HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

I just got off another 11½ hour day. Here’s a recap of my work week:

Monday: 11:00 am - 11:30 pm
Tuesday: 1:00 pm - 11:30 pm
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Noon - 11:30 pm

In total, that’s 17½ hours of overtime. My Sunday also just got a little longer today. Our weekend position still hasn’t been filled since sometime last year, so we’ve been covering the shifts ourselves. Saturdays are 10 - 4, Sundays are 11 - 4. Something was added to the schedule last-minute, though, so my day won’t end until 9 o’clock Sunday night :upside_down_face:

Oh yeah, on Monday and Tuesday of next week (there might be one more day, depending on which day they want to hold more interviews) my shift will run from 7am to 7pm.

I’m glad I took my vacation last weekend when I did.


Good times to all of you! :heart::blush:

Dang! It’s so hard! I have such times behind me. I know how this eats you up. Take care can’t even cover it. Just all fingers crossed that it will be over soon! :muscle::hugs::heart:

I so love my vivid imagination some times :smile:
Just the best for your grandparents!

Now even more. :sunglasses:

Thank you! :blush: big hug to you :hugs::heart:

:joy::joy::joy: @lpfan61 grandy now? :rofl:
Love you! :heart: enjoy your niece :heart_eyes:

Hey! You got a whole Prince Charles and Lady Diana mug :exploding_head: still not enough :flushed:
Bay the way I was so disappointed as it turned out instant soup :expressionless:
I thought it hot chocolate with mini marshmallows :yum: :joy:
Take a hug :hugs::heart: and a new mug

Ok, ok, congratulations! :grin:
and yes, of course

Real BS.
If you are younger, everyone says you need to be more mature to handle such organisations, especially the people stuff.
And if you start early in this, you have your burn out winking by now.
So you will be perfect! :muscle::hugs::heart:

Yeah!! Thanks for fighting for me! :pleading_face::joy::rofl:
And to appointe batman with this! What a wise move! :muscle:

Just awesome! :rofl:

@gabridc98 :muscle::hugs::heart:

@theearlywalker reeeeeeeelaaaaaaaax :relaxed::relaxed:

And the Annas! :heart:
@lpaniist you are missed! :heart:

@anomalia happy to see you around a little more :heart_eyes:

@anngelenee good morning! How is your weekend? :hugs::heart:

Yesterday the 12. great classplay with my son.
It was:
I couldn’t stop staring open mouthed.
I knew that he had talent from his 8. great play and a willingness to totally go into role.
But this time! :exploding_head:
He played this ex soldier in this post apocalyptic future who survived with brutality and gun use.
I didn’t even recognise his voice and he turned his whole budy movement. He was so scary!
Aaaaaaawsome! So proud! :blush::blush::blush:


Good Morning all!

it is currently 4:30 a.m. as I start to type this, crazy ass me though hey might as go to work early today that way I’m done early!

Smart idea but why wake up at 3:30 you dip[spoiler]shit[/spoiler] :joy: :crazy_face::crazy_face:

anywho: coffee you will be my best friend and coffee mug… you will be the holder of my best friend… cherish him and don’t let anything bad happen to him! :joy:


Today’s mug (which I’m sure has been posted here before)… it is my work mug and the poor thing has its work cut out for it!

of course! this is the most important fight in my life so far!! :joy: if it’s not I am currently appointing it too be…
Had to have one good idea if i’m gonna storm the castle! and who better to have one your team then the Batman himself! :joy:

Jeeze… putting my 11 hrs to shame here! Hope you get some relaxation time soon though!!

That sounds like a great time! Sounds like your son is very talented!! :smile:

Alright well I’ll make sure to pop in and say hello if i can! I only work 6 hrs today so will be done fairly early :smile:

Everyone enjoy your weekend!!


Good late morning everyone.

Why is everyone so against instant soup? :neutral_face: I hope we don’t make a discussion about this? I just drink it for once… once. And I get disappointed reactions. Why? I know its bad. But just let people eat/drink what they want to eat/drink… okay?

Is this better? Yoghurt with nuts.

Im allergic to chocolate. Dont eat that. And marshmallow im not a big fan of that. To much sugar.

Cool mug! :astonished: that’s awesome. Handmade? Or someone made it ? Looks cool. :sunglasses:

It wasn’t a comment for the mug. But what happend the day before yesterday :wink:

What do you do for living? Are you a cook? Because the hours looks like it… :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh cool man!! :hugs: i like this one… :yum: tacos!!! :taco:

You to… and everyone here! Enjoy the weekend!
Im cleaning. Do the laundry. :sponge:




For the Europeans:

For the outcast island warriors
19:00 :clock7:

@AJ_7 10 PM :clock10:
@Honey8 11:30 PM :clock1230:

Hop over the pond
2 PM :clock2:
@jrtrussell @justinkilmer @StephLP18 @chigokurosaki @LP13413

@IronSoldier16 12 PM :clock12:

@framos1792 11:00 AM :clock11:

If i missed someone, come anyway :hugs::heart:


@drounzer not one nice word to me :exploding_head::expressionless:

@justinkilmer good early morning! :sunny:
It seems, condition to join LPU are strange sleeping patterns :laughing: Sleeping? :rofl:
Great mug :heart: :hugs:

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Sleep? What’s that :crazy_face: I just run on coffee :joy:
and thanks :grimacing::grimacing::crazy_face::grin:

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Sorry, wasn’t my intention…:grimacing: i hug you now :hugs: my bad… im a ass. I can’t treat you like that. Sorry. :slightly_frowning_face:
:heart: you know what you mean to me. :cry:

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Sorry for late answer I had to go out and buy the blackout blinds because my old ones fell down at night lol ok I broke them :sweat_smile:

Searching for the birthday gift for my brother, he moving to a new apartment and have no idea what to give him :thinking::expressionless:

How’s your day?


Thank you! :heart:
And truth is, I would probably prefer the instant soup too.
It’s just hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, in front of an open fire with a tiger, sooo cool. Sigh

All good! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You know that you are on plug dj the whole time?
I had it that I was playing music there without being actually there. :exploding_head: freaky place :joy:

Brothers? :grimacing: always hard ones.
I go mostly with self knitten socks. Make them happy :laughing:

Heading out for a dog walk and shopping :hugs::heart:

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I know, didn’t turn of the laptop and log out from the plug

Yes! We don’t need spotify we have the plug :joy:

Or slippers :laughing::thinking:
I thinking about the funko pop figures he’s older than me but stil little kid inside :joy:


Hahah. I know what you mean. Christmas feelings. :santa:
Well for me, it would be some hot coffee with a alcohol liqueur. I have a very good coffee liqueur. It’s so nice when it’s cold and you drink it with some coffee… heats you up immediately :blush:

Oh cool. Is its his first home? :house: Maybe a cinema ticket? Or paintball together? Just some ideas… :wink:
Have a nice day :raising_hand_man:


it’s my father’s favorite team and I like them too :heart_eyes:

I’m too lazy today - hope all of you got a good saturday :relaxed:

and I’m shocked about the James Hetfield news, cause he’s one of my alltime favorites and Metallica is one of my absolutely #1 bands :disappointed_relieved::sob:

get well soon, ICON! :metal:t2::pray:t2::heart:


do it! lol (Coming from a pop collector) I have too many of them :joy:

Slippers are always nice too! You could get him some obnoxious ones lol I have Giant moose head ones :joy:
But I do also like the Cinema ticket idea! Does he need wall art for his new place? if he’s into music you could get him a vinyl record for his favorite band and frame it :thinking:


Yeah i heard that to about James :hushed:… i saw them 2 months ago in Amsterdam. :metal: they are so good live… :hugs:

Oooh brilliant idea! Holy shit… that’s so good! :scream:
Im might gonna do that with my place… :sunglasses: nice one… :hugs:

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I saw them this year in Berlin (6th July) and just realized again why this band matters to me so much and why this band is one of my favorite bands since the late 90’s :heart::metal:t2:

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That sounds positive. They’re hanging in there… like those cats on the washing line. I was meaning to ask you since you mentioned it a while ago, but how do you fit in personal topics into mostly random/fun conversations? Eh, I tried. The one thing I loved about my nan was she was so resilient. I try to imitate that trait, that strength. Love the older generation and the way they just hang in there. Except, they are easily annoyed :laughing: especially when unwell. They’re forgiven.

Oh my gosh, sounds awesome! I don’t even know what cactus leaves look like but they sound great. I love salsa, even the name beckons. Salsa! :partying_face:

I’m not :partying_face:

Sorry :grimacing:

:flushed: that’s uhhh…some interesting sleep walking :exploding_head:

He gives mustard, I say purple ketchup(?) :crazy_face:
A snuggie(?), get a poster sized print of the most horrible picture of you and him or just him so he haaaas to put it up on display in his new home :crazy_face:

Meh just go for it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: it’s a little funny for a heavy topic to pop up out of nowhere haha

Lol I’m not sure how to say it in English haha


Ayeee haha salsa all day :laughing:

Ot: at one of bro’s soccer tournaments
First game at 8am arrive by 7(?) :expressionless: I thought that was early to find games already were being played :exploding_head:
Up 2-1 at half :crazy_face:


Sending strength to @LP13413!

I just came home from work, it felt weird being back to be honest. But it was nice and quiet so I spent a lot of time in the office doing some archiving with my manager and talking about random things. We have a meeting with our new “boss” on Tuesday. The guy is bloody 21 years old!! So crazy!!

No going to relax for a bit and then do some studying.


@drounzer I’m a custodian. I normally work nights (3:30 - 11:30) but we just had one of our day guys resign, so I’m sort of filling in for the time being while that job gets posted and (eventually) filled.

The day shift is 7 - 3:30, but I’ve only been working half of his shift so I could work my entire night shift at the same time.

On topic, enjoying and relaxing on my one day off until next weekend.