Gaming time - the riddle -

I can be made and I can be played. I can be cracked and I can be told. What am I?

A person?

Nope :-1:t2:

A riddle?

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A microphone?

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A joke/prank?

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Yaaay - we have a winner :tada::muscle:t2: You go @framos1792- a joke was the correct answer- and nice new avatar :grinning::+1:t2:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

A detective who was mere days away from cracking an international oil smuggling ring has suddenly gone missing. While inspecting his last-known location, officers find a note: 710 57735 34 5508 51 7718. Currently there are 3 suspects: Bill, John, and Todd. Can you break the detective’s code and find the criminal’s name?

Can we get a clue? I’ve been at it for 20 mins and can’t get anything.

I think I know the answer: Bill is boss, he sells oil… Someone go for me if this is right


Lol- you again? :joy: Queen of code cracking - respect… but how you solved this @AJ_7

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Goddamnit! I was just about to type this. :joy:

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I realised it might be text speak but it made no sense so I tried reading it backwards and then I realised it might be mirrored top to bottom, turns out it was just upside down. :joy:


@theearlywalker Exactly how @the_termin8r said, it’s upside down. And ironic how I got both the riddles that involved number, when myself I hate numbers and tend to freeze when they are in front of me :joy:


I jumped straight into the deep end and thought it was some kind of cipher and went looking for all sorts of stuff. The downside of being an engineer, nothing is as easy as it look initially; I guess it wasn’t the case here. :stuck_out_tongue:


Loool got it now ( after asking AJ on twitter to explain it to me again! Feeling real dumb rn- but happy that I understood it finally :joy:)

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Not dumb at all! Took me a long while to figure it out myself!

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You got it :slight_smile: terminator had old cellphone so I thought of old calculator haha

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