HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

There’s been a standoff 3 blocks away from home for the past 4 or 5 hours :no_mouth: choppers overhead the whole time and cops passing by
Ghettoooooo :grimacing:

Good morning Europe :slightly_smiling_face:
@anngelenee take it easy today and take care of yourself :hugs::black_heart: KcTa [spoiler]yes I’m hardheaded :yum: [/spoiler]

@justinkilmer they look pretty cool just curious why the names change haha

@drounzer bud, hang in there :muscle:t3: Little positive thoughts at a time

@theearlywalker I see you :hugs: good morning and happy sunshiny day to you :blush:

@zanybelle I haven’t been able to stand the bath since I lost my rubber ducky once upon a time :pensive:

@anna834 big hug :hugs:

@LP13413 good night bro and febreeze that stink out! Haha


:sunny:Good morning guys :sunny: special hug today @framos1792- see you typing :blush:, what time is it over there?

Hump day again … let’s start to look forward for the weekend :tada:

@justinkilmer wow nice… you have a great creative potential- what was your job again? I just ask because these people can’t be your family… you create xmas cards to sell? :thinking:

@zanybelle I absolutely love :bath:t2:

@evooba today is hopefully a shorter day for you, and always remember how strong you are, dealing the work and the study takes a lot and you’re doing great :+1:t2:

@drounzer :hugs: what’s the mug of the day? Sending you strength :muscle:t2:

Have a good Wednesday soldiers :grin:

Ot: war inside my head decided: I stay A bit in bed still :crazy_face:

Good goodnight Andy @LP13413 sleep well :crescent_moon:


Heyyooooo I thought I scared you away =] glad you got an extra bit of sleep :blush:
It’s 11:13 here, I’m only 8 hours behind you for this week :slightly_smiling_face:
Big even tighter hug back to you :hugs:

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Yes. Gonna talk about that tomorrow with the doc. Everyone sees it, that the me at this moment is not the best me. The doc was to busy for today, so tomorrow. I will say to him about the side effects. I’m not gonna use this pills. Try to use them less possible. Sometimes i just skip one or two… :laughing:
And now ive also becoming sick… sore throat. Its getting colder he… its freezing at night :cold_face: I WANT THE SUN! :sun_with_face: :sunglasses:

Thanks everyone for the strength
@anna834 @HakManLP @AJ_7 @framos1792 @zanybelle @justinkilmer @theearlywalker :heart: :heart:

Much love people. Have a good day! :v:

  1. Good morning to those across the pond and beyond. :sun_with_face::earth_asia::earth_africa:

  2. G’nite to the western side. :last_quarter_moon_with_face::earth_americas:

  3. Today was strange. I had to lie to my mother. Made a slight joke (which didn’t look like she appreciated) bc she was bringing up painful memories… but wtf was I supposed to do? Clearly she didn’t realize what she was doing, she never does.

  4. I’m absolutely miserable and since it’s past 3am here, I need some sleep. G’nite, good afternoon, good morning. :purple_heart:


Good morning :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
Good night :milky_way:
@Honey8 :heart: you sure know :upside_down_face::hugs:

@drounzer my dear, saw you tipping as I arrived :blush: It’s an strangely homely feeling, seeing others active at the same time. Wish you a good day, stay warm, no sugar (at least thats something that worsen throat pain for me and I would also recommend a mug wormwood tee. It’s so bitter that every cold runs away. But nobody in their right mind endures it :nauseated_face: ) and get better fast. Good luck for the doc. Bonecrusher :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs::green_heart: to you!

No, no, no! I don’t want to either!
So I haven’t seen any stupid [spoiler]cool[/spoiler] cards! :see_no_evil:
Back and forth the hugs! :hugs:

With you too. :grin:

Also in with you on that hope!:crazy_face:
Just changed two times the hot water in the heat bottle during the night. It helps a lot.

Mean! :sob:
I so love to bath! Miss it so much. Sigh!
Use every opportunity on a farm, when there is a bathtub.
Sigh some more. But my flat doesn’t have one. I couldn’t be picky, happy that I got this one. But I not only miss the tub, I hate my shower! She is a killing trap! :angry:
:joy: a hug for @zanybelle :hugs::orange_heart:

My dear Rick, it’s not for you to keep up with us. Feel free to don’t. But it’s for us to keep up with you! :blush::joy: hugge di hug :hugs:

Siding with the winning team :bed: :joy::hugs::purple_heart:

Love to the Annas
@anngelenee :heart_eyes: strength to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@annejprado :heart_decoration:
@lpaniist :orange_heart: don’t go to fast :kissing_heart:
@anomalia bear hug to you! :hugs: And this:

@AJ_7 :hugs::blue_heart::hugs:

@gabridc98 :black_heart::point_right::point_left::black_heart:

Saw you tipping. Get some sleep my dear. Tomorrow is a brand new day! :hugs::brown_heart:

I am happy!:partying_face::partying_face:
Waking up in the old bowling alley what’s now part of my mothers studio. Boy, was that cold last night. But ok, I had the heated bottle, two blankets, woollen jacket, cap and gloves.
Yesterday I drove 6 hours, 3,5 detour to get the dogs to a friends farm I will work next.
And now I have three days without the dogs!!!
I my sound mean, but just be on my own! No one that want something from me the whole f*** time.
And I can move to my stepdad today. Not another night in that cold. Beside that, my stepdad and his wife are: just staying in total peace for a moment.
So, yeah, I’m thrilled!:tada:
No pressure, no one already whining that I leave this bad! :relaxed:
And later going to the Italian ice cream shop with my mother and my best friend for “breakfast” :grin:
Oh, happy day! :notes: :crazy_face:

To all of you! :green_heart::balloon:

My view right now:


@anna834 enjoy the „only you time“ - I can so relate to that :heart_eyes: ( and absolutely without being mean… :blush::hugs:) and I love the reflection thing- immediately screenshot :tada:- happy breakfasting :sunny:

@drounzer yaay- good decision! I’m proud of you - big bonecrusher ( and nope- no physio needed after- it’s just leaving the feeling to be wrapped ins love :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:)

@framos1792 trying to finally safe this- 8 hours ahead- means it’s somewhat 5 pm yourside- ok :white_check_mark: I (hope) I’ll never ask again :crazy_face:!! And btw. I like to say (RHCP reference :joy:) stay as you are my friend- it’s only great to see you caring, poking, laughing and sometimes fighting for the right- I’m happy to call you a true friend. Wanted to say this for a while already- today it just jumped out of me- right into this post :grin: have a good evening :bat:

Ot: found this :heart_eyes:


EDIT: self reward done! M&G ticket bought :heartpulse::heartbeat::heartpulse::heartbeat::heartpulse::heartbeat::heartpulse::heartbeat:


Good morning guys! :slight_smile:

Today is the only day I need to go to uni this week (yay!). Hopefully it’ll be an easy one cause I’m so damn tired.

@theearlywalker sweet!! I loved them live, it’s going to be an amazing show! They are playing in Greece as well for the first time ever but I don’t think I can make it there around that time.


I’m totally ok :slight_smile: but thanks biiiig hug Anna :hugs:

Any halloween plans?

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That’s great! Me too! :blush:
But strength I take anyway :grin:

Just nothing on my schedule tomorrow.
Really nothing
Maybe enjoying the huge flat screen of my stepdad.
And in the evening, who knows.
[spoiler]as I feel right now, maybe go with your joke, dress up as the joker and go scare the shit out of some kids :smiling_imp: muhahahah[/spoiler]

And you? :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


and @framos1792.

Thx for remembering me the constant lurker. You all should be paid for always being here for others.

@anna834 I guess as far as I’m concerned, it’s not WOW but OMG or WTF. :rofl:

A bath is defined as something long and relaxing. It’s hard to achieve these 2 qualities with someone kicking your bathroom door from the outside and crying ‘Mooooooom!!! Oooooopen the dooooor!’… Or to the sound of the furniture falling down somewhere in the apartment… However, I still have a bathtub - it’s very practical to hang my laundry above it.


I had it just yesterday with my mother.
That we both remember the situation with little kids. Sitting on the closed toilet seat. Hearing this above outside. With hammering and stuff hitting the door.
Just breathing in and out, in and out.
My sisters little one is now in this age, just two, one tantrum after another. Hate clothes in every form. Why isn’t it ok to go naked!?
And she is so exhausted. :confounded:
I just can hug her and hold her for a moment.:heart:

With you too. Biiig holding hugs! :hugs:

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GOOOOD Morning all!

Happy hump day! :camel:

WHAT?!?! They aren’t??? :sob: I’ve been lied too :joy::joy:
But thank you! :smile:
I currently work for a paper printing company in the art department. Normally I just to touch up to customer’s files (children’s books, Magazines, etc…) and get them ready to print. But my boss-lady wants to help me get more experience in the Graphic Design so I stay here and don’t go off galavanting lol
So she asked me to help make this years employee Christmas card selection :smile:

Ehh just for variety lol, also thanks :smile::crazy_face:

We can postpone Christmas for just a wee bit longer :joy: I don’t hate it by any means… I just don’t want it here yet :joy::joy:

Well that’s a plus! I’ll keep sending positive thought’s you way :smile:

Plus BONUS big hug to you


OT: I better get my butt in gear and work :joy: Oh well… :coffee::coffee::coffee: Coffee time it is!!
Also listening to the newish podcast with Mike Shinoda and Andrea Savage, pretty funny so far :joy:

Have a great Wednesday everyone!!!


for which city?

M&G is too expensive, but I want to go to Offenbach, Munich, Hannover or Düsseldorf.

DAMN! I’m marking out since yesterday :heart_eyes::rofl::metal:t2: Finally I’m gonna see Papa Roach live


Today’s a new day :hugs:

The other way around :joy: youuuu are 8 hours ahead :crazy_face: when you wrote that I think it was 9am your time? So it was 1 am my time :laughing:
Right now it’s 8:30am for me which means it’s 4:30pm for you I believe
Once the US does daylight savings on Sunday though we will be back to 9 hour difference :joy:

I feel the very same way towards you :hugs::bat::heart::bat:

So deserved! Congrats! :partying_face:

Actually…I just felt that I would be seen as too biased if I thought of only you on the tag thread and then I come here the same way :roll_eyes::innocent:
:hugs::hugs: you get double now since you remind me of me poking for someone ignoring me too :joy:

Ah ok I just worried they were under witness protection and you were giving out their numerous aliases :joy:


Hahah thanks… now i know what bonecrusher means… thank you for the hug… :hugs:

I took a walk today. Just to clear my mind and be outside. It was a lovely but cold day… 20191030_112042 20191030_112039

This was a nice place to stay for a while and to think about stuff and to accept it and to have positive feelings for the meeting with the doctor tomorrow. :smiley: :blush:

:heart: :hugs: :sunglasses:

Ive got a Flintstones feeling here… :laughing:

@zanybelle i would love to have a bath. But i rent this home. And it’s not that big… hopefully in the future :slight_smile: … but then i need to have more money :laughing:


Well [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] they where :joy: Now I’m gonna have to go and change all their names again. They’ve been in hiding from Liam Neeson, Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham… might already be too late for them…


Yup… too late…


You have failed those who trusted you :pensive: ima call you peter pettigrew now :nerd_face::roll_eyes::joy:

Ps that post just made me wish they’d add Liam neeson into the f&f series :exploding_head:

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Thank you @anna834 and @framos1792. Hope all is well.

F&F, why is Liam Neeson involved? He has his own franchise, lol. I really have to catch up on the F&F movies, I think I’m missing only 2.

Was hoping to find more friends on IG and/or twitter if that’s cool. If not, np. Ttyl. :purple_heart:


He’s not but I was saying it would be cool if he was added in :joy:
The series went down the drain with all the explosions and stuff :pensive: love the “family” theme but 1 and 2 were the gritty more relatable movies

What are you under?