HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

pluggin - join us guys… :dancer:

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Hey Everyone :grin:, been out walking with a friend who I hadn’t seen in a bit of time taking in some nice coastal views today :+1::wink:

Hope Everyones Good :+1::wink:




:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: woke up to a sunny sky - feeling well rested and enjoying my second coffee :coffee:, chatting a bit and it feels only chill- how I love that :heart:

I hope you all have a good Sunday- whatever that means :upside_down_face: share love when you have the chance and make him proud- we all are the change… :yellow_heart:

Ot: :yellow_heart::blush:

@chriswaleslpu :heart_eyes: so nice pics- where is this? Enjoy…

@drounzer I am definitely an instant soup person :joy: - don’t worry, it won’t kill us …

Hugs to the plug bunch from yesterday :dancer: :notes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: - I really enjoyed it and hope we can repeat it soon :blush: although I missed @framos1792… maybe you can tell when it fits for you?

@justinkilmer you won the mug of the week medal :medal_military: :tada: ( … this time we expect a speech :joy:…)

@evooba you can do anything if you just keep believing and go for your goals… :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs:

And last but definitely not least- strength to you @LP13413 - was such a nice surprise that you joined us yesterday :tada:… - hope you’ll have an easy shift today :muscle:t2:


Good morning!
@theearlywalker and @framos1792 thanks for making me feel I’m not the only one :hugs:

Nice tea this morning … with a awesome lamp i got from my parents. I love this lamp. Looks cool… :sweat_smile:

@LP13413 okay… i hope for you the job will get filled soon. So you get some rest. :hugs: take your break sometimes. Your not a robot, so take good care of yourself. :heart:
Hope you have good weekend?

Damn… good photos, looks peaceful. :relieved:
I like the second photo. The clouds are very beautiful in that picture :heart_eyes:

Always… love love love… :revolving_hearts:

Amen. :raised_hands:

Yep… that one was a beauty :smiley:
@justinkilmer speech… speech… speech!!! :rofl: :see_no_evil:

I hope everyone enjoy their weekend!
Take good care of yourself and people around you!

Much love :v: :raising_hand_man:


Second, the previous one was too small for two people :slight_smile:

That will be good idea :thinking: But it depends what movies will they playing in cinemas for two weeks :wink: Have a nice sunday :hugs:

I forget i give him on Christmas the Homer SImpson slippers, he almost kill himself when he walked in them :sweat_smile:

Now I’m searching for Jim Morrison :smile: If it doesn’t work out I will think about the vinyl :slightly_smiling_face: thanks for the great ideas to both of you :hugs:

Nah, that wasn’t sleep walking :stuck_out_tongue::roll_eyes:

I installed them by myself, I feel proud :joy::joy::joy:

That wasn’t a gift, some kind of punishment :joy:

His gf will love it lol

Snuggie? What about mermaid tail blanket? :thinking::upside_down_face:


Castle Eden, Country Durham, North East of England, was a super day and lovely area :+1:

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Sleep tight Europe!!:milky_way:
Good evening over the pond! :sunrise:
@Honey8 new grinding day starts soon, you can do it! :muscle: With our love! :heart:

Half past midnight. I slept the whole evening.
Now, last night’s pain killers seem to finally left the system. I feel alive again. :smiley: good time for that! :laughing:

:blush: see, the nice thing about this upcoming winter.:relaxed:
I hinted on this:

Just love this comic :star_struck:

And he didn’t disinherit you :flushed:
We had to fight hard for our son to not go into your patterns. And succeeded. To be a fan means suffering! :laughing::joy:

:joy::joy: I think a lot about this whole theme. Not going into your troubles, just continuing the grinding, you had to survive. It is trade. And we, with this luxury to say hay to our pains. Sigh. I don’t know…

Thank you! :blush:
Hug for you!:hugs: :heart:
It was really fun. A little distracted on my part, again sorry, but fun! Love to listen to your all music!:dancer::heart:
Encourag everyone who is listen to music while grinding to do it sometimes in the LPU room. A hint for @the_termin8r :hugs: like your proposals.

You know his music tast? Right? :flushed:
Jusy kidding :joy::rofl:
Really :blush:
@framos1792 :point_left:

@LP13413 hang in there! :muscle: Happy you had time for the plug. :hugs:

@justinkilmer I saw you at the plug for half a minute :thinking: new week, stay strong! And I’m looking forward to some great storys! :hugs:

@anomalia nice hanging with you yesterday! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@anngelenee was just ghosting us. :laughing:
Good morning to you Anna Marias.:sunny:

Just wow! :star_struck:
Saw you tipping. :hugs:

@kimims2010 a big hug for you!!! :hugs::heart: Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@lpfan61 @StephLP18 thanks for your words :heart: big hugs :hugs::heart: hang in there :muscle:

Ah, my favourite mug for tea, if Im not using the Pot

Ok, ok, tomorrow I will go to the doc again with my shoulder. :joy::rofl:

Good start in a new week to all of you! :hugs::heart:


I just came home from work for the night.

I worked 11-4 to cover the weekend shift, then I jumped on my bike, rode to the mall and back, had a nice family dinner, and went back to work 6:30 - 9:30.

I marked myself down for 10½ hours.

Now to make a lunch for tomorrow, and prepare for another long week, starting with at least two, maybe three, days of twelve-hour shifts!


:sunny:Good morning family :sunny:new week- new luck,:four_leaf_clover: it’s a saying here in Germany… there’s an autumn storm outside the whole night already and it feels like staying in bed with the blanket over my head :heart_eyes: unfortunately I’ve no chance… :crazy_face: - however Thursday is German reunions day, means national celeb day, so I’ve only 3 working days this week, that’s keeping me up today :blush:

@chriswaleslpu :blush: great that you had a good time :sunny:, it’s so important for getting back the energy for the everydays drill :muscle:t2:

@anna834 good to have you back at normal :blush:, hope your doc can help you with this shoulder-neck-back problems, wishing you just the best :hugs::yellow_heart:

@drounzer the lamp looks so cool man- like a spot for a show or so- your parents have a great taste. And… you’re definitely not the only one… never… with nothing :crazy_face: I’m sure about this lol

@justinkilmer :blush: you know what … :joy:

Have a good Monday everybody and take care… of yourself and try to be positive- it already helps a lot :muscle:t2::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: :coffee: & :calling: & :sweat_drops:

@LP13413 wow that’s a rough schedule… sounds like rush somehow- Thurmy misses you I take it? Keeping my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: that it gets back to normal soon :blush: have a good nights rest, you need it! Good goodnight Andy :sleeping:


Good morning all! :raising_hand_man: How is everyone? Funn to go back to school / work? :smiley:

I woke up this morning with a hugh pain in my back /spine… :face_with_head_bandage: im so happy to see the physiotherapist… sometimes i can’t do anything against the pain… :sob: i hope he will help me :weary:

Actually I saw the lamp in a store, and my parents decided to buy it for me, (without me knowing it) because i really like the lamp :laughing:

Good to hear :hugs:

Oh cool. Looks good :sunglasses:

Good luck :revolving_hearts:

Holy shit :astonished: good luck with everything! I really hope they find a new person fast for the job, :worried:

Here to. It’s been rainy all day yesterday and today wouldn’t be much better :cloud_with_rain:

Frozen is coming :rofl: :joy:

Im having a nice lunch. :sandwich: Going back to work, after work going to see the physiotherapist and then going to a birthday party from a very good friend!! :partying_face: Monday party night!! :champagne:



Sorry for that :stuck_out_tongue:

Hane a nice Monday :hugs:

Awww that’s his fav movie :rofl:


no, others did that but not my dad and that’s better, because so I got sympathy for Werder, even if I’m not a fan like my dad :sweat_smile:

@anna834 getting well soon!
@drounzer this photo looks so “complete” - Iike that
@theearlywalker : yes, that’s right but in German it sounds a little bit better :rofl: you know “denglish”
@chriswaleslpu : yeah, maybe we change places? :rofl:

Wishing all soldiers a good monday and a perfect start :sunglasses:


Morning all!

Oh boy um… this is so unexpected… ah hem… well… here it goes… this is my speech… right here… now… and now… now? :joy:

lol alright if I must :joy:

I sit here today accepting such a prestigious award while sipping my coffee because I feel like it needed to be present during the award ceremony. I’d like to thank @anna834 & @theearlywalker for believing in my coffee dreams when no one else would. :joy: and @drounzer for encouraging the speech as well. :joy:
I suppose I can add @framos1792 into the speech because no speech is complete with out him (no he might cry if I left him out and we don’t want that :joy:)
I will end on the three most positive words I can think of… Bacon… Coffee… and Tacos
Thank you :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: - Insert Standing ovation here - :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes Calvin and Hobbs are great comic strips!! :smile:

Haha yeah I created an account, but was as work so probably not the best idea to be on it while there :joy:

Well my weekend for the most part was relaxing. I decided to stop by the record store and ended up finding this! :star_struck:

Rest of the weekend was pretty relaxing for the most part! Last night we started our new bathroom addition upstairs, so will be a fun project.

Alright well time for me to get my butt in gear. Hope you all have a great day!! :smile:


Relaxing day at work, spent all day in the office with my manager preparing more things for the “change over”, we listened to some good music too and had interesting talks. Left a bit early to catch up on some uni work and basically chill a little bit since I’m working extra days this week.


@anna834 thank you soo much for all the love !!! All sunshines back to you! :sun_with_face::heart::hugs: Be finey soon!

Whose? :laughing: It’s in 2020 right?

@evooba good to know things are moving relaxed and in a smooth pace. Here’s a hug for you it’s been long seeinh you.:hugs: I am not even able to check twitter that often so can’t catch up much witj you and @AJ_7 :heart::hugs:

@justinkilmer your speech is perfect lol :joy:

Sending strength!!! Hang in there!! :heart::muscle:

Nicey! :heart_eyes: It’s quite unique i guess i have never seen that kinda print on cups

:open_mouth: Uf that’s bad! Pains early morning are really hard to handle, it’s like just stary of the day and you have the pain. Hang in there ! Hope the therapy helps, let us know about it! :heart::muscle:

On topic : i am Honey, for people who are new here :joy: cause everytime i come here idk why feels like many are new ones. Lol jk
Updates on myside :-

  • my exams are starting from tmro :roll_eyes: and will remain till November 17
  • i started a new sketch just cause of my creative hunger but don’t actually know how is it going… it’s kinda ok ok tho… I’ll send on drawing thread when I’ll complete it’s gonna take ages as i get less free time :thinking:
  • for inktober i am gonna do just 5 mins sketches :sweat_smile: early mornings around 4-5 am i am mostly revising/studying these days so can’t draw much . But yes it’s fun to show @IronSoldier16 that drawings from my imagination are worser than his :relieved: so it’s just - see the topic - take 5 mins - draw in next 5 mins - rush back to work
  • i miss you all sooooo much! :pleading_face: :sob::heart::heart:

I just got back from the hospital, and I was
Diagnosed with a hairline fracture in the leg


Fresh home from my first 12-hour shift of the week! I have two more to go, but I’m almost sure Thursday and Friday will be just as long, of the noon - 11:30 variety.


Just a quick late night ah early morning (from my side of the ocean) encouraging hug for you! :hugs::heart:


Really It was awesome.


Quick summarize of just one thread!
Good morning everyone!! :heart:
Love and strength to @StephLP18 ! @LP13413 ! Just some more grind and pain hang in there! :muscle:

@saraparker welcome to the community :hugs:hope you have a good time in here! Remember to follow the rules and feel free to spread love around :heart:

My side, all fine just quick ½ hr revision. My 1st paper @12 noon.
Cya’ll later!