HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Kiss and hug for you my dear​:kissing_heart::hugs:

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Having a bath and guna have a chilled night!


Yes, I live in the hell that is England. Everyone here is slowly losing grip of reality and insist we can’t pee unless we vote on it first. We are drawing closer to yet another ('nother) pointless election. Oh, weather? Cold and rain. Flooding in some parts up north :slightly_frowning_face:

Oh, did you find a job then? Last I saw you were job searching? Congrats :hugs: that is early although I woke up at 5am for some reason. Stress.

Enjoy Sum41 everyone! They’re keeping this shit we call music alive! :metal:


Where is the lyric pictures? You’re not tagging me so I haven’t seen one yet. Sigh!

Where → Amsterdamn, when → January 21

Amen :metal: yep it is :yum:

@zanybelle!!! Its spreading!!! :laughing: :laughing: :yum:

Yeah, the Brexit…

I think that to… I don’t know how it is to be in England right now, but i can understand it is hell. Good luck and hopefully they make a agreement soon. This doesn’t help England and Europe.

Nope, still searching. Got 2 meetings coming. So hopefully one of them is it. :frowning:

Hahahahaha :laughing:

Edit : @anna834 how is Lille? :heart:


Why are you waking up at 5.30am then?! Stay asleep :sleeping: I hope your meetings go well, you deserve something great :hugs:

Haha! I was going to say this :laughing: :bath:

Yeah, I hope things stabilise. Mostly because it’s making people here act weirdly. At work, everyone wants to vote for everything :roll_eyes: . It’s getting ridiculous. I like the old days… when nobody cared.

Love Sum41 and glad they’re taking on the BS politics in America too. Still love In Too Deep. Such a catchy song.

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High five! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Sometimes I have to wake up at 4:30 am too… :pleading_face: the hard life of us workers lol :laughing: :see_no_evil:

Yaaay! Have fun! :grin:

:blush: :hugs:

@anna834 happy for your sweet dog! :heart: it’ll be fine! :heart:

OT: going to sleep at about 21:30 lol :muscle:


I still have work, just switching job. :wink: And my contract is ending soon. So I need something quickly. :confused: Never thought it would be so hard to get another job :grimacing:


Nooooo, I’m sorry for that zany but I didn’t post a lyric picture yet - so it would be a premier :grimacing:

OT: thanks for participating - the poll is not for “only one group”, it’s for everyone so feel free to vote and join the discussions, feelings, goosebumps, positive memories thoughts and more - I would love include more soldiers :sunglasses::heart_eyes::metal:t2:

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I’m officially skipping uni tomorrow. There’s literally no time to do anything, they are crazy. I was talking with the others today and I was relieved to find out that no one has prepared their presentations for tomorrow, nor are they even close to finishing up the assignments that are due Monday. And guess what? We have another presentation for next Wednesday, ha! Like seriously, do they not understand that we can’t do all this? It’s madness.

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I just found out that Korn & Breaking Benjamin are coming to my area in January. Question: anyone know who BB is? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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:sunny::sunny: morning family :sunny::sunny: reading the last few posts just shows every colour life has, joy :joy: pain :persevere:, hope :pray:t2:, worries :unamused:, happyness :tada: etc… it’s a real profile of the circle of life… today I feel like moaning a bit… work is eating me up- a red sign in in my head: stop this crazyness- and I know that this is what I’ve to do- at least I know it… - and working on it… - feels good to not be alone and to find relief here… I’ll keep you updated … wishing you all a good Thursday :sunny::sunny::snowflake::crazy_face:

Missing @StephLP18:hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

Sending strength @evooba :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Lol and yeah- I know BB :joy:… and- the last album wasn’t really a big shot but… I like them :blush: @lplove

@HakManLP voted and I smell it very much too :blush:

@drounzer where are you?? Get up- it’s 6:30h already :joy: Get uuuuuup!!! :rotating_light: and hey @lpfan61 welcome to the early shifters- btw- where is early-shifter-buddy @NickGr??? All well over there?!!

Have a good day guys :sunny::blush:

Ot: about to shower

@LP13413 have a restful night Andy :crescent_moon:


I didn’t care too much for their last album…It sounds too similar to Dark Before Dawn. I’ve seen them live a couple times, though (2010, 2015). They put on a great show. They actually completely revamped their band members in between those shows.

On topic, unwinding before bed.


Hey! :smiley: i was eating my breakfast. Sorry, forgot to check the forum. How are ya? Good sleep? :yellow_heart: I’m already started working. I got my needed coffee, damn i was still tired… happy when it’s morning afternoon, damn weekend!!! :champagne: and my birthday coming!! :partying_face:

Hakuna Matata :pray: :laughing:


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Getting ready for work…hope everyone has a good day!

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Well, then I’ll have to listen. I haven’t listened to the radio in so long. Ahhhhhh, lol. :crazy_face::blush::purple_heart:

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Good Morning all!

Thanks! I had no idea I’d have so much fun being nerding out with others! :nerd_face:
Was a much needed weekend, even if it wasn’t really a “get away” weekend it was definitely fun and not having to worry about adulting for once :joy:

Thanks! :smile:

@lplove BB is pretty a good band - while yes I’ll agree the last album had its ups and downs haha. They do put on a pretty good show live! I’ve seen them 3 times in the last 4 years or so. Last time was ehh but I think that was more of the venue then the band.

also @LP13413 I see it’s you cake day! so Happy Cake day!! :cake: :cake: :cake:


Huh? Cakeday?? Are you seeing things??


No cake visible my side :thinking:@justinkilmer:joy:

@lplove :joy:- I knew it from the start- I love your humor :rofl:


Okie dokie, thx for the info! As I said before, I haven’t listened to the radio in what seems like forever… prob been at least a good 3 years. :exploding_head:

I’m actually surprised Korn is coming so close, about 20 minutes away from me. Most artists/comedians/etc will only come to Boston. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You seem to be one day in the future! :flushed:
How cool is that! :joy: