HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

I could use that AC @AJ_7… they say this heatwave is going to last for another month :’(

Improptu picnic at the park after work with a friend to catch up, came home about an hour ago, ready to hit the hay.


Claró! :grin::hugs:

OT: Going to sleep, good night/evening soldiers!

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Good night @Lilyope :yellow_heart::blue_heart::revolving_hearts::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Good good night! :star2: :hugs:

I’ll stay up another bit… hehe :grin:


Alright me too… :joy::hugs:




Discovering more wonders of the village through Google Maps. The humidity we’ve had the last week has finally decreased significantly. No need for the air conditioning tonight, our windows are wide open. I only wish my neighbors had muzzles for their dogs.

Waiting to get my bloods done again…here early and I’m the first in line…still got an hour to wait :confused:

Stay strong! :slight_smile: the time flies fast. Hope everything is going fine :smile:

Thanks, yeah this forum and you guys help pass the time!

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You’re welcome. We have very busy leaving a lot of fun things for all the forum for the for everyone’s fun.

On Topic: Reading and recording some videos.

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Stay strong! :muscle: hope everything’s fine! :hugs: :sun_with_face: :hugs:

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Thanks @lpfan61 atm I’m talking to 2 old people who are really nice so making the time go faster as well!


I´m super exhausted from my shift at work yesterday and today will be more stressful.I wish I could stay in bed and hide myself. My new colleagues are all so cold. I´m always early for work, because I´m afraid of being late and nobody talked to me or want to get to know me, the same in my breaks. It´s frustrating, but I try to focus on my work and say to myself “I´m here to earn money and not for making friends.” Maybe not the best way to start in a new company, but a good way to survive this coldness.

OT: I´m getting ready for work and I wish you all a nice and sunny saturday! :blush:


Stsy strong dear- and I always think - if I meet such cold people that they must have made bad experiences or they just envie you - because you are so beautiful and good at your job- and mostly time makes it all better- give them a few days to warm up- sending you strength for your day dear :sunny: :hugs: @OneMoreLight2017

Ot: :coffee: and breakfast…

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It is so BLOODY HOT! What is this? Am I in England or what? Basically dying at work.


Icecoffee? I send you a fresh :dash: and stay strong :muscle:t2:

I hope you are better today @theearlywalker

And I agree, things will settle @OneMoreLight2017 . Sending strength as always

@evooba if I could send you an AC I would! Sending strength and coolness to get through the day. I hope the weather forecast is wrong and the heatwave goes away sooner than expected

Good Luck @alz89 I hope all is well

Have a great day/night everyone!


Thanx @AJ_7 :blush: and all the best for you dear, :heart: you deserve it! Have a good day :hugs::sunny:

Ot: taking a bath- :bath:t2: using the What are you listening to thread as playlist, thanx soldiers