HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

@HakManLP doing okay, I an just taking it one day at a time, and sorry that I am not on much but there is a lot of things I have to work on


Damn!! The second photo… the art one from Chester is beautiful :scream: :heart: :raised_hands: thanks for sharing. Im stil looking for the best photo of Chester to hang on the wall in my house. :relaxed: I want to honor him everyday :pray:

Good to read you are taking a break . Relax and enjoy your day :sunglasses: happy Friday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sunday we are going! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hope the little ones enjoy them self :relaxed:

Better. Ive got next week my second meeting. Ive got the feeling this one is gonna be it :muscle:
And good to read you take care of yourself :heart:
Feeling weak or down or alone is not a bad feeling. I feel alone most of the time. So i go for a walk and be one with the nature and myself. And it’s good you speak about it , it means you working on it! :heart: I hope you didn’t beating yourself down? :slightly_frowning_face: stay positive, but i read that you are doing your best! So that’s good! :muscle: you can do it! We are here, always. And sometimes a couple of days away isn’t so bad. Focus on yourself before you can help someone else. :muscle:
@theearlywalker bonecrusher back :heart:

Oef…:disappointed_relieved: how is she? Feeling little better? How are you feeling? :relaxed:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Okay, well to only thing i can say is : good luck! You can do it :muscle: believe in yourself and stay positive :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you are stronger then you think :smiley:

At this moment: enjoying my tea :tea: , gonna play some GTA5, wanna shoot some people and drive like a idiot :rofl:
Also wondering what to eat :thinking: no pizza, something healthy :yum: stay in shape :weight_lifting_man: :man_cartwheeling:

Enjoy your evening family, much love


Haven’t got my tickets yet because I don’t know if I can make it. Which show will you be attending again?

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How come? Sandals especially + socks are totally Polish. Polish male tourists are famous of them all around the world.

No surprise. Drummers rarely are frontmen. Probably I personally would be drummer if I was able to play any music (let alone power in my arms). :rofl:
I like the pic (again) cause the guys are still young and raw, still searching for their image. No fancy shoes or hats, no gym body exposition…

Yeah, unfortunatelly I’ve got some people I’d like to dedicate the above.

@anna834 nice to see you back. Hope it’s a sign that you feel better. You know where to find me :slight_smile:

@IronSoldier16 I’ve read your rat story. I’m happy I only have to hunt for cucarachas from time to time.
Seems a neighbour of mine keeps breeding them but sometimes they want to change their original address.

@framos1792 I was about to buy :bat: :bat: earings today. I didn’t. I hope that Santa will guess himself.

Hereby I’ve probably written my longest post ever.


Glad you’re better today. Totally forgot, found this picture the other day and thought of you immediately!!! :joy::kissing_heart::hugs::purple_heart:



Like I keep saying, it’s def an interesting interpretation but I like it. I love remixes so that’s probably why.

Ot, I woke up to a strange notification from fb :woman_shrugging:t2:


Thanks :joy:

Should I quote the whole thing, so we can keep it? :kissing_heart:

Thank you! :two_hearts:

I’m always away :rofl:
Thanks for your words :heart::heart::heart:

Do what’s best for you :heart: and thanks for the tag :hugs: even unintentional :kissing_heart:

That’s it :rofl: and we will see pics of @framos1792 being a real polish man. :dizzy_face:

Interesting imagination, but no.

A chancla is a traditional weapon of a Mexican girl.
Experienced dudes like Francisco hope to handle this that way:


But reality is more this:


@HakManLP great pics :star_struck::heart_eyes: really thank you! :blush:

Will soon leave for a punk concert:
Pisse, FCKR and montage



Before it disappears… :rofl:

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Today was a damn good day at work. Managed to get a lot done and plan for the week ahead. Had a serious chat with my manager too, that I appreciated a lot. Now, I’m going to enjoy my coffee and hobnobs and write this goddamn essay.

Thanks for the positive vibes everyone :slight_smile:


I’m making my lunch, and preparing for another long night ahead.

This is “home from work” though.


@HakManLP it defenitely has,i love all the pictures of a smiling Chester and also the other early Linkin Park picture is great​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:so thanks for Posting, it always brightens my day!


Ot: i’m watching stan and oli at oxford,do you know that movie?:grin::joy:

Hey Anna, i know i’m late and you wrote already that you are better now. But i just want you to know thati wondered where you had been- you were missing. I hope you will stay in a good mood💓


Glad you had a great day at work
And best of luck on your essay


Yes!!! That’s the spirit! :muscle: :muscle: :hugs: good to hear your day was DAMN good :+1: :sunglasses: enjoy your evening


Late-night after work lurking like a boss.

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Good morning/evening/afternoon! :heart::blush:
It’s been super long! I was scrolling since a long time and saw everyone writes big posts now :joy: summarizing everything so well!

Heyy! Thanks for sharing! It’s a beautiful picture :grinning:

That’s ouch! :dizzy_face: I am so sorry for that how did it happen?:frowning_face_with_open_mouth: I hope she cures soon! Is the break too bad?

Amazing! Hope you enjoyed the rest day :grinning: which concert was it? It seems :partying_face:

speaks in squeaking voice “no not me!” :laughing:

Can i see the blog?

I am happy your appointment wit the doc went veryy well but dear she is right you need to take care of yourself a lil more :heart::hugs::blush: so work a bit, play a bit & rest enough rule from now oki? :kissing_heart: Here a squishy for you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: we love you and you are never alone! We got you back :green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

I didn’t see it yet not released in India yet ig…

@evooba sending you lot of strength!!! You’ve been workinh super hard and gotta do lot to! please have lil breaks in between take care! :heart::hugs: Goodluck :four_leaf_clover: for assignments.

@hilaryfol in my opinion you could go with the friend :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s how you enjoy a good weekend ! :partying_face: :partying_face:

That’s nice to hear!! Goodluck :four_leaf_clover::grinning:

Strange but nice! :tada::confetti_ball::partying_face:

@StephLP18 know that you are loved, strong, blessed, perfect, real and sweet! Stay you and just keep going :heart::hugs: we got your back too!

:joy: Indian moms when they find the kids doing some big drama!

You should rest soon! Don’t keep it till much late :hugs:

Updates form my side: I am going to nap now lol.
Exams over. I got miscellaneous work around the house so i am busy with mum these days. Nothing much after exams it feels like I don’t know how the days go just working around the house, errands and doing nothing else. I’ll do something creative pretty soon from next week after i end up summarizing threads here. Mind status is quite fine, i admit i was super low 1-2 weeks back…exam time, lil understanding issues… patience is a great thing if you have it. And rn i am perfectly fine! :confetti_ball::tada::blush:
So will come here later again I’ll go for a nap hehe.
Take care everyone have a great day!!! Random hugs to @lpfan61 @mish3lka @georkost @GioS and everyone else who needs it. Remember you are loved! :hugs::heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::hugs::heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::hugs::heart::hugs::hugs::purple_heart::blue_heart::hugs::blue_heart::hugs::blue_heart:


Doing the Saturday shift at work with half an hours sleep…also missing out on getting a hair cut!

Take your time, It’s good to hear something from you :muscle:t2:

thanks dude! :pray:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Offenbach, Germany on 31th January with one of my best friends - Wanna go FOS and my bestie said: yeah… How I’m gonna survive and he’s like a giant with nearly 2 meters :rofl:

Polish?, saw some of my ‘well known’ but they weared it because to joke around. :rofl: I think the sandals are ‘typical german’ like beer, Sauerkraut and Oktoberfest


great news! :grimacing::sunglasses:

thanks for the heartfull comment :heart_eyes:

@Honey8 welcome back! Good to hear something from you! :metal:t2::yum::blush:

Again thanks for the support also from you guys @theearlywalker @framos1792 @LP13413 @melisLP @Lilyope @lpfan61 and @IronSoldier16

So I thought about how I’m gonna ‘make my thank you even better’, maybe like this…

with a happy, smiling and thankful Chester
YOU GUYS ROCK! :metal:t2::heart: