HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

@georkost :joy: same here… and it’s a pain in the ass to quote on mobile :sweat_smile:

:sunny::sunny: morning family :sunny::sunny:

after the first grey and rainy autumn day yesterday- sun is out today :sunny::sunny: veery nice… I’m sitting here, having a jum and relaxed breakfast to start my day…

:joy::sweat_smile:all chores today :crazy_face: since I spend yesterday mostly and well deserved lazybutting on my couch with a blanket :partying_face::heart_eyes: was sooooo noiceeeeee!!

@evooba hang in there :muscle:t2::sunny::hugs:

@anna834 ty :hugs::hugs::heart::kissing_heart: stay strong :muscle:t2:

@Lilyope lol :joy: sooo sweet ! You’re wonderful dear :hugs::blush:

@justinkilmer ty and without you sth is missed inhere :stuck_out_tongue: take care and charge well!!! BriBri sure is proud on you :tada::+1:t2:

@raz7 yeah I know- just wanted to mention how great it is and that we were all with you in this… from the first steps :tada::tada: thanx for sharing it with us :hugs: any reaction to the collab idea?

@IronSoldier16 she’ll find you! I’m sure about this :hugs::two_hearts::cyclone::purple_heart:

Ot: Ketchup here,

… since our batmouse ( lol the word is an autocomplete suggestion already ) is back… :joy::joy: @framos1792 is increasing and speeding up the traffic Inhere… :joy::sweat_smile: was at 129 unread after summer break ( 3 weeks ago) and back to 175 or sth :tired_face: :crazy_face::crazy_face: crrrraiiiizieeee :joy::rofl:

@LP13413 wow- :flushed:looks like a lot of pounds again :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Take care! Eat well !! Your muscles need fuel! ( lol I am sorry but the mums part of me immediately sends this msg :joy::joy:) but seriously you work very hard atm… respect :fist:t2: and lol the boss looks proud sitting on his new toy :partying_face::star_struck: have a good Sunday :sunny::sunny: and do you have to work today too?


:exploding_head: I’m not solely to blame! :pleading_face:


Edit: ahhh the trick is to not sleep for half the night to be able to not only ketchup but also move the forum forward another 50 notifs :crazy_face:

Good night from here and enjoy your day! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :yellow_heart: lazybutting on Sunday permitted and encouraged!


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: hahaha :hugs::yellow_heart::heart: it’s wonderful dear :blush: I love seeing you interacting!!! - just I can’t ketchup :crazy_face: what’s the time over there?! @framos1792

Edit: good goodnight late walker :sleeping: sweet dreams :thought_balloon: :hugs:

Edit 2: thaaaaaank youuuuu :tada::tada:


@framos GO TO SLEEP




[spoiler]ok I’ll listen but you go get breakfast, go for a nice walk in this nice weather, and find some reasons to smile during the day :partying_face:[/spoiler]


Good morning :sunny:
Sleep tight other side :triumph: :crazy_face:

Let’s try and do a post :grin:

Heeeyy, where are you now? :pleading_face: Don’t disappear! You seem to just not believe it. You are such a funny, kind, loveable person. This place is home to you and you contribute to make it home for us. :revolving_hearts:

Lots of strength for this. :muscle: :muscle: Places here are packed with people, even under the week. They group together, drink and eat like the end of the world is near. Sigh, and can I really blame them? It’s probably true, just that they don’t realise, that it’s there behaviour that lead to it.

Just do it! :triumph: At least today :angry: :crazy_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Totally right so :relieved:

You have no idea :expressionless:
.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

Yeah! Happy for you :partying_face:

Ha, ha, ha, you are just awesome! Love you :green_heart: :purple_heart: :green_heart:

Besser nicht :joy: :rofl:

:thinking: Can’t see any relation, don’t make everything about you :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Not good as any. It’s the place for it. :hugs: :bat: :hugs:

Oh, were are you from :face_with_monocle: I put you over the pond :joy:

@LP13413 couldn’t come up with something to quote from your post. But love to see the pictures and explanations. Oh, and the cats! :heart_eyes_cat:

Apropo cats @Linkineli :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: you owe us tons of cute cat pics :triumph: :kissing_heart:

@turexidrosa what’s up with you? What are you doing? I’m actually curious about your life :grin:

@HakManLP victory is mine :partying_face: :sunglasses: :hugs: :green_heart: :white_heart: :joy:

Getting interrupted and interrupted
But the onions should sleep by now :triumph: :point_up: :sleeping:
Mornings are always good :grin: I feel good :blush:
Even so the night was as always hard.
We had new medication, and yes, it dimmed my grandma. She couldn’t kick and yell. But still claw her hands and wisper Help and Away. Didn’t felt good at all. But my Berlin uncle is here, and we have a very trusting bond.
And yeah, having you all with me. It’s soooo helping. Even so

I wish for this :revolving_hearts: it’s already so much more, as I ever had. And I actually don’t know how I would go through this nights without you

And to know, I can’t bother you, cause it’s actually your days, oh, I stop, before I tear up here. :rofl:

@lpfan61 good morning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Done :joy:
:hugs: :green_heart:


Greece. Mediterranean pond :grin::grin::grin:


Here in my airchair.

If only I had a cap of invisibilty, who knows?

:blush: Talk to me like this, please! Always! :rofl: I keep promising myself that I will post something everyday but it’s hard to keep my promise if I have nothing to say…

Seems like good news that the sun has been seen over Germany! We had rainy Saturday followed now by even more rainy Sunday.

Why don’t you keep bouncing around, Tigger?

Who recognizes these 2 guys?


I’ve asked Daniel for feedback of the question to Mike but nothing back. However, he has been busy with live-streams the past few days, (the one on Thursday on Facebook, Friday on YouTube and the one yesterday only for Patreons) and he’s on his own in terms of making music and managing everything so I fully understand why he doesn’t reply sometimes.

I’ll still post the question to Mike another time, maybe when I’m not as busy at the minute

OT - listening to AP and on Discord


Heyy @anna834 nothin much really
Im having a great sunday evening with my family :grinning:
What are you up to?
Hope everyone is having a great day! :beers:

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The exam will be held on 9 October, after which another exam will be held :slightly_smiling_face:
This week there is the Galatasaray-Fenerbahçe derby. I will watch the match. I want Galatasaray to win :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

I joined a club at the university. It is the Cinema and Culture Club. I went to meet them and we had an online meeting last night. It looks like it will be a good year :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

By the way, my friend, happy birthday to your father :cake: :purple_heart:

How’s your life going, my dear friend? I haven’t been in the forum for a long time and I miss you all :smiley:

Stay strong :boom: :100: :black_heart:


Cookiemonster and Elmo :joy::joy:

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Jajaja I learn that from @framos1792


It’s their problem. We can’t agree with everyone or hold on the presence of some persons, but we can tolerate each other and still living in peace.

To avoid that I clarified myself :upside_down_face:

Does someone really cares? And a better question is: are we really able to destroy it?

Lol you wrong there, amigo. Even that I’d give to make you stay here.

Do it :stuck_out_tongue: and I’ll tag three times @theearlywalker

Jajajaja he doesn’t confused you with a she, maybe with a dork, a pendejo, a she, but never a man.

This. Short posts are ok, but longer ones and specific parts are simply horrible.

Hopefully we will soon :smile:

Mejor no?

On topic:
I’m bored, so bored that I downloaded tiktok call of duty mobile and I spent the day playing with my bro and my cousin.

Now tired, I want to sleep.

Enjoy the rest of the Sunday and for our European siblings happy starting of the week.


Six more hours I worked today with a co-worker. That’s thirteen total for the weekend for me. In addition to moving more furniture into storage, we spent a good chunk of the day moving some desks out of the Conex and back into the school, due to a few last-minute changes. I guess we’re as ready as we’ll ever be for the kids when they return to school in the morning.

This is going to be a long week. A very long week.


i know its been ages coming here, extremely sorry i couldn’t check in :sweat_smile:
yes i have been grinding fine enough, i did a practice paper yesterday so i think i will pass that subject. Till november this is gonna be the same + other house matters been bothering but all well now. Thank you for all your tags and love :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heart: they help me a lot!


hello everybody

maybe later. I’m still a little bit ‘shy’ :rofl:

awww, so cute. thanks pat and weekend was good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: how about your common week?

thats goood dear - really good to read that. Stay positive and also great news from the cats. Sure, I’ll give it a try and listen, why not? :relaxed:

you’re welcome dear and yes: victory was yours and my dad’s :grimacing: Great game from Bremen, Peter was still joking about bc it’s just a joke, what Schalke did the last 18 games. Bonecrush bug back to you :heart:

sure, it would work but I had these gifts over the years so many times, so it’s kinda hard to find some new things, but I do it every year and she’s very happy about it.
Yes, my dad was very happy about my presents for him. It was good :blush:

good choices, I would say: DoFlamingo, Luffy, Law, Zorro and Garp :laughing:

welcome to the club. It’s still this weather around my region. Gonna be on the couch today too :smile:

Weekend ways very good, what your thoughts on ‘Ohms’. I’ll listen to this new album too, bc: it’s a new Deftones album :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Hopefully everything is good with you

sure, why not? it’s just the little things :laughing: :crazy_face: :heart_eyes:

sometimes we all need these days :blush:

that was the start of the explosion of this thread, so many new answer around here :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:

quite interesting that you kinda like saturday shifts :scream: but when it’s peacefully and everything, why not, right? Also weekend was good, how about yours?

so lovely pictures, thanks for sharing them. Good star for your new week andy :blush:

don’t be so hard to yourself, It’s kinda the same situation in so many places. Without my family and some close friends I would get f’cking insane, bc it’s sometimes just the loneliness that holds you down. But we have stay positive and we have to do our best to keep the spirit. Just good to read from you buddy :blush: :relaxed: :heart:

Life is not that ‘best’ but it’s kinda ok these days. Best wishes for your learning sessions and your exam! :relaxed: :muscle:t2: Also: Oh the city derby, very interesting match in football. Sounds good that your year will be good with that new club. Sounds interesting, what are you gonna do in this?

you’re welcome dear and the best wishes! Sure, you’re gonna pass that! :heart: :muscle:t2: Thanks for the quick update. Wish you an awesome week :heart: :muscle:t2:

powerful and lovely tags also to @drounzer @Linkineli @melisLP @lpfan61 @zanybelle @anngelenee @amitrish @alz89 @chigokurosaki @rickvanmeijel

I think I’m gonna get sick :sweat_smile: feeling realy ‘powerless’ and I’m not very in a productive mood today. Maybe it’s just the weather. So I’m sorry for these very short answer, feeling also a little bit tired. Gonna spend the day with some tea on the couch and hope things will get better :blush:

Wishing everyone a good start into the new week. Stay awesome, healthy and safe


its ok… take your time :rofl:

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If you do, a massive thank you! :heart::metal:
Speaking of covers, look for the Cellar Sessions by Daniel.
There’s three of them:
Dead of Night (original artist - Orville Peck),
Gods and Monsters (original - Lana Del Rey),
When the Party’s Over (original - Billie Eilish)

Check them out and get back to me on them :metal::hugs::heart_eyes::+1:

On topic - working


In the 00’s, it was very experimental with rock. Bit of grungy, bit of metal, bit of alternative rock, bit of rap+rock. I like that hybrid sound. I think the dark sound still exists: BMTH, Red, I Prevail, but the lyrics used to be better in the 00’s and those vocals that brought the painful emotions outright. I just listened to Mudvayne but don’t recognise them. Maybe they weren’t popular in the UK?

Yes, Godsmack were good. A bit like Creed.

What are your favourite new songs at the moment? On your playlist right now :smirk:

You have the winter blues or a cold? :hugs: Autumn is amazing, love the changing colour of leaves and wrapping up warm. Anyway, Powerless is one song I love. In life we are powerless and sometimes we get reminded of this through loss or illness. It’s a song that puts into perspective that we can’t control everything. I wish I more grateful for what I have, but that can be hard to remember. Love this song is part of Living Things because that’s what we all are :heart:

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