HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Thank you for being too, you’re awesooome too :hugs::purple_heart::joy: and i mean it too!! :kissing_heart:
I’m glad you had a good night sleeping ! :blush: Sending you strength for today supersheepwoman ! :hugs::muscle:

OT: Off day, i think i gave up the domino’s project. Will take care of myself instead.

Have a good day everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:


hello everybody :blush:

do you got some days off, if you’re working on saturday for example dear? :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, is it ‘Till Lindemann’ and don’t know his name. Is it a german singer? I remember him, but don’t know his name anymore.

hello dear :kissing_heart:, sure, why not? I will take a picture the next days. Yeah, not everytime, but the bad girls and guys are more interesting in many movies for me :laughing:
I know, it’s kinda weird isnt’t it?

Thank you, still excited :blush:

thanks for the update in you and the lovely words dear :kissing_heart:

hello buddy :metal:t2: take your time. it’s just good that you liked it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

just asking: do you play Battlefield online? Looking for some squad mates on PS4 :sunglasses:

hello dear :blush: :yum: :kissing_heart:, yeah, when I see a picture that I like, I save this and take it into my collection :sweat_smile:
Thank you for the feedback :heart: are you back in school?

hopefully it was good. - our weather in germany turned into colder, windy and rainy ‘day in day out’ :expressionless: Are there many ‘bike ways’ in NY?

helloo dear :heart: :kissing_heart: first of all thank you for your feedback and yes, every saturday+sunday :heart: :metal:t2: Hopefully the weather will be better, especially on ‘Mothers day’ - want to make a good day for my mother.

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I think I should try ‘Resident’ maybe to get some special vinyls for my father. Also hopefully these new rules won’t do damage around your place :disappointed_relieved: How about your online meetings? :yum:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, oh no, it’s sad but to care of yourself is absolutely better. Take care and stay healthy. Sending some squishies back :hugs:

10 powerful and lovely tags to @anngelenee @drounzer @anomalia @melisLP @Audrina87 @rickvanmeijel @justinkilmer @lplove @AJ_7 @Honey8

OT: I’m little bit ‘powerless’ and kinda tired, but just want to wish YOU ALL a good start into the week and of course

stay healthy and safe #LPFamily


Guuuyyys another huuge rainbow today!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


( for context: my parents don’t live together anymore, so the more spectacular view is at the apartment my father now lives, but I’m not always there, most of the time i’m here at home bc here i have my own room.
Rn i wish i was at his apartment for the rainbow though​:grin::innocent:)

Yeah, that’s why i don’t start the hobby(yet?), and i also don’t have the space anywhere for both vinyls and a player… but maybe at some point in my life i’m gonna do that too!:blush:

Oh no!:grimacing:
My parents have a massive cd collection too, even some old cassetts​:joy::heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes:I imagine it this way! Even your pictures look like such a good ‘sound-experience’ !

Ok that’s good to hear!:hugs::hugs::hugs:


:hugs::hugs:Thank you so much for your feedback! Yeah i know, it gets pretty … metaphorically at the end, it makes sense to me in my thoughts, but i also can’t really explain it.:sweat_smile: but i really enjoyed writing it, so will keep doing that(or at least try to!)

I get that😖it’s really when you have an injury, you appreciate every single moment you had without it.
“You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”
Wish you the fastest recovery possible!:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Oh no, that’s horrible! I’m sorry you have to experience that, times are already hard enough without people talking dumb stuff.
We’re on your side! You are right with your opinion, it’s a reason to celebrate! Try to stay strong with your opinion, you know what’s going on and you’re the one acting right with not throwing a fcking corona party??? So be proud of yourself for being smart enough, being strong enough to resist the urge to have something like a party again or meeting in groups. You’re amazing!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Love that picture!:blush::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Hi again​:hugs::hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:you’re welcome, really your WEP are more important for me than ever! I keep wondering about myself that i even forget about them bc i lost track of the days, but then it brings back a piece of the normal routine and they brighten my day!

No, not even online classes bc some kids refuse to agree with it and then the whole class can’t so it, so annoying!:unamused:

Have a great week too! It’s totally fine to feel that way! I have so many moments like that almost every day too. You’re not alone​:hugs::hugs:

Hopefully you had the best start that was possible for you at these times into the week​:hugs::hugs:and we have to remind ourselves that it’s not “bad” or “unproductive” to not achieve anything or not to get things done atm.
Keep looking at the sky and searching for rainbows​:rainbow::heart::heart::heart:love you all!


Happy Monday all!

I hope everyone’s doing okay! :grin: :grin:

the weekend went by way to fast! We had nice weather, my parents invited Brianna and I over for a while on Saturday. Was nice to catch up and at least act like things are normal!

Sunday was mostly just doing Chores around the house, and then I put food on the grill and cooked for the next few days :yum::yum:
Definitely my favorite time! When I can grill and make all kinds of delicious stuff!

Enjoy your day off!
Taking care of yourself? Sounds like a great idea! :smile: :smile:

Well glad you can get some sleep too! Hoping your thumb feels better ASAP!
Wish I would walk 10K in a day lol Mine might be about half that and spread out a bit. I usually go out walking on my breaks just to get away from the computer lol.

I can understand that… I have heard countless “conspiracy” theories or other arguments about this whole damn thing…
Minnesota had thought about it, but decided to add 2 more weeks but slowly lift a few things so that we can slowly get back to “normal” but the amount of people complaining about things here and there is just amazing. I have a co-worker (she’s gotten better now) but she was so angry that we couldn’t work from home (or at least not all of us) and everyday she’d get more and more upset. I just wanted to tell her “Hey you at least have a job… be grateful… (side note my parents both got laid off do to this… my mom for a bit; my dad permanently (they got things figured out so yay for that)” Sorry I’m rambling hear now… domino effect :rofl:
I hope all is well Anna! :hugs: :hugs:

Happy Star Wars day to you as well! It should just be a world wide Holiday! :thinking: I’m gonna get on that lol
Sending good vibes to you @HakManLP!!

I hope you all have yourselves a great start to the week!! Sending positive vibes and hugs (now that my arms are not T-Rex sized :rofl: ) to everyone! :hugs: :hugs:


One of these days, I’ll set out to do it, but I gotta put together something of substance first. I have sat in writer’s circles and had my work critiqued (when it didn’t have my name on it) and it’s pretty exhilarating. I’d also say it’s helped me as a writer, even just a little. I think when I’ve gotten enough written down, I’ll have somebody look at it before I get too far into it!

Fantasy can actually be pretty tough to write. I just spent years sitting around thinking about it, adding and removing things until I came up with something I finally feel somewhat confident writing down. In the past, my grades have actually been hurt by all the constant thinking! And thanks! Yeah, I want this to be an interesting one because you’re correct: a lot of young adult books are getting adapted nowadays, so I’d better make it good. I’m not afraid to go dark at all; I already planned for the story to be really dark. I’m glad you think it’s a good idea.

My store refuses to take cash and I wish it could be the same for the UK retail crew. I wish you all the best out there. I work at a paint store, so you can already guess how that is; everybody exaggerates the “importance” of their projects. I get that there are contractors who have to make money out there, but you know they’re there in place of the antsy homeowners who hired them. I wish we’d be less busy, but we already slept our way through April and now business is ramping up. I know it’ll never stop, so I’m just wishing the lockdown would cease so we wouldn’t have to worry and things could go back to normal. No way that’s going to happen overnight… In the meantime, thank you and I hope the UK stays safe. :mask: :heartpulse:

Thanks! It’s pretty fun once I actually sit down and write it. I just need to remember that! :brain:

You didn’t see it? My bad; it was a little hidden. I’ll just copy-paste what I wrote earlier:

It’s a fantasy story about teenage soldiers involved in a civil war that preceded them for 100+ years. The main character is a self-made hunter-gatherer who gets brought in to be trained for special ops missions.


EP9K1gjW4AEbNQe You are correct on Till Lindemann because he is absolutely gorgeous and I just want to meet him and have conversations about… well, anything! (Also, Till in the Du Riechst So Gut music video (1998 version)), :heart_eyes: :yum: :stuck_out_tongue:


But yeah to answer your question, @HakManLP, the other person is Daniel Graves from Aesthetic Perfection. He is also gorgeous as seen in the first gif below, (both Rammstein and Aesthetic Perfection both have a music video featuring wolves/werewolves).

Anyway, no he is NOT a german singer but does know german as he lived in Berlin for a number of years as he moved from training to be an accountant to a musician. His music is named “Industrial Pop” mixed with techno, dance and other elements. Think of Marilyn Manson but if he was into pop music as well.

The best albums to start with (for me) would be Til Death and Into the Black. Try the songs:

Big Bad Wolf,
Gods and Gold (featuring Richard Z Kruspe on guitar)
Never Enough
Love Like Lies
The Ones
Arsenic on the Rocks
All Beauty Destroyed





@anna834, this might be up your street. Enjoy the long post

Let me know @HakManLP if you listen to the songs, :heart::heart::heart::heart:


But on topic, about to have something to eat. :yum: :yum:


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny: just realized how much creative potential we have in here - I love it :heart_eyes_cat:. Others than this I’m looking forward to August- I decided to book vacation in Germany this year. I never was at the sea :ocean: in my own country- so it’s one of the “first time experiences” to go there in August- needed to set this self reward to hang further in :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:- looking forward :star_struck: is one of the things that feed me atm. Sending out love :heart: strength :muscle:t2: and hugs :hugs: to you all, stay positive soldiers and be the change #320 :yellow_heart::sunny::sunny:

@evooba woah- that is impressive- I thought you collect way longer!! Curious about how it goes on with your work, keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes good :crossed_fingers:t2:

@justinkilmer how nice to hear from you, happy that you had a good time on the weekend :tada: hugs to Brianna :blush::hugs::hugs:

@drounzer good morning buddy :sunny::sunny: :coffee: Hope everything is well?!

@HakManLP special bonecrushers power booster style :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for you!! Take care my friend :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:

@Linkineli I love the :rainbow: pic :heart_eyes: and thanx for sharing your art :blush:, it’s a joy to read it!

@anna834 good to hear that your thumb is better :+1:t2::tada: and thanx for your empowering words :smiley:. We parted ways already in 2017 and I’ve already been through the roller coaster ride that it caused :crazy_face:. Nevertheless it was a surprise that he came up with the divorce rn…same time I’m looking forward to be “free” again :joy::sweat_smile:

:cherry_blossom::hugs::sunny::yellow_heart: @zanybelle @raz7 @lpfan61 :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::cherry_blossom:

Ot: coffee

@LP13413 keeping my fingers crossed for good weather over there :sunny: :bike: - stay strong Andy and sleep well :muscle:t2: - cuddle the cat :cat:


Yes definitely! :slight_smile:
Haven’t done online meetings yet, I’m taking it slow. We were supposed to get feedback for some assignments yesterday but we didn’t, not sure why. Maybe today! Hope yours is still going well.

@Linkineli Haha thanks! And I love your rainbow photos!

When does your school year end? Do you have exams etc?

Thankfully almost no one accepts cash now in the UK (apart from major supermarkets). It was one of the very first measures businesses took before the lockdown even began. But I still question how essential some shops are that are pushing to remain open. For instance, if a coffee place is considered essential (which is not cause you can bloody have your coffee at home) I don’t see how music and book stores aren’t.
It’s probably the one thing that has pissed me off the most over here, along with people not following social distancing rules.

Nah, didn’t have much space before moving to my current house so I only had like a couple. I’m already dreaming of my perfect music room in a new house some day :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! I’m curious too, I guess I’ll know more at the end of the week when we know what’s going to happen with the lockdown.

Enjoy your morning coffee and yay for holidays!! :slight_smile:

OT: Having a quiet morning so far, will probably go out later for our daily walk around the block if the weather stays nice. May is full of birthdays for me so I’m also looking into how to get people presents etc seeing that mail is not reliable at the moment. Plus, I still don’t know what to get some people, so hard! I need to do some research today…


Facebook has given us a new reaction in these last days, here a version of it with the logo of LP in case someone wants it.



In bed doing some reading. After that, going to watch Grey’s Anatomy.

That’s really cool

I hope that you will have a nice time on your trip, and I am glad to know that your doing well

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Hahaha thanks!:joy::hugs::hugs::hugs:sending big hus back at you!

Oooh same for me! It’s a nice idea and it’s good to have something to look forward to atm for sure​:hugs::hugs::hugs: i’m looking forward to the summer too. My grandma has a small apartment at a farm at a small lake(Taching am See​:joy:)and we always go there with my cousins, it’s always so much fun. (Unfortunately it’s gonna be the last year bc the farmer needs the apartment back for his son :lying_face:so we have to really enjoy the last time there!)

Thanks a lot!:heart_eyes::hugs::hugs:glad you enjoyed! Sending lots of love back at youu​:heart::heart::hugs:

You’re welcome and thanks!!:joy::hugs:

I’m in tenth grade, 2 years left to go(:confounded:)and they said nobody can fail this year, so no matter how bad you were, you’ll come to the next grade. We don’t have any exams or tests, we just continue with online assignments and try to understand the new stuff. Apparently we’re gonna go back to school in the middle of june, but in small groups(one week first half of the class, the other week second half or so)and idk if we’re gonna write some tests then or if the teacher rather try to catch up with everything.
school year ends at the end of july(27.).

Yeah, it’s really hard sometimes​:grimacing::grimacing:even if you know the person really well, i guess the closer you are the better you want the present to be and the harder it is to find the best one.
Hope you find something great!


@Lilyope, @anomalia, @anna834, @HakManLP, @drounzer, @lpfan61, @lplove, @framos1792, @rickvanmeijel, @hilaryfol and everyone else- hope everything is going well at your side!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Try to stay sane and to be soft to yourself and others​:heart::blush:
Ot: really looking forward to Mike’s daily stream(as always​:crazy_face:), and also that he’s on the list for the 320 festival​:muscle::blush:
Have an amazing day everyone!


Good what ever you have right now :grin: :wave:

For me, it’s evening and my workday is finally done. :relaxed:
The days are long, and I’m really tired now, so just a short check in. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy you are all here, reading you! :tada:
It’s always home! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :green_heart:

Today :blush:


Hello friends and family. :heart:
Last week was not the best week for me and this week was not really.

A man I have known all my life passed away last week. Unfortunately, there was no cremation from the corona. As a result, I was able to say goodbye to him only briefly. Too bad.

And also last week I received a message that my aunt is not doing well.

I am now busy with my family and I am waiting to see how my aunt is doing. I can’t visit her in the hospital.

I am also busy learning. I will therefore not be there often in the coming weeks. I have to find balance. I am also very tired. Mainly due to working.

I will think of you. But I take the rest and distance from this LP Community.

I have to start working on myself.

I love you! And stay healthy and happy in these times. It is difficult enough. Think of your loved ones, send them a message once. Be caring and make the most of it! :heart:


Hey @drounzer, i’m so sorry for your loss! I hope your aunt will recover fast.
Sending you strength and i wish you to get good rest and don’t forget to take care of yourself too. :muscle::hugs::purple_heart:


Just ordered my new phone…can’t wait for it to arrive tomorrow!!


Stay strong, @drounzer! :heart:

On topic, I’ve been laying low today, Thurman’s not feeling all that well, and tomorrow’s my one half day of work for the week.

All things considered, I hope everybody’s doing well and staying healthy!


:sunny: :sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: hump day, middle of the week and the news state the complete reopening of the shops and gastronomy in Germany - schools will follow- and this literally over night :crazy_face: oh lord :pray:t2: gimme the strength to stand this chaos and let the scientists find the vaccine quickly. :four_leaf_clover:

I’m splitted about this development- on the one hand it’s the only way to not cause an economic crisis- and the people need normality finally again so this step is good- on the other hand the ghost of a second wave is already “announced”. So I don’t really know how I like it.

Time to be grateful for not being alone in this situation! Stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs:-

Ot: time is over - going to shower :shower:

:sunny::sunny: Have a good day guys :sunny::sunny:

Edit: and night :wink: