heart:

After a couple of days of hard work. I’m a evening free. I work day/evening and sometimes night shift’s. It’s hard, but the team is working hard to make it work. :muscle:
And yes, people are still enjoying has hell. :unamused:
Some have no respect for us. Calling us assholes and some other bad language words. :man_shrugging: don’t know why people do that.

@Linkineli beautiful to hear your words. It’s okay to take time to figure things out and I’m happy to hear that Mike and Anna helped you. :heart: That’s what Mike want to hear. That his livestreams help people… that would make him proud :raised_hands:

@HakManLP nice!! You’re Kerrang magazine is there … cool :love_you_gesture: :sunglasses: Thank you. It’s stress. Work, studying and make some time for myself and cleaning the house. But yeah, I’ll make it work :laughing:
This one is cute :heart_eyes:
How are doing buddy? :heart:

@anna834 aah gross to hear about your croissants. That wauw. :face_vomiting: did you eat them? :grimacing: :fearful:
Hope you are feeling better today! :kissing_heart: you know we are here. Ive got some good news. My work contract has been extended. So that’s good. They are happy with me! :smiley: so that’s some too celebrate :champagne: :partying_face:

@theearlywalker good evening to you! :sunglasses:
Hope you enjoyed your free day! What did you do? :kissing_heart:

@evooba maybe strange to say, but i like the lockdown. It’s much quiet everywhere. Most people keep the distance. Not much people are outside, and if they are only 2 people of each family. So i like to so far. :slightly_smiling_face:
Crazy muscle pain? :rofl: What did you do? :joy:
I hope we all getting old. :blush:
This will be us. When we are 80 years old :joy:

Right now, home. Gonna eat. Watching PlayOnFest. Nice to have some music with dinner time :relaxed:

If someone wants to see it to :blush:

Enjoy people. Stay safe and healthy.
I care for all of you! :heart: Much love :heart:
