HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Good morning to you all! :hugs:
And good evening to you other all! :wave:

:flushed: cause the missbehaved during the play?
And it needed uniformed securities to get them to follow? :astonished: baseball is sure different from European sokker! :laughing:
Seems it was a game worth while :joy::hugs:


Thank you! Slept like a rock :grin: :hugs:

:woozy_face: thanks :blush: :hugs:

@justinkilmer :smiley: on a Saturday :open_mouth: and with a long report :heart_eyes: yeah! :tada: thank you for that! Just love to read it! No skipping ever. :joy:


:bell: 20 :bell: :dizzy_face::joy:

We waited for this! :tada: :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thaaaaank you :blush: and right back atya :hugs::heart:

A hug for @achilleas7 and his sweet so wise looking doggy :butterfly:

@birdy1989 miss you! :joy::heart::heart:

And @anomalia my dear sister, no conversation yesterday :anguished: biiiig hug for you :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

@Fravaco :heart::black_heart::heart:

Did a lot of fences in constantly pouring rain yesterday. Dead tired afterwards. But so I can leave early today and my boss has build up fences for the next two days.
Have to work on a different farm 330 km (200 miles) further south east in two days. So I will visit in between family along the way. :smile:

Thank you all for always having my back! :heart:
It’s such a difference to before! :blush:
I’m here for you! :muscle::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good afternoon everyone :hugs:
I had a really busy week! In a good way tho. Had a lot of fun stuff, like my birthday, dinners, a wedding on the partyship of my husband and more! Was a great week, to bad I need to take rest because of my knees (just explained it all in the Tag, You’re It topic) so I had to take it easy during most of the things. But still, I had loads of fun :grin:
I am really tired tho! I Can’t seem to sleep well, again… Hope that will pass soon :slightly_smiling_face:

I missed a lot of messages in here :cold_sweat: I’m not going to read everything, just read the messages where I was tagged. Hope everyone is doing great and has a nice weekend :hugs:
For the people who need to hear/read this:
You matter, I believe in you, I care, don’t ever give up, you are beautiful, you are loved and your family always has your back :heart: won’t your IRL family have your back, the LP Family always will :hugs:

OT: I’m going to make lunch now.
Take care everyone! :heart:


Thanks man! Let me know what you think :grinning:

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Doing well @drounzer, thank you! I hope you are well too!

Glad to hear @anna834 !

Have an awesome day/night everyone!


@birdy1989 couldn’t have put it better myself, a LP family is a beautiful thing :heart:

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@drounzer really pleased to hear about your new place and I hope all the interviews go well. If you need any tips or advice feel free to ask.

I did get a lot done over the weekend, and more importantly being more connected which is something I’m working on improving. It’s been enjoyable despite the few weird interactions. I’m pretty up for making new friends, as long as they’re not murderous in nature! Haha!

@LP13413 cool picture! Looks like they were arguing. Who won? (I don’t know any teams!) :grinning:

@anna834 :hugs: enjoy all the family visits. Your job sounds interesting, I love the outdoors :sheep:


Uneventful day at work, the rain helped a lot and it was fairly quiet the whole day. My manager is somewhat walking now so he’s around helping as much as he can.
Will have a relaxing night at home, hopefully get lots of sleep too.


Ah, it’s nice your manager is able to help a bit! Have a good night sleep @evooba :kissing_heart:

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Yes I’m doing good. :wink:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

I hope to, and i will ask, just need to get some information and focus on the interviews. :muscle:

Sleep well :sleeping: :blush:

Sure man always! :smiley:

this is your YouTube channel? To make sure I got the right one :blush:

I’m going to get my sleep! Take care of yourself soldiers! :hugs: much love :heart:


Trying to get caught up on my reading here.

The guys with the light blue shirts are the umpires (much like referees in soccer). The manager for the Yankees was arguing the borderline calls on the strike zone.

The umpires also didn’t like the way some of the players were acting in the dugout.

That was what all the arguing was about, and that was why they were thrown out of the game.

I can explain!..If you don’t know baseball scoring. :upside_down_face:

So, along the top row, 1 through 10 indicates each inning (there are nine innings in a regulated game, but in any event of extra innings, they can add more).

The Cleveland Indians scored 2 runs in the first inning, and a run in the eighth inning.
The New York Yankees scored a run in the second and the third, two in the fourth, and one in the fifth and the sixth.

R, H and E means runs, hits and errors, so the Indians scored five runs on nine hits and two errors, and the Yankees won with six runs on eight hits.

On topic, I just listened to today’s game on the radio (it wasn’t broadcasted on TV in this area), and now I’m watching the radar. There have been a couple rumbles of thunder moving through, so we might be in for yet another storm.

We also closed our pool for the season today.


Will read it tomorrow again and if I still understand not that much, I will ask :laughing::hugs:


did you see the little leaguer kid that was tryna shorten the strike zone the other day? :joy:

OT: current mentality-meh what the hell lol


Hey guys including the girls! :wave:

Don’t have time for a proper morning greeting, tagging and replying.:confounded:

I blame @framos1792 for it
Batmouse I truly missed this :black_heart::bat::black_heart:

My best friend will arrive any minute :partying_face: and we have a lot of catching up to do.
My timetable is tight today. At noon, I have a brunch with my mother. In the afternoon I visit my grandmother, the main reason I take this detours when ever possible. And afterwards I have to travel the 250 km to the next farm for work tomorrow.

Take care you all :hugs::heart::hugs::heart::hugs::heart::hugs::heart:




thanks…=] im happy to hear that

ot: solo work later today…actually looking forward to it… but means gotta go into sleep mode :neutral_face:
probably read for a while though, too excited over that one book lol… cashier thought it was for my youngest bro-im like yeeeeeah muahahaha its for him :nerd_face:

id say good night western side but…im most likely last lol unless my cousin @annejprado is still up(?) :grin: hows the bay?!
anyway, good morning england france germany poland netherlands spain etc etc :grin:
happy start to your week!
remember to see the bright, dorky, happy side of life, make you know who proud by being a stellar human being :grin:, know even if someone isnt there beside you, y’all have people that care for you… :bat::black_heart::bat:
make what you want out of life, dont let it make what it wants out of you :muscle:

semi-sorta yes but not really sorry for honey-ing the forum lol @Honey8 youve taught me well :nerd_face:

forum anthimeria dictionary coming along :nerd_face:
honey-ing–to blast in and make a big splash within the forum
anomalia-ing–erasing your fingerprints from any topic you touch

lol anthimeria-@anomalia
coincidence? :thinking:


It is! There you can also find links to my other channels :slight_smile:


Hey guys- :sunny::sunny::sunny: currently in chill mode - can’t believe a week already is over - Time passes so fast…eagerly enjoying every minute :heart_eyes:

Hugs :hugs:and strength :muscle:t2: to you all, take care everybody and remember: you’re the change :heart:

Ot: bathing- chilling- eating and again :cyclone:


Good Morning everyone!

Sadly I’m super busy again with work! but I still wanted to drop by and say hi to everyone! I’ll try to catch up with the forums if I get a bit of free time :hugs:

Hoping everyone has a great Monday!


@LP13413 sounds like you know your baseball. My knowledge is limited to The Sandlot Kids (a movie) “heroes get remember but legends never die”. So I take it your team won? Thanks for explaining :raised_hand:


Today was too long of a day. And it’s only Monday.

First thing this morning, we had two full semi trucks of new furniture we had to unload. We helped them unload quite a bit, but they handled the bulk of the work themselves.

The outsides of the windows all around the building also got cleaned, but in certain sections of the school, water came through - which is normal - so I had to help dry off window sills, mop puddles off floors, etc.

Oh, and we also have new roof leaks - again, it’s nothing out of the ordinary, even after the roof was patched and sealed last summer - and parts of ceiling tiles collapsed onto carpets that we started cleaning today.

So after all of that, I’m relaxing in front of South Park.