Get Inspired! The LPU friends and support

@framos1792 hope things going well your side… :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face:


Hey, thank you :slight_smile:
All is calm, follow up appointments and setting up other ones, just not much time between work and house work and bros
Hopefully things will go back to normal soon


Glad to hear it’s all calm… :sun_with_face: yeah, this time will pass… stay strong! :muscle: :muscle: sending sunny powerful hugs to you!! :sun_with_face: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: no need to thank me,we’re a family…we’re here for each other and I care for you… :blush: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

EDIT: uumm…don’t want to bother you…just want to say I sent a lil mail to you…found the address here somewhere… :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: hope it doesn’t upset you… :see_no_evil:


Good morning lp family. I what you all to know that tomorrow will be my last day in NJ I’ll be on my way to Arkansas tomorrow afternoon to start a new life and I got a job interview there so I have to take this opportunity . I what to say I truly hope that everyone is doing good. I will let you all know how I’m doing and gave my family updates on everything. You guys are the best .


Hey @hilaryfol that escalated quickly :joy:, but you sound happy in your postings the last weeks and it seems that you finally found what you were looking for, :sunny: Wishing you just the best and good luck for the interview, keep us updated!

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Good luck for the interview!! :muscle: :muscle: :sun_with_face:

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Good luck with the interview!

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Send you love and virtual hugs amigo mio!!:hugs::hugs::purple_heart::purple_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Wishing you good luck with the interview and moving! You can do this :slight_smile:

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My mom broke her ankle yesterday she just got out of surgery and is going to be off for 2 months unpaid she is still in a lot of pain I am writing this because we don’t know what to do

How are you both?

Will continue to hope and pray for you both that things get better and you don’t have to go through this mess again. We love you Stephanie, and will always be here to support you through everything. :yellow_heart::blue_heart: You are strong and brave, and you will get through this. All the love goes out to you forever. :yellow_heart::blue_heart::heavy_heart_exclamation::hugs::gift_heart:

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Dear things will turn well soon! Wish the best for you and your mom!! Agreed with @chigokurosaki , you’re not alone! Sending love and hugs to you and your mom! :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :muscle: :heart:

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Dear @hilaryfol I wish you all the best for a new start! When a door is closing an other door will open. Starts are never easy, but sometimes they are needed for a better change!

@framos1792 I’m speechless! I’m so sorry for you and your mum! We all take life and health for granted until something like this happens to us or out Family members or dear friends. I’m sending you a lot of warm and supportive hugs , love and strenght to you and your mum!!!

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Sorry to hear about your mom, hope she gets better soon, you’re not alone in this :heart:

Hey Soldiers, I have chosen this thread because we have an emergency case in the family. As you all know, the mom of our dear soldier @turners34 had had bad luck and broke her ankle. Unfortunately she had to get a surgery and is out of the race now for at least six to eight weeks. And if it couldn’t come worse- she can’t go to work, and the both of them have no income now for two month. For paying the rent they found a solution with the landlord- but it’s still more existencially: they have literally no money to buy food.

So I have had an idea to not only support her mentally but in this elemantary case too, because we are a big family and if each of us who is able to, gives a bit- it will save them ite!

So here is our idea:
@turners34 has this incredible talent to write. And she has a large amount of poems and songs already. The idea now is, that we soldiers „buy“ a handwritten copy of the poem or song we like the most. For a symbolic amount of money, minimum price is 2$ or Eur. If you like to pay a higher „price“ feel free to give in whatever you feel like to support Stephanie and her mom Jackie. And: if @turners34 gets famous one day, it will rise in it‘s value - your personalized poem, if not, then you can be sure that you helped and did sth very supportive and good!

If you soldiers are interested, then we will set up an email adress that you can contact to get further information. And I have spoken with Stephanie and her mom about this idea, they were both overwhelmed, and now I just hope a lot of you guys are into this project… :sunny:


I’m interested, didn’t think the situation was like this.

Good idea, you’re such a good human being :slight_smile:


@rickvanmeijel :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:Thank you so much for your kind words and for showing your interest :+1:t2::yellow_heart:


Thank you @rickvanmeijel



Just remember Stephanie, we are always here for you and love you through it all. We hold your back to the end and pick you up when you are down. Things will get better for you and your mom, and again, you know we are always here when you may need us. When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind. :blue_heart::yellow_heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart: