HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Just finished, I’m super pleased with the result! Here’s to a great Halloween!



Hey guys :hugs::green_heart:

Sorry, still to exhausted, tired and shoulder pained to hug and greet here properly.:confounded:
Prefer some light spamming :rooster::crazy_face:

At least the weather was better today

Big hug to all of you! :green_heart::hugs::green_heart:

@drounzer see you :blush:


Hey, yeah bit down. Still the same. The medication are heavy stuff… poeh… :no_mouth: damn… they really make me lazy. That’s totally not me. Try to stay positive and strong… but my mind sometimes stops doing his thing and then I don’t know what to do… heavy stuff… those pills :roll_eyes:

Oh cool… what do you want to see in Venlo? Ive never been there myself :laughing:… don’t know what Venlo has to offer :rofl:

I don’t have a bath… :grimacing: :roll_eyes: but no i haven’t seen that comment… any other ideas, then bonecrusher… sounds… i dont know, but kinda scary :grimacing: :flushed:

:neutral_face: uuh… how does that work? :grimacing: im seeing a physiotherapist :slight_smile:

Thanks… i really needed…
Thanks also @birdy1989, @zanybelle, @anna834 @theearlywalker @HakManLP for your love… :heart: you are amazing. Thanks family :kissing_heart:

You are amazing! :heart: :kissing_heart: your heart is in a good place… I’m happy i joined this community. You are one of those reasons I’m still here… thanks… would love to meet in real life someday… :hugs:

You didn’t :kissing_heart:

That has been on my mind all day… i have something… i will work on that… mostly things that happend early this year that I haven’t accepted yet… or don’t want to face it… :pensive:

Yes!!! Coool! Awesome! :+1: :hugs:

Oh man… time flies. I haven’t watched to concert back. I’ve watch it once and that was that night… haven’t had the power and strength to watch it again… to much pain :frowning: :sob:

:muscle: good luck.

How was it? :slight_smile:

See you to sweetheart :kissing_closed_eyes:

Goodnight people… :v:


Don’t be scared, she means a bonecrushing hug.:hugs:
Like a big bear hug.:hugs:
Just take you in our arms. :blush:

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Ohh aahh. I really like that… :hugs: Haha. Sorry misunderstanding… English is not my first language . Hahahh :laughing:

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We had a little bit of rain, but it wasn’t that cold :relaxed:

My husband grew up in the supermarket business and the German/Dutch supermarket “2 brüder” (it’s not a translation, that 's really the name) opened a bigger store, I think this year. So he wanted to visit it :yum: and they sell stuff I can’t buy in the west side of the Netherlands, so I didn’t mind at all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

OT: relaxing with a game on the ipad


I’m enjoying dinner by my laptop after another thrilling 12-hour day to start my week. And guess what…That’s right! I get to work another 12-hour day tomorrow! :upside_down_face:

Since it’s the Halloween season, most of the teachers are celebrating by decorating pumpkins and leaving them lined up in the hallways outside their classrooms…I walked in this morning to find one of the pumpkins had completely rotted from the inside out over the weekend.

Not only did it leak out all over the hall, and eat into the wax in the floor, but it also left a bad taste in my mouth the entire day. I still can’t shake the smell of it.

I hope that was the only one.


My turn to leave one…
I never really show anything, I’ll just drop it here
image image

Little project for fun today
If I can get into lab to print it out I’ll post pics


Halloween :jack_o_lantern: already again? :ghost: Oh wow- somebody really is speeding up the wheel of time :crazy_face::upside_down_face: at least it’s how I feel… nevertheless
:sunny::sunny:GOOD MORNING FAMILY :tada::yellow_heart: Got up early for an early study shift- my brain works best early… taking advantage and happy it works at all :joy:

@drounzer please go and speak with your doc… Especially for depression there are so many different ways of medication possible- to find the one that fits for you can take a while and it’s learning by doing- to me it sounds like that it’s either the wrong product or a too high dose… bevor you stop taking them give it a try, tell him about the side effects… and if you like, join the discord server - there is a pm function… If you msg me we can maybe talk a bit! For now stay strong :muscle:t2: remember you matter :yellow_heart: and you’re not alone! We have your back :hugs:

@evooba very nice your pumpkin this year :tada:

@birdy1989 lol - until I was 28 I lived 50km from Venlo… all I remember are the coffee shops :joy: and the frikandel :yum:

Loool @framos1792 our virtual :bat: nice virtual pumpkin :jack_o_lantern: :joy:- you’re the 21th century boi :rofl::blush: jk

Hugs to the annas @anngelenee :hugs: @anna834 :hugs:and @annejprado :hugs:and @anomalia :hugs: have a good day ladies

Ot: :computer: :star_struck:

@lp13413 that’s disgusting - moldy pumpkin :nauseated_face:… hope tomorrow will be a better day- and somehow it feels like if 12 hrs shift are your new normal schedule!!! :flushed: sending strength- hug Thurmy :cat: and stay strong :muscle:t2: Goodnight Andy :crescent_moon:


Good day to you all! :dash:
A little more sleep to the other side! :relaxed:
@Honey8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: already running for evening :hugs: love to you :heart:

Do I really start, were I greeted the last time? :open_mouth:
My fingers are already frozen :cold_face:
Sigh. But, ok.

I don’t think that would work. Maybe you have to stay with the couch. :blush:

As we are :smile::hugs::yellow_heart:

About time :triumph:


So cool! :star_struck:

I’m happy too! :hugs::blue_heart:

Would be fun :grin: or totally awkward :crazy_face:
Thank you! :blush: and I would go with @theearlywalker s advice :+1:

Iiuu! Nice.
Is this even allowed? For safety measures? Putting up pumpkins?
Carved out, they rot really fast, especially indoors. Had this too, but only outside. Disgusting enough. Always happy when there is frost on Halloween :laughing:

Cool! :grin:
Keep it up :black_heart::bat::black_heart:

Going with this! And the missing Anna @lpaniist
A bonecrusher :grin: back for you down south :hugs::two_hearts:

@IronSoldier16 you are missing again :hugs::blue_heart:

@justinkilmer weekend is looong over! :triumph:
Take a big hug! Stay strong! :muscle:

@alz89 :skull::hugs::heart:

@Lilyope :woman_cartwheeling::hugs::purple_heart::chocolate_bar:

@NickGr what’s up with you?:hugs::orange_heart:

@rickvanmeijel you miss this topic again :innocent::hugs::brown_heart:

For you all, if you haven’t checked out @jrtrussell new entry, do it! It’s awesome! :star_struck:

Its so cold and windy!
Tending sheep right now
But can’t complain, after this I have three days off to visit my grandma and family. Then it’s the next farm.:blush:



could you please post the link ? :slight_smile:

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@HakManLP Sure man. Chester Bennington | Saw Wiki | Fandom
Here you go. :v:


I know, few days back I returned to this topic to see some 1000 missed messages or so :joy:. Can’t keep up with everything, but thanks for tagging me anyway :hugs:

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Good Morning all!

Busy day yesterday, but might finally calm down a bit :sleepy:

I hope you all had a good weekend/Monday!

haha yeah :sweat_smile: I read a few things here yesterday but only lurked for a few minutes.
Big hug back! :hugs:

Sounds fun! I hope you enjoy family time when it comes!! :smile:

:point_up: This! Yes please @drounzer, hoping for the best for you :smile:

Looks pretty fun! hopefully you are able to print it out!

hopefully your shoulder is a-okay today!!

OT: designing Christmas cards at my job today @theearlywalker talk about someone spinning the time wheel… I don’t want to think about Christmas yet! :sob::joy::crazy_face:

I’ll have to post what I came up with when the time comes :smile:

Hope you guys have a good Tuesday!


Update here are my 4 designs, there are a total of 10 between the other Graphic artist and me.
Don’t think they turned out too bad lol.

05%20AM 51%20AM 16%20AM 35%20AM


Quiet day at work, moved a lot of things. Now waiting for the cleaning company to finish. Hopefully they’ll be done by 7pm so I can make it home on time for Bake Off.
I hope I can manage to do some uni work while I’m waiting and won’t need to supervise them too much.

UPDATE: They just told me they need another 2 hours or so. I am so done.


Why do people not have baths anymore!? Just today someone at work said they got rid of theirs. Hot baths are pretty therapeutic especially when you use natural salts and oils. Very organic way of healing. :bath:

Join the club - I don’t want to face anything that’s happened to me in the last ten years. Rather forget it ever happened. But I guess it’s not a overly healthy approach particularly when they act as triggers. For example I heard from someone I’d rather never hear from ever again and it really made me pissy. I kept thinking, why am I so upset and realised it was because of that person. Once I knew the cause I could process it in my mind. Remember, the past is exactly that and we can control our future.

It is pretty great :grinning: and I like the way everyone supports each other. :heart:


I ended up working 13 hours today. I just finished dinner, and now I’m relaxing by the television for the rest of the night.

Here’s the aftermath of yesterday’s pumpkin incident. And this is what the floor looks like now, after my boss and I cleaned it up, and I mopped and zambonied it. The spot on the floor is where it ate through the wax.

The pumpkin was on the right side of the hall in the first picture (left in the second). I’m just glad we got to it before it leaked into the classroom across the hall.

DSCN2934 DSCN2935

@anna834 None of the pumpkins were carved into. The teachers have been decorating them with markers, glitter, etc. So far, I’ve seen one plastic pumpkin.


Wow. It must have been a mess.:nauseated_face::laughing:

Nice relaxing time to you! :muscle::hugs:

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I left the window open in the hall to air the place out. Maybe it’s because it’s in my nose, but I can still smell it in that area.

@zanybelle I love taking hot baths! I take one almost every morning.