HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Good song :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a good night :slight_smile:

watching IT and eating dinner

Brainstorming a write-up for July 20th (it also marks the ten-year anniversary of seeing LP with Chris Cornell on his birthday). I’m also planning on uploading an unrelated tutorial on that day as well.


Going to relax and popularly going to sleep soon

Getting ready for work so glad it’s friday!!

Bonjourrrr! Peut etre je me vais dormir haha
So I’ll just leave this here :yum:
(:joy: hey that rhymed too! dormir and here :sweat_smile:) it’s my first attempt so don’t be mean :stuck_out_tongue:

J’ai le vocabulaire d’un enfant
Mais il est assez maintenant
si je veux seulement te faire sourire
quand cette phrase vous avez fini de lire

Je pense que tu vas rire a la place
parce que mes rimes sont inefficaces
eh bien si ça te rend heureux
c’est tout ce que je veux

penser que je fais votre matin
m’aide à dormir jusqu’à demain
alors bonne nuit d’ici
et pour les doux rêves merci

tu es souriante je peux déjà voir
J’espère qu’il reste au-delà de ce soir
mission accomplie je dirai
laisse espérer que cela devienne réalité

Just so the gifs don’t bore you :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s amazing!! Well done, because there isn’t so much wording / spelling mistakes! I love it! :heart_eyes:

Me hisiste sonreir (google traduction so i don’t know if that’s correct, I want to say “you made me smile”) por lo tanto, puedes dormir. Buenas noches :hugs::hugs::hugs:

OT: Going to work, have a great day / good night guys :hugs:


Perfect :grin:

No quiero :frowning_face: (I don’t want to :joy:)
Good night good night :bowing_man::sleeping:


Good morning lp family. I’m getting ready for work today then meter go to the gym.

I´m getting ready for my second day at my new work place. Yesterday was a short shift and today it will be double so long. I hope the time will flies like in the short one.

I wish you guys a good day! :slight_smile:


On break at work. Need to survive another 7-8 hours. It’s so hot!

Come visit me @evooba . We have AC ! Although it is 45 degrees today. Stay hydrated though and take care with the heat





Congrats to France!! :grin: if belgium doesn’t kick Brazil’s sorry behind, France will :sweat_smile:

Neymar ticked me off :unamused:

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Belgium should win. Don’t get me wrong, I support American teams, but I don’t Neymar or Brazil.

Congratulations to France for destroyy prognostics :sob:

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Everyone just stopped working for watching the match at work. But those in the first floor office had a better connection than us in the second floor office, so everytime there was a goal we first heard people shouting for joy before we saw it on the screen. It was funny. :joy:

OT: Relaxing time on.


Happy you like your new work @OneMoreLight2017… hope timw flies for you and I missed you here, wb :hugs: strenght to you :muscle:t2: @evooba and I hope your shift is over and everything went well, thanx for the cuuute pics :heart_eyes: all inhere @lpfan61, @Lilyope and @framos1792 and to you all: have a good time and enjoy whatever you do :sunny:

Ot: had to work this afternoon- they called this morning- was exactly what I needed after waking up with headache :roll_eyes: BUT I overcame :muscle:t2: and now I’m at home finally :grin: ready for a hardcore lazybutting weekend :tada: :heart_eyes: :sunny:


That great you made it! Have a good lazybutting weekend! :hugs:


Awwww thanx dear :hugs: and good relaxing for you too :blush:

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Serait-il acceptable d’avoir votre numéro s’il vous plait?

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