HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Haha… Neither do I, in any of them… “believe” (any kind) never has been my thing. But I do respect people who can find strength out of it, but “don’t push it on me”, you know
But that’s a discussion for a later/other time…

Guten Appetit und gute Nacht :sparkles:


For you too, thank you! Her some rain beside the sun :sun_behind_rain_cloud::wink:.

@IronSoldier16 I’m sorry for your loss. :pray: My condolences.

I wish somebody would do this for me too! And of course I would do this for everybody, but I hope never have to do it.

I love this Pic!!! Thank you so much! It’s really great, you too are so sweet! :paw_prints::revolving_hearts::paw_prints::revolving_hearts:

I’m happy to see you are safe at home!!! :kissing_heart: Sorry to hear you hate it. Sending a big hug!! :revolving_hearts::hugs::hibiscus:

Thank you! I hope you had a good Sunday too!! :sunflower::smiley::bouquet::sunny:

Get well soon!! :wink::kissing_heart::bouquet:

Great idea!!! I love it!! :+1::smiley::bowl_with_spoon:

Wauw that’s a good plan!! Any wishes where to go?? :raising_hand_woman::smiley::tulip::sunny::kissing_heart:

Nice!! Happy for you!! :bug::beetle:

Gute Nacht!!! :wink::kissing_heart::sleeping:

I hope you all had a good weekend and I wish you a good start into the new week!!! Please take care and I hope everybody gets along well with the heat! Big hug :kissing_heart::hugs::bouquet::sweat_drops:

OT: wondering why it isn’t cooling down for night and going to bed soon. Good night everybody :sleeping_bed::sparkles:


I’m so damn tired. Left work around 8:30pm, went to my cousin’s for a bit and just now (20 past midnight) finished transferring stocktake figures. Back to work in about 7 hours. This heat better die down, I need my sleep.


Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: 21*C already and it’s 5:30 am :joy: crazy heat wave :fire::sunny::grimacing: - could turn back to normal temperatures now… :thinking: normal temperatures? Maybe this is the new normal? Let’s all be aware to not waste resources- we are the change, let’s show love to our beautiful planet soldiers! :earth_africa: :heart:

Sending you strength @evooba :muscle:t2: Hope there will be a fresh breeze today in London :dash: and to everyone suffering under the heat :sunny::dash:

Happy to feel youenergy and you around @Fravaco- :blush: it’s really noticeable how the trip charged you :muscle:t2:

I read your post in the pet- thread - I have a picture now from the life and adventures of a shepherd… :sunny::muscle:t2::hugs:

Ot: rushing as usually :grimacing:

time to say goodnight :zzz: to my buddy eagle :eagle: Andi @LP13413 sleep well :dizzy:


Good morning to you all!
And of course good evening!

It cooled down a little. Yeah.
Hope at yours @evooba too!

@theearlywalker see you tipping :wave: makes my first smile :grinning:
Oh, done. Thank you! :heart_eyes: Good work day to you! :muscle:

Hope you had a good night :hugs:

Today some extra hug for @lpfan61 and @Honey8 :hugs: you are missed! :heart:

@justinkilmer lazy weekend is over :sunglasses: come on, cheer us up. :kissing_heart:

And @birdy1989 see you tipping! :hugs: :heart:

Take (edit talk) as much and what ever you want and need here. I am listening. The day is coming Wednesday, right? I will send every strength I have your way.

We sure will!!
I’m still smily about last night!
:hugs: :heart:

Stay strong you all! :muscle:

Thanks to the cooler weather, I don’t need to hurry that much. The good thing about my job. As long as I keep the sheep round (well fed) I decide when I do what. So cat on my feet, birds singing, cool breeze through the caravan. I’m not hurrying. :wave:


Couldn’t find @Lilyope her post so fast, so I quoted your quote on her post :yum:

Monday hugs back to you :hugs:

Best Sunday activity :sunglasses:

Welcome back :smiley:

Take it easy and get well soon :kissing_heart:

Sounds like the best plan for you :smiley: take care hun :kissing_heart:

Thank you :relaxed:

Ofc we will!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Great :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: enjoy your day at work :kissing_heart:

OT: going to get ready for work. Only 3 weeks till summer vacation :sleeping: I’ll finally get some time to rest and take care of myself


Probably got lost in space​:joy::joy::joy::joy:


All day long :joy:

Ugh it’s Monday, have a nice day :wink:

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On break at work. Lots to do today so I hope the time will go by fast. I’m really tired, I almost cried walking into the office when I arrived.
Thankfully weather has cooled down over here, I hope it’s the same everywhere else. Hang in there you guys :slight_smile:


Good Morning everyone and happy Monday!

Uh oh I’ve been caught! :see_no_evil: :joy:


@anomalia I’m calling this your trophy :joy: :trophy:

@framos1792 hopefully you get over you cold soon!!

@evooba sending you strength!! You got this!! :hugs:

Perfect activity for a Sunday! hope you enjoyed!! :smile:

OT: Well my weekend was half Lazy half busy as all hell!! :crazy_face:
Saturday went out with my Groomsmen and it was a blast! Lot’s of laughs (and maybe a few drinks :shushing_face:)
Yesterday I finished all my Wedding invites – I think –, I had some blank shirts so decided to make a few tees :smile:
Snapchat-719866745 Snapchat-113013248
Snapchat-415625409 Snapchat-1090465824

and other shtuff

as for today, back to work for 3 days then It’s holiday for me, but sadly I get to have wisdom teeth removed so don’t know how much I’ll actually enjoy it :joy: :sob:

I hope everyone had a good weekend and that everyone has a great day today!!


Hey @justinkilmer :partying_face:

Great, really! Tees!
Will you do some for your bachelor party?

Good work day to you! :hugs:


Is one of the T-shirts expected to be a part of the trophy?

I hope… :thinking:

They also must have been soaked in koala tea.


That could be arranged :joy: :thinking:

@anna834 Hi!! :wave::smile:

and thanks! I’ve thought about it! Might have too!
If I do I may end up running some designs by you guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In that case, I want a trophy too!


Prepare some koala tea then!

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@anomalia I will work on a design for you then :wink: haha (Not a huge fan of using pre-designed shirts)

@anna834 I could get you a trophy as well :joy:


:blush: thank you! :heart: :hugs:

OT: dinner done, me tired, going to sleep early and tomorrow early shift :muscle:


Thank you! Could not sleep very well, the day was hot too, but I’m hoping for a little thunder tonight. Hope everything regarding the oven at your side is ok. :kissing_heart::hugs:

Sounds good!! :grinning::+1::revolving_hearts::blossom:

You’re great! Thank you!
(BTW, I wanted to write “you two are so sweet”, not you too :wink:)

I’m so sorry my sweetheart! Hope the day passed quick and you can enjoy the evening! :kissing_heart::hibiscus:

Great to hear!! :+1:

This shirts are looking great!!! Specially the LP one!!! Are you doing this a lot? How are you doing them? They are awesome!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I wish you good luck!! When I did it, it wasn’t a big deal. I hope the same for you! :kissing_heart::tooth:

What trophy? Sorry I don’t know. :flushed:

Are you seriously telling you could probably design cool shirts??? :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman: What do I have to do for it??? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Sleep well and have a good day tomorrow!! :kissing_heart::rosette:

Wish you all a good night and tomorrow a sunny day who is not too hot! :wink::kissing_heart::hugs::bouquet:


Trying to sleep but wide awake as stressed with work!


Fresh home from another bike ride, and preparing to make my lunch for tomorrow.

Since today was July 1st, my schedule flips for the next couple months. I’m working days from now until September.

I hope you all had/have a great day!!