Gaming time - the riddle -

Oh you have one, come onnnnn haha

I have a kind of, but I’m not sure… It’s about a “crime” and you have to guess what happened, the condition is you can only make questions which answer is yes or not.

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Sounds interesting/challenging :grin:

Ok, don’t judge me after :sweat_smile:

3rd one.

The lion can’t survive that time without eating.

There is a room.
In the middle of it there are:

  • Water.
  • Sand.
  • Broken Glass.
  • Two bodies (Joseph and Mery)

You have to tell me what happened.**
Practicaly how did they die?

** For this you have to make questions which answer is yes or not.

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Ok, is the water in a puddle?
Or a cup?

Practically it is, the water ended mixed with the sand.

Was the water initially mixed with the sand?
Was it only after?

It’s irrelevant

Was the broken glass a cup?

No exaclty, but close…

Are the bodies wounded?

They are death jaja see the problem again :wink:

:expressionless: you’re being so technical :expressionless:
Have the bodies experienced visible trauma prior to their passing away? :unamused: lol

Ahh… ahhh… according to Wikipedia… yes??? Jajajajaja

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Are the names relevant? :thinking:


Was the sand and glass a sand timer? Hourglass thingie?

No and no.

Was there a fight?

@gatsie you’re back in here! :grin:
It’s about time you got to have as hard a time as we had with your sailor one last time :sweat_smile:

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