HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Hello everyone!!, i’m probably gonna watch a few films as weather tonight is awful :cloud_with_rain:

And a few drinks :smile: :+1:


Hello beautiful people! :heart:

Ive got some great news! I found a home! :exclamation: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :sunglasses: Tomorrow I’m gonna sign the papers and I’ve got official a home. Been very busy with planning things. Sorry for not beeing on this community. I read that a lot of things happend! Try to catch up. :clock1: :face_with_monocle:

How are you all doing? I’m enjoying my evening. Listen to the rain :cloud_with_rain:


Back from my cousin’s. Had a lovely time celebrating, it was good spending time with my old flat mates and some new friends.
This was early appetisers, my cousin baked a brilliant tiramisu too! (No photo, ate it too fast).


And this is Clyde, the new cat of the house @AJ_7



I’m off to bed. I had a long, boring day at work, almost working exclusively alone the entire day. I also stayed late for some overtime.

I also have to wake up earrrrrly. My mom and I are on a bus to Yankee Stadium tomorrow for a ball game. :baseball: We have to drive about an hour away to catch the bus that’s roughly a three hour ride to the Bronx.



Good morning :wave:
Good night :hugs:
And @Honey8 :heart_eyes: back here :star_struck::heart: love you :heart:

Yum :yum: and some curiosity, do you say bake to something you make? We only use bake for something you put into a stove to bake?

Do what ever is best for you!:muscle: congrats on the new home! :blush::hugs:

Hugge de hug for @achilleas7 and the doggy :butterfly:

@zanybelle haven’t seen you in this topic. Come on, jump in.:hugs::wave:

Have a great time! :clap::hugs:

Hey @justinkilmer :hugs: great post! Really fun reading it! :grin:

I know that feeling, stay strong and calm! But don’t let anyone push over you. :muscle:
:bell: 21 :bell: :tada:
Tell me if you get to watch my big fat greek wedding together. By the way, my daughter’s name is not Toula :joy:

@theearlywalker thank you for your holiday pics :star_struck: please continue :heart_eyes::hugs:

@Fravaco :heart::black_heart::heart:

Oh! There are a lot of people who I want to give special hug. I just think, I don’t need to fail on the tagging restrictions. You know me well enough, that I mean you! :heart::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:

After my involuntary early sheep start yesterday, I had this long break and started late again. I knew it would be sad for the little girl, that brought me the stone from Sweden. She is always so happy to see me, while her mother takes the evening care of their horse. So I decided to call the mother and on the way to the sheep I picked up the little one, 6 years, and her older sister, 10 years. They had quite fun running around with the dogs, while I did the fences, even helped. Best part was, as soon we left the street and came on farm roads, I let them drive. On my lap, of cause. The little one was more pretending and tooting the horn :loud_sound: but the older one was really good in controlling the wheel. :smiley:

:joy::joy: Sorry, can’t help it :rofl:

Great weekend to all of you!! Relaxe and enjoy! :relaxed::crazy_face:
And for the working squat, stay strong!:muscle:

So, have to start. Sheep are waiting, hopefully in the fence. :roll_eyes::laughing::joy:


Heyyyy! I’m fine! Just lots of complicated stuff going on! I posted an update about it just now. I’m gonna be honest… I am always surprised to see you all thinking about me while I’m gone. It’s quite flattering, and I love you all for it. How are you??


Good morning you wonderful bunch of amazing people :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart: have a good Saturday and try to be the light in every dark

@the3rdtausk heeey yooo finally a sign, gonna check out your thread now - but I’m happy you seem to be ok !!! :hugs::yellow_heart:

@justinkilmer :blush: sometimes it’s like this- god bless it’s weekend now… time to relax

@evooba yum :yum: sounds perfect - happy you had a good time :heart_eyes::hugs::muscle:t2:

@anna834 lol - have a good time dear :sunny::hugs::muscle:t2:

Ot about to go to the breakfast

@LP13413 have FUUUUUN :tada::tada: and take some pics for us :heart_eyes::blush:

Edit: @drounzer yeah :tada::tada::tada::tada: grats - I’m so happy for you :heart_eyes::hugs::tada::tada::grin:


Sending you strength bto deal with that! :fire::muscle:

Thanks @anna834 for the wishes :heart:

Enjoyy!!! :smiley::smiley:

@evooba good to know you had a great time with friends! :smiley: And the kitty is so cute and innocent :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Congratulations!! :smiley::tada: That’s a great news! :muscle::raised_hands:

On topic : a bit tired. Some maths topics not getting in my head I’ll get back to work later. I’ll need to ask my bro for some help. So… What else?! I am just passing time here lol.


Happy to have you here :heart::hugs:


Good morning all!

Good point! I’m excited to be able to just relax for a bit Haha. I think the only thing I really have to do today is bale some hay (which sucks but could be worse)
Hoping the pool was relaxing for you haha

Thanks the rest of the day went alright after my post lol. Apparently I just needed to vent a little and then every thing decided to play nice :joy:
Okay noted it’s not Toula :joy: :joy: I know i have seen it before but that was quite a while ago :joy:

Thanks Honey! The music definitely helped. It’s usually my go to for anything stressful or heck even just because! :smile:
Nice to read from you in the forum again :smile: math math -yes I enjoy math or used to least :joy:
Nothing wrong with passing time on he forums Haha.
Hoping all is well :slight_smile:

Thanks by now I’m sure you’ve read in my post that things got better Haha :joy:
I did listen to it and coming from someone who isnt a huge fan of just rap (I know I know linkin park is partly rap and I love them lol) i really do like it! Nicely done!!

@evooba glad you had a great time! And the appetizers look good too :wink: and clyde is a very pretty cat! If I didnt already have a zoo I’d be tempted to steal him :joy:

@drounzer yay Congrats on the new home!!

@LP13413 hope you have fun at the Yankee’s today. Only can say that because your not playing the twins :joy: :joy:

I won’t quite the whole thing, but I loved reading this! I’m very sure the girls had a blast hanging out with you and the driving part too :wink:

Okay well at least I know there is not character limit for posting or else I’d have to break this morning’s post into segments :joy: “Tune in next time for the next installment of Justin’s lpu post” (okay that was lame but meh :joy:) for those who read this all thanks for sticking with me till the end. For those who skipped to the bottom… shame on you :joy:
As of right now I’m letting my inner child out and watching the new Invader Zim movie they released (its been like 17 years since the show ended lol :scream:) so just gonna relax for the morning and call it good.

I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!


I take that as a compliment then! Thanks very much for checking it out, I’m glad you liked it :blush:


No problem! Looking for to more from you! :metal::grin:

I barely got any sleep last night, no idea why. Left work early since it was quiet (technically they can manage today by themselves) and had a very long nap. Will listen to some music and enjoy my coffee for the rest of the afternoon.


Thanks! If you haven’t already, you can check out my website or projects thread for my previous releases.

@anna834 hey Anna thanks for the prompt :slight_smile: I said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re awesome. What’s happening where you are? I’ve had a full day and now just chilling to some SOAD to relax :musical_note:

Thanks for the tag @evooba! How cute is that little one!
I’m sorry you didn’t get much sleep. I hope you sleep well today!

Have a good night/day everyone!


Thank you :blush: good goodnight @AJ_7 :heart::kissing_heart: sleep well dear :hugs:

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Thank you! Have an awesome night and an awesome day tomorrow @theearlywalker :hugs::hugs::heart::heart:

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Thanks @Honey8 , @anna834 , @theearlywalker
, @justinkilmer :hugs: :heart:
Nice to have place for myself :muscle:
@AJ_7 hope you get some sleep. How are you?

@zanybelle Good day? Got some thinks done? :wink:

@rickvanmeijel cool! I will look at the things you do :slight_smile:

@evooba got some time to sleep? How are you feeling?

How was the game? Did you enjoy it?

Nice, good to hear you enjoyed the time! And the food looks delicious :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope everyone has a good day! Good night/afternoon/morning. :sunny:


Home from a long, exhausting bus trip from The Bronx.

It was a fun game to watch. It even included the Yankees’ manager and a couple players getting ejected.

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