HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Only have a few seconds but I’m having a really shit day and it all started last night. In a really dark place right now. Be back later. :pensive::purple_heart:



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I worked seven long hours today on the holiday. Helped my boss replace filters in the gym/locker rooms, I also had to shampoo a rug, clean the pool, and sweep my staircases down.

Of course, there was one group who was there an hour after I was supposed to be done. So, naturally, I had to wait on them, so I got another hour. :upside_down_face:


:sunny:Good morning family… :sunny: day 2 of the new schedule at work - was at home at 6pm yesterday- started at 8:30am- no break and very needy kids all day- I felt squeezed out like a toothpaste… felt asleep at 8pm- until 5am today- ready for the next round now and curious about how it goes on…

Sending strength to you all- have a good day soldiers

Ot: :shower:

@LP13413 take care! Good goodnight Andy :sleeping:


@anna834 I received my tickets for Offenbach today :heart_eyes::crazy_face: - I’m so ready for the Sum 41 tour!!! Love that oldschool US Punk!

OT: some lunch and coffee and of course a good playlist of music inlcuding many of my favorite bands

these two pushing me right now and for sure this one here:

“I wanna heal, I wanna feel, what I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve felt so long
(Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
I wanna heal, I wanna feel, like I’m close to something real
I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong”

"I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I’ll find myself today

I wanna heal, I wanna feel, like I’m somewhere I belong
I wanna heal, I wanna feel, like I’m somewhere I belong
Somewhere I belong"

these two parts nailed it everytime and also giving some strength :heart::metal:t2::persevere::disappointed_relieved:

at least I need also a bit more power, and I got this with JD and KoRn

and a “little bit of Rebellion” :grimacing::muscle:t2::metal:t2:

Wishing all soldiers a good day :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have so many things to do (presentation due on Thursday and assignments due on Monday) but my brain has completely shut off. I honestly feel like I just need a day to myself, to do nothing and be lazy. But, I also need to sit down and write all these essays… no success so far. Coffee isn’t helping either.
Hope you’re all having a better day.


Hang in there- :muscle:t2::hugs: I know you’ll make it!! :+1:t2: maybe an hour lazy doing with no guilty conscience right now?! And then two hours concentrate working? Helps me at times…


Good evening you all :full_moon_with_face:
Good day to the other side :sunny:
Sleep tight @Honey8 :weight_lifting_woman: my dear :heart:

:flushed: probably should know this :grimacing:
No off day here. Its Sankt Martinsday and he was French. Kids walk with lanterns to celebrate him.

:partying_face::partying_face: so awesome! :star_struck: Thank you! :hugs::green_heart:
No, not the slightest bit jelly :rofl:

So cool!!! :heart_eyes:

So me! :raising_hand_woman::cold_face:

Biig hug for you! :hugs::purple_heart:

:sparkler: still waiting here :upside_down_face:
Thanks for the music, always and again :blush:

Great! :blush:

@evooba strength and endurance :thinking:
A hug! :hugs::yellow_heart:

Maybe some old methods? Lock them in the basement? :thinking:
Jk :upside_down_face::joy::crazy_face:
Hugs and strength :muscle::hugs::heart:

@anomalia nice meeting you on plug :hugs::blue_heart:

@jrtrussell get it working! I really enjoy your music. :hugs::white_heart:

@drounzer whats up? I’m back home and while indoors mostly on plug.dj. Maybe we meet up? :hugs::heart:

@anngelenee :hugs::yellow_heart:

Tomorrow morning I have the appointment to get my dog Lille x-rayed. I try to be not that nervous about it. I am afraid that he has sever hip dysplasia. If so, she will keep him under anaesthesia and castrate him. Even so he is the most talented sheep dog I ever worked with, this can’t get into breeding. And I hope it will take a little of his temper.
And then I have to decide, if I look for a home, where he get restrained in his joy for motion.
Or if I let him continue in his passion and accept, that it will be a short life.

Keeping that many sheep in line and out of the neighbours pasture, just pure genius.

And dang, I just love him so much!


I just finished my first driveway shoveling of the season. I hate to think about it, but I might just have to bring my bike in for the season.


Hi. Thx for the hugs. I finally got out of the house yesterday, haven’t been anywhere in about 2 weeks… maybe 3. After I came so close to death last year, I was fired from work after 6 months. Doesn’t matter bc I’m still unable to work. Technically I could always work from home but I can’t find anything for some reason.
Hubby and I were out for a couple hours and actually had lunch at a sit down restaurant (hasn’t happened in months). It was then that I realized how much of a recluse I’ve become. While we were chatting, nothing positive was in the convo… absolutely nothing.
As for what happened the other night, I got something in the mail that caused us to be in a bad mood and with all the shit that piled on afterwards… my day just got worse. Today’s a little brighter but not by much. I don’t see anyone until next month. :pensive:
So I watched a bunch of interviews of Mike, Mike and Chester… those made me happy. Thx again. :hugs::hugs::hugs::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


:sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny: Day two of my new working schedule: better than Monday… humpday today and we’ve announced the first snowfall… keep yourself warm guys and take care- wishing you strength for the second half of this week…

@lplove get a big hug :hugs::hugs::hugs: sending strength! Happy that Mike and Chaz could cheer you up- works for me too! Keep the faith- you’re not alone :yellow_heart:

@intheend hey bunny :rabbit: what’s up? :sunglasses:

@anna834 keeping my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: for Lilles examination… stay strong AND warm dear :hugs::yellow_heart:

@justinkilmer wow so nice pics :heart_eyes:- you look so happy - with and without mask :joy::joy: looks like a very charging weekend… :blush::+1:t2::sunny:

@HakManLP yaay fot the tickets- and lol- didn’t know you can sing so nice :crazy_face:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 yeah, it’s that time again, don’t be sad- next spring comes for sure!! And a sunny winterday can be nice for a bike ride too :blush:- take care and goodnight Andy :crescent_moon:


Heey dear, sorry I was watching the woman soccer match yesterday. The Netherlands - Slovakia. I didn’t read you message on time. :kissing_closed_eyes:
Im alright, just tired. I’m waking up every day 5.30 am for work. :sleeping: just want to go back to sleep :laughing:
How are you? :heart:
A lot off sheeps you have… nice! It is awesome to work outside, and help the animals! :pray: you made me happy!

Ooh coooll! You are going to!!! :metal: Awesome! I have a ticket to!!! :heart:

:heart: How was your day?

Ooh cool! Lovely photos! Awesome man! :heart: :metal: :heart_eyes:

I like the second one. The 3th one is a little bad, but okay. Sometimes good movies just to watch. :smiley:

Im gonna hug you! You are made for me! :heart: we like the same things… i love Italian food :heart_eyes: lasagna is one of my best! :yum:
Also like Japanese food, sushi :heart_eyes:

@zanybelle how are you? How is the weather in England? (That is where you live, right :grimacing:)

Just woke up, eating my breakfast. Need time to wake up :laughing:
Stay strong family!
For the Sum41 lovers, this one is for you! (Of course for the rest to :yum:)

Much love family, adios! Take care :heart:


Oh it was you whom I saw typing :sweat_smile: still not used to your new profile pic :see_no_evil: I’m ok- hbu? Have a good day my friend :blush::sunny: @drounzer

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Hahaha it’s okay! :laughing: yeah good! Have a nice day to! :smiley:

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All good! :partying_face:
No bone problem at all!:smile:
Maybe some nerve get trapped with certain movements :thinking:

Waiting that he wakes up


Wow! Great news then :+1::smiley::heart:

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Back to uni for the week, tons to do, hopefully enough time. Let’s see!

I also finally got this in the mail today! Super excited to read it! (Yes, it is signed! :smiley: )



Organizing a work meeting on new irrigation system. It saves water as it delivers only the amount that the plant needs. Keep your fingers crossed it goes well :slight_smile: Keep you all posted…


Good morning my lp family i hope you all having a good day so far . I wake up to my son saying happy birthday mom. At the same time i was getting coffee and he was eating breakfast.


another Sum 41 - fan :heart_eyes::crazy_face::nerd_face::sunglasses::metal:t2::metal:t2:

Still Waiting is the perfect song for almost every day in the week, because “I’m always still waiting for my tram” - It’s always late :roll_eyes:

Where do you gonna see Sum 41?

@theearlywalker give me some beer and drinks, and I’m that ‘karaoke god’ :rofl::rofl::rofl: but I know the lyrics very well, but only sometimes I’m ‘good’ at singing :joy:

OT: So, It’s wednesday and I can smell the weekend. And this week I want you to participate:

What would you like for the weekend-posting? :crazy_face::nerd_face::rofl::metal:t2::grimacing:

  • oldschool picture
  • art or graffiti
  • lyrics picture
  • maybe two out of 3

0 voters

I hope that’s ok, but like I said before, I’m really enjoying this every week, the discussions, the good memories, the positive feelings and the nice answers :heart::pray:t2: