HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Will try and have an early night and relax and rest as much as possible. Tomorrow should be a good and exiting day!


Watching Lucifer.
Twitter_20190817_141324 Stayed with Cora and Addie Saturday night :dog::dog:


Hey framos
The bay weather is perfect just ate out with my cousins the other day everything is all good here

Hope Sacramento is doing good for you take care


Good morning to this side of the ocean :smiley:
Good night to the other side :blush:
And @Honey8 running ahead of us. :heart::heart:


Wish it to you! :hugs:

My evening yesterday :sunglasses:
And the baseball :grimacing: I think I’m hopeless :roll_eyes:

@justinkilmer sorry for not ringing the bells yesterday :cry:
:bell: 18 :bell: :partying_face:

Please continue :hugs::heart:

Thank you! A hug for you :hugs:

A hug for @achilleas7 and his doggy, happy he is better! :hugs:

:heart: hope you’re heat is better :snowflake::snowflake:

Try to enjoy it :relaxed: and take the sleep as he comes! :sleeping: Forum late night or better early morning hours spamming helps :rofl: hope your knees will be better soon! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@anomalia :heart::hugs::heart:

@Fravaco :heart::black_heart::heart:

Thank you :black_heart::bat::black_heart:

Yesterday I send a message to the farm with my arrival hours and back came that she thought working from 20.08. till 31.08. means me, arriving at the 20. :tada: yeah! Got a whole day!:tada:
So I’m still in bed right now! :relaxed:
What a gift! :blush:

Everyone :hugs:! Batmouse already had the wise words! Nothing more to say. :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Good morning :smiley: last holi-day started just now - have a good day everybody

Ot: going to the beach

Hugs to you @evooba since I see you typing

And a loud: hang in there Andy @LP13413 :muscle:t2::sunny:


Morning/night everyone! Hope you all have a great one today.

Here the weather is wild, temp has gone up again and they expect it to be 27 by this weekend. Won’t let it ruin my day though, it’s TATTOO DAY :smiley:


ENJOY :tada::tada::tada:


Good Morning all,

Hoping today is less busy then yesterday!

@anna834 it’s all good I wasn’t on the forums much yesterday sadly lol

but thanks for the bells today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I played 18 days by Saving Able this morning (mostly because of the name :joy: )

looks like fun to me!

@evooba YAY! definitely make sure to show us what you get!!:star_struck:

@theearlywalker hope your last day is a great one! Enjoy the beach! :smile:

Definitely will have to! :sunglasses:

Hey well thanks for not skipping! lol, to bad the next installment of Justin’s LPU post was too short :joy: those darn comedy shows never seem to last long these days :joy: :joy:

:heart_eyes: Just one of the many things that make this community more and more like a family! :smile:

OT: at work with a coffee, did not want to get up today at all, thinking I might be more excited for the week of my wedding then the actual wedding only because I wont have to work :joy:

Hoping everyone has a great day!


Had a great day today, after getting the tat, I met my flatmate for a quick coffee before she had to go to work and then caught up with my manager over another coffee and did some (online) record shopping (cause he still can’t walk).
Relaxed at home and just now had dinner. I’ll probably call it a night, do a bit of reading and then sleep.

Hope everyone is having a great day :slight_smile:






Going to sleep soon

Good night family



I had already one more day then I allowed myself.
And I had just 230 km (140 miles) to travel.
So what should be of any issue?
Started a bit late, to much fun doing nothing really. And it was heavy traffic, rained cats and dogs the whole time.
I got tired.
And I knew that I have to stop then!
Did I do it?
And I fell asleep.
Probably just half a second.
Woke up as the car started to switch lanes.
I was on the middle one.
It was in time!
Nothing happened.
And I directly saw a parking sign, stopped then and there, took a power nap.
All good!
Do you think so?
Could it just be that easy!
I have such a strikt rule!
No what ifs!
No, no!
A sentence or a thought that starts with What If is not allowed!
But now they hit like a wave.
Anna! This was just a real close one!
And for what?
No one is bothered when I’m an hour late!
No one is pressuring!
No one?
Just me!
Got myself nearly killed.
Just cause I weren’t respectful against me.
And there, pain started waving.
Hopeless fucked up pain.
Not an Attack. No going over the edge.
But enough.
Do I do something about it?
Reach out?
For all the support that is just a message away.
I don’t.
All the promises in vain.
Feet and hand as cold as ice.
Go, sleep.
Tomorrow will be another day.
This worked before.
And it did.
Good morning!


Looks like I’m in for a long night :neutral_face:
Not going to sleep until…
Challenge accepted :triumph:

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The driver’s seat is not the right place to sleep while a car is moving…
(I know what I’m saying as I’m a day dreamer.)
Don’t you think you are a bit tired hitting huge distances back and forth every 2 weeks or even more often?



Good morning guys :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: just woke up- enjoying the last hours before we travel back home

@anna834 it went good god bless :pray:t2: Someone watched over you… here are two songs for you to listen


The head is round so that thinking can change direction- and to consider What if… is a process of learning alternatives too. Try to step back from your own demands- cause you’re only a crack in this castle of glas… as we all are and you’re loved and not alone… take it slow and take care, we want the crazy chicken here - don’t worry too much and please learn from this experience :hugs::yellow_heart: …and don’t take pics while driving :point_up:t2:

@justinkilmer thank you dude, take your time - you are alway in our thoughts- sending you strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

@framos1792 hang in there- the trick is to keep breathing- :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::bat: :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Ot: breakfast

@lp13413 hahaha how I missed you lurking here … :blush::joy: have a good shift Andy :blush:

:sunny:Have a good humps day everybody :sunny:


Oh I’m good :sweat_smile::grin:
Just kinda chillin :upside_down_face:

Ot: being a nerd watching rogue 1 :nerd_face:

Edit: @theearlywalker thank you :blush:
At times it feels like you’re omniscient :flushed::exploding_head::crazy_face:🕵🏻‍♂ :face_with_monocle:

Edit #2: @theearlywalker :flushed::exploding_head: so it’s true! :scream:
Ehm…let’s say at the times when we are talking :nerd_face: Because that’s when I notice it :flushed:
:thinking::thinking: not sure if you like HP :thinking: you’ve got that dumbledore piercing gaze that feels like an x-ray that sees right through all :flushed:
I used to think @lpfan61 was the master spy but come to think of it :thinking: maybe it’s youuuu :face_with_monocle:


Lol :joy:- than hang in there :joy::joy::joy:

Edit @framos1792 only at times?! LMAO :joy:


Packing and the referee… :rofl:

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just 2 perfect songs for these situations!

The weather is getting better and better in Germany, so I’m enjoying the sun and music.