HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

I just got home from not a 10, but an 11½ hour shift. That’s also going to be my schedule for the remainder of the week. And probably most of next week, too. :upside_down_face:

@justinkilmer try name that linkin park song, hard


Good morning :sun_with_face:
Good night :milky_way:
@Honey8 :heart:

:confounded: hang in there :muscle::hugs::heart:

I’m a little curious what your goals are? I witch direction will you turne? :hugs::heart:

Awesome!! You have it! I’m sure! :crossed_fingers::hugs::heart:

20190919_120152 all for you! @lpfan61 :heart:

I’m :flushed:

That’s so cool!!!
Thank you @justinkilmer and hope your finger get well! Your wife is just awesome! I can so picture this. You all, oh god! I’m dying, blood loss! Blood poisoning! Nearly fainting. (Why guys always have to faint with a little blood? :thinking:)
And she all cool, sit down honey. Show it, look, I make a biiig bandage! I see that you nearly had lost your finger! What a brave husband!

Hey Nick! Nice seeing you here! For that, be bored some more! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Hope you’re heating system is on now! :hugs::heart:

I have!:partying_face:
But it’s been a while, a looong one, since I’ve been to the stadium. And following tabelle and screen is not so much mine.
Yours? :sunglasses:

@gabridc98 take a hug :hugs::heart:

@evowarrior5 you said you are busy. But anyway a hug for you :hugs::heart:

@framos1792 MIA :flushed: stay strong :black_heart::bat::black_heart:

@theearlywalker weeks end is winking :wave: stay strong :hugs::heart:

I never really was good with contact lenses. They just annoy my eyes. And were so expensive.
A friend said, you can by them nowadays in an drugstore real cheap. So I tried yesterday.
My eyes are still not totally happy about it.
But this feeling!!! To see the world without glasses! :flushed:
I was out with a friend and on the bike ride back home, it did a down pure. I so loved it! Rain in my face!!! Still seeing everything! :star_struck:

Take care you all! :hugs::heart:

Hey @anngelenee see you in :hugs::heart: Good morning! :upside_down_face:


is it VFL Lübeck?

yeah, “live is life” like Opus sung :rofl: but my favorite team is really far away from my hometown

OT: Question for all of you: oldschool pic or Linkin Park “Huddle” pic for weekend-start? :crazy_face::grimacing::heart::metal:t2:

I’m happy with pretty much anything music related. As of right now, I really enjoy the live aspect of events. I’d love to be able to book events, be a tour manager and such. I have a full year ahead of me to think about it and really decide what I like based on my modules as well.

Speaking of, about to head out for the day. Hoping for more interesting things!

UPDATE: I just had the manager of The Chemical Brothers as a guest lecturer. My mind is blown and it’s only day 1!


:flushed::joy: it was just a couple days of heavier work :crazy_face: all good :innocent:

Ot: thought I’d come back to a crap ton of posts-it’s been fairly quiet :flushed:


Hey all! a bit later today!

Busy day at work, so I’m trying to write this when I can.

ohh I’ll definitely have to try this one out!


@anna834 There’s a logo for it too, I never would have guessed that one :joy:

For sure it went like this :wink: :joy:

We actually probably should have went in for it. ended up super glueing it together ourselves :joy:
Mr. Kilmer M.D.

It doesn’t hurt as much today but still looks pretty eww, decided to let the poor thing breathe after being suffocated for a good day :joy:

Alright better get back to work :sob: :sob: gonna check out the new blink-182 album hopefully that helps the day go by :joy:

Hope everyone has a good day!!


@framos1792 I guess it’s the first appearance of the hibernation- :sweat_smile: I started this morning to write a post here - found out in the afternoon I forgot to send it- started to write a new one this afternoon- and napped in :joy:… and atm I’m just able to laugh dumb without a way to stop it :joy::rofl: … omg :crazy_face:

@anna834 thank you - I so need it- happy the lenses give you so much joy

@justinkilmer outch … :muscle:t2: Take care and have a good day

Ot: scollaxing

@LP13413 I so feel you :open_mouth: sending you strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


I’m in Istanbul and there’s an earthquake hazard. I was on the subway today, and the subway stopped and started swinging. Earthquake intensity 5.9. It was aftershocks and we were there an hour ago.

Everybody sleeps in the parks. I’m a little worried

@LP13413 Screenshot_20190926-172208_Chrome

Did I win?? :smile: only problem I had was spelling catalysts :joy:


Relaxing after yet another 11½ hour shift. At least I got paid today. One more shift like this for Friday, then I can sleep on Saturday.


:sunny::tada:Good morning lads and gents :sunny::sunny: Friday- means the weekend is near or started already…

:thinking:… sometimes I think how schizophrenic is to feverishly wait for the weekend week after week, although with every passing day a day less of the rest of our lives remains … really strange - isn’t it?!

However- I really enjoyed the flashmob @framos1792 started yesterday in the RTT…what a wave :joy::joy: and @anna834 don’t worry… just start the next concerted action :blush::hugs:

@justinkilmer :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: Well done man :tada: Grats - you get the experts badge :1st_place_medal: :+1:t2:

@jrtrussel loooool - thanx for the ketchup lesson- I soooo love your humor :joy::joy::joy: absolutely awesome boi :clap:t2::clap:t2:

@framos1792 :joy::joy: still laughing- thanx man :rofl:

@drounzer let us see the mug of the day please!! :eyes:

:yellow_heart:… try to take things easy today soldiers- we tend to worry too much altogether… and since we have each other- we can already feel good … :yellow_heart:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 the paycheck makes it lighter- sending you strength- great you’ve the weekend off :tada::tada: sleep well Andy


Actually, I just have Saturday off. :upside_down_face:

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Ohhh man- wtf… that’s rough :grimacing:I hope your schedule gets back to normal shifts asap :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:

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Good morning people! Welcome to another day of you life. A brand new day, a day to learn, a day to make mistakes (making mistakes is nothing to feel ashamed of afraid off, it’s normal) , a day to see your friends / family again, a good to be free from the demons (I hope), be strong and be awesome, this is your day, make the best of it :hugs: :muscle: :sunglasses:

Currently is just a glass with milk :rofl: tonight I have a new mug… I’ve just got the right one in my mind for tonight :smirk: :ok_hand:

I had so much fun when he did that. @jrtrussell now we know how to make ketchup :tongue: :grin:
@anna834 how are you? :hugs:

Im off to work. See you people in a couple hours. My first break time. :smiley:


Like Jonathan Davis sings:

for the weekend-post and another oldschool pic later soldiers?:sunglasses:

OT: first of all, coffee and yeah rainy weather :unamused:



@theearlywalker how do you like this one? :smirk: :ok_hand:
Brought in Tokyo Japan. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Lunch time here. Relaxing and enjoying work.



Coffee time! Did some stuff around the house and now relaxing. I might meet with my cousin later or something.
Have a good start to the weekend guys!


Hey you all! :hugs::partying_face::rooster::crazy_face:

I know, I’m late.
But I had right early my second therapy appointment. We just did my life resume. Where did I live, school, job, siblings, parents. Just listen to my run through life get me exhausted and all :crazy_face: I moved more times till the age of five then others in their whole life. Watching the therapists face confirmed that, at least he is happy to have someone that interesting :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hey you! Hope you get ok through the night!
It sounds so scary, I like to run alone thinking about it :confounded: all the luck and stay strong!!! :hugs::heart:

Thank you for your answer! Sounds awesome! :grinning:
I think with your talent in organising, keeping the overview about the whole events and your willingness for hard work you would be a great tour manager or something like that! :hugs:

Sadly enough already taken by the wrong german soccer club. :triumph:

Hell no!!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ok. There are some, I am happy to rule out. :yum:
There is just the big FCBM question left :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
With everything else I can live :laughing:

Ups. Sorry, Walker. I wasn’t, just :rooster::crazy_face: The squats did knew :rofl:
Special thanks again to @framos1792 @jrtrussell @justinkilmer missed it, but had fun later. :blush:

So true! Some worries got diminished since I’m here, but I still have to learn to not worry so much for you all guys. :see_no_evil:
Great weekend to you, my dear! :hugs::heart:

@chigokurosaki take a hug! :hugs::purple_heart:

@birdy1989 hope vacations are in for you now!
Miss you here! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All the relaxing for tomorrow! :relaxed: Stay strong! :muscle::hugs::heart:

Thank you! :hugs: :heart:
Actually good! Had a short pain thing yesterday noon. But got through it in high speed, learning so much.:blush:
And how are you?
Can I skip in on this mug challenge?
Mine are sure very different, but I am a total mug nert.

Yesterday was the play of my sons class. The second cast. He just did the lighting.
It was so awesome!!! :star_struck:
The story of “fifty : fifty” was a class who got the assignment to picture the future in 25 years. And then they played this futures.
There were real hopeful ones but also horrible dark ones, destroyed planet and the last humans fighting for the resources.
Just wow!!
And this kids!! I know most of them since first great and longer and now this! :flushed:

Happy weekend to you all! :tada:
And stay strong working and studying squat! :muscle:


Just sharing some smiles and sunshine :sunny: :slight_smile:
If you have time check it

@theearlywalker: wise words! :sunglasses::slightly_smiling_face:

@evooba: you too :grimacing: and have some good time with your cousin

@drounzer: instant soup?:thinking:

@LP13413: that’s hard :expressionless:

@justinkilmer: share the link with us please :crazy_face:

@framos1792 and @zanybelle just want to tag you :rofl::joy:
@svetoslavmm just :pray:t2:

@anna834: yes, it is since almost 25 years :rofl: and yours? Werder Bremen?

so Soldiers, it’s time - wishing all of you a good weekend start :heart::metal:t2::pray:t2:. I’m gonna spend some good times with family and friends and going tomorrow in a “heavy metal and rock” club :crazy_face::grimacing::metal:t2::metal:t2:

Hope all of you gonna enjoy this oldschool pic:

those styles, trousers and hairs - just so cool these days :sunglasses::metal:t2: