HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Yeah so…:face_with_raised_eyebrow: i like it and i was in a hurry, had to take a quick break.
I like it, i drink it.

You too :hugs:

Join if you want, i don’t force people, and it’s not a challenge, just showing my collection. :sunglasses:

If people have some mugs too, share them. Im interesting! :grin:

Heey! What about me??? :dizzy_face: :sob: :scream:

Have a wonderful weekend :smiley:


@anna834 The “bad” thing everyone is telling me is that I am too old to do this now. But my view is that if you love something so much, age shouldn’t stop you.

OT: Had a great time with my cousin. Popped in to work for a bit as well and had a long conversation with my manager about my course and other things. Now heading home to have yet another coffee and sit down and do some reading.


That’s nooooot healthy!!! You have to cook it by yourself! The instant meals are fuuuull of bad ingredients! :scream: :woozy_face: Next time order a pizza or something… :blush: :grin: :hugs:

Yeah,this! :muscle:

OT: relaxing evening :smile:

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don’t worry, but it looked a little bit different like the instant soups here :laughing:

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I know, don’t worry, i know this recipe, I’ve been a chef i know what’s healthy and what not. Don’t worry, I’m healthy enough with my vegetables and fruit. :wink:
Im not worried about the calories.
And about what’s in it, we eat so many stuff that is unhealthy. Do you know what most farmers do with vegetables from the land? :wink: something’s you don’t want to know what they do with food,


It’s okay, just when it’s about food, i can talk all day, I’ve been in the food industry for 15 years, ive seen a lot, and believe me, you don’t want to know how they make things, some things are just to nasty to know. :wink:

So next subject…


:dizzy_face: sooo cool! :yum:

:thinking: you’re right… :grimacing: :see_no_evil:

I have free weekend and will go to my sister and lil baby niece :heart_eyes: I’m so happy :blush: You?


Hey all! sorry I’m a bit busy again with work but still am trying to take the time to stop by and say hi! so hi!!!


here is the link it was posted a few days ago :smile:

Yay!! :scream_cat:
I’ve never been an expert before!! It’s such an honor, I’m sorry I didn’t prepare a speech… *starts crying as I except the badge
lol but thank you! :smile:

What?!! NO!!! We are taking the logo back!!! I nominate @framos1792 to storm the castle and demand it from them… maybe have to have a soccer tournament against them for it? :thinking:

I’ll try and keep up with the forums today :wink:
If not hope everyone has a great friday!!


Home getting my hair done. Then do a workout. Since i was told that i need to lose weight.

Ooh nice… free weekend, here to… cleaning weekend… :rofl:
Little niece , congratulations, proud uncle? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Im a uncle to. So proud and happy :hugs:

Im currently at a soccer game. NEC Nijmegen. They play very bad… :sob: terrible to watch…

:v: later beautiful people


I had a lady in my Masters class who was 60. Another guy in his early 40s. Majority was mid twenties. You are definitely not too old @evooba !

Thanks for remembering me @lpfan61 :hugs:
And special hello to @anna834 :hugs:

Too many messages to catch up on! Have an awesome day everyone!


@HakManLP thanks for the tag. Enjoy the rock club! :metal:

@drounzer yes final fantasy! :smiley: loved that game. Sephiroth is still the coolest character ever. Vii was the best. I tend to have instant soup at work only because it’s quick and healthier than some lunches. Canned tomato soup is a bit fresher but I know not great! Still, I’m aiming to make my own Miso soup with tofu and noodles instead as it’s all fresh ingredients. As you say, lots of supermarket foods aren’t always farmed right either.


Somehow I feel like @zanybelle and myself were the sucky kids who nobody wants when they’re picking teams and we just got tagged to reach the 10tag limit :pleading_face: lol

:rofl: I love the indignation in your writing lol

Bulllllllll Chet
You’re unlike the thousands of others who stay put where they are, you’re going after something and when you’re balling out being a badass manager no ones gonna give a crap

On this friars day! I hereby do declareeeeeh! That I shall not yield! That I shall not cease! Until these unscrupulous characters have forfeited that which by grace of the heavens is ouahhhhhs! (Ours :roll_eyes:)
Cough cough what I getting? Their coffee mug? Their cookies?


All of the above! :joy:


The losers you only invite to the party because your parents made you :laughing: :pensive: I’m pretty sure all my tags have that undertone…

Anyway, on another note, how’s the grandparents doing? On the mend I hope. Do you see them often and if so what’s the special dishes you get?! I want to know!

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Have fun! :rofl:

Thank you! :blush: :grin:

Aunt :relieved: :blush:

:heart_eyes: niiiiiice!! :heart:

Always :blush: :heart:


Oeps sorry :flushed: my bad. :exploding_head:
Congratulations proud auntie. :hugs:

I like cleaning. Music on the background. Singing, cleaning… good mix :relieved: i like it when it’s clean afterwards. Gives me a good feeling :muscle:

And going to the gym tomorrow :running_man: :weight_lifting_man:



:joy::joy::sob: oh the memories :sob:

Oof :flushed: this got real-quick :exploding_head:

Ehmmmmm…grandma…she’s exceeded expectations :sweat_smile: docs and nurses are surprised she’s made it so long but it is what it is
They said at risk of a heart attack now but as I said it’s just…expected :upside_down_face:
And my grandpa who is here, he’ll have surgery soon for something but should be ok
He’s just pissed off :joy::joy::joy:
Thanks for asking, didn’t imagine the question popping up :sweat_smile:

Umm I’m not close to any of them to be fair lol
Special dishes usually come from the one aunt I speak to well, she came down from Oregon last week and brought a huge dish of cactus leaves and meat in salsa :drooling_face:
I’ll post a pic in the tavern shortly :upside_down_face:


Can i ask why? :blush: :sweat_smile:

Oefh. That’s hard to hear. Good luck with everything :heart:

Hahahaha :joy: im am.

Yes you too. :relaxed: :+1:


Cause this family is absolute chicken when it comes to doctors :joy::sweat_smile:

Quick anecdote that my little cousin (who was 10 at the time still died about laughing)
My dad needed to go get a check up for something, when we went to visit my uncle he surprised him by taking him over there because he knew my dad wouldn’t do it here lol
He, my aunt, mom, dad and cousin arrived at the docs office

Idk how it happened but my dad ended up with the keys, no one imagined anything of it lol but everyone got out the car and my dad faked getting out, slipped back in the car, locked the doors on them and didn’t come out for like an hour :rofl: my uncle was pissed at him, my mom hella embarrassed, my lil cousin dying laughing because he says my dads face was like a little kid in trouble :rofl:
He refused to go in and they didn’t make him :joy:

Anywayyyyy… I’m the outlier :roll_eyes: I take my shots like a man :triumph::grimacing::zipper_mouth_face: cough cough cough

Buuuut my gramps is going through that right now I suppose

Thank you :blush:

Ot: ummmm…
I realized when I started this post that I had been chasing a butterfly in a yard I’m working at for like 5 minutes :joy: I wanted to take a picture of it and it would fly off if I got near
I’m praying the homeowners are gone but I started laughing at myself thinking they’re watching me go back and forth like an idiot lmao
Worst of all I realized I was like “heeeey pretty butterflyyyy let me take a pic”
Then after it kept leaving
“Stupid butterfly you’re an ahole :triumph:” so…yeah…


That’s as close as I got :expressionless:

going on google images would’ve been better and easier :skull: lol