HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Good morning everyone! :hugs:
And good evening! :grinning:

Should hop out of bed to jump in the next work day.
But after this never ending last one … I don’t know.
It’s not helping, have to run.

Stay strong everyone! :muscle:


About to leave for work…

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Jump somewhere around Post 6370 to see.

You come to work and as a result of no Input from the others you’ve got nothing to do… :rage:

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Sending strength @alz89!

OT: Enjoying my first coffee of the day, I’m finally off! Will try and get as many things done as possible but also relax.


Good Morning all!!

Thanks! The LP one is my favorite one by far - for obvious reasons haha…

I went to college for Graphic Design and shirt design is one of the many things you can create - also one of my many favorite things to do.
I am trying to do a side business and I have had a few orders so there is progress yay :smile:
I design them in a program called Adobe Illustrator and print then using a special ink. After that I use a heat press and it transfers onto the shirt.
I actually really enjoy doing it and wouldn’t mind doing it more and eventually even make a shop out of it, it’s a pipe dream but it’s a goal! :smile:

There is a forum here where I’ve posted past designs I think its “Playing With The Drawing Tools” but been a while since I’ve posted in there haha :sweat_smile:

Thanks! haha I’m sure it’ll be okay just have to make myself worry – just how I work :joy:

@alz89 sending you strength hope everything went/is going okay!!

Hope you get some relaxation in!! :smile:

OT: I’m just starting my first coffee of the day as well :coffee: I’ve had an old friend tell me he wants to start selling shirts and would like me to make some designs for him so we will see where this goes! A bit excited but also just happy it gives me some design time (probably where my happiest place is)

Hope you all have a great day!!


Hey guys- nice to find you all here and to get aware who is farting today :joy: and your shirts are awesome Justin- I always knew you can do big things :blush::muscle:t2::sunny::sunny: (besides farting :joy::joy:)

ok- as you can see from this post I’m braindead :dizzy_face:, melting :hot_face: and hoping the coffee I’m drinking rn will help me to survive :partying_face: hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ot: buz-buz-buzzy :honeybee:

Have a good day family :blush::hugs:


Thanks I appreciate it!! :hugs: :smile:
Hey now I take pride in my farts :joy: :joy::joy: – okay that was hard to type without laughing

Hope you enjoy yours as well and hope you don’t melt too much!


Thank you, I checked it and I really like your designs. I would definetly buy the LP one from you. But I guess the tax to send to Europe would be very expensive. But I’m sure in your country there are a lot who would be happy to buy some shirts from you. [quote=“justinkilmer, post:6408, topic:40470”]
I actually really enjoy doing it and wouldn’t mind doing it more and eventually even make a shop out of it, it’s a pipe dream but it’s a goal

So it would say go for it!!! :heart_eyes::+1:

Everything ok? :wink: It’s already done? :slightly_smiling_face:

The same here! :anguished: Big hug back :kissing_heart: and hope you will get a evening a little bit cooler :ocean:! And for all the others too! :sweat_drops::bouquet::kissing_heart:


Thanks really appreciate it!
You know I’m not sure :thinking: lol If I figure out how shipping cost work I’d be more then happy to send you one. I’ll keep you all posted :smile:

sadly not until Friday lol, but at least I’ll have 3 days to relax afterwards


:ok_woman::ok_woman::heart_eyes::ok_woman::ok_woman:Yeahy!!! Yeahy!!! Yeahy!!! Oh, that would be awesome! I would be really really proud!!! Thank you!! :kissing_heart::+1::grin:[quote=“justinkilmer, post:6412, topic:40470”]
I’ll have 3 days to relax afterwards

Ok! Sounds good! :blush:



Ambition… so low… can’t… continue…with work…



Home from work, and I just watched the U.S. women defeat England in football soccer.


Sad one. We were watching as well. It was a good match


spent the last three days working and paying less than optimal attention to doggie boy which means
only one hour of walk and only visits to pet every one-two hours, (depending on the guilt levels i have) but also letting him out the door to chill with his two friends.
They go along great and no other dogs come to the neighborhood anymore because “we” are under control.

Getting out with a treat in hand just as export finished and was rushing to upload location, i discovered that this is a special night…
found my doggie trying to remove something from his mouth and as i pulled him to the light, it was worse than i thought
one, two, three holes that required live stitching, one of them real close to the eye
and what my babe was trying to remove was our own lip from our tooth.
Daddy (me) tried too but we had to call the ER and rush to a sweet professional girl (i was so not prepared for this) and she removed it with no problems.
After we stitched the pretty face i’ve been making videos of and we got our dream verified (saw the hole next to the eye twice and couldn’t predict what it was) we headed back home.

so we came back and we started recording jupiter since not only this was the greatest night of all 5 i have the telescope out enjoying the sun, (bad practice for telescopes) but it turned out it was a very eventful night for Jupiter as well.

So,within 3 hours we picked up 20.000 images, hopefully to become the longest and clearest animation i’ve done, while at the same time mending the psychology of Rikkie every 5 minutes who had a rough tampering to do shaves and live stitches to avoid going to sleep to do them, running around to take care of the other dogs’ foods which in my panic i didn’t do when i should, while refocusing and taking dark frames every 5-10 minutes i must admit
1)i have no complains in exercising lately
2)this was a real busy night that i’m glad is over by typing it out here!
3)video inbound (even if we have the copyright barrier to overcome first thing in the morning)
4)i have no idea under which category to throw all these at!
5)i can’t read this again to verif
y it makes sense. :roll_eyes:

Have a Great night LPU :yellow_heart:


Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: hump day finally for this week :tada: weekend insight and that gives me the power to move on in this oven called Germany… stay strong everybody and good going with whatever is on your schedule today- especially to @Fravaco - stay strong bro! :hugs::+1:t2:

Grats to the american team, sorry for the strong english ladies…

Ot: :coffee: & :iphone: & :sweat_drops: ( finally no rush today, yaay :tada::tada::tada: the lil things can make me so glad sometimes :heart_eyes:)

Good goodnight Andy, sleep well :crescent_moon: and a question: do you like it to work the day shift during the summer break? @LP13413


Getting ready for bed i just got back form the hospital. Still in pain with mt throat. :mask::mask::mask:


Last few days was really f**** up,hope that things would get better…

Coffee shower and GO

Have a nice day


waking up to so many likes (with no notification about’em) was a very supportive hug LPU,
bringing a soldier right back up and ready to fight!
thank you so much everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

superb news : The goal i am going through these trials and tribulations is accomplished.
well… part of…
This one out the oven, but an oven is a bad analogy because cooking doesn’t hurt!
i call them “births” because it feels like them more. :slight_smile:

No copyright issues! :open_mouth:… boy, is that rare for so many songs!
i hope you gals/guys enjoy watching this as much as i did making it :slight_smile:

(bookmark for when you have time to focus)
it’s garbage stuff!

Health update : our doggie is fine too!
all trials and tribulations have a purpose.
if you are patient enough with them, they all turn to your benefit but they are here to test you so don’t hate them for getting their job done.


Good morning from my end of the world guys!!

Really feeling like today is going to be a 3 cup coffee kinda day, and I haven’t even started my first yet :scream::scream: – Don’t worry making it now! –

Excited for a 5 day weekend though! can’t remember the last time I’ve had a weekend this long!

Hope everyone has a great day/night!! :smile::smile:


Yes. Not only is it a nice change of pace for a couple months, but with the warm weather during the day, the nights stay cool enough that I can ride my bike without too much humidity. Plus, I can ride as long as I want without having to worry about getting to work.

Honestly, as long as I’m working, and I have something to keep me busy everyday, I don’t care what my hours are.