HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Yup, it’s not fair how many talents he has. Spread the wealth! Lol

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My uni week is done, like I am and my work isn’t 100% done :sleeping::weary:

OT: I’m gonna do a break and watch a movie or an episode of The Walking Dead, Watchmen or something like that :grimacing:

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Sometimes that’s for the best. Take a break and work on it again when your head is clear. Over work is not good. Take your time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@lplove he is so good, Is there anything he can’t do?! :sweat_smile: he is so talented in more ways… :blush: what makes him awesome :metal: :sunglasses:

Take your rest when you need it. Its the same with @HakManLP, don’t over work yourself. Ive been there and yeah it sucks… like you said. Sometimes it’s good to take you mind of and take some rest. :relaxed:
How are you on the assignment? Almost done? :relaxed:

Haha that’s nice and sweet! :smiley:

Im at home. A friend of mine is working on the electricity, im not a fan of electricity. But it doesn’t go the way he want to so… sometimes he says some bad language words :rofl: I help him where i can.
Also watching some series. Just a easy evening.

:v: :heart:


@HakManLP @drounzer My assignments are never ending. I have one due Monday that I haven’t even started on yet.

We got away with a presentation today cause we basically run out of time so we just need to send it to the lecturer by email. I ended up staying for the whole thing, figured it’d be better cause if I went home I would have literally just slept or something instead of getting work done.
We have an hour left and then I’ll head home, back to work tomorrow for the weekend.


@evooba Oh okay. :hushed: The one you need for Monday… is that a hard one? A long assignment?
Does it ever get easy? Or is it constantly pressure work that you need to do? I hope for you that it will become easier and les hard and stress over time. :relaxed:

it’s a short one but it’s tough, the lecturer has high expectations from us, especially from people like me that did their undergrad in business or economics. So, the pressure’s on to deliver a solid piece.

Also, on my way home, I got a text from one of my team leaders at work, they freaking forgot to put the money in the safe. Needless to say I am on panic mode. I told them to text my manager and tell them instead of wait till tomorrow. I’d take honesty over lying any day. And that money better be untouched tomorrow morning when I’m in.


Hey you,
Two days no forum, didn’t catch up jet.
It’s just.
No, I’m not good.
I drag me through my days.
Kick me to function.
To do all the dutys.
So much strength.
It costs.
And all this responsibility.
To be uplifting, to let me get uplifted.
All loving me, hugging me, sending strength.
It’s so exhausting!
What is there to love?
Please, don’t answer it.
It’s not as if I pretend.
I hold myself onto you all.
But it’s not helping.
I shouldn’t be loved.
I just shouldn’t.
Pathetic excuse of a human being.
I should check out this clinics, they want to get me in.
But I prefer to be stuck, doing nothing.
Hoping this world would just leave me alone.
Why can I not just die?
I’m so cold, so frozen already.
And where does all this pain come from?

Still feeling deep love for you all.
And gratitude.
And thank you.




@anna834 good to see your name here.

First thank you for sharing this… I know you stated that what is there to love and too not have us answer it. I won’t for your request but you do know how all of us here feel about you!

I’m not going to drive and hound you about how much we all love you, BUT I am going to tell you you are not a pathetic excuse for a human being! I know I’m not the help you want or maybe even need but I will always, always! Be someone for you to turn too!

I do hope you do check into a clinic and that it helps.


Thank you! Really.

It is not so devastating right now, would never have posted then.

I did today. Next free place is July.

@framos1792 I can’t quote a chancla so just right back at you :woman_playing_handball::sandal:


Don’t worry
It was just a place holder to beat Justin to being the first :upside_down_face:

You’ll hear from me dork :triumph:


Well glad you checked in. @anna834 wow really july!!
Glad it’s not as devastating right now. Will still be here for you :hugs:

Of course you would @framos1792 :joy: and out of all things a chancla :joy: much more fun to say than sandals by the way :joy:


I just came home from work. One more day, and then (I know it’s hard to believe) I have the whole weekend off!


Um don’t know exactly but I made several plans which I need to complete before the end of this year. Like I don’t want these projects to still remain uncompleted but instead If I can’t do that (for some reason) then i’m sure I’ll complete it’s prototype

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I accidentally just replied to our little :bat: hahaha

Anyway, apologies I didn’t respond earlier but I’m glad you found a place! I may be new but I love ya sweetie and I’ll always be here. I live in the est timezone, so it’s almost 1am for me. Feel better soon!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


For those who don’t have twitter or IG. Oh and it’s the 14th anniversary/ bday of Fort Minor album The Rising Tied. I think that’s it. G’nite. :sleeping::purple_heart:




:hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny:Good morning guys :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: another Friday and I’m doing chores- turned out yesterday that my daughters feet is broken :persevere:- her on krutches now… but yeah, that’s life challenging us over again… we resist :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

@framos1792 :joy: you always make me smile :blush:

@justinkilmer go invite your wonderful wife and buy a big pack of popcorn :popcorn:- she’ll love you still more :grin:

@anna834 night is just darkest before dawn… hold on :hugs::yellow_heart: and try to do things you love to do aka writing- your thread could need a new story :grin:

@evooba wow - I always knew you’re strong- rn I feel like: her schedule is incredible- take care and good flow for whatever you do :rainbow::muscle:t2:

@drounzer @anngelenee and @lplove big bonecrushers for you guys :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Missing @lpfan61 :heart::kissing_heart:, @AJ_7 :heart::kissing_heart: ( just wanted to tag you :joy::stuck_out_tongue:)

Ot: chores with :notes:

@LP13413 :tada::tada: YAAAY :tada::sunglasses::confetti_ball::crazy_face: incredible :clap:t2: and don’t jinx it… have a wonderful free time :hugs::+1:t2:


Yesterday concert was goooood! I jumped and screamed a lot. Today, I feel like i’ve got a sorethroat :joy: I don’t know if it’s because my screaming during the show or because of the people coughing in the tube or because i went outside without putting my sweater on after the show :thinking: But whatever, i spent a great time :grin:

Today is a day off to rest and be ready for the weekend :partying_face::blush:

At the moment, i’m playing WoW with a good tea with honey in it.

Have a good day everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs::purple_heart:


Hey you all! :heart:

Sorry for blowing in like this yesterday.:grimacing:
Wasn’t planned in any way! :triumph:

I am better today.:blush:
What is to expect with recurring depressing episodes.
They just getting darker. And totally new is this dragging thing. That I have to kick myself for doing stuff.
I never got this before, that people don’t do necessities. You get a call, you call back, someone writes, you answer, you have an appointment, you show, on time, you have a dead line, you bring it, chores, you do them.
Now, I just don’t.
Or wished I wouldn’t.
Still kicking me to function.
Telling my doc, yes, it’s ok to give me a sick leave, till that date, there I have to work again.:see_no_evil:

Today is better, so l will enjoy it as long as it goes.:blush:
Just came back from an appointment at the working agency. Yes, I still can’t totally support my family with my work, and as a single mom, I get aditional help.
It was a new clerk for my case and I was a little nervous that this time it’s maybe someone, where all this ugly stories are about.

Someone like this clerk in the dog tax office. Herding dogs used to make a living as shepherd are dog tax freed. But to prove this, it’s not enough, that I have a blog with pictures of my working dogs. Or the bills I send to the farms, specifically mentioning the use of own working dogs, or my business registration, also stating working dogs. No, she want the dogs mentioned in my tax assessment.
The guy from the tax authority just shook his head: “We do not even write the name of the business on the tax assessment, why should we mention dogs?” But he kindly wrote a letter with the numbers of money I asserted for the dogs. I so hope this is now enough. :roll_eyes:

Back to my appointment.
It was really good!
I start to get the impression, they change the clerk responsible for me that often, that everyone in this office can have a little fun. Their own personal shepherd. Such interesting stories to tell.
This time, she was really young and new to the job. So I didn’t get stories about the usual clients they have to deal with. For that, she was really interested in my book, even wanted to know more about the contents.
“Oh, that’s great. I didn’t expected this. Shepherding is already interesting, but a book!” :joy:
And I told her everything what’s going on, and that it’s not possible to leave independent work for a permanent employment with such a high health risk.
And she said, I should take care of myself first. I shouldn’t work so hard. And if the doc want to give me a sick leave, I should take it!
I had to laugh.
She looked at me astonished.
And I replied, I just laugh, cause this is, what everyone is saying. Even the bosses on the farms I work on. :grimacing:
Ja, ja.

And wallpaper day! Yeah! :partying_face:
Looking forward to it :tada:

Can’t understand this neither! :notes::notes:

Thank you my dear! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You thinking of me means a lot!:blush:
how is your job thingy going? :hugs:

So cool! You did it! :muscle:
Mice already annoy me! But I am a little scared of rats. They are so defense-ready. There aren’t even a lot of cats or dogs who would take on rats.

This gets you in this topic :exploding_head:
Ok, Mike, bring it on!

We watched it on starting day. Thirt appointment with my daughter since her move out. She showed up late.
Frozen actually was sweet. :blush:
After, she just wanted home, nothing to eat or drink or talk. On the way to her busstop, I just got yes and no answers. And of course her famous eye rolles and sighs. She didn’t even let me stay, till her bus came.
Moody daughter! :upside_down_face:
To yours, a fast recovery! :muscle:

No hammer? :exploding_head: Wow!
The first thing what I did buy, as I got separated was a battery drill. :upside_down_face:

Go, watch it!

Back at you! :hugs::heart:

Watch it :joy:


Seriously! :flushed: wow! :tada:

Thank you! :hugs::orange_heart:

Bla, bla, bla

Could be. Prefer to go back to bed, watch Harry Potter :star_struck::joy:
Big hug for you :hugs::blue_heart:
And for @anomalia love to meet you on plug :hugs::two_hearts:


So. This should do it! :joy:


Hope you’re not gonna be disappointed :laughing::blush: and also it gives you some strenght and positivity :pray:t2::heart:

If you haven’t a sorethroat do you even scream right? :thinking::grimacing::metal:t2::metal:t2:

what do you think about it? I think ‘it’s ok’

so we get a picture in sandals? :speak_no_evil: Sandals are such a german thing though :rofl:

WTF?! O damn, do you have some breaks? :worried:
But you can do it! Sending you strenght! You’re gonna ‘rock it’! :metal:t2:

salty or sweet?

@theearlywalker why you don’t tag me :sob::rofl::see_no_evil:

So it’s time for some sweet picture right? :smirk::sunglasses::nerd_face:


maybe all of you a ‘goodfeeling’ look at this one here: Mike with red spiked hair, also spiked hair for Joe and Chester in ‘cool nerdy’ stile :star_struck::metal:t2:
Also Rob acts a little bit shy :sweat_smile:

And also we need some art right? :heart:

yes, it’s another Chester art but I think it fits today (for me) - this passion, this look and how he touches his heart and sing is just that feeling, what I need today and maybe need more of us - music is what feelings sound like! :pray:t2::heart:

Also I’ve got some special lyrics for you guys, who never needs them - just put it in your playlist

just a good way to give a damn about ‘so called friends’! :raised_hands:t2::facepunch:t2:

hope you’re doing well @StephLP18, would be nice to hear from you :slight_smile:

thanks for the support and beautiful words @framos1792 @anomalia @lpfan61 @LP13413 @zanybelle and @drounzer and @melisLP and all of you, who I mentioned before and after that - you guys rock! :heart::pray:t2::metal:t2::raised_hands:t2:

also I can’t wait for Sum 41 - do you feel the same @rickvanmeijel ?

Maybe the first decision in your head is the right one?

Hopefully this art picture has the same effect :pray:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wishing all soldiers a good weekend start - stay positive and strong! :metal:t2::pray:t2::heart:

I’m going to spend time on eating favorite dishes, hearing some music, playing some video games and maybe getting out with some friends