Gaming time - the riddle -

Another clue:

If you were around in the late 90s - early and mid 00s you’d have more of a chance of guessing.

Ummm…I was around, but my mind is blind… :no_mouth: :joy: :see_no_evil:

You’ve owned at least one of what will give you the answer.

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Aaaand… bump!! :fire: nobody’s trying?? :thinking: :exploding_head: nothing in mind…whyyyy?? :thinking:

I’ll give you part of the answer. It’s a sentence, commas separate letters, underscores separate words.


No key word? :thinking:
I thought it was something mathematical or something haha though I did try to read it upside down or something :joy:

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Woow- what have you done- my head runs hot :exploding_head:

Really, nobody?

This is the final clue / piece of the answer I’ll give.

The first word (8,44,444,7777) is “This”


Taking a pen … :thinking: and trying …

Sorry ignore that, I misread it as “typing” :joy:

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That I try to solve it by filling in the letters you gave with ur 2.hint! :sweat_smile:

I misread before, sorry, my bad.

Answer: This is not quite a riddle but I want to see if you can solve it @the_termin8r


There we go.

For those that didn’t get it, it was the buttons you’d have to hit on an old fashioned phone keypad to type the sentence out.

How did you figure it out @AJ_7 ?


You were fast @AJ_7! Was on the same way… but I had quite a few spares still! Grats sis! :+1:t2:

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When you said the first word was ‘this’ I figured it was the old fashioned keypad (plus I am that old, yes :joy: )…that is the only thing I could think of that has numbers that would spell something! and I was quick because I also just assumed the words…so I would get the first letter of the word and figure the rest based on what makes sense to come after. You go @theearlywalker because I have no riddle.


I knew that last one would give it away, but I wasn’t getting answers :stuck_out_tongue:

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I had to open an image of an old Nokia phone to help me out :joy:

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Oh-:blush: thanx dear :grinning:- gonna look for a tricky one- gimme a second :+1:t2:

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I don’t know the keypad by heart either. I had to get an image to write the riddle.

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