Tomorrow will be the day to remember Chester!
Let him know we still think of him!
He will always be in my heart! And I will meet him one day, up in the sky!
He is my hero!
Tomorrow will be the day to remember Chester!
Let him know we still think of him!
He will always be in my heart! And I will meet him one day, up in the sky!
He is my hero!
@Linkineli Stay strong and anytime you need support we’ll be here for you! We have lots of amazing work Chester left us to enjoy and find solace in. I know you weren’t sure about listening to Amends album but it might actually help because his talent shines so brightly. I found the song “Shouting Out” really cheered me up when I heard it. Plus, it feels like his memory is stronger at a time when we need it most. Celebrate everything he created and shared because he did so with love.
Thanks for the words of encouragement, and it is hard dealing with loss but as you say our memories and experiences are still alive and with us. Working at home is hard, I think this is why I’m generally getting uneasy going outside now as I don’t do it as often as before. It is very good to hear you are taking positive steps and healing from the therapy. Taking a step to help yourself is the most important step because you are saying ‘I matter’ and ‘I can heal’. It is brave and powerful to seek and accept help. Many people can’t find the strength but if only we all believed in ourselves and showed ourselves love and kindness. If you fall, get back up.
Amy has stayed true to her style and sound because she is very operatic and classical. I would find it strange for her sound to become something that doesn’t reflect her passion. I like the live performances she did a lot of cover songs. Justin from Blue October has done some amazing cover songs though. @Linkineli might have heard them? Here’s one:
Thanks? I hope it turns out ok, I haven’t worked on it as much as I wanted to.
OT: Got so pissed off at work today with some people, they just love to get on my nerves.
My cousin came over earlier this evening, we had to catch up and all, he’s going back home tomorrow for the summer so I won’t see him before late September again.
Have tomorrow off but will try and do as much work as possible.
Hope you guys had a great weekend!
I’ll be answering all tags later or tomorrow, but now I think this is more important
3 years now…
“In the end” your body is still “Numb”, but you have “No more sorrow”. “Breaking the habit” was difficult for you, but you were always “One step closer”. Your voice will be always “Crawling” on me “From the Inside”, till the day I “Bleed it out” and “Faint.”
The sound of your voice painted on my memories. Even if you’re not with me, I’m with you! Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do! It mattered. In the end, everything that you’ve done mattered #ChesterBennington
20.03.1976 - 20.07.2017
#ChesterBe #RIPChester #RIPChesterBennington #MakeChesterProud #fuckdepression #320changesdirection #LinkinPark
Wishing every one a good monday - stay safe and we’re gonna do this together today!
good morning family
have the best possible day today everybody- do what you feel like in your free time! I feel thankful over all that he gave to us! Bonecrushers to you all guys
@Linkineli stay strong dear
you’re not alone! Sending power - although @drounzer
We are here,
we love you - try to stay in touch
Same goes to @HakManLP- thanx for the pics
stay strong- abd if you feel sad, it’s all ok! @anna834 We have your back guys
goes to everyone ofc
Time over-
@LP13413 yes, it makes me think! And yeah, why not- maybe a hidden talent you haven’t shared or so I thought good goodnight Andy
@evooba have a good day off!
So it’s that day again. For everyone who’s struggling or having a hard time, just know that we’re here if you need any help. Together we’re strong! Let’s keep Chester’s memory and legacy alive and celebrate the positive impact he’s had on all of our lives. If it wouldn’t be for him, this place might not even have existed. Take care guys
Thanks buddy! #makechesterproud , we will make him proud!
Morning everyone! Sending love, hugs and strength to all of you today! Keep making him proud and remember, today is a celebration of his life and all the amazing things he did that impacted our lives!
hello everybody
hello buddy, thanks for your thoughts on that - Hopefully you can to that. Hope you’re doing good
hello Andy, damn, really hot - wanna change? I like these temperatures We’ve got just only ‘24 degree celsius’
hello dear thanks for the advice and I rewatched all Star Wars movies + pirates of the caribbean. Really good and really good quality
hello dearbud , cheatweekend was really good and yeah, just ‘Bad Boy Brad’ things
thank you for your neautiful words and wishes. Sending them back, stay strong too
hello dear
good luck with that - what is new in your room now?
hello dear that’s a really interesting topic. Thank you for the wishes and words, sending these vibes back to you
hello twindear
short thougths: it’s a good album, but can’t say yet, which one is my favorite song. Maybe I have to listen to them more times. It’s kinda weird to hear chester on ‘new’ songs, bc GD wasn’t my time, bc I was to young back in the early 90’s
Oh yes, INK =
I’m doing good, but the Uni semester is still going on for two more weeks. After that, it’s holiday time. thank you for your beautiful words - sending them back to you
hello dear , hopefully you’ve enjoyed it. Sending these sunshine hugs back to you
hello buddy
exactly this, it’s a long way, but you can do it. Thanks for sharing your mood, and yes the weekend was wonderful. Sending you some positive vibes back to you, especially for today
hello dear , thanks for sharing the pictures - you’re looking good. Don’t worry, we all have that times, where you have to do so many stuff. Yeah, I also don’t like ‘Freibäder’, to much people.
I’m not sorry for that loss, bc he was bad friend. So It’s positive. Hope youre doing good today
hello dear
exactly this, couldn’t agree more. Thanks for sharing these little words
hello buddy, yes! Exactly this. Let’s keep Chester’s memory and legay. Let’s spread the positive impact from him! Let’s do this together
Take care of you too buddy
10 powerful tags to @anngelenee @anomalia @lplove @justinkilmer @alz89 @chigokurosaki @AJ_7 @Honey8 @amitrish
@anna834 → Hello dear have to read your other postings again, bc it’s really heartful. Thank you for beeing here and thank you for our exchange. Sending some love and hugs to Sylt
OT: sorry for my 'lesser’words, but it’s a heavy day. Damn it. Gonna do some long walk/run, listening to music and hopefully the day is almost over then.
let this smile get in our mood today
Hey all! Happy Monday!
Hoping you all had a great weekend!
Not much really to say on my end. Work has been pretty busy again… We had to ship 3 people out to another company to help, but we are getting more work in here as well.
So basically work more with less people? Oh well, better than no job lol
oops! oh well
She still is in love with it, and as for the pain it Wasn’t too bad (or so she said lol) I think it’s mostly just itchy now.
Hoping all is well!
Well Sorry to cut things short but back to work I go
Hoping you all have a wonderful day!!
Thank you buddy!
It was a hard day for me. I only listen LP today.
I had a barbecue with work today, i wasn’t in the mood to go there… because i know it would be a alcoholic party and i wasn’t looking forward for that.
But still i went and my mind was totally somewhere else. Chester haven’t skipped my mind today, i was thinking about him every minute
So when my coworkers ask how i was doing I said : mweh.
I’ve listened every album of LP today. And the new Gray Daze album!
And I’m now for 100 procent sure, my next tattoo will be a LP tattoo. Need to save some money for it. But it will come!
Amen! well said!
Thank you!
One last thing to share before i go to bed!
Love you people!
We made Chester proud today!
It’s another humid July day, and work was also fairly warm in the building. I’m also about to head out for a quick bike ride.
@theearlywalker I can actually draw. Though, I never have the time anymore.
@HakManLP I think winter is the best season (or fall). It’s easier to stay warm in cold weather than it is to stay cool in hot weather. That, and I don’t stick to my bed sheets.
I hope everybody’s doing well!
I will show you all… when it’s all done, You have to wait and see…
OT - on Discord and doing work… (you may want to be a Patreon for Daniel now and on Discord… we are getting lots of benefits now )
It’s been a good day at work, we had a few members of staff return from furlough today so I was literally all over the place running like crazy monitoring everything and everyone. We had to deal with some stuff from the council as well (hopefully they’ll be sorted soon).
So, 5min after I locked up and left, police and ambulances gathered at the park and blocked off this entire area. I got scared so I asked what was going on, a police officer told me they had some people working undercover and they made a few arrests in the area. Nothing to really cause concern for us. They did tell me though that if they haven’t finished by tonight, it’s likely we will be unable to open tomorrow morning if the area is still off limits. We’ll see I guess.
So, I left and got on the bus only to find out the traffic was insane for some reason and it would take me 93min to get home. I decided to get off and walk home. I feel so tired now but I will try and do some work on my thesis for a few hours before dinner and bed time.
Hope you’re all doing well
Work this morning was a little eventful. The fire alarm was set off - there was dust that found its way into a smoke head in the ceiling - which is nothing new for us since this tends to happen every summer. Other than that, today was a fairly normal day.
There’s rain in our forecast for at least the next couple days, so I might go for another bike ride after dinner tonight.
This week my friend came from outside the city and I am going to the show him my city. What will you do ?
I will share the photos here
Hey you,
Right now, I have to fence the sheep. So I use some time to clean this place, but also go swimming at the open sea side of the Island.
It’s so awesome, I love jumping in this waves.
Thank you all!
happy wednesday
Hi there buddy, yes, weekend was very good - how about yours? What did you do on the ‘horror date’ except working?
hi there buddy
I think that’s no shame, but you had a good deflection somehow. Also I did the same with only listen top LP since monday, but at tody’s morning I was through all albums. So I switched my music. My day was quite good, so nothing horrible happened.
Do you got an idea for the tattoo already?
hi there andy, I really don’t like winter, I really prefer summer even when it’s too hot. Sop hopefully the true summer will return to my region in germany
hello dear , still curious about that - maybe give us a hint?
hello dear hopefully you’re doing well after this
sounds like a movie plot to me. The best wishes for your thesis! YOU CAN DO IT!
hello dear I don’t have many plans yet, just to do my runs and walks, eat healthy till saturday morning and waitng for even more warmer weather
hello dear wanna change places? This place looks so beautiful and I just want to spring into that picture
Hopefully you’re gonna feel and do better the next days - stay strong, we’re here
@zanybelle still need some more listenings, but at the moment I think my #1 is what’s in the eye - also Sean Dowdell liked my post on Instagram and answered me
@Linkineli do you got holidays yet?
also powerful tags to @rickvanmeijel @lpfan61 @chigokurosaki @alz89 @anomalia @Lilyope @melisLP @lplove (sorry, that I couldn’t tag more )
I’m a little bit tired and need some more sleep. But I’m doing ‘okay’ these days. Just 2 more weeks for online seminars from my university and the semester is over, so just 3 1/2 big assignments left till years end. I think I’m gonna pass them
Hopefully everyone is doing good these days - sending some love and strength
Hey all! Happy Humpday!
Hoping all is well with everyone!!
Can’t say things have been very exciting on my end
Yesterday was Brianna’s Birthday I surprised her with some Iced Coffee and Bakery goods in the morning and than we had a nice supper at home. Nothing too extravagant but That’s what she wanted to do so I complied! Other than than things have been pretty usual, work go home, do a few things around the house, sleep, repeat…
We are planning to do a mini Honeymoon around our anniversary so that will be nice once that comes around!
Looks very beautiful! I’m only slightly jealous
Hoping you are enjoying yourself!!
Glad to hear that! Mine was pretty good, relaxing for the most part. Saw some friends that I haven’t seen in a while so was nice to catch up a little.
As for the “Horror Date” I listened to the One More Light Live and Road to Revolution Live albums while at work as a tribute in my own sort of way.
I felt like just having LP playing as music for the day is the only way to tribute. Otherwise had to help bail straw for my in-laws. Wasn’t bad but was not fun
How about you?
OT: Well taking a late lunch so now just relaxing for a few. Have lost all work ambition and it’s only Wednesday
Hoping you all have a great rest of the day!! Hugs and positive vibes all around!!